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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
They are NOT going to cut Ness!!

Oasis is really starting to get annoying and unrealistic! :glare:
Silly NESSERS denying the TRUTH. Just accept it.

Why would they keep the face of MOTHER and 3-time vet for Sm4sh. I mean really. That would just be DUMB.


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2010
Why would they keep the face of MOTHER and 3-time vet for Sm4sh. I'm mean really. That would just be DUMB.
The same reason they would add Takamaru, King K. Rool and other rather obscure characters.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Hey! For the however many people that are on the smash forums i don't think it's that hard to have 2 melodramatic people!

I'm mean really.
One grammatically incorrect statement. One mark deducted. And is that an italic word i see!? Ooooh, tut tut tut.

Ahh, fun, fun ^^


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Silly NESSERS denying the TRUTH. Just accept it.

Why would they keep the face of MOTHER and 3-time vet for Sm4sh. I'm mean really. That would just be DUMB.
Urg!! :glare:

READ my previous post!!

Seriously, stop it!!

I for one will start being productive around here, I'm gonna take charge of this thread and deal with the likes of any ignorance around here, okay?

First let's start off with this:

A Luigi without a Mario moveset isnt a clone!
Oh for the love off..:facepalm:

Anyway, Okay first off I will start on voting, which moveset would like to see? Any particular specials, any technical data would really help out, check out my Black Knight moveset below.

please help me vote on my moveset please!!! :)





Weight: 4.5/5
Height: 3.5/5
Speed: 1.5/5
Jump: 2/5
Power: 4.5/5
Range: 2/5
Throw: 1.5/5

A: Dark Initiative
Black Knight swings the sword over head down to the ground. This move has a fixed knockback.

AA: Cleave
Dark Knight brings the sword back and then rises it in a quick movement while the opponent is still stunned. This also has a fixed knockback.

AAA: Mutilate

After bringing up his sword, Black Knight's other hand joins the sword and he brings it down one last time with tremendous force. This attack hits the opponent downwards on a low trajectory. If the opponent is at a high percentage and near the ledge, it could possibly be fatal.

Forward Tilt: Smite

Black Knight shoves the hilt of his sword forward rather quickly, resembling his shoving animation in-game. While it's not powerful, it gives him some control over faster opponents.

Up Tilt: Valiant Strike

In a single rotation, the Black Knight lifts his sword back and then swings it forward in a simple advance

Down Tilt: Cripple
Black Knight swings the sword horizontally angled at a low height. It's his fastest sword attack. It hits foes at a low trajectory so it can be used to edge guard.

Dash Attack: Frontline Combat

Black Knight spins Alondite to his side then thrust it out. Getting hit by the rotation from the front will keep you in place for the thrust, getting hit by the rotation from the back will push you away too far to land an attack on Black Knight.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash: Luna

Black Knight's ability in game! Black Knight makes two quick horizontal swings and then one last powerful diagonal downwards swing while advancing forward. To make this unique, if you shield this attack, 50% of it's damage will carry on through the shield but will not cause flinching. (Since Luna ignores defense in game.) This also pushes shielders away too far to counter attack. To balance this, if the foe is out of range or rolls behind Black Knight, he can be severely punished. This is easy to do since like almost all of Black Knight's attacks, it it slow.

Up Smash: Spire
Black Knight brings out a lance and strikes straight upwards. The player can hit A again to have Black Knight rotate the lance and push it out. The first stab pulls the foe in slowly to set up for the rotation part of the attack, which is a multihit. After Black Knight pushes it out, the foe goes flying. This could possibly be the most unwieldly yet powerful smash attack in the game. Since it's entirely vertical and has long range, it's best used on people who try to pass over Black Knight's head to make them regret it severely.

Down Smash: Nightmare

Black Knight flips Alondite to point down, and with all of his weight plants it into the ground. This immediately results in an explosion of dark flames on all sides. This would actually hit foes straight up.


