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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I want in on this, as well.

Star, could you possibly make a K. Rool banner as well, please? :)
Sure, I'll do one tonight.

Crimson, you have 1000 posts now. Congrats.

Okay so...

Omega - Begnion
Berserker - Toad Brigade
Shortie - Hoenn Rising
Crimson - Kremling krew
SSBF - Unova

I'm looking forward to this .
You do realize I just created a Saki Amamiya alliance (Ruffians Forever) right?

VVVV*points to sig*VVVV


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
Sure, I'll do one tonight.

You do realize I just created a Saki Amamiya alliance (Ruffians Forever) right?

VVVV*points to sig*VVVV
K Rool banner?! Amazing! Sign me up for the Krew immediately. I'll prolly make a Layton alliance when I'm not so goddamn busy.

@nlim8d: Yeah I've been super busy working on an entry for the League of Legends song contest, so any spare time I have has been devoted to that. We should hopefully be wrapping up soon so maybe I can get on Smashboards more.


Deleted member

A Professor Layton Alliance? I'm already in the Backroom for that party while such an alliance is under construction!

You guys should really make your pictures clickable.
Not sure how to make them clickable.
Edit: Done. You should be able to click on them now.

Will respond to discussion thread after work.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
A Professor Layton Alliance? I'm already in the Backroom for that party while such an alliance is under construction!

You guys should really make your pictures clickable.

SSBFan, put the URL around the IMG wrap.

Hoots, I hope to see some K.Krew input from you on the double! I hope your project turns out great.
Yeah sure. K Rool is my top pick for Smash anyways and I am most familiar with him out of all the characters I support.

And thanks. My drum arrangement is proving to be slightly irritating to perfect, but we'll see.



Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
We just can't wait, can we?

Eh, whatever. I'm going to get a Kremling Krew group up on the double like I promised weeks ago. When actual alliances are allowed, I can just transfer its info over.



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
If you're here Shortie, here is your Operation Hoenn banner.

My goal is to support two alliances, my Saki Amamiya alliance and my Slime alliance. The latter I'll work on tonight.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
What is Begnion going to do when a Caeda support group sprouts up and gains more votes since she has boobs.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Hmm...it appears the Krew has already been started.

Ah well, I can still contribute some writing in K. Rool's favor.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Hmm.. thenhow would you suppose they would have worked in Brawl if Sakurai would have gone through with it? or could that mean he found a Dixie/Diddy duo as a complication in terms of movesets?
It's probably the latter. The Ice Climbers were simple, since both Popo and Nana utilized the exact same moves. That wasn't the case for Diddy and Dixie, which would make setting up their duo moveset more tedious.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
It's probably the latter. The Ice Climbers were simple, since both Popo and Nana utilized the exact same moves. That wasn't the case for Diddy and Dixie, which would make setting up their duo moveset more tedious.
So you saying it would had made it more tedious for Sakurai to buiid a moveset based on a Dixie/Diddy duo tag?

Hmm.. Now I'm really curios to know how they would work as a tag if Sakurai were to revive the idea for Smash 4, I also want to see how their moveset would work, I am actually very interested to see this happening for the sole purpose of finding out this complication.

Of course, I still would like to see K.Rool regardless if that happens or not.



Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
This is quite irritating >_>

Why is it a must that diddy+dixie have a duo moveset?

Is that what's mainstream accepted about the two?
In my opinion, Diddy and Dixie appearing in one game together is used as an excuse by Dixie fans to include her, as they are aware K. Rool has priority for the third slot.

And Dixie was also planned for Brawl alongside Diddy, but such a drastic change is unlikely to actually be implemented, when Ganondorf of all people was denied his sword, keeping his same moveset to appease his Melee fans.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I'm slightly confused. Do you just want Hoenn starters, or random Pokemon? If so, I demand Pelipper. Also, it's a shame that third gen doesn't stand a chance of ever getting representation in Smash.
I have yet to decide on which Hoenn Pokemon to really "go after". It's either going to be Pokemon Trainer May (Blaz, Grov, Mud) or Deoxys. I still need help deciding. I'm very torn. But in general, I'm just supporting Hoenn's inclusion. Like getting a possible Hoenn stage. That would be something I also support.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
as much as I loved the 3rd gen starters... it's a bit of wishful thinking to say any third gen will be playable.
It's too late for that, unless SOMEHOW we got 3rd gen remakes before they enter development in october.

