Inui, nice knowing you. Your the most hypocritical person I've ever spoken with. U cry over me posting that your crew accepts alot of people without really knowing them.
I bet you dont even know the first and last name of every player in your crew. Where are they from? Any bros n sisters? I could go on reason to. Keep crying, you really cant take it when someone destroys your bs on the boards.
I used to respect you're ability to bounce back with some kind of logic, but after this p*ssy **** I've seen from you today, this "EAZY U DUNNO WHAT UR SAYING!!! " bs, man gtfo, grow some balls, live life, n stop taking the talk on these boards so d@mn seriously. You've had people clown you personally, as a member of this community, from your looks to your words, and you have the nerve to call me out like Im the biggest antagonizing person you've ever spoken with. You're officially a pansy in my book, so when you man up and admit you are being a lil softie, we can speak again.
I disrespected no one in enemy controller. I simply said that the strength of the crew is directly related to the recruiting process. The crew started out with 2 of the best players in NJ. Then it gained Blackwaltz, forced m2k to be a part of it, and even got spam to be an honorary member. the crew also takes any player in NJ who shows an ounce of potential.
Some of those players have blossomed into tourny threats etc, but Waltz, how are you surprised at your strength? You have the numbers, a very strong core, and outsiders who will side with you when its beneficial to them.
N ur post about my logic. When you try to take in EVERY decent player in NJ, and those who show some potential, you are bound to have a strong crew by sheer probability. The crew suffers none from the members who don't do well, and the ones that do give it a nice boost. Some crews are picky about who they let in, which does limit them in ways, but keeps them closer. I'm not even saying anything rude, its just my opinion on the matter.