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Ni-Kakuto-Geemu: Worthington, Ohio (Oct 2nd) RESULTS!!!!


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
Alright tonight at one point I'm going to...
Update Points
Add characters
Maybe Shoutouts.

I'll also start with the videos... though it'll be awhile since it's 7 hours of footage.


TO Shoutouts:
Cerviche and Marshall Scoops? (The people who helped me at the begginning): Thanks for the assist! Hope you had fun.

@Y.b.M.: Apologies for the bad seeding in SSF4, I do not know this community as well and got some players mixed up with ones I'm use to playing against.

@Crow: Sorry for not adding you in.

@Brawl: Sorry for the following:
Stage list
Not mentioning the Striking rule.

Again, please give back feedback and suggestions. I am very open/tolerant to criticism.


Smash Cadet
Apr 7, 2010
Kenmore WA
TO Shoutouts:
Cerviche and Marshall Scoops? (The people who helped me at the begginning): Thanks for the assist! Hope you had fun.
Yup! That was us. No problem, and we did have fun. It was our first tournament, and we were happily surprised by the turnout. :D

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
Good tournament. I had fun. It's too bad I had to leave as early as I did. I should probably switch to my secondary when Jigglypuff is losing in a 65:35 match up..... Nonetheless I would love to get back into the scene, so let me know about all the upcoming tournaments please.
unless kiest has something planned AZ has a few coming up. So does nope/springfield, and sole/amherst. Cinci/Cleveland got a few planned prolly in the next few months




you should come to the c-bus social


we're pretty active


Smash Champion
Feb 29, 2008
Chi-town, come at me
Blue WTF are you doing huh?

imma give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but i dont wanna see this ish anymore

do work


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
Columbus, OH
Ok first of all I wanna say great job running this Kiest+The other guy who helped TO (sorry, didn't get your name). I liked the venue a lot and my only complaint would be there weren't enough TVs, so maybe next time have a better incentive for people to bring partial setups/TVs. And also parking was kind of a mess.. idk how many people were parked in but I know Frenchman was.. so maybe tell people to park considerately next time? Idk.. there were a lot of cars so maybe that's a lost cause. But yea it was great seeing everyone again, it's too bad I was having a bad day of smash :/ I was seriously hoping to place at this tournament but it just wasn't my day. At Nope's I'll be bringing my A game.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
I would like to let the attendants of this tournament know that during Doubles LF I was looking for a ride from Granville. I would've paid gas money for you to get me here >:(


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
1: Y.b.M.- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAueV9MRTXY

2: Blue Rogue- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZTIsbsYmVE

3: Z- Nice seeing you pimp...Come to more tournaments... I bet you will surprise a lot more people with your MK
4: AlphaZealot- We had a very intense set... I don't like playing against you... haha, don't let your nerves get the best of you next time..

5: Lou- My Brother, it was great seeing you again. Don't worry I'll be behaved at the wedding..hehe...but put in a good word for me to the Brides mates :chuckle:

5: Infern Angelis- We got train you on the MK match up a Lil more, you know my number lets make it happen

7: SneakyTako- You'll get AZ next time...Good Job on defeating Q though. 2 down 10 to go...

7: King Beef- It's always great seeing my Kai Bro at tournaments... Keep going strong with that Peach...

9: Solecalibur- You are short, sometimes I don't see you...haha Good Job on 9th place... Keep that DDD going hard...I saw you giving Infern Pressure...

9: Quivo- I miss you...Come to more tournaments...We need to get all the Ohio God Kais on The PRs

9: MX778- Nice seeing you come out since MLG. Keep that Yoshi going strong pimp...

9: Sleep- Wake up!

13: TheKiest- Keist...You are an Amazing T.O. Great Job hosting I had an absolute fun time...

13: JiffyBoob- We need to see more of you... You are to cool man...Fun times...

13: Moose- Good Matches in Bracket....keep going hard. You freaking beat me in Thumb Wars... Good Job pimp

13: Silhouette- I Salute you... You played with your Index finger... that is priceless....

17: CooP- My Name is Y.b.M.

17: Frenchmen- My Name is Y.b.M.

17: DrillbitSammy- My name is Y.b.M.

17: Enrish- Puff man

17: Crow- Birdman

17: Amy- Wooo I see that Lucario getting good...

17: Riku- Yay! Nice finally chatting with you...you're nice, hope to see you soon pimp...

17: Kicks- PUnches

25: JT5565- God Kais

I think every tournament from now on should be done the way this tournament was. We didn't have pools, and I can easily say that this bracket was seeded perfectly. I think we should start making tournaments that are not having eliminations before bracket to be seeded manually, rather than making Pools, that just takes up a lot of time. We had time to chill afterwards and it was like 8:30 when we got done... and 6 tournaments were done... and I had an amazing time...