But right now, 5th gen seems like what's happening.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Here’s my long list of responses to some posts I missed while at music camp.

[COLLAPSE=Wall of Quotes]
**** Zelda music, FE music FTW!!
I didn't laugh. :glare:

Okay. Here are my COMPLETE THOUGHTS and unsure predictions on Smash 4:
Yay, someone used my SSB4 opening!

Berserker, if you want, I can tweak the opening a little to fit your character roster. ;)

Anyways, when I have the time, I'll take a closer look at your post.

So, in regards to new franchises vs. old Franchises, where do you all think the line should be drawn? In terms of character relevancy, we can't/shouldn't expect certain roster to grow every single time, can we? Just when do we say, "Series X is complete"?

Well, what do you all think? Note that this isn't about what's likely, but rather what best summarizes a series.

Complete Franchises
Kirby- Kirby, Dedede, Meta Knight. The main recurring characters.
Pikmin- Captain Olimar summarizes it perfectly, Louie or Shyacho wouldn't add anything.
Game & Watch
Ice Climbers
Yoshi's Story
Metal Gear
Kid Icarus- I'd argue this is fine with just Pit considering it's nature. Palutena, Medusa, or Magnus are possible, though I don't think anyone would argue they'd be anything but filler.

Almost Complete
Sonic the Hedgehog- Tails or Dr. Robotnik would complete the iconic series well.
Donkey Kong- Pair Diddy with Dixie and add K Rool.
Legend of Zelda- Main Triforce complete, Tingle is only remaining 'star.' Has his own games.
F-Zero- Samurai Goroh or Black Shadow would complete it, though it's a tossup.
Metroid- Ridley, for obvious reasons. Dark Samus could also represent the Prime series.

Likely Incompleteable
Star Fox- The quintessential Star Fox team includes Slippy, Peppy, and Krystal in recent years.
Earthbound- Three different heroes of three different games. Best summarized with just Ness probably.
Fire Emblem- Different Timelines, loads of different Lords, villains, and allies. No way that Fire Emblem could ever be complete. Ike and Marth most iconic Lords.
Mario- Remaining characters are all similar in stature. Toad, Waluigi, Bowser Jr., Paper Mario. Drawing the line where it is now actually makes the most sense, but unlikely.
Pokemon- New Generations come out sooner than Smash Bros do. For each generation, there's a hand-ful of popular choices. Gen 1- Iconic Starters, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Meowth. Then there's Deoxys, Gardevoir, Darkrai, Lucario, Lugia, Zoroark, Victini, Genesect, Blaziken, etc...

dun[/I]no, just some random spewing thoughts. Some franchises just aren't completeable.
The Wario series is only complete if Wario gets his moveset changed to reflect Wario Land more. Otherwise, it's not complete without Captain Syrup, IMO.

I think F-Zero is basically complete rep-wise, but I wouldn't mind Black Shadow in SSB4. I consider Paper Mario to represent his own sub-series much like Yoshi or Wario.

Kid Icarus can get Medusa as an antagonist character, but we really only need Pit to represent the series properly.

Third strike is Arguably the best SF game out there, or at least that's how SF fans have painted this picture for me. So if Nintendo kept:

1 Mario
2 Luigi
3 Peach
4 Bowser
5 Pikachu
6 Link
7 Zelda/Sheik
8 Kirby
9 Dedede
10 Marth
11 Ness
12 Falcon
13 Fox
14 Donkey Kong
15 Olimar
16 Ice Climbers
17 Pit
18 Samus/ZSS

and then used all that extra room to add newcomers, you wouldn't be a tad bit excited? Plus, if we could get fantastic gameplay like 3rd Strike, then we would be set. And if you reeeaaally wanted play as Sonic, no one is asking you to stop playing Brawl. Some people were probably turned off by Third strike because only four characters returned, the rest were brand new, but I think that's the fun about the game. It feels fresh.
I disagree with this list of veterans in a couple of places.
  • Replace Ice Climbers with R.O.B., since he’s more important to Nintendo.
  • Replace Dedede with Yoshi or Wario, since I’d like to have the Yoshi, Wario, and Donkey Kong sub-series protagonists in the game, and Kirby can get by with one rep.
  • Add in Pokemon Trainer and either Yoshi or Wario.

