I'd like Classic Mega Man to be in the next smash.
Wow, it does look like a Capcom character has good chances now.
I hope they don't use the Mega Man 64 style Mega Man to advertise their upcoming new game in it's series though.
I'm really not seeing how a Capcom character wouldn't fit. They friggin' made Snake fit in Brawl
Changing avatar to Mega Man in full support of his SSB4 inclusion. Yeah, he's my most wanted character.
OmegaXVII said:
To be honest, Snake barely had a chance to make the roster, he only made it in because Kojima heavily influenced Sakurai to include him, otherwise we would have ended up with Megaman or possibly the "all time" favorite Geno.
Sadly if anyone from Square has a chance, it's anybody from Dragon Quest swords, which means no Cloud Strife :/
- Actually, if Snake hadn't made it in, I highly doubt we would have third-party characters in the first place. Which means no Mega Man, no Sonic, and no ridiculous wishlist for ten billion third-party characters (Many of which with no chance of inclusion). The only reason why we care is because Snake got in.
- Crono also has a slight chance of getting it, thought that's not saying much. Also, Dragon Quest has had a heavy focus on handheld so if any Dragon Quest characters gets in; it will be on the 3DS version, not the console version, but even so, third-party characters on the 3DS are doubtful at best.
PsychoIncarnate said:
What I meant from that was, in the article the person being interviewed said it was a miracle they could put characters from the various video game universes together in a believable fashion and he's not sure he can fit a Capcom character in and make it believable. If they made Snake believable in a universe with Mario and Pikachu, I hardly see how Megaman wouldn't fit in with them. I mean, Megaman with Nintendo characters has already been done in Captain N
I agree with you, except on the last sentence. Mega Man was terribly butchered in the cartoon and it resembled almost nothing like him, not to mention you're comparing a TV show to Super Smash Bros.
Chidosengan said:
Soooo we can already confirm Mii as playable whatnot with the whole "Getting experience in the 3DS and send it to the U to play i there." Sound like a custom character like thing, and the Miis fit the description perfectly.
Unless they decide to let players create characters and edit them using preexisting movesets (ala SoulCalibur 4), which would be completely badass. I don't see it happening though, too much resources and the like. Much rather they would focus on gameplay.
Also, there's a possibility that some characters from Brawl will be axed, seeing that on his interview, sakurai mention that he doesn't want to recreate brawl and just add to the existing roster. If this were to happen, who will be the first to go? My opinion? WW Link. Just saying.
- I don't think we can confirm Mii's as a playable character yet. It could very well mean modifying movesets for existing characters, though I would be fine with that.
- I think a few characters from Brawl could get axed. The most likely IMO is Wolf and Lucario, the former is a clone and the latter I think could be to make way for more Pokemon characters, thought I hope Lucario stays. Toon Link could also be cut.
PsychoIncarnate said:
WW Link, Lucario, Ness (Though I'd rather have Lucas gone), Possibly Wolf, Sonic (I really hope he makes a comback), Snake, Either Marth or Ike. I think that list is more of less realistic on who would leave
WW Link: This is possible, although this depends if he gets more installments after
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Trackers. If he gets the axe, we'll either get a new character, nothing, or Young Link back.
- Sadly likely this.
- I don't think Ness will be leaving, at least in the console version. He's part of the original twelve, was a starter in Melee, and one of the easiest characters to get in Brawl. He's also unique, whereas Lucas is a clone. There's no reason for him to go in the console version. Now the handheld version is a different story, but that's because he lacks a handheld game.
- I actually think he's the second most likely to leave, next to Lucario.
- Sonic will probably come back. He had an insane fan demand that got him in Brawl. That, along with Sega's consistent support of Nintendo, is enough to make Nintendo consider keeping him in. Snake is slightly more likely to leave, thought neither will probably go.
- Both are unique to each other. Neither are as bad as Mewtwo was, so being unique should be enough to keep them in the game.