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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
But since Ness stayed and Lucas wasn't added in Melee, AND Ness returned in Brawl, I imagine they probably won't cut either. They might. But I doubt it.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I've just imagined something , what if instead of being completely cut of , some character were downgraded to assist trophies or pokemans

or even better Mewtwo comes back... as poke ball item

trollworthy huh? admit this is something that can go through Sakurai's twisted mind
Well, why I wouldn't necessarly like the idea of seeing a Mewtwo "downgraded" but it certaintly wouldn't hurt if Sakurai were to completly ignore his inclusion.

But for this reason, I think it would hurt to see a once playable character turn in such a thing when in fact he was a playable character.

IMO this should never happen, if anything any character that is already downgraded such as a trophy, AT, or part of an item, should be upgraded to playable status, this of course is saying if a certain character like Charizard for example is deserving and popular enough to be considered, otherwise I hate the idea.

@Star: <_<



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
But for this reason, I think it would hurt to see a once playable character turn in such a thing when in fact he was a playable character.
Wouldn't it have been better to see Roy and Mewtwo as Assist Trophies rather than as a sticker and trophy (respectively)? And well, Pichu was also a trophy BUT WHO CARES.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Wouldn't it have been better to see Roy and Mewtwo as Assist Trophies rather than a sticker and trophy (respectively). And well, Pichu was also a trophy BUT WHO CARES.
To answer your question, Pichu? yes, Roy? most definetly, Mewtwo? Not a chance.

There is no way I'd like to see Mewtwo treated in such a way, that would be a slap to the face if Victini and Zoroark got in, if anything Victini should replace Zoroark, thus giving Lucario and Mewtwo the opportunity to be playable instead, wouldn't you like that?

Of course if Zoroark gets in then I wouldn't mind so much, better if it was an AT than a simple sticker, but I still don't see it happening.

You don't need to say it though, I know what you are going to say.

"You don't care!" Am I right??


Deleted member

I'm fine with Pichu getting the Pokeball treatment, since that's what he should have been, but it would really suck to see Mewtwo get it as well. If Mewtwo return, it should be as a playable character as many people want him to be.

Anyway, going to work, will be back this afternoon.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
"You don't care!" Am I right??
Oh hush.

Obviously, if Mewtwo could be playable that'd be great. I was asking if, should he not be playable (which I doubt he would be), if it'd be better to have him as a Pokeball or NOT HAVE HIM AT ALL. If he can't be playable, then wouldn't be better to have him play an actual role rather than being something as forgettable as a trophy? Sticker?

I guess this goes for Lucario too.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@Oasis: Well in that case I would say as a Pokeball Pokemon, it would be better off like that then simply having him as a sticker or such, as for Lucario, I really don't care about him to be honest, all I'm interested in is Mewtwo and Mewtwo alone as far as Pokemon goes.



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Drumming is mad easy for me haha.

I just have to memorize 3 peices and I've gotten it already, I just wanted to brush up.

Also looking forward to the essays



Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Lucario and mewtwo could both be playable with zoroark in. if anything limits lucario and mewtwo it's victini because he's likely attack with phsycic attacks/ fire. each things mewtwo and lucario do.

and they should make Mewtwo/Lucario pokeball pokemon if they are kept out.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I agree with your ideal Chu, pretty much have aside from your stance on third party characters. The only issue I have with your statement is that the sales indicate Smash Bros superiority in mechanics and function. Could not a significant portion of the sales be attributed to the characters associated with the game itself (even more so in Brawl with the additions of Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog)? Granted, there has to be a good base to have a series be more successful with each title released. But I think that may also be a bigger factor in the equation than perhaps you elaborated on.
I would say that, no, the characters are not a cause of the sales. Look at a lot of other cross over games and most of them don't do that well. The Sega All Star games didn't preform amazingly (Tennis did OK), and the Vs Capcom games never broke a million until 3. Jump Superstars probably didn't break down any door, given it was a Japan only game.

Smash Brothers is one of the few successful cross over games. Probably the only one to sell over 3 million. And all three did that.