Question, would anyone be interested in a Rhythm Heaven stage? I would be very interested in seeing one.
Out of curiosity, I made a roster based on what so far what I have seen debated to be the most likely to happen and what I find to be reasonable.

It is 48 (52) characters overall. About 12 Newcomers. 6 characters are either Wii U or 3DS exculsive, and may become DLC for the opposite system. So 45 per system to begin with.

To avoid flamming, many characters that I feel are a stale-mate in debates (often due to flamming) I made like this:

Ex. Bowser Jr./Paper Mario/Toad - based on SSBF's ratings poll, the former being more likely to happen, in this case Bowser Jr.

Super Mario Series:
  • Mario
  • Luigi
  • Peach
  • Bowser
  • Bowser Jr./Paper Mario/Toad
Zelda Series:
  • Link
  • Zelda + Sheik
  • Ganondorf
  • Toon Link
Kirby Series:
  • Kirby
  • Meta Knight
  • King Dedede
  • Samus + Z.S. Samus
  • Ridley
Pokemon Series:
  • Pikachu
  • Pokemon Trainer (Red) (Squritle + Ivysaur + Charizard)
  • Jigglypuff
  • Zoroark/Victini or Lucario/Mewtwo
  • Zoroark/Victini or Lucario/Mewtwo
Star Fox Series:
  • Fox
  • Falco
  • Wolf
Spin-Off Mario Series:
  • Yoshi
  • Wario
  • Captain Falcon
Earthbound/Mother Series:
  • Ness
  • Lucas
Donkey Kong Series:
  • D.K.
  • Diddy Kong
  • King K. Rool
Fire Emblem Series:
  • Marth
  • Ike (FE10 Style) :cool:
  • Caeda/Black Knight
  • Olimar
  • Pit
  • Medusa/Palutena (3DS)
  • Issac (3DS)
  • Saki (Wii U)
  • Little Mac (Wii U)
  • Ray (3DS)
  • Mii
  • Ice Climbers
  • Takamaru (Wii U)
  • R.O.B.
  • Mr. Game & Watch
3rd Party:
  • Snake (Old Snake) :cool:
  • Sonic
  • Mega Man (Classic)/*Ryu Hayabusa
*Ryu H. has a good chance with the new Team Ninja and Nintendo dealings with Other M and the Metroid stage in DoA 3DS, he also has a good history with Nintendo with games on the NES, SNES, VC, DS, 3DS. He also has yet to be debated or rated.

Very solid roster. I think everyone would be satisfied with this roster. 

Who's Captain Syrup?

Here's my changelist for the game (Unsure):
  • Down B - Star spin
  • Heavier weight (His weight wasn't 100, it was 98)
  • Faster dash speed

  • Neutral B - Thunder ball
  • Down B - Poltergust
  • Heavier Weight (His weight should be 98)
  • Change final smash: Hyper Polergust blow or Luigi Finale (It can have negative aura or lightning elements)?

  • Revamped Wario land moveset
I agree with the changes to Mario. Luigi should use his Poltergust for his grabs; he’d keep his Down-B and he would replace the only full group of moves Mario and Luigi still share. Not sure where the idea for the lightning-based abilities come from, honestly.

If we get Captain Syrup, Wario may not need a revamped Wario Land-inspired moveset. Otherwise, even though I expect no change, I’d be ******* furious at the lack of Wario Land again.

This is Captain Syrup, the antagonist of the Wario Land series:

I believe a lot of Wario Land fans were upset with how the series got NARY A REFERENCE in Brawl. I recall seeing Wario movesets using his powerups from the Wario Land games. In order to have both a nod to WarioWare AND Wario Land, I figure adding Captain Syrup with Wario's moves from the Wario Land series would be a good idea. DON'T WANT HER FOR THE SAKE OF BEING A TOKEN FEMALE VILLAIN. I'm looking at you, Medusa.

Also the Melee air dodging was so bad. Brawl's air dodges feel much more natural.
I was among those who were ******* upset, disappointed, and furious at the lack of Wario Land representation.

Not representing the series is like not representing Star Fox or Custom Robo – you are missing another key franchise of Nintendo’s. Star Fox and Custom Robo and many other B-List and C-List franchises got representation – why the **** did Wario Land get a sticker, Wario’s Side Smash and overalls, a mention in the Chronicle, and ******* nothing else?!?!

