Fun fact: The original list I made completely on my own is the one being used. I showed it to ksizzle, Eazy, Keitaro, and Pierce, then we discussed it together, and nothing got changed. I organized the creation of this list and got everyone on AIM and stuff. I hope nobody EVER accuses me of being biased or a bad panelist ever again.
I added characters in.
Here is proof that being in a crew increases your skill, especially being in Enemy Controller:
1. Mew2King (Enemy Controller)
2. teh_spamerer (Honorary Enemy Controller)
3. Atomsk (Enemy Controller)
4. Inui (Enemy Controller)
5. BlackWaltz (Enemy Controller)
6. Yes! (Team MOB)
7. Malcom (Team Supremacy)
8. dmbrandon (Honorary Enemy Controller)
9. Keitaro (Team MOB)
10. ksizzle (S.W.R.)
11. Izumi (Enemy Controller)
12. Eazy (Team MOB)
13. PRiDE (Enemy Controller)
14. Pierce7d (Zodiac Braves)
15. Umbra (Zodiac Braves)
Based on this, Enemy Controller is by the strongest crew in the area and you have a 0% chance of being ranked if you're not in a crew. :D