I like what smashchu just said

I just want good characters that bring something unique. Yeah it is fun having your favorite or popular characters in the game, but as I've come to learn those oddball choices are usually the best ones. Hopefully they can retain that in this next title. Characters should be selected for criteria outside of the asinine "Equal Opportunity"/"House of Representative" attitude most fans seem to base character's chances upon.
Thank you Starphoenix. I glad someone gets it.

I also like the idea that she doesn't have a conventional grab but she lurches her neck forward and grabs her opponent by biting. If she did become playable, I'd really like for them to play up the snake part of her character.
Let's not go overboard with the Snake thing. It can easily go from cool to stupid.

No need to dance around the issue Star. All you need to do is change your inquiry into a statement as I know that you know the answer to that question.

SmashChu doesn't mind making direct statements on lesser pretense, why shouldn't you be just as direct?

I joke of course as I know that you are your own person and you have your own way of handeling things. Just like I know of Chu's perspective and means of approach.

I couldn't tell you what light that Daigo or MewtwoKing view the genre or the franchise itself. I can't ensure the reason of why the latest Street Fighter doesn't sell to your prescribed mediums. I can, however, be sure of one thing in regards to this argument: Each game in its own right has its own target audience and a respective batch of consumers willing to invest in them.

Whether or not the game has taken advantage of certain formulas is not up to myself, you, or ol oSo to distinguish. The results rest on the design that the developers choose to utilize. In this case, the games were designed to approach a wide variety of consumers. And it is true that the game was structured in a way that makes it accesible to as many types of gamers as possible. However, the game in itself is not an enigma. Perhaps the game had a decent window for timing, an agenda, research, and knowing the right people. I don't know if Smash actually piggybacked the popular genres of the age or if that is some sort of myth.

I do have one irrefutable peice of evidence that supports the game's intended design. Something that this "emotional mess" over there enlightened me to: It was not orignially structured with "Nintendo All Stardom" in mind.

I'll tell you plainly that the game wouldn't have had a third of the popularity or the record success as a fighter if not for the aid of those icons. Would you happen to realize the current state that gaming is in? Young gamers will pick up any game that resembles their favorite cartoons, either that or they will accept COD by default as they consider it the mainstream branch of gaming. How many of those individuals are avid hardcore gamers? The ratio is outstanding and you don't need numbers to understand that type of phenomena.

But I've not proved you wrong on your terms, and I recognize that challenge. However this is not my agenda in addressing you. What I'd like to get across is that reasons that gamers game is not always so cut and dry. Sometimes it can be a personal choice, economics or simply taste.
I've talked about the character thing above in this post. Basically, most other cross over games don't do that well, so it probably wasn't what made Smash.

There was a great quote by someone. It went like "You can blame the marketing, you can blame the rain, but the audience is ALWAYS right." Basically, there was a reason people didn't buy those other fighting games but bought Smash. What was holding them back? That is the question that will make people rich.

Think about how we buy stuff. You buy stuff you heard is good or think you will like. The opposite is true when you avoid things. Basically, every product's destiny is made by the product itself.

I will say one more thing before reverting back to underapreciated nobody mode, is that I'd prefer it if you didn't incriminate others for things that you do yourself. I'd be hard pressed to say that your responses to Kuma or others are unbaised, be it by emotion or reason. I understand that its natural to defend oneself when being attacked, however there are several comments simple comments that you could have let fall by the side, but you chose to stick your neck out. Its a clear indication of hypocracy and its uncalled for. It shouldn't be a shock that you get responses like Iblis's when you resort to personal attacks.
It's not the same as if I'm calling someone a "poopy head" for the sake of it.

Arguing with Kuma, I've noticed a personal bias. What I'm arguing is the same thing I've always have (it may have gotten clearer the more I do it though). It's not like I'm saying something radical. Just that I'm saying "good games sell. Bad game don't." This is something people can agree on. But when I put it in th context of Smash and say "Smash sells because it got it right. Other fighting games got it wrong, so they didn't sell," all hell breaks lose. Because people like Kuma have an emotional investment to this idea that Smash should be more competitive, they have to disprove my statement, even though they would normally agree with it. You see this with other things, namely characters people like.