So I am a big Captain Syrup supporter, or at least a supporter of more Wario Land representation.

I found an interesting Item that should be added to Smash. Nintendo's Ultra Hand!

It would give a person a long distance grapple ability. This is like Link and Samus' grapple but it would reach out even farther. It can even be used for tether grabs as well.
It’s the perfect WTF Nintendo item. I don’t’ know why it’s not in Smash Bros. already.

Oh, I could do that easy. Alright, twenty veterans, twenty newcomers? Let's do this thing.

  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Bowser
  4. Peach
  5. Link
  6. Zelda
  7. Ganondorf
  8. Pikachu
  9. Pit
  10. Pokemon Trainer
  11. Yoshi
  12. Donkey Kong
  13. Samus
  14. Ike
  15. Marth
  16. Fox
  17. Diddy Kong
  18. Captain Falcon
  19. Captain Olimar
  20. Ness

  1. Tingle
  2. Bowser Jr
  3. Toad
  4. Paper Mario
  5. Ridley
  6. Black Knight or Caeda
  7. Isaac
  8. Ray (Custom Robo)
  9. Starfy
  10. Little Mac
  11. Victini
  12. Chibi-Robo
  13. Samurai Goroh or Black Shadow
  14. Mewtwo (Returner)
  15. King K Rool
  16. Takamaru, Mike Jones, Mach Rider, or Sukapon
  17. Duck Hunt Dog
  18. Professor Layton
  19. Megaman
  20. Krystal
I agree with this list with the veteran list with the exception that I’d replace Ganondorf with Wario, since the Wario series is deserving of it’s character representation.

In regards to the Newcomers, I wouldn’t add all three new Mario characters. Replace one of them with another new franchise character such as Andy, Saki, or Jiro.

I stumbled across this on google the other day and I had to post it...

How badass would that team be in Subspace Emissary 2? Eh?
Claus-Black Knight-Meta Knight... sheer awesome.

Not sure why you don't think Star Fox is over represented, especially considering that you said it barely merited two.I will say this is incredibly ironic.

Personally, I don't mind more sword users as long as they bring something new and are fun to play with. As a matter of fact, why don't we have more magic users? Micaiah would be interesting.
I think two Star Fox characters is fine, as in Melee, but three is starting to overload the franchise with characters. Honestly, I don’t mind seeing Wolf go – some of his unique moves could be transferred over to Falco, further de-clonifying Falco, and we would have one additional character slot for someone else, preferably a new franchise.

I’m not asking if you necessarily support it, but would anyone mind if Wolf or Falco was given the boot in favor of a new character?

I think Micaiah is decent new FE rep, but she definitely is in huge competition with Roy, Caeda, Black Knight, and maybe Lyn too.

This I can consent to, however, recognize that my use of the term representation is a leading point.

Meaning that worthwhile additions, given the face time, could have the the quality their products improved.

Based on the bandwagon appeal of major icons, the merit of creative characters gets overlooked.With the "all star" mentality having the effect that it does, I am glad that Pit had been given invested interest. That's the light that I'd like to see Jiro the Armadillo in.
Obviously, Jiro’s inclusion depends partially on the success of his game, but if the game performs well, I think Jiro would be a great candidate for an SSB4 character.
  • He has moveset potential, given that he is a cowboy, can roll around in a ball, and can build towers
  • He would represent Nintendo’s DLC games
  • He would also make a decent WTF character, since few know of his existence right now

So, what do people think of this roster? It's a 35-slot roster, but beware, over half of the cast does not make the cut in this one.

I found that one to be horrible.
*feels nauseous at sight of roster*

Hmm.. It seems the majority of the fans here hate the idea of a Shadow Mario moveset, hmm.. Interesting to learn, I wonder if any Bowser Jr. supporters think the same, looking and imagining Oasis's ideas made me realize that he has much more potential to be unique moveset wise that is.
Shadow Mario’s one major game appearance has passed. Bowser Jr. in his normal form remains relevant to the Mario series; Shadow Mario, not so much.

I don’t see the appeal of Shadow Mario anyways. Sounds like a rip-off of Zelda and Sheik’s transformation move, IMO.

Though I'm not really for him he is the second most deserving other then Toad.

Let's look at what Bowser Jr. has done it game.

