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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Ness isn't that bad. I mean, he sucks, but he's not bad enough to merit much.

He WAS intended to be cut, but since he ended up in Brawl anyway, either he'll be cut NOW or he'll stay forever. Not sure which at this point.
Where did it say this? I've never heard of such a thing! Link or it didn't happen!

Just because Lucas got announced before Ness doesn't mean anything derp.



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed

Ness was going to be cut in Melee in favor of Lucas, but MOTHER 3 was delayed so Ness got to stay. It's confirmed. Or you could even run this through google translate.

Leads me to believe the "original 12" rule is just a load of crap people began to assume. I don't think Sakurai has ever said they were safe, and clearly they WEREN'T always safe.

Who knows, Brawl could be the transitional stage between switching out Ness for Lucas? (lolprobablynotgoingtohappen)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Hey Fox, could you translate that text lol?

In regards to that it really doesn't matter at this point in time because Ness has already been in Smash so long that it would be madness to remove him, he has been the face of Earthbound since the beginning.

This is ridiculous to be discussing, if anybody is likely to get cut it's Lucas, hell even a new 3rd rep would most likely happen before Ness would get axed.


Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ness was going to be cut in Melee in favor of Lucas, but MOTHER 3 was delayed so Ness got to stay. It's confirmed. Or you could even run this through google translate.

Leads me to believe the "original 12" rule is just a load of crap people began to assume. I don't think Sakurai has ever said they were safe, and clearly they WEREN'T always safe.

Who knows, Brawl could be the transitional stage between switching out Ness for Lucas? (lolprobablynotgoingtohappen)
Cut Mario


Off for Now

Deleted member

Answering augustoflores question in regards to support token, it won't be on characters that I think have no realistic hopes of ever being playable, but ones I think have a shot but are really at risk of not being playable.

Victini (Pokemon)

Although I consider him the most likely Pokemon character, I am worried that his Mew-like status could get him the Pokeball treatment. If that happens, Zoroark is definitely getting in and I don't see good things coming out of the Pokemon roster if that happen. I think Victini's inclusion would encourage otherwise on the behalf of the developers.

Mega Man (Classic)

Pretty much my most wanted character for Super Smash Bros. 4 and would be something special if done right. However, cancellation and lack of appearance could keep him out as a playable character.

Ray (Custom Robo)

Ray is my most wanted newcomer from a new series. The sad truth is that as much as I want him, I cannot see him in a 46 or less slot roster. Which is a shame because if he and Mega Man was playable, they could make a great match-up, not to mention finally give us a cool robot from Nintendo.


The only reason I have hope is because of Operation Hoenn Rising. If not for that, I would refer this purely as a dream. Making him playable would finally give a 3rd gen Pokemon playable.

So those are my choices.
Starphoenix said:
Interesting enough for me. I see her possibly being slow like Zelda, that is a negative.
Being slow isn't really a negative for me, but I can see why you think that, especially since slow characters don't tend to top the tier chart.
PsychoIncarnate said:
Maybe it's just my assumed roster for this game though, as the few iconic characters left will likely be left out.
Why do you think they'll leave out the most important ones not yet playable?
Mario_and_Sonic_Guy said:
Ness isn't THAT bad. Why people are bombing him is beyond me.
It's just Oasis_S attacking Ness.
majora_787 said:
Ness isn't that bad. I mean, he sucks, but he's not bad enough to merit much.

He WAS intended to be cut, but since he ended up in Brawl anyway, either he'll be cut NOW or he'll stay forever. Not sure which at this point.
He'll almost certainly stay based off what we have. If an Earthbound rep gets cut, it will more likely be Lucas. Heck, I would be unsurprise if Ness was available from the start while you have to unlock Lucas.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Ha, that's interesting.


It basically says ness wasn't going to be in melee and replaced lucas.

Mother 3 was delayed.
Too bad!! That's in the past, that is probably not going to be the case this time around since the Earthbound series is already semi-dead, hell it's almost dead outside of Smash.



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
At the time of melee's delevopment, mother was still a living trilogy. I'm going out on a guess here and I'm going to say I think sakurai thought mother would be bigger than 3 games at the time. Which of course can warrant a switch. For that time period.

On the flip-side. This is the present, mother is dead. The series is probably just going to stick around in smash unless they fell the need to renew it outside of it.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
so someone explain me : how the **** did Ness end up in Brawl anyway

since MOTHER is ded.

Because Ness had already been in both Melee and SSB64, not to mention the series at the time was pretty much relevent, as for now Ness not having any games doesn't really matter anymore, why? Because he's had so much history in regards to Smash that it would he crazy to just ignore and get rid of him considering how long he's been in Smash, anything could change though but I highly doubt he's going to go anywhere, like I said if anyone goes it will most likely be Lucas, but again we can't always trust Sakurai.



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Ness probably held one of Sakurai's many cats for ransom, saying if he didn't make it to Brawl he was going to kill that kitty like he killed that one baby. Whatever its name was. Giygas or something.

He's a terrible person, that Ness.

Smash would be better without him.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I'd say you're missing her biggest ability: Corruption.

She can overwhelm something and corrupt it into something for her own perverse use. That could be an interesting option.
That's true. It would be interesting to see if she could "corrupt" other characters on the field. Maybe it could sap their health and slowly tinker with the controls? All possibilities.

No need to dance around the issue Star. All you need to do is change your inquiry into a statement as I know that you know the answer to that question.

SmashChu doesn't mind making direct statements on lesser pretense, why shouldn't you be just as direct?
Actually I thought I was being direct, just in a polite way? Sorry, it was late and knew I was kind of stepping into the debate. Even though I tend to lean more to the "Smash is fine as it is" camp, to say that sales justify the better system is not a valid conclusion.