The first post I made towards Kuma was a kind of calling him out. That one was probably a personal attack by how you mentioned it.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Lucario and mewtwo could both be playable with zoroark in. if anything limits lucario and mewtwo it's victini because he's likely attack with phsycic attacks/ fire. each things mewtwo and lucario do.

and they should make Mewtwo/Lucario pokeball pokemon if they are kept out.

Actually you have it the other way around, Victini wouldn't limit or interfere with Lucario or Mewtwo, instead it's Zoroark? Why because Zoroark has a similar body type as both Lucario and Mewtwo, thus he could potentially be a clone regardless of his elemental type, as for Victini, it would provide a totally unique moveset that would make it impossible to clone from Mewtwo or Lucario.

And NO!! Pokemon isn't going to be getting all 3 reps, no way are we getting Zoroark, Lucario, and Mewtwo, why?

Victini has the latest movie out right now, what does that mean? It means Victini is in the same position Lucario once was in July 2005 which was 3 months prior to Brawl beginning development which means Victini is very much likely to be considered over Zoroark who apperantly had his movie in 2010, Sakurai is going to probably consider the most relevant Pokemon and possibly the most popular as well since at the moment Victini is actually getting exposure as of now.

Overall, if Victini were to get in, it would "break" the cycle of similar body type cloneness and Mewtwo and/or Lucario would have a much higher chance to be included in the roster, otherwise if he tometly goes with Zoroark, don't expect to see Mewtwo anytime soon.



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Its pretty painful drumming with one arm for multiple reps of a song, especially when I carry about 98% of bass drum sound because the other 4 play really soft. It gets worse when I have to play this little techno piece because I have to play it like x4 forte.

In regrads to ladies, I have a hoe chasing me, another girl I just don't like that doesn't get it that is after me, my homegirl, drea, is ****ing with my flow and is trying hook me up with some freshman, that's never happening, and I can't actually find a girl worth dating atm. Well there is one but I with current drumline vs. Colorguard problems, ill probably just get the "snap" LOL

Idk when ill able to play smash competitively again with drumline/school taking over soon and my partner when back to his hometown for the rest of summer break.

As for legit typings...I haven't written anything I'm particularly sastified with because nothing gets developed here.

Shout outs to derp tier list though, we got haters LOL



Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado

Actually you have it the other way around, Victini wouldn't limit or interfere with Lucario or Mewtwo, instead it's Zoroark? Why because Zoroark has a similar body type as both Lucario and Mewtwo, thus he could potentially be a clone regardless of his elemental type, as for Victini, it would provide a totally unique moveset that would make it impossible to clone from Mewtwo or Lucario.

And NO!! Pokemon isn't going to be getting all 3 reps, no way are we getting Zoroark, Lucario, and Mewtwo, why?

Victini has the latest movie out right now, what does that mean? It means Victini is in the same position Lucario once was in July 2005 which was 3 months prior to Brawl beginning development which means Victini is very much likely to be considered over Zoroark who apperantly had his movie in 2010, Sakurai is going to probably consider the most relevant Pokemon and possibly the most popular as well since at the moment Victini is actually getting exposure as of now.

Overall, if Victini were to get in, it would "break" the cycle of similar body type cloneness and Mewtwo and/or Lucario would have a much higher chance to be included in the roster, otherwise if he tometly goes with Zoroark, don't expect to see Mewtwo anytime soon.

your first problem is that you say I'm just wrong. no one is right or wrong here.

body type means nothing. Fox/Wolf/Falco Ness/Lucas Kirby/Metankight yadda yadda. and Victini wouldn't exactly be unique with Lucario/mewtwo in the mix. fire attacks seem a lot like aura attacks, and psychic seems like mewtwo. zoroark I'd imagine would fight with mainly claws, be a lot like wolf and have some interesting gimmick with illusion. either that or he'd make a great pokeball pokemon.

as is it's been stated, sakurai values what the character adds the most to the game playstyle wise as a large factor in their selection. what that does besides screwing over mewtwo is kinda make victini a replacement for lucario, both would probably throw fire at things from the end of their hands.

though my honest prediction is Pika, Jiggz, PT, Zoroark, Lucario in that order.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Id love to but I'm about to workout.