•B Neutral: Dark Crasher
A very brutal attack. Dark Knight puts the sword to his side and steps back. He begins to charge up dark energy. After releasing, he steps forward and swings the sword. If a foe is struck with this, they fall down to the ground stunned. The stun time depends on how long this was charged and on how high their percentage was. To give a scale, if the foe was above 100% when this was used, they'd be stunned for 2 seconds. If it's fully charged, 8 seconds. (So you're pretty much dead.) Using this on an already stunned foe will just send them flying on a low trajectory but at limited distance, to encourage Black Knight users to be more creative. It is also to be noted that Black Knight is immune to flinching during the actual swinging animation, but not the charging animation.


Option 2:

•B Neutral: Eclipse: After a charge up, Black Knight begins a barrage of brutal slashes, if an enemy is hit they are caught in the rest of the charged slashes. The last hit does high knockback.

•B Up: Warp Powder
We all saw this coming. :p Black Knight throws a dark, purple-ish hazy powder over head and starts to vanish. This comes out just a bit faster than Zelda's recovery but has half the distance. Of course Black Knight can choose which direction he goes. Two things make this different. If a foe was near Black Knight when he used this, they can hold a direction and warp as well! If Black Knight lands on the ground after using this from a high distance in mid air, his heavy armor will cause him to studder. If he reappears at a similar height from where he warped, there will be no delay at all. The reason for this is to give Black Knight a better way to approach to make up for his horrible movement speed. Though since there is still an initial animation involved, he'll have a hard time warping while being pelted with projectiles. Unlike other heavyweights, since this is a teleportation move, Black Knight does not get any flinch immunity while using this.


Option 2

•B Up Special: Warp Powder Aesthetically Ike's entrance is based on this. Black Knight is a very slow character with terrible jumping abilities. But Warp Powder is one of the best recoveries in the game. It resembles Mewtwo's teleport in function though it has 1.5x the range, but has a notable start-up lag.

•B Forward: Grinder
Alondite strikes the ground. This sends a really fast energy wave across the stage floor. This can be charged but not stored. The size of the energy wave depends on how long it was charged, the maximum height is roughly half the height of Black Knight. The startup animation isn't too bad, but has the longest delay for a projectile. Not a horribly long delay, but about twice as long as Samus after firing a charged shot

Option 2

•B Forward: Javelin Black Knight takes out a Javelin, there is a brief window where he can aim the Javelin by tapping any direction with the control stick. The Javelin is a powerful weapon that can temporarily stick enemies to walls, floors, or even other enemies!

•B Down: Counter
Black Knight quickly brings his cape infront of him with his left arm for 2 or 3 seconds. If Black Knight is attacked during the first second, he blocks the attack and one of two things happen depending on the enemy's location
If Black Knight is attacked at close range, his left arm swings out to stun them and then he swings his sword horizontally. The stunning attack is equivelant to half of their original damage but the swing itself is a powerful attack on it's own.
If it's a projectile, Black Knight pulls out a javelin from his cape and throws it at where ever the attacker is. The javelin is easy to dodge, but keeps the foe occupied for an approach.


Option 2

•B Down Special: Weapon Equip
Black Knight starts with his classic weapon, the magical sword Alondite. By using Weapon Equip, Black Knight switches his weapon to the lance, Wishblade. By switching weapon types, Black Knights strikes will cause damage in different Areas. Wishblade is a longer reaching weapon with a smaller blade, Alondite is a tighter more defensive weapon. Also, when Alondite strikes, it sends a small silver shockwave doing little damage, no knockback.

Aerial Game
Jump: Black Knight has the longest jumping delay and a horrible jump height.

Neutral Air: Clearance
Black Knight pulls out a lance and spins it at his side. This isn't that powerful, but it can help him recover or make distance.

Forward Air: Domination
Black Knight does a full horizontal spin with the sword out. It hits like Link's spin attack in SSB64.

Up Air: Puncture
Black Knight turns to the side and looks up, swinging his sword back and forth over head. This actually hits the foe to the side depending on when they got hit.

Down Air: Swipe
Black Knight turns side ways and looks downwards as he pulls his cape across himself, then swings his arm out. This spike comes out somewhat fast and has a wide area, but it's short ranged.