As usual he never responded to me...


But seriously. Do you have an idea of an overall playstyle? For whatever reason I've always thought she'd have loads of multi-hit attacks since a lot of her moves would be kind of ENERGY-BASED. I'm probably still applying that to her now so I'm thinking she'd be able to deal loads of damage.

Maybe... great mid-range game, but not the greatest at dealing with close opponents...? Am I totally off here?
Yeah, because two abilities make her a clone. Just like Ridley would be a clone of Charizard. :p

I imagined her working as projectile character with powerful close range attacks.

I, I like it like it.

Okay, there was some interesting discussion going on with Star and Fatman.(I always feel like I'm insulting you) Star, correct me if I'm wrong on the following but you seem to be saying that instead of talking about a character's likelyhood, that we should discuss characters based on what unique things they bring. While I am all for this because I'm clearly a supporter of the weird. (Suicune, Jill Valinetine, Cassandra) You said it yourself that there is some criteria that Sakurai bases his decisions on. We can look at these, and still have a decent conversation and make some educated guesses. Smashchu brought up the whole ROB thing, I mean I remember hearing about him on Nsider asd a kid and being like "pffft. Riiight" and look at who made it in. So while there is some things we canno't accurately predict (They call them WTF characters for a reason) it's not a reason to stop discussing topics like these. On top of this, we have something that Crimson, Birthnote, SSBF, and I used during our discussion of Diddy/Dixie/Funky ect. We talked about a if series themselves or characters as an individual merit being added to smash.

While I agree that talking about characters who are unique and thinking up ideas for how they play is really fun, I don't want people to blur the lines and think that this gives them a one way ticket into smash. It's a factor yes, like you brought up when Sakurai said that's how he picked characters, but Dedede, Wolf, and Pokemon Trainer were all added in most likely for more than just the reason that they were unique. That much, everyone here can agree on.
I'm not saying that was the end all criteria, obviously popularity does play a role and how successful a series is can and typically does play a huge role in that. What I have a problem with is "x character only deserves so many slots" and some of the other variations of that argument. As Psycho pointed out last night it is based upon arbitrary reasoning that ultimately come down to personal influence. Characters are looked at individually, not collectively.

At the time of melee's delevopment, mother was still a living trilogy. I'm going out on a guess here and I'm going to say I think sakurai thought mother would be bigger than 3 games at the time. Which of course can warrant a switch. For that time period.

On the flip-side. This is the present, mother is dead. The series is probably just going to stick around in smash unless they fell the need to renew it outside of it.

To be honest in fighting games it isn't unheard of or unreasonable for obscure and/or "dormant" series to have a large history throughout that franchise. In a way it keeps them alive as with every title someone new will be learning about the Earthbound/MOTHER series. So in some ways the characters transcend even their own games.

so someone explain me : how the **** did Ness end up in Brawl anyway

since MOTHER is ded.
Because he had been in two titles previously.

Being slow isn't really a negative for me, but I can see why you think that, especially since slow characters don't tend to top the tier chart.
Exactly, they just never seem to work out. Since, especially in Smash Bros, unless you have good offensive options the lack of mobility will leave you open to way too many attacks.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Ness probably held one of Sakurai's many cats for ransom, saying if he didn't make it to Brawl he was going to kill that kitty like he killed that one baby. Whatever its name was. Giygas or something.

He's a terrible person, that Ness.

Smash would be better without him.
That's your opinion!

The fact that Ness is going to return is very much likely, Sakurai doesn't care if people such as you hate him or not, regardless of that it's Sakurai's decision to decide a characters inclusion, so with that said..




Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
<_< I don't understand how people fail to grasp exactly what I mean. If either earthbound rep were to be cut, which is unlikely at this point but is still possible, it'd be Ness, because they ORIGINALLY INTENDED to scrap him for Lucas to begin with.

As in, NESS being replaced with LUCAS.

As in, LUCAS and not NESS being in the game.

If that is part of their thought process, that puts Ness in SOME danger of being cut. Not much since it's been a long time since then, but some. And it doesn't put Lucas in any real danger at all.

Anyway. Movingalongmovingalongmovingalong.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
<_< I don't understand how people fail to grasp exactly what I mean. If either earthbound rep were to be cut, which is unlikely at this point but is still possible, it'd be Ness, because they ORIGINALLY INTENDED to scrap him for Lucas to begin with.

As in, NESS being replaced with LUCAS.

As in, LUCAS and not NESS being in the game.

If that is part of their thought process, that puts Ness in SOME danger of being cut. Not much since it's been a long time since then, but some. And it doesn't put Lucas in any real danger at all.

Anyway. Movingalongmovingalongmovingalong.
yea but... why would an earthbound rep have to be cut in first place?


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Good looks for having my back Star.

Majora, I don't think people "fail" to grasp anything. If anything we wanted a clear statement that showed ness being in danger of being let go.

At the time of a said discussion, whatever you were conveying was lost because it wasnt revelant to where the discussion was going.

Time to look over some of my music before practice. Might come back in a hour.

We out.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
yea but that was in Melee right? according to that link I've seen earlier
Exactly, it was solely going to happen because Mother 3 at the time was going to be released but got delayed, thus Lucas made it in Brawl instead which ended up saving Ness in Melee.



Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
I've just imagined something , what if instead of being completely cut of , some character were downgraded to assist trophies or pokemans

or even better Mewtwo comes back... as poke ball item

trollworthy huh? admit this is something that can go through Sakurai's twisted mind
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