I'm forced to now...the other 4 basses play so soft, the sound I put isn't cutting anymore. The instructor told me, he can't hear the difference between all 5 of us playing and me playing -__- so I'm making my business to make (myself) the basses louder.

I guess my goal max is around 200 but I don't want to have that bodybuilder look, I just want lean muscle. The max I want to weigh is like 175.

So that means I need to put 55 pounds onto my current max and not put on more than 35 pound on my body. Sounds tough yo



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Okay dog, it is not going really bother me because ill probably fade away from the boards for a good 3 months because of school.

Real talk though, you should more concerned on why steam is doing a better job in that debate you guys are having than you are.



Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Yo Chu, its not as if your statements for all intents and purposes are invalid just because a few people say so. Its when you dismiss perspectives outright based on what you think is actual is when readers begin to dissent. If you're spouting bs, you can bet that others will call you on it. Other times people are just nibbling on your train of thought and they don't necessarily have to respond for your concepts to be worthwhile.

I recognize your point of view most of the time and that doesn't mean that I have to agree with it to do so.
What's going on is that the other point of view isn't backed by logic, or barely is. The evidence points in a direction and I follow. You see it as shooting down everyone else idea. I see it as I don't have a reason to believe them yet.

And of course, you're free to think how you want.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
What's going on is that the other point of view isn't backed by logic, or barely is. The evidence points in a direction and I follow. You see it as shooting down everyone else idea. I see it as I don't have a reason to believe them yet.

And of course, you're free to think how you want.
this is also an amazing post.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
your first problem is that you say I'm just wrong. no one is right or wrong here.

body type means nothing. Fox/Wolf/Falco Ness/Lucas Kirby/Metankight yadda yadda. and Victini wouldn't exactly be unique with Lucario/mewtwo in the mix. fire attacks seem a lot like aura attacks, and psychic seems like mewtwo. zoroark I'd imagine would fight with mainly claws, be a lot like wolf and have some interesting gimmick with illusion. either that or he'd make a great pokeball pokemon.

as is it's been stated, sakurai values what the character adds the most to the game playstyle wise as a large factor in their selection. what that does besides screwing over mewtwo is kinda make victini a replacement for lucario, both would probably throw fire at things from the end of their hands.

though my honest prediction is Pika, Jiggz, PT, Zoroark, Lucario in that order.
First off, you are totally missing the point here, you are completly ignoring Victini as a possible candidate, how is it that Victini would be unique at all? Seriously you know NOTHING about Victini, you clearly want Zoroark instead and I understand that since it's your opinion but you shouldn't judge Victini as not being unique and such.

I'd recommend you take a look a SSBFan's essay concerning Victini's inclusion, I shall look for the link so expect it. Check his sig if you must.


Also this is what I actually expect to see playable as far as Pokemon goes:

•Pikachu (Icon, nuff said)

•Jigglypuff (part of the original 12, is still quite popular and still made it in Brawl despite she was nearly axed)

•Pokemon Trainer (This could be any generation, of course it might be the same trainer from Brawl as well)

•Victini/Zoroark: These two are in the same category since they are the latest to both have a movie, however my choice would have to be Victini simply because he has more relevance, look at Lucario's movie for example.

•Mewtwo/Lucario/Meowth: I honestly don't have a clue who would make it in, it all depends whether or not Victini or Zoroark are included, as well as Sakurai's interest, if he shows enough interest I can honestly see any of these choices in.

With that said this is my list:

Pokemon Trainer (any variation)



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Plus we'd get a staff user.


In some way's Medusa is a better and more likely alternative to Krystal than anything. Sorry Krystal supporters.
I officially have become a Medusa supporter from having a close look at that artwork simply because she looks bad***.

nah, she'd be more like this!
:eek: Well, damn.

Smash is successful, in part, because it is accessible.

He chooses characters based upon what they bring that is different. Those were his words, if you are truly interested I'm sure you can find the interview.
It's true that if a character can really bring something unique to the table, he/she is more likely and deserving as a character.

But I don't get, then, why Sakurai includes characters like Wolf who didn't really bring much uniqueness at all to the table.