Back Air: Brutal Fist
Black Knight leans to the side as he rams his fist behind him. Short ranged but powerful.

Grab Game
Black Knight's grab speed is about average. He grabs the foe by their head.

Grab Attack: Skull Crusher
Black Knight cringes his hand. It doesn't actually collapse their skull, though. xD

Forward throw: Finisher
Black Knight holds them out and slashes them away with a horizontal slash.

Down Throw: Slam
Black Knight slams them face first infront of him.

Up Throw: Impale
Black Knight holds them up and shoves the sword right into their center, sending them up.

Back Throw: Grounder
Black Knight brings his sword up and bashes their head with the hilt. This send the foe behind him.

**Final Smash**

Final Smash Idea 1: Ebon Cyclone
Black Knight begins to spin around faster and faster while holding out Alondite, creating a cyclone of dark energy around him. This pulls all enemies on the stage towards Black Knight with great force, depending on their distance. If they make contact with him, they're hit for tremendous damage. It last for 12 seconds and Black Knight can slowly move while using this.

Final Smash Idea 2: Destructive Wave
Black Knight plants Alondite into the ground and sends a tall wave of dark energy to both sides. This is very difficult to avoid, but easier to dodge if Black Knight was on lower ground prior to using this.

Final Smash Idea 3: Chains of Terror
Two magical ebon chains appear on the side of the stage and begin to home onto the nearest opponent for 15 seconds. If either makes contact, the other chain will join that one and wrap around the victim. Black Knight then does a powerful jump slash on the victim to send them flying.

Final Smash Idea 4: Ashera's Judgement The Fire Emblem releases Ashera who appears on stage and turns all the enemy players to stone. Black Knight can inflict damage until the duration ends (about the same length as Peach's) If an enemy receives more than 75% damage in this time, the stone shatters, and the enemy flies offstage, KO'd.


One of the most memorable quotes. Black Knight raises his sword and glances before him questioning "Do you want to die?". For a better understanding, watch this. He could also say "Is that all?" or something like that.

Victory Pose 1

He puts Alondite into his scabbard and takes off his helmet to reveal his true identity, Zelgius. He could possibly then say "I live to serve the Goddess.", as she gave him everything he has.

Victory Pose 2
He spins Alondite around and then thrusts the tip into the ground, igniting dark flames around him as his hands rest upon the handle

Victory Pose 3
He swings horizontally twice and then raises the sword towards the screen, possibly followed by the words "None shall pass".


Fire Emblem 9 -Agaisnt The Black Knight Theme
Fire Emblem 10 - The Black Knight Lives



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Omega, you know it's just fun and games, it'll stop in due course ^^

Thats a lot of work you've done there. I haven't played FE so i don't really think it's in my place to comment(because i like to do it after i've played the games), but i'll refer it to the others if this part of the thread gets buried in random statements. Of course you'll have it on the social group i'd expect, so i doubt it'll be a problem. :)


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Yeah, i'll go for it. I may not have the knowledge of FE(actually i saw radiant dawn in the shops recently, i should probably get it at one point) but you've put so much work in it that i think i'll support it, and it sounds interesting too ^^


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Why Thank You! :)

I am currently working alongside Barbasol to help raise awareness and support for The Black Knight.

I believe that we will be successful if we gather enough support and such, anyway check out my sig if you haven't already, it would be nice if you checked out the petition as well. :)



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
From my extremely limited view i think i will give one small bit of criticism, which is that at first glance, Luna seems a tad overpowered. 50% is a huge amount, and what if they get hit without the shield? Maybe you'd have to make this attack slower? Or maybe make the carried damage a little less IMO.

Otherwise it's looking pretty good. And my preferred final smash is probably the dark wave. Ashea seems a bit over powered with the KO with 75% given(one or two smash attacks and they're gone), the chain grab seems to be one of those final smashes that is like meta knights or Ike's where it purely about grabbing the opponent before you can do anything(which is fine, but i'd prefer to see a unique one), and Ebon cyclone also seems a tad overpowered.