Keist... you are a T.O. Specialist.... I'll come to all of your tournaments in a Heart beat...

God Kais!!!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 2, 2010
Shoutout time!!

1: Y.b.M. --Nice finally getting to talk to you!! :) Congrats, hope to see you again soon
2: Blue Rogue --Congrats, and glad you got to come! hope you enjoyed your stay at OU
3: Z --Nice meeting you, hopefully next time we will get to play
4: AlphaZealot --Nice meeting you, hope to play you next time too
5: Lou --GG's in doubles!
5: Infern Angelis --Nice chatting with you :)
7: SneakyTako --I haven't talked to you yet! hope to meet you soon!
7: King Beef --good seeing you, glad you made it to this! And fun match in dubs too :D
9: Solecalibur --we made it to a tourney without getting pulled over...YES! Thanks for driving us
9: Quivo --Haven't met/played you...This needs to change!
9: MX778 --my fav Yoshi main!!! YOSHI LOVE! Also, thanks for those AMAZING matches in doubles...so intense!!
13: TheKiest --thanks for hosting another great tourney, good seeing you :D
13: JiffyBoob --Hiiiiii!!!! :p :p
13: Silhouette --Good games, you're still great even with that broken thumb lol. we need to play more
17: CooP --Fun times playing friendlies, Lucas & Lucario FTW! Maybe someday we can team :p
17: Frenchmen --You're a Thumb wars beast! lol
17: DrillbitSammy --Amazing matches in doubles, and fun playing friendlies! hope to see you again!
17: Crow --good seeing you again as always! :D :D
17: Amy --ahhhh you are AWESOME, I'm so glad to have teamed with you, that was epic! Hope to see you at more tourneys!!
25: JT5565 --good meeting you! Remember, you still owe me that 1v1 match lol.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I'll make sure that you and JT play at DU 5 if you, myself and our friends show up. And you've inspired me to pick up Lucario again, Rikku. Then our doubles rematch, that was too good not to be replayed. Next time you and Amy play me and MX, we'll have Mario and Luigi on lock :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
17: DrillbitSammy: We da bess. Doubles was awesome, now about singles....
You know what, STFU. I keed, I keed. Hopefully you can help me with match ups, approching longer ranged players, the whole shebang. Me, you and Coop at your place on Friday maybe?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
You know what, STFU. I keed, I keed. Hopefully you can help me with match ups, approching longer ranged players, the whole shebang. Me, you and Coop at your place on Friday maybe?
umad? :D

Yesh. Perhaps, I'll do a ladder match with Luigi to give you a good example. As far as Friday goes, maaaaybe. :p


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
queer-vo is SOOOOO much better than mjg LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

hey, come tell the midwest west how bad we are for losing to toon link, and while you're at it, tell atomsk how bad he is for dropping 2 games to the toon link that's worse than you that got 2nd at a harder tourney.


every other god kai is still cool


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
Girl, you ain't good at anything. you're not even good at being a girl

Seriously though Nicole, I'm the nicest guy I know. Plz don't hate


Feral Youth
Sep 27, 2006
Cbus, Ohio
You two should just cyber one another until someone cracks, that'll settle things once and for all. Don't forget latex gloves!


Y.b.M.: Congrats on 1st!
Blue Rogue: Fun thumb war, but I'm guessing you were saving your hands for smash =p
Z: Congrats, I saw you have some really good matches
AlphaZealot: You will get em all next time! <3
Lou: Nice seeing you. Still kicking butt with GW I see
Infern Angelis: Sorry for being so creepy
SneakyTako: Nice seeing ya around.
Quivo: Hey. Hope you had fun. lol
MX778: Great matches & friendlies, the rematch will happen!
Sleep: Good games
TheKiest: Great job running this, thanks!
Moose: Good games. Congrats on winning thumb wars
Silhouette: Great job playing with no arms or something and beating me in thumb wrestling
DrillbitSammy: Good games. Will be waiting for that rematch!
Rikku: You're awesome!! It was nice meeting you. Thanks for teaming, you got me to enter the whole tournament basically
Karen: You remember soo many old tv shows. Was good to see you, too bad my team didn't get to play your team. Next time maybe!
Smashboards: Hey smashboards


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2008
BB :
2: Ryujin ($15.00) - very fun games , very close set as well , jeeze i'll try and not get in the corner last game to make the last match less anti-climatic
3: Wanabprep ($5.00) - fun games , i hatteee Hazama even though its my most practiced MU
4: Feiy - Fun games , i dunno how you sneaked past me in losers bracket >.>, no brawl though =X?