I think Wolf only got in because of Sonic's inclusion. Roy and Mewtwo were originally planned in place of Wolf and Sonic; once the team realized Sonic was going to be in SSB4, though, and they couldn't handle three characters at once, and Wolf was still partially done, so they scrapped Roy and Mewtwo in favor of finishing Wolf and creating Sonic from the ground up.

To date these are the abilites I know she has:

  1. Phazon beam
  2. Phazon missile
  3. Turns into a ball of Phazon in the air and crashes into opponent
  4. Speed ball
  5. Fragmented Phazon blast
  6. Raining icicles onto field
  7. Phazon barrier
  8. Create clones (echoes) of herself
  9. Two clones come together and spin around her, doing other wild things
  10. Regenerate

Might be missing some others but those are what come off the top of my head.
I support Dark Samus for SSB4 at least after we get Ridley in first. I saw a Dark Samus moveset that proves how she could be a very unique and interesting combatant.

Anyway, Okay first off I will start on voting, which moveset would like to see? Any particular specials, any technical data would really help out, check out my Black Knight moveset below.

please help me vote on my moveset please!!! :)





Weight: 4.5/5
Height: 3.5/5
Speed: 1.5/5
Jump: 2/5
Power: 4.5/5
Range: 2/5
Throw: 1.5/5

A: Dark Initiative
Black Knight swings the sword over head down to the ground. This move has a fixed knockback.

AA: Cleave
Dark Knight brings the sword back and then rises it in a quick movement while the opponent is still stunned. This also has a fixed knockback.

AAA: Mutilate

After bringing up his sword, Black Knight's other hand joins the sword and he brings it down one last time with tremendous force. This attack hits the opponent downwards on a low trajectory. If the opponent is at a high percentage and near the ledge, it could possibly be fatal.

Forward Tilt: Smite

Black Knight shoves the hilt of his sword forward rather quickly, resembling his shoving animation in-game. While it's not powerful, it gives him some control over faster opponents.

Up Tilt: Valiant Strike

In a single rotation, the Black Knight lifts his sword back and then swings it forward in a simple advance

Down Tilt: Cripple
Black Knight swings the sword horizontally angled at a low height. It's his fastest sword attack. It hits foes at a low trajectory so it can be used to edge guard.

Dash Attack: Frontline Combat

Black Knight spins Alondite to his side then thrust it out. Getting hit by the rotation from the front will keep you in place for the thrust, getting hit by the rotation from the back will push you away too far to land an attack on Black Knight.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash: Luna

Black Knight's ability in game! Black Knight makes two quick horizontal swings and then one last powerful diagonal downwards swing while advancing forward. To make this unique, if you shield this attack, 50% of it's damage will carry on through the shield but will not cause flinching. (Since Luna ignores defense in game.) This also pushes shielders away too far to counter attack. To balance this, if the foe is out of range or rolls behind Black Knight, he can be severely punished. This is easy to do since like almost all of Black Knight's attacks, it it slow.

Up Smash: Spire
Black Knight brings out a lance and strikes straight upwards. The player can hit A again to have Black Knight rotate the lance and push it out. The first stab pulls the foe in slowly to set up for the rotation part of the attack, which is a multihit. After Black Knight pushes it out, the foe goes flying. This could possibly be the most unwieldly yet powerful smash attack in the game. Since it's entirely vertical and has long range, it's best used on people who try to pass over Black Knight's head to make them regret it severely.

Down Smash: Nightmare

Black Knight flips Alondite to point down, and with all of his weight plants it into the ground. This immediately results in an explosion of dark flames on all sides. This would actually hit foes straight up.


•B Neutral: Dark Crasher
A very brutal attack. Dark Knight puts the sword to his side and steps back. He begins to charge up dark energy. After releasing, he steps forward and swings the sword. If a foe is struck with this, they fall down to the ground stunned. The stun time depends on how long this was charged and on how high their percentage was. To give a scale, if the foe was above 100% when this was used, they'd be stunned for 2 seconds. If it's fully charged, 8 seconds. (So you're pretty much dead.) Using this on an already stunned foe will just send them flying on a low trajectory but at limited distance, to encourage Black Knight users to be more creative. It is also to be noted that Black Knight is immune to flinching during the actual swinging animation, but not the charging animation.