- Spit Fire balls (Mario Wii)
- Flies Clown Copter (Mario Wii)
- Can disgues as Mario (Mario Sunshine)
- Use Giant Mechanical Machines (Mario Galaxy)

Then we look at what can be added to him. (I'll be taking some ideas from other games and you guys)

- Paint brush can be used similar to a spear
- Paint things to come to life that can be used for attacks (Scribblenauts, Kirby 64)
- Can throw paint (Epic Mickey)
- Use similar Bowser and Squirrtle style attacks (Smash Bros)

I don't know much about Bowser Jr. so I can't give much of an idea. You can use similar thought process to make more creative ideas.
I like Bowser Jr. more than Toad and Paper Mario, but Toad is more deserving and Paper Mario has far better moveset potential. It’s pretty much a tie between which Mario character I want in SSB4. I think the series is deserving enough to merit two new reps, but that’s unlikely.

I was looking around online and now, it seems like Black Shadow has far overtaken Samurai Goroh as the most desired F-Zero newcomer. Seems like his popularity shot way up in Japan after F-Zero GP legends Anime made him a infamous villain. I'd welcome it personally, Captain Falcon has always been a humorous, yet serious staple of Smash Bros. And the only original franchise since S64 to not receive a newcomer.

Black Shadow. I wanted to appease the discomfort Sakurai mentioned when he revealed why Ganondorf's moveset was not changed: he didn't want to alienate players. Now, I think we'd be hard-pressed to find Ganondorf mains since the Brawl-days, but it's a concern worth noting. So, as such, Black Shadow is a Luigified Captain Falcon with Ganondorf's old moveset lingering in there.

B- Bull Rush: This as around the same charge-time as Ganondorf's Warlock Punch, except Black Shadow hunkers down, and when released, he charges quickly forwards horns down. If it collides with an enemy it does massive damage. Sort of a Falcon Punch-Raptor Boost hybrid.

Bv- Shadow Stomp: Used on the ground, Black Shadow stomps the ground, letting out a dark aura which stuns enemies and does minimal damage. However, if used in air, it shoots him down about as fast as the Bowser Bomb but does significant damage. Different than Falcon Kick, but not too off.

B>- Black Void: Black Shadow creates an aura of Dark Energy and launches it ahead of him, puts enemies into Helpless state as they wriggle for a couple seconds. This is the biggest deviation, but really, it's needed because it's actually seen used in GX.

B^- Millenium Riser: Same as Ganondorf's Up-B except it has better recovery. If it snags an enemy it will meteor smash if in the air as Black Shadow clouds them with Dark Magic.

Bam, a luigified moveset that makes itself different enough

It’s good. I think Black Shadow is the best choice for a new F-Zero rep; he takes Ganondorf’s old moveset, so old Ganondorf players are happy. Ganondorf gets a brand new moveset, so everyone else is happy. Takamaru’s originality isn’t chipped away by Samruai Goroh, so anti-new-sword-user-characters people and Takamaru supporters are happy.

I point to the Level Editor as one of several examples where Brawl strayed too far from the core gameplay and just delved into trivial junk that the average player spent fifteen minutes screwing around with.

Level Editor, Coin Launcher. These are nice in theory, but go all out or not at all. Can anyone really say the Coin Launcher held actual entertainment value? Level Editor was so primitive it wasn't worth wasting the time. Cut them and spend Dev Time making more characters, stages, or fleshing out SSE so it's not a bland Kirby knock-off.

Masterpieces, and Chronicles. All of which is fine if we're playing some kind of holy relic to Nintendo. But we aren't, we're playing a crossover fighter to have Bowser smash the snot out of Kirby.

Dunno, someone asked for opinions. There it is.
I do think there were some trivial additions and changes to the minor featurrs of Smash Bros. that made me say: “Was this really necessary?”

If they bring back Coin Launcher, I have a couple ideas for it to increase the variety and make it more representative of Nintendo in general.

The Level Editor in Brawl was a boring and limited addition. If they bring it back, let us play around with some of the features we see in the normal stages. Using pre-set generic pieces was boring.

Masterpieces was a waste – just advertisement for the Virtual Console. Didn’t they actually have the full games on the disc, but just added time limits because they wanted you to buy the games yourself? If they’re brought back, at least let me play F-Zero for more than thirty frickin’ seconds, and play OoT for more than just five minutes.

