Say, remember awhile back when I made a comment about N64 Online? Well, something interesting popped up about that. The Mario 3D Collection has been leaked, and it turns out the three games all use emulators (that explains a few things). However, while Sunshine and Galaxy appear to use original emulators, 64 seemingly doesn't. On top of that, it apparently has data that mentions other N64 games, including Perfect Dark of all things.
Unfortunately, I don't know anything about emulation, so I don't know if that really means anything (heck, I didn't even know about the "multiple games" bit until I saw the Geno thread talking about it). Though if this IS a hint at things to come, we may be getting N64 Online sooner rather than later. That is, of course, assuming this actually means something in the end.
Wait, I need to mention something Smash related. Um... Brian from Quest 64, yay or nay?