Option 2:

•B Neutral: Eclipse: After a charge up, Black Knight begins a barrage of brutal slashes, if an enemy is hit they are caught in the rest of the charged slashes. The last hit does high knockback.

•B Up: Warp Powder
We all saw this coming. :p Black Knight throws a dark, purple-ish hazy powder over head and starts to vanish. This comes out just a bit faster than Zelda's recovery but has half the distance. Of course Black Knight can choose which direction he goes. Two things make this different. If a foe was near Black Knight when he used this, they can hold a direction and warp as well! If Black Knight lands on the ground after using this from a high distance in mid air, his heavy armor will cause him to studder. If he reappears at a similar height from where he warped, there will be no delay at all. The reason for this is to give Black Knight a better way to approach to make up for his horrible movement speed. Though since there is still an initial animation involved, he'll have a hard time warping while being pelted with projectiles. Unlike other heavyweights, since this is a teleportation move, Black Knight does not get any flinch immunity while using this.


Option 2

•B Up Special: Warp Powder Aesthetically Ike's entrance is based on this. Black Knight is a very slow character with terrible jumping abilities. But Warp Powder is one of the best recoveries in the game. It resembles Mewtwo's teleport in function though it has 1.5x the range, but has a notable start-up lag.

•B Forward: Grinder
Alondite strikes the ground. This sends a really fast energy wave across the stage floor. This can be charged but not stored. The size of the energy wave depends on how long it was charged, the maximum height is roughly half the height of Black Knight. The startup animation isn't too bad, but has the longest delay for a projectile. Not a horribly long delay, but about twice as long as Samus after firing a charged shot

Option 2

•B Forward: Javelin Black Knight takes out a Javelin, there is a brief window where he can aim the Javelin by tapping any direction with the control stick. The Javelin is a powerful weapon that can temporarily stick enemies to walls, floors, or even other enemies!

•B Down: Counter
Black Knight quickly brings his cape infront of him with his left arm for 2 or 3 seconds. If Black Knight is attacked during the first second, he blocks the attack and one of two things happen depending on the enemy's location
If Black Knight is attacked at close range, his left arm swings out to stun them and then he swings his sword horizontally. The stunning attack is equivelant to half of their original damage but the swing itself is a powerful attack on it's own.
If it's a projectile, Black Knight pulls out a javelin from his cape and throws it at where ever the attacker is. The javelin is easy to dodge, but keeps the foe occupied for an approach.


Option 2

•B Down Special: Weapon Equip
Black Knight starts with his classic weapon, the magical sword Alondite. By using Weapon Equip, Black Knight switches his weapon to the lance, Wishblade. By switching weapon types, Black Knights strikes will cause damage in different Areas. Wishblade is a longer reaching weapon with a smaller blade, Alondite is a tighter more defensive weapon. Also, when Alondite strikes, it sends a small silver shockwave doing little damage, no knockback.

Aerial Game
Jump: Black Knight has the longest jumping delay and a horrible jump height.

Neutral Air: Clearance
Black Knight pulls out a lance and spins it at his side. This isn't that powerful, but it can help him recover or make distance.

Forward Air: Domination
Black Knight does a full horizontal spin with the sword out. It hits like Link's spin attack in SSB64.

Up Air: Puncture
Black Knight turns to the side and looks up, swinging his sword back and forth over head. This actually hits the foe to the side depending on when they got hit.

Down Air: Swipe
Black Knight turns side ways and looks downwards as he pulls his cape across himself, then swings his arm out. This spike comes out somewhat fast and has a wide area, but it's short ranged.

Back Air: Brutal Fist
Black Knight leans to the side as he rams his fist behind him. Short ranged but powerful.

Grab Game
Black Knight's grab speed is about average. He grabs the foe by their head.

Grab Attack: Skull Crusher
Black Knight cringes his hand. It doesn't actually collapse their skull, though. xD

Forward throw: Finisher
Black Knight holds them out and slashes them away with a horizontal slash.

Down Throw: Slam
Black Knight slams them face first infront of him.

Up Throw: Impale
Black Knight holds them up and shoves the sword right into their center, sending them up.