But then again, final smashes are kinda meant to be overpowered, so i guess it's ok in any case.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Okay, first off thank you for critizing my moveset. :)

Let me explain, the deal with Luna is that that ability has the power to ignore defense and grants it to a user, in this case it's The Black Knight, but I guess that ability wouldn't apply to Smash so much.

You have to remember that The Black Knight is indeed a very powerful character due to his weight and such, he would probably be the heaviest character in the game, but then again I thing I did overpower him a bit, even with shield it should probably do at least 30-35% considering he would be slow but again very powerful, but this would only apply when it's a fully charged smash.

Okay, as far as the Final Smashes go, I would simply go with Ashera's Judgement, again if you read it it would cause a great deal of damage when in contact, Ebon Cyclone would definetly look unique as well, I actually was giong to go with this one as well, but again Final Smashes are meant to be overpowered a bit, unless I'm wrong.

Anyway, do you have anymore suggestions? If so let's go ahead and discuss it in The Black Knight group, I will be holding voting and such for my moveset. :)



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!

I got tired of drawing them after the first nine, but I can assure you the rest of the original 12 agree with me that Ness really smells.

He'll be cut for sure.
Dude! Did you just draw that? It's freaking hilarious even if I do disagree lol...

..and I thought Kirby didn't have a nose. :O



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well considering you just lost our previous debate, are you really going to start another with me?

Yes!! :mad:

..and who said I lost, Ness is the face of Earthbound, there's no way he would be replaced by Nintend or Masked Man!

The group is of the Black Knight? I still have not join in it, but I signed the petition. What moveset?
@Sonic Poke: Check out my group and moveset below!!

Okay, anybody who is interested in The Black Knight, I have created an alliance, I will post my essay and such as well.

Check it out! ->Project: Begnion (The Black Knight Alliance) Discussion Room

All are welcomed to join! :)

My moveset below!!

OmegaXVII said:
Anyway, Okay first off I will start on voting, which moveset would like to see? Any particular specials, any technical data would really help out, check out my Black Knight moveset below.

please help me vote on my moveset please!!! :)





Weight: 4.5/5
Height: 3.5/5
Speed: 1.5/5
Jump: 2/5
Power: 4.5/5
Range: 2/5
Throw: 1.5/5

A: Dark Initiative
Black Knight swings the sword over head down to the ground. This move has a fixed knockback.

AA: Cleave
Dark Knight brings the sword back and then rises it in a quick movement while the opponent is still stunned. This also has a fixed knockback.

AAA: Mutilate

After bringing up his sword, Black Knight's other hand joins the sword and he brings it down one last time with tremendous force. This attack hits the opponent downwards on a low trajectory. If the opponent is at a high percentage and near the ledge, it could possibly be fatal.

Forward Tilt: Smite

Black Knight shoves the hilt of his sword forward rather quickly, resembling his shoving animation in-game. While it's not powerful, it gives him some control over faster opponents.

Up Tilt: Valiant Strike

In a single rotation, the Black Knight lifts his sword back and then swings it forward in a simple advance

Down Tilt: Cripple
Black Knight swings the sword horizontally angled at a low height. It's his fastest sword attack. It hits foes at a low trajectory so it can be used to edge guard.

Dash Attack: Frontline Combat

Black Knight spins Alondite to his side then thrust it out. Getting hit by the rotation from the front will keep you in place for the thrust, getting hit by the rotation from the back will push you away too far to land an attack on Black Knight.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash: Luna

Black Knight's ability in game! Black Knight makes two quick horizontal swings and then one last powerful diagonal downwards swing while advancing forward. To make this unique, if you shield this attack, 50% of it's damage will carry on through the shield but will not cause flinching. (Since Luna ignores defense in game.) This also pushes shielders away too far to counter attack. To balance this, if the foe is out of range or rolls behind Black Knight, he can be severely punished. This is easy to do since like almost all of Black Knight's attacks, it it slow.

