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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
i like the idea of everyone getting their own stage. there should still be other stages like past stages and non representable stages... btw, what would a Gyromite stage look like?
You fight on top of a giant NES. Occasionally a NES Zapper will appear in the background and fire onto the stage. Then Master Hand shows up, puts on a Power Glove and detonates the whole stage in one spectacular explosion. After all, when you are playing on Nintendo you are playing with power!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
SSB4 dump

Just dumping my more time-consuming and thought-out posts from the old thread to get some more intelligent conversation.

Hey guys. I wanted to post some ideas for pokéball pokémon from the 5th generation. So here goes:

Panpour / Pansage / Pansear

The elemental monkey trio that you receive a member of based on your starter. These guys are a new concept for the generation and put an emphasis on teaching the basics of type coverage. So I thought they should have basic attacks for their type.

Panpour is the water-type of the trio. Upon release from his pokéball, he begins to shoot Water Guns. These Water Guns act the same as Squirtle's, except they do a light amount of damage, go further, and push a greater distance. I could see him possibly replacing Piplup.

Pansage is the grass type monkey. He would stand there shooting out a flurry of Razor Leaf attacks. These would work like Ivysaur's, except they would go farther, shoot faster, deal more damage, and curve more wildly. I could see him possibly replacing Chikorita.

Pansear, the fire user of the threesome, would use Flamethrower (just like Charizard, see a pattern here?). This flamethrower would be more powerful than Bowser's and Charizard's, including longer range, and more damage per second caught inside. It would also be harder to DI out of. I can see Pansear replacing Cyndaquil.


The new coffin sarcophagus pokémon, Cofagrigus sets himself apart from other ghost types through his unique ability: Mummy. When an enemy pokémon makes contact with Cofagrigus, they lose their ability and get Mummy as well. This Mummy can continue to be passed along like some sort of contagious disease.
When Cofagrigus comes out of his pokéball, he floats around the stage until he comes within proximity of an enemy. He uses Curse on them. They then start taking 6% damage per second and he continues to follow them wherever they go, closely behind them. Cofagrigus can be destroyed, however. If he is hit, he will disappear and his Curse will end. However, the person who hit him will be unable to use B moves for a while (around 15 seconds) due to his Mummy ability.

Whimsicott and Cottonee

The cotton pokémon. Whimsicott may appear cute and innocent at first as he floats harmlessly above the battle, but his spores are quite deadly. Whimsicott will float through the air above the stage and rain down an assortment of Cottonee onto the action. These Cottonee will fall slowly to the ground, sit there for a second, and then disappear. That is, unless they find an unsuspecting fighter to unleash PoisonPowder on! If you step onto a Cottonee on the ground or one drifts onto you, you will begin to take a steady 10% damage per second. The Cottonee can be smacked off, and works similarly to the Metroid assist trophy and Olimar's pikmin. After a while of raining his destruction, Whimsicott will float away off the top of the screen.


Blitzle is the first evolution electric zebra pokémon. He is extremely fast, and it shows when he uses Wild Charge. When Blitzle comes out of his pokéball, he will prepare to charge as the lightning bolt on his head charges up and flashes yellow. Then suddenly he will charge across the screen with lightning speed and incredible power, dealing a solid 30% damage and very high knockback to anyone caught in his path. He will promptly disappear afterwards.


Conkeldurr is a big bad final evolution fighting type, and he is very strong. Upon release from his pokéball, he will immediately begin to throw the giant stone slabs he lifts, alternating hands left and right, while grabbing more from behind his back as he goes. These slabs will deal around 15% damage to anyone in the air, meteor smashing them straight down with incredible force, and they will do around 30% damage to those on the ground, pushing them into the ground like DK's side B. The slabs fly in a random arc per rock that make the slabs difficult to avoid unless you're behind Conkeldurr.


Genesect is already becoming quite a famous pokémon in the 5th generation. He is a deadly steel bug type legendary with his own set of items that change his type (this change really only affects his signature move, Techno Blast). When he comes out of his pokéball, he begins to charge a beam that he will fire straight ahead. This beam works exactly like the beam on Battleship Halberd: When caught in it, you take cumulative damage and are trapped, and when it ends you are sent flying. Genesect's Techno Blast is slightly harder to DI out of and slightly stronger than the Halberd version. It glows with different elemental-type colours.


This list was made assuming that the 5th gen representative would not be Victini, and would most likely end up being Zoroark. With this in mind, Victini became an obvious candidate for the "special legendary" that comes into the game very little and is extremely rare. When Victini comes out of the pokéball, he lets out his cry and flies to the top and centre of the screen. He then uses V-create. A giant V is formed into the sky out of flames, and then it begins to rain down on the enemies, dealing tremendous knockback and about 20% damage. Also, whatever special rare item is applicable (CD's, stickers, trophies, what have you) rain down to be colleced.

Obviously, these are just some possible candidates from 5th gen exclusively. Not all existing pokéballs would be replaced.


Also, my roster idea from before. Cranky and Animal Buddies are there from obvious DKC bias is obvious and a lot of character removals. Many may dislike them, but I see them as reasonable.

Just trying to stir some intelligent conversation with stuff from the old