Chronicle can be merged with Sticker and Trophy mode into one big Collection mode, IMO.

Obviously the Diddy & Dixie pair would be nothing like Ice Climbers at all. I was merely comparing for the sake of having another pair as reference. Diddy and Dixie would of course do their partner swap. The thing is, that would switch the moveset (as the one leading would have different attacks). The game needs quite a bit of time to switch, and the Diddy and Dixie switching animation just doesn't give that time. They can make it a hitbox if they want to, but that's not the point. The point is that Sakurai and his team abandoned the duo concept because it was too difficult to implement. Perhaps now that may have changed.

EDIT: At above two posts; the thing is, as soon as you swap values of moves within the moveset around via switching, the game needs time to buffer that.
Now that you explain what the mechanics behind the Diddy/Dixie tag team would have worked like, I can actually see the originality behind the design. Although I think Diddy Kong doesn’t need changing and we don’t need four DK reps, I’d support a Diddy/Dixie tag team now much like I support King K. Rool.[/COLLAPSE]

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
In my opinion, Diddy and Dixie appearing in one game together is used as an excuse by Dixie fans to include her, as they are aware K. Rool has priority for the third slot.

And Dixie was also planned for Brawl alongside Diddy, but such a drastic change is unlikely to actually be implemented, when Ganondorf of all people was denied his sword, keeping his same moveset to appease his Melee fans.
Too bad that that backfired for Ganondorf, since he sucks real hard in Brawl. He was so much better in the Melee days.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I'm going to post my question here so more people notice it:

Star Fox has three reps in Brawl - which is a little more than the series needs. Both Falco and Wolf need more de-cloning. We want so many new characters in SSB4, but we can't get them all.

Would you be OK if they cut Wolf or Falco, gave some of their unique moves to the other, and replaced their spot with a new character?

I'm against cutting characters, and my opinion will probably change as rapidly on this subject as it does with any other character inclusion or exclusion, but I'm beginning to see this as a decent solution. Star Fox would have only two reps again - a fairer number for the series. The second Star Fox character, whoever it is who remains, would be further de-cloned. We would have one more spot for a new character - preferably a new franchise.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Smshchu you are a ******. I sincerely mean this too. You need reading rainbow son.

I've read the article 3 times, and no where did sakurai say the game was a mistake, he said the work hours was a mistake. Learn to read. Damn, is your education system bad? Did you know that actually in said article of sakurai talking about his working hours, it has a link to sakurai praising his game, melee.

People like you who sit on there on their high horse talking like they know everthing. You can't even discet a simple article, its not even like they use advanced words that you have to look up to understand.

I repeat you are stupid, stop spewing nonsense like you actually refute people's views with some intectual speak.

Shut up.


Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
So you saying it would had made it more tedious for Sakurai to buiid a moveset based on a Dixie/Diddy duo tag?

Hmm.. Now I'm really curios to know how they would work as a tag if Sakurai were to revive the idea for Smash 4, I also want to see how their moveset would work, I am actually very interested to see this happening for the sole purpose of finding out this complication.

Of course, I still would like to see K.Rool regardless if that happens or not.

Why, instead of a D & D team, Sakurai could provide 4 slots, it would be much simpler, and make much more sense!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
1. Mario - 5 slots
2. Pokemon - 5 slots
3. Legend of Zelda - 4 slots
4. Donkey Kong - 4 slots

When comparing top selling franchises, can't they do it properly?


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
1. Mario - 5 slots
2. Pokemon - 5 slots
3. Legend of Zelda - 4 slots
4. Donkey Kong - 4 slots

When comparing top selling franchises, can't they do it properly?
Do you really think DK NEEDS 4 slots? It's not about just "This game is popular/sells let's give them x amount of slots". It's also about representing the series. Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and K. Rool is all we really need. There isn't really a reason to give Dixie her own slot when the DK series is represented just fine without her. She could take a space that Tom Nook/Ray MK could have had.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm fine with 3, also. We didn't even get TWO until Brawl, and we should already have K. Rool. What happened for Kirby in brawl should have happened for Donkey Kong too.

Sakurai with that bias.

EDIT: Also, Dixie does not deserve a slot. I don't know why people seem to think she's like... so deserving. Sure, she was going to be added with Diddy.