Up Smash: Spire
Black Knight brings out a lance and strikes straight upwards. The player can hit A again to have Black Knight rotate the lance and push it out. The first stab pulls the foe in slowly to set up for the rotation part of the attack, which is a multihit. After Black Knight pushes it out, the foe goes flying. This could possibly be the most unwieldly yet powerful smash attack in the game. Since it's entirely vertical and has long range, it's best used on people who try to pass over Black Knight's head to make them regret it severely.

Down Smash: Nightmare

Black Knight flips Alondite to point down, and with all of his weight plants it into the ground. This immediately results in an explosion of dark flames on all sides. This would actually hit foes straight up.


•B Neutral: Dark Crasher
A very brutal attack. Dark Knight puts the sword to his side and steps back. He begins to charge up dark energy. After releasing, he steps forward and swings the sword. If a foe is struck with this, they fall down to the ground stunned. The stun time depends on how long this was charged and on how high their percentage was. To give a scale, if the foe was above 100% when this was used, they'd be stunned for 2 seconds. If it's fully charged, 8 seconds. (So you're pretty much dead.) Using this on an already stunned foe will just send them flying on a low trajectory but at limited distance, to encourage Black Knight users to be more creative. It is also to be noted that Black Knight is immune to flinching during the actual swinging animation, but not the charging animation.


Option 2:

•B Neutral: Eclipse: After a charge up, Black Knight begins a barrage of brutal slashes, if an enemy is hit they are caught in the rest of the charged slashes. The last hit does high knockback.

•B Up: Warp Powder
We all saw this coming. :p Black Knight throws a dark, purple-ish hazy powder over head and starts to vanish. This comes out just a bit faster than Zelda's recovery but has half the distance. Of course Black Knight can choose which direction he goes. Two things make this different. If a foe was near Black Knight when he used this, they can hold a direction and warp as well! If Black Knight lands on the ground after using this from a high distance in mid air, his heavy armor will cause him to studder. If he reappears at a similar height from where he warped, there will be no delay at all. The reason for this is to give Black Knight a better way to approach to make up for his horrible movement speed. Though since there is still an initial animation involved, he'll have a hard time warping while being pelted with projectiles. Unlike other heavyweights, since this is a teleportation move, Black Knight does not get any flinch immunity while using this.


Option 2

•B Up Special: Warp Powder Aesthetically Ike's entrance is based on this. Black Knight is a very slow character with terrible jumping abilities. But Warp Powder is one of the best recoveries in the game. It resembles Mewtwo's teleport in function though it has 1.5x the range, but has a notable start-up lag.

•B Forward: Grinder
Alondite strikes the ground. This sends a really fast energy wave across the stage floor. This can be charged but not stored. The size of the energy wave depends on how long it was charged, the maximum height is roughly half the height of Black Knight. The startup animation isn't too bad, but has the longest delay for a projectile. Not a horribly long delay, but about twice as long as Samus after firing a charged shot

Option 2

•B Forward: Javelin Black Knight takes out a Javelin, there is a brief window where he can aim the Javelin by tapping any direction with the control stick. The Javelin is a powerful weapon that can temporarily stick enemies to walls, floors, or even other enemies!

•B Down: Counter
Black Knight quickly brings his cape infront of him with his left arm for 2 or 3 seconds. If Black Knight is attacked during the first second, he blocks the attack and one of two things happen depending on the enemy's location
If Black Knight is attacked at close range, his left arm swings out to stun them and then he swings his sword horizontally. The stunning attack is equivelant to half of their original damage but the swing itself is a powerful attack on it's own.
If it's a projectile, Black Knight pulls out a javelin from his cape and throws it at where ever the attacker is. The javelin is easy to dodge, but keeps the foe occupied for an approach.


Option 2

•B Down Special: Weapon Equip
Black Knight starts with his classic weapon, the magical sword Alondite. By using Weapon Equip, Black Knight switches his weapon to the lance, Wishblade. By switching weapon types, Black Knights strikes will cause damage in different Areas. Wishblade is a longer reaching weapon with a smaller blade, Alondite is a tighter more defensive weapon. Also, when Alondite strikes, it sends a small silver shockwave doing little damage, no knockback.