Back Throw: Grounder
Black Knight brings his sword up and bashes their head with the hilt. This send the foe behind him.

**Final Smash**

Final Smash Idea 1: Ebon Cyclone
Black Knight begins to spin around faster and faster while holding out Alondite, creating a cyclone of dark energy around him. This pulls all enemies on the stage towards Black Knight with great force, depending on their distance. If they make contact with him, they're hit for tremendous damage. It last for 12 seconds and Black Knight can slowly move while using this.

Final Smash Idea 2: Destructive Wave
Black Knight plants Alondite into the ground and sends a tall wave of dark energy to both sides. This is very difficult to avoid, but easier to dodge if Black Knight was on lower ground prior to using this.

Final Smash Idea 3: Chains of Terror
Two magical ebon chains appear on the side of the stage and begin to home onto the nearest opponent for 15 seconds. If either makes contact, the other chain will join that one and wrap around the victim. Black Knight then does a powerful jump slash on the victim to send them flying.

Final Smash Idea 4: Ashera's Judgement The Fire Emblem releases Ashera who appears on stage and turns all the enemy players to stone. Black Knight can inflict damage until the duration ends (about the same length as Peach's) If an enemy receives more than 75% damage in this time, the stone shatters, and the enemy flies offstage, KO'd.


One of the most memorable quotes. Black Knight raises his sword and glances before him questioning "Do you want to die?". For a better understanding, watch this. He could also say "Is that all?" or something like that.

Victory Pose 1

He puts Alondite into his scabbard and takes off his helmet to reveal his true identity, Zelgius. He could possibly then say "I live to serve the Goddess.", as she gave him everything he has.

Victory Pose 2
He spins Alondite around and then thrusts the tip into the ground, igniting dark flames around him as his hands rest upon the handle

Victory Pose 3
He swings horizontally twice and then raises the sword towards the screen, possibly followed by the words "None shall pass".


Fire Emblem 9 -Agaisnt The Black Knight Theme
Fire Emblem 10 - The Black Knight Lives

It's very good, Omega. I'm more supporting of Black Knight nowadays considering all the attention he's got, although I also like Caeda or Roy (Don't flame me :p) for a third FE spot.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
First off, you are totally missing the point here, you are completly ignoring Victini as a possible candidate, how is it that Victini would be unique at all? Seriously you know NOTHING about Victini, you clearly want Zoroark instead and I understand that since it's your opinion but you shouldn't judge Victini as not being unique and such.

I'd recommend you take a look a SSBFan's essay concerning Victini's inclusion, I shall look for the link so expect it. Check his sig if you must.


Also this is what I actually expect to see playable as far as Pokemon goes:

•Pikachu (Icon, nuff said)

•Jigglypuff (part of the original 12, is still quite popular and still made it in Brawl despite she was nearly axed)

•Pokemon Trainer (This could be any generation, of course it might be the same trainer from Brawl as well)

•Victini/Zoroark: These two are in the same category since they are the latest to both have a movie, however my choice would have to be Victini simply because he has more relevance, look at Lucario's movie for example.

•Mewtwo/Lucario/Meowth: I honestly don't have a clue who would make it in, it all depends whether or not Victini or Zoroark are included, as well as Sakurai's interest, if he shows enough interest I can honestly see any of these choices in.

With that said this is my list:

Pokemon Trainer (any variation)

I view victini equally with zoroark. I think zoroark looks stupid with stupid makeup. :/

don't cry bias just because I don't agree with you

be careful about going with just relevance, what they have "new" to add is a large factor with sakurai. I just see Zoroark "fitting" better... but yeah zoroark never really took off... and I've already said why I don't think victini is unique,a lot of his normal moves would either disfigure his body or he'd basically have to throw a fire hitbox like lucario does. and anything else he does would be off of mewtwo... but that's just why I think he can't coexist with lucario/mewtwo as well as zoroark can.

and I don't think I need to write an essay on why lucario would make it in before mewtwo lol. he's more relevant/popular these days and has more unique to add. though as much as I'm saying relevance isn't everything... I think the fact that lucario has become sort of a franchise mascot is the only thing that puts him in smash4.
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