She wasn't though, so we can forget about her. Cranky Kong and Funky Kong are two characters who are much more deserving. The former I support (using animal buddies), the latter I do not.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I'm fine with 3, also. We didn't even get TWO until Brawl, and we should already have K. Rool. What happened for Kirby in brawl should have happened for Donkey Kong too.

Sakurai with that bias.
I think it's the opposite really. He was afraid to add King Dedede to SSB64 because he didn't want to over represent his own series. Really, we should have gotten Dedede in Melee, and Meta Knight in brawl. But he was probably still nervous that people thought he was going to say he's biased. I do agree that Donkey kong should have been finished already. Once we get Metroid, and Donkey Kong finished, other smaller fanchises have a chance to get in.

Also, Dixie does not deserve a slot. I don't know why people seem to think she's like... so deserving. Sure, she was going to be added with Diddy.
4 slots is enough, nothing more, nothing less, and Dixie is representative of this serie! It has two games, and many spin-off.
Donkey Kong - Main Character/Series Mascot
Diddy Kong - "Second in command"/ Very Popular
King K. Rool - Major Series Villain

We have everything covered that the DK series offers. If they offered a "Damsel in distress like Zelda and Mario do, then I would be willing to argue they should get in, but they don't. Unless. . . . Pauline 4 Smash :awesome:

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
I think it's the opposite really. He was afraid to add King Dedede to SSB64 because he didn't want to over represent his own series. Really, we should have gotten Dedede in Melee, and Meta Knight in brawl. But he was probably still nervous that people thought he was going to say he's biased. I do agree that Donkey kong should have been finished already. Once we get Metroid, and Donkey Kong finished, other smaller fanchises have a chance to get in.
This is definitely true!

off for now

Deleted member

Shortiecanbrawl said:
I feel like at the end of this, when all the sites are up, someone should make a blog about what it is we are doing, and include all of the sites that are doing this so we can get the first helping of supporters. Then someone else can go to X site, and try to round up supporters for everyone there, and another person can go here, and so on and so forth. I feel like us as a group should have a name, any ideas?
I agree with this idea. What I've been thinking about is that we should have a main hub for all the alliances in here and then branch out to other groups. For example, our main hub would branch out to Project Unova and Project Begnion and the main hub would support all groups.

Maybe we could call the hub Project All-Star?
Shortiecanbrawl said:
Here is Operation Hoenn Rising in it's most infant form. Petitions, Facebook pages, and twitters come later. But now, it's bed time.
Hoping for the best for this group, but I have a feeling this is going to be extremely difficult to accomplish and it would require the most attention for it to succeed.

That said, I will definitely support Operation Hoenn Rising. There are lots of good 3rd generation reps and it's sad that none got in Brawl. The problem is, how to make room for a 3rd generation rep?

For a 3rd Generation Pokemon to get in, we have four options:
1. Push for six slots for Pokemon.
2. Have Lucario replaced by a 3rd gen Pokemon.
3. Switch the Pokemon Trainer to 3rd gen.
4. Have Jigglypuff replaced by a 3rd gen Pokemon.

The first option is impractical as we are at enough risk of getting only four (Making a 3rd gen Pokemon being in as a playable character near impossible) again for Pokemon and what if they want to keep the Pokemons we have in SSBB and SSB4? They can add a slot to add to the latest gen and still disregard the 3rd gen. The only way we can hope to get a 3rd gen Pokemon this way is to hope for six slots and we all know how difficult how hard that will be.

So let's explore other options. Replacing Lucario and putting in someone like Deoxys would please the 3rd gen fans but upset the 4th gen fans, not to mention many people want Lucario to stay or if replaced, have Mewtwo take back his slot.

It's possible that Red could be dropped in SSB4, but I very much doubt he'll be dropped because of Red's iconic status.

Our last option is kicking off Jigglypuff and adding a 3rd gen rep. This is the best and most likely option because there seem to be a somewhat vocal crowd wanting Jigglypuff gone (Only outdone by the hate on Pichu). If Jigglypuff is kicked out, five slots are made (Four slots, it's still near impossible as I would imagine Lucario would stay, Pikachu and Pokemon Trainer stays, and the 5th gen rep gets in), and Mewtwo does not make his return, this would be our best shot for a 3rd gen rep to get in. The biggest problem with this is that Jigglypuff is very likely to return and many people are for him returning again.

So as we can all see, getting a 3rd gen Pokemon is going to be a long shot. Our best hope is for one of the latter two options to happen. With that, I have a question. Would you mind working with Project Unova and Project Begnion to help push for a 3rd gen rep in Smash? I at least would be glad to help you.

I would also recommend making a social group in here to discuss how to push for a 3rd gen rep like we've done with other groups.
Starphoenix said:
My goal is to support two alliances, my Saki Amamiya alliance and my Slime alliance. The latter I'll work on tonight.
Will be very interested to see how you juggle both alliances. My suggestion is for now, mainly focus on your Saki Amamiya group and if Saki gets in/Mega Man is confirmed to be playable, then push hard for Slime's inclusion.
JavaCroc said:
It’s the perfect WTF Nintendo item. I don’t’ know why it’s not in Smash Bros. already./quote]I think the game was made after Brawl's release.
JavaCroc said:
I’m not asking if you necessarily support it, but would anyone mind if Wolf or Falco was given the boot in favor of a new character?
Depends on the franchise. If it's to ensure that Pokemon gets five slots, Ray gets in, or to put in a character that is clearly in danger of not getting in, I would be willing to cut Wolf (Not Falco). However, I am against cuts in general., so I'd rather do with what we have now and add on.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
Here's Operation Hoenn Rising's facebook page.

Tell me if the link works and whatnot - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Operat...10459492337177

I'll be back to post twitter/petition.
The link works.
CrimsonFeint said:
1. Mario - 5 slots
2. Pokemon - 5 slots
3. Legend of Zelda - 4 slots
4. Donkey Kong - 4 slots

When comparing top selling franchises, can't they do it properly?
I don't think sales are a great way to compare franchises. DK just needs King K. Rool and it's set and if Sakurai really wants to, pair up Diddy with Dixie. It's not a good idea to get greedy either, because there's always that chance that we end up with just two this time around.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Hmmm, things seem slow today.

Anyway, here's some games where DK and Diddy are a (tag)team:
-Donkey Kong Country
-Mario Kart Double Dash!!
-Donkey Kong Jungle Climber
-Donkey Kong Country Returns
Now here's Diddy and Dixie's list:
-Donkey Kong Country 2

I doubt its a good idea to pair them based off of one game from 1995.

Moving on, here's some Event Match ideas:

-How do YOU like it?!: Already enemies, K.Rool learns that Bowser once stole DK's bananas. That's HIS job! Now, K.Rool has responded by kidnapping Peach...from Bowser himself. Steal her back before Mario gets involved.
-The Tables Have Turned: Tired of Bowser's routine abductions, the Mario Bros. have decided to kidnap Bowser's favorite child. Can the King save his kid?

-The Toad Brigand: A thieving Toad stole Wario's cash! Beat him like he owes you money!

Semi-EDIT: SSBFan, a multi-gen/region PT that covers 2-4 isn't even an option? Its that bad isn't it! XD


Deleted member

@BirthNote: I don't think Mario Kart Double Dash!! really counts.

Also, I already consider it unlikely enough that we'll get a full fledged 3rd gen Pokemon Trainer. A Trainer with one 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gen Pokemon is even more unlikely. Might as well go with the most realistic shot we have.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Well Hoenn Rising's main focal point IS Deoxys, although I support all Hoenn Pokemon/Trainers. It was going to be May, but I decided at the last minute to just stick with Deoxys. Right now I'm in the process of creating a logo. The way I see Hoenn being represented with the least amount of controversy is this:

Pokemon Trainer
Zoro/Victini/5th Generation

Him taking over the Lucario slot is the safest way to add him. That way, we keep the two Veterans, still have room for a 5th generation Pokemon, and a Possible new trainer. Lucario is no longer the latest generation, so I've moved him to the "Popular Pokemon" Slot. There, Pokemon like Deoxys, Mewtwo, Lucario, and Meowth sit.

But remember, the point of this whole thing isn't to root for the most likely character, it's to get a character with a lot of fans behind him/it enough attention that Project Sora HAS to aknowledge us. Thi won't be easy, but if we make a site that holds all of our sites, like SSBF suggested, then we have a better chance at sucess.

I'll be willing to try and gain a crowd at Serebii, but if anyone wants to back me up, feel free.

My petition!
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