Deleted member
You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.That's all for now, kids... Same fat time, same fat channel.
But yeah, basically, I started reading replies about some guy named Fatman, so I responded to them like a Batman parody. I'm as cluelesas you are, but it I got a laugh out of it at least.
IMO Infinite was like what KoF XII was. We then got XIII which was faaarrr more stellar than XII will ever be. Infinite is an obvious beta and I hope Capcom gets their **** together to make an actual game.Here's to Amaterasu, Elma, Kat, and Sakura.
Just hope they add in Amaterasu in the new Marvel vs Capcom game this time, it's one of the (admittedly petty) reasons I didn't get Infinite. That, and game was as barebones as a turkey on Thanksgiving.