1: Y.b.M. ($72.00) - good job , I dunno if Im even copying you, but d3 is working for me
2: Blue Rogue ($36.00) - why where you even in Athens? Like seriously you where there until like 7pm before you went home lol
3: Z ($12.00) - looking forward to seeing you attended more tounrys , need to run into you in bracket sometime
4: AlphaZealot ($5.00) - fun doubles set , 2nd game kinda blows on our part lol , i should have taken my time but at the same time i kinda wanna to just approach and get it over with
5: Lou - close match , shouldnt have switched game 2 but wasn't sure of a pocket character
5: Infern Angelis - interesting set and MM , probly should have practiced the MU a bit more b4 entering that set but better then my scrub zss
7: SneakyTako - hehe~
7: King Beef - you kinda disappeared on me didnt see you that much , but you gotta MM some time I wannnaaa win
9: Solecalibur - No Lucario? Scrub
9: Quivo - That MM was kinda janky game 2 but i had to do it if you where not swtiching and I wanna test that MU anyways lol
9: MX778 - we should have played friendlies or something
9: Sleep - didnt see you
13: TheKiest - sorry about the dubs match game 2 , gotta do what i gotta do >.> , also interesting CP and pretty close game but you gotta work on that d3 of yours I still think he beats her, also I'd like to say great job at TOing that tounry and making everything run smoothly and dealing with my BS
13: JiffyBoob - lol boob
13: Moose - Fun friendlies , Snake is a stupid character in friendlies though I dont like taking my time =l
13: Silhouette - cripple , thanks for coming
17: CooP
17: Frenchmen - sorry about the dubs match game 2 , gotta do what i gotta do >.>, also gotta work on your peach and DK I know that MU pretty well
17: DrillbitSammy
17: Enrish
17: Crow - saw you but really didnt talk , change that next time?
17: Amy
17: Riku - Glad you could drive home for me while I sit in the trunk with a TV in my gut talking to my gf >.>"
17: Kicks
25: JT5565


Smash Lord
Apr 16, 2007
Springfield/Athens, OH
Keist can you update my name?

I really wouldn't have entered if I knew you wouldn't put a sidenote.

Even just something in parentheses like: Silhouette (Sans left thumb).


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
I really wouldn't have entered if I knew you wouldn't put a sidenote.
Oh? If you truly mean this, then please don't enter next time.

If I let everyone use their crazy names, it makes running the tournament 5X harder for my assistants that DO NOT know the scene and 10X harder for me.
Getting the tournament ran on time is much more important than letting people use different names.
You seem like an exception because your hand was injured and you want people to know about its hindrance on your performance.

Does it really matter if people think you aren't placing as well?
It just means they'll underestimate you during your next encounter.

If it's about PR rankings, each of the panelists will know about that when the voting comes.

Honestly I haven't changed it because I do not have the time to. I don't intend to either, which brings me to:

Sorry for saying I was going to change it when I'm not now.

Thanks for entering even in your condition and I hope you enjoyed yourself.

I still have to do:
FB Page
Next Tourney Thread
PR discussions

All while toggling work and life as well.

If you really want it changed, have a Mod do it. I don't mind.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2010
canfield, OH
Shout outs for me
DippnDots-doood our matches were mad fun and mad close we def need to play some more you were fun as **** to play lol
cervichae-(i dont member how to spell it and too lazy to go back and look)- was fun playing you keep at that luigi its sick learn some combos-->upb so you can **** more
greg- ur peach made me look at peach in a new way even though i personally did not get the chance to play it myself
watty- even though u didnt enter it was hiliriaous watching you play god_voice....his samus is more annoying now lol
ya everyone else nice seeing ya and hopefully i got a chance to play ya if not next time for sure dont be afraid to say hey stupid lets go


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2009
Canton, Ohio
I just wanna really give a shoutout to Helen and Amy for playing the hypest match of the whole tourney. Seriously half the people there were watching that doubles match. Melee, Blazblue and SSF4 peeps as well. :)
Also AZ: remember when you said, "I'll be waiting for you, Blue Rogue" And I said, " You have to get through me first." Well good job on doing it but I know I had you worried. :chuckle:

Much <3 to everyone there.

Congrats Y.b.M. for winning.

Thanks sole for driving.

Thanks Rikku for getting Whopper Jr. on my hoodie and shirt.

Gotta agree with other people Sil; if it was that big a deal, you probably shouldn't of played. Glad you went though.

sneaky, I played dumb vs. you. We'll have to meet next time.

I'll be practicing and thinking about what I'm gonna do next. I know my main flaw is just knowing matchups.

Edit: Also, I used Ness as well.
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