Aerial Game
Jump: Black Knight has the longest jumping delay and a horrible jump height.

Neutral Air: Clearance
Black Knight pulls out a lance and spins it at his side. This isn't that powerful, but it can help him recover or make distance.

Forward Air: Domination
Black Knight does a full horizontal spin with the sword out. It hits like Link's spin attack in SSB64.

Up Air: Puncture
Black Knight turns to the side and looks up, swinging his sword back and forth over head. This actually hits the foe to the side depending on when they got hit.

Down Air: Swipe
Black Knight turns side ways and looks downwards as he pulls his cape across himself, then swings his arm out. This spike comes out somewhat fast and has a wide area, but it's short ranged.

Back Air: Brutal Fist
Black Knight leans to the side as he rams his fist behind him. Short ranged but powerful.

Grab Game
Black Knight's grab speed is about average. He grabs the foe by their head.

Grab Attack: Skull Crusher
Black Knight cringes his hand. It doesn't actually collapse their skull, though. xD

Forward throw: Finisher
Black Knight holds them out and slashes them away with a horizontal slash.

Down Throw: Slam
Black Knight slams them face first infront of him.

Up Throw: Impale
Black Knight holds them up and shoves the sword right into their center, sending them up.

Back Throw: Grounder
Black Knight brings his sword up and bashes their head with the hilt. This send the foe behind him.

**Final Smash**

Final Smash Idea 1: Ebon Cyclone
Black Knight begins to spin around faster and faster while holding out Alondite, creating a cyclone of dark energy around him. This pulls all enemies on the stage towards Black Knight with great force, depending on their distance. If they make contact with him, they're hit for tremendous damage. It last for 12 seconds and Black Knight can slowly move while using this.

Final Smash Idea 2: Destructive Wave
Black Knight plants Alondite into the ground and sends a tall wave of dark energy to both sides. This is very difficult to avoid, but easier to dodge if Black Knight was on lower ground prior to using this.

Final Smash Idea 3: Chains of Terror
Two magical ebon chains appear on the side of the stage and begin to home onto the nearest opponent for 15 seconds. If either makes contact, the other chain will join that one and wrap around the victim. Black Knight then does a powerful jump slash on the victim to send them flying.

Final Smash Idea 4: Ashera's Judgement The Fire Emblem releases Ashera who appears on stage and turns all the enemy players to stone. Black Knight can inflict damage until the duration ends (about the same length as Peach's) If an enemy receives more than 75% damage in this time, the stone shatters, and the enemy flies offstage, KO'd.


One of the most memorable quotes. Black Knight raises his sword and glances before him questioning "Do you want to die?". For a better understanding, watch this. He could also say "Is that all?" or something like that.

Victory Pose 1

He puts Alondite into his scabbard and takes off his helmet to reveal his true identity, Zelgius. He could possibly then say "I live to serve the Goddess.", as she gave him everything he has.

Victory Pose 2
He spins Alondite around and then thrusts the tip into the ground, igniting dark flames around him as his hands rest upon the handle

Victory Pose 3
He swings horizontally twice and then raises the sword towards the screen, possibly followed by the words "None shall pass".


Fire Emblem 9 -Agaisnt The Black Knight Theme
Fire Emblem 10 - The Black Knight Lives



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Thanks, I got it. :)

Also could you give me a single link that would take me straight to my moveset lol?

What is wrong with me?? O_O



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
So I basically just read the part where you said you'd take care of stupidity.

That's a hard job son, you ready to post images and a whole bunch of other **** like I do or are you going to do your own thing?

Don't be a derp though.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I'm ready to take on all challengers, derps included, I'm not taking this sillyness any longer, plus I'll get more posts doing so. :awesome



Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Ness isn't that bad. I mean, he sucks, but he's not bad enough to merit much.

He WAS intended to be cut, but since he ended up in Brawl anyway, either he'll be cut NOW or he'll stay forever. Not sure which at this point.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Tbh I don't care what happens to the pk kids, they have down snydrome anyways :awesome: but really they have always been that "I'm here y" character

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