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[NSW] Western Sydney Dramacraft: The home of drama!


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
1. I saw a hilarious call.
2. I took it.
3. Dre says that is "gamer humor", not "Aussie humor". Aussie humor is taking the piss. Lol.
4. Dre then implies that anyone who found it funny hasn't networked outside of gaming communities, again acting like the pretentious, egotistical loudmouth he has proven himself to be.
5. Escro, candidate for biggest champ of 2012, takes exception to said implication.

Have a cry Dre. What I said before was not designed to insult you. I was indeed just "taking the piss". Then you got back up on your high horse of stupidity and started making allegations against our community again. Very, very false allegations. In future, please refrain from being ****ing ********.

That one was designed to offend you, just to clarify.

I never said the call wasn't a good one. I actually said it was good. I said that it wasn't a joke because you wouldn't like it return. Then I said that it wasn't Aussie humour because it was just being rude to someone, not jokingly taking the piss.

I know you wouldn't have liked it in return, because you've reacted negatively to jokes I've made that weren't even aimed at you directly.

So no, I never said "if you found that funny you don't understand Aussie humour". I was saying "It isn't Aussie humour because it isn't jokingly taking the piss."

Besides, my comments about Aussie humour were in response to EA insulting me for not thinking it was Aussie humour.

I don't understand how people got that I think I'm better than everyone because I said that if you network with other communities, you realise that gamer humour is different to standard Aussie humour. How is that an insult?


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
So I wasn't joking? News to me. You have made many misconceptions about me Dre. It's not too late for you to get off the DJ Downy train before it pulls into the station buddy, but it's getting close.

What I reacted to before was you offending one of my close friends. And yeah, if you do that, I will not hesitate to let you have both barrels. If you want to have playful banter with me, anyone will tell you that I'm not against it, but I am pretty good at it.

Just think for 10 seconds about what you are saying. You are telling us what Aussie humour is. You are pigeon-holing everyone on here except yourself as a gamer and nothing more. You are once again coming into a long established community of friends and trying to tell people how they or others on this site behave or feel.

Now I know I'm just going to get your usual response of "I'm not" because that seems to be the only thing you ever respond with, but if you could just think about it objectively for 10 seconds and you have half a brain, you will realise that your behaviour is, in fact, the most antisocial behaviour in this thread at the moment.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
So I wasn't joking? News to me. You have made many misconceptions about me Dre. It's not too late for you to get off the DJ Downy train before it pulls into the station buddy, but it's getting close.

What I reacted to before was you offending one of my close friends. And yeah, if you do that, I will not hesitate to let you have both barrels. If you want to have playful banter with me, anyone will tell you that I'm not against it, but I am pretty good at it.

Just think for 10 seconds about what you are saying. You are telling us what Aussie humour is. You are pigeon-holing everyone on here except yourself as a gamer and nothing more. You are once again coming into a long established community of friends and trying to tell people how they or others on this site behave or feel.

Now I know I'm just going to get your usual response of "I'm not" because that seems to be the only thing you ever respond with, but if you could just think about it objectively for 10 seconds and you have half a brain, you will realise that your behaviour is, in fact, the most antisocial behaviour in this thread at the moment.
Firstly, I appreciate that you're being civil now and not just insulting me. I mean that genuinely, not sarcastically.

Secondly, how is saying that what people think is Aussie humour is different to what everyone else thinks is Aussie humour telling them how to behave or feel?

What I said was that in general, gamer humour is different to standard Aussie humour. I'm not saying every single gamer has the exact same humour, and can't understand Aussie humour. That would be stupid, because I'm a gamer and have a different sense of humour to most people here.

As for my jokes, any joke I've made here would be acceptable in most other communities, and have been accepted in other communities. That's is why I said them, because I didn't think I'd offend anyone. I was genuinely taken back when I found out people were offended.

I'm not saying that people here should accept those jokes, or that the sense of humour here is inferior or anything like that, just different. That's my fault for not understanding the difference in humour. It was just a misunderstanding rather than ill-intent.

If I actually did want to offend and condescend, I would've said some jock-like crap like "you're all losers who have never touched a girl bla bla" or some other rubbish that isn't true at all.

How is my behaviour more anti-social than insulting someone unprovoked? Apart from the comment about my birthday and the one about this not being Aussie humour, every other comment I've made has been in response to someone having a go at me. This all started ebcause I tried to be social, and someone had a go at me.

Even if I have done something wrong, it can't be worse than insulting someone unprovoked and resorting to name-calling.

Whether you were joking or not, it comes across that you're not if you make a comment that you wouldn't like to receive in return from that person.

I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm just defending myself against people having a go at me. That's all I've done. If people were to stop having a go at me and just said "let's put our differences behind usand stop this" I would happily do that and stop posting in this manner.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Dre, stop.
I will when they stop insulting me.

It's ridiulous that people are telling me to stop, and not other people, when they were the ones who started insulting me when I had done nothing to them.

At least be fair and tell us all to stop.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Duuuuuuuude, I think you're blowing it way out of proportion. lol
Come on man.

If someone insults you, and you defend yourself, and then you're the only one who gets told to stop, implying that you're the only one in the wrong, that is kinda annoying.

I just think it's unfair that I'm the only being moderated, when I'm not the one who is attacking people who did nothing to them and restorting to name-calling.

But yeah, I'll stop if no one else posts anything against me.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Dre... if you don't stop posting I will stop you from posting.

Your tirade in the past page or so has been nonsensical crap that's only wasted everyone's time arguing semantics with you. Ted's a hard *** but I don't think he takes a call made against him as enough to make enemies (unless you beat him in a tournament set first, in this case, you haven't). So you blew this out of proportion because you were too busy being up yourself.

I don't come into this on anyone's side but Dre, you need to think before you post.


Smash Lord
Sep 22, 2009
Mate in Australia we toughen the **** up and take a joke as a joke. Stop been such giant ****ing cry babies. I'm going to go have a barbecue and then go surfing on a cricket bat.
**** you all


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Sydney, Australia.
... Aaaaanyway...

What do you guys think about KFC catering for my meet on Sunday? Basically it's just KFC with ridiculously cheap wicked wings (65 cents each). Everything else is slightly below average price. More details after I come home from work if people are interested.


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2011
Bligh Park
that was some of the funniest **** to read, even if it wasn't live.
dre is the (epitome of sunshine)? ):

i should be able to come sunday because im out of school now =D =D =D =D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2011
What do you guys think about KFC catering for my meet on Sunday?
Sounds good. Any reason not to (other than health and whatnot)?

Also if there is anyone that can give me a lift to zxv's that would be great
(im looking at you martin and invisi)
I wouldn't mind, but I'm leaving at 7 - 7.30 pm.

i should be able to come sunday because im out of school now =D =D =D =D
Nice! Haven't seen you since that first time I met you. Keen to have some Ike dittos.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2008
just wanted to see if you were legal yet to enter the casino. but anyway wvz you should come to my bday meet. ill re-quote the details a bit later.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2011
see what you have caused invisi...
I blame Toki.

Im up for that
Also if there is anyone that can give me a lift to zxv's that would be great
(im looking at you martin and invisi)
Unfortunately I'm leaving for Rathmines tomorrow to spend Christmas with extended family, and won't be at Zxv's meet. (Points to anyone who actually knows where that is). Sounds like Martin has you covered though =)

5. Escro, candidate for biggest champ of 2012, takes exception to said implication.
From the last few pages, we are reminded that the world would be a much better place if everyone listened to Escro. How many times am I allowed to vote for him?


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2011
Bligh Park
just wanted to see if you were legal yet to enter the casino. but anyway wvz you should come to my bday meet. ill re-quote the details a bit later.
my family is going for a holiday camping kidna thing from boxing day to the 2nd of Jan. i want to go, but i don't think i can make it D:


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2011
Bligh Park
lmfao, i will try to get to come out ofternly =D
i don't have a job or anything at the moment so my timetable is like 9/10 OP


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
Sydney, Australia
alright thanks martin
hopefully pat will come seeing as he's so close and can take me home again =P
Wvz keen to meet you and yeah you should defs come and play smash/rock climb with me and ted more often
EA died and scoot disappeared and now the western sydney meets are comprised of me and ted. sad


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
alright thanks martin
hopefully pat will come seeing as he's so close and can take me home again =P
Wvz keen to meet you and yeah you should defs come and play smash/rock climb with me and ted more often
EA died and scoot disappeared and now the western sydney meets are comprised of me and ted. sad
ima get back in to it, im motivated to do stuff atm.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Sydney, Australia.
Sounds good. Any reason not to (other than health and whatnot)?
Yeah, minimum order is $50, so I need some kind of commitment from people in order to cover that. I also HAVE to give them 24 hours notice, so I won't be able to take orders after Saturday (this isn't the end of the world, it just means you'll just have to buy your food at regular KFC price). Tomorrow I will find out exact prices and post them about midday or so and people can choose exactly what they would like.


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
Its 65 cents per wicked wing and I'm pretty sure the minimum is 30 pieces of any chicken. Stripis and Original are like 1.30 per piece.

And yeah 24 hours notice. Hope this helps =)


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2008
Also I'll be in Sydney twice in the first fortnight of January so I'm keen to hang/drink and play some melee/p:m 2.5.
if your in sydney between the 4th and 6th jan you should stop by my place during the zelda marathon.

if your here for the weekend of the 28/29th dec then you are more than welcome to come to my meet where I know a lot of project M v2.5 will be played


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
Sydney, Australia.
Alright I'm back with the order form. Yeah, the minimum order is actually 30 pieces of chicken and I have to hand it in by 5pm today. The prices are as follows:

Dinner Rolls: $0.50
Wicked Wings: $0.65
Kentucky Nuggets: $0.70
Original Recipe: $1.30
Crispy Strips: $1.30
Gravy: $1.95
Large Chips: $3.25
Large Coleslaw: $3.25
Large Potato & Gravy: $3.25
Large Drink: $3.25

So far I've got my mum down for 2 wicked wings and I'll probably have like 10 wicked wings and some chips or something, so I need at least ~18 more pieces of chicken to be picked up!

Oh yeah, and don't worry too much about drinks. I live close to an Aldi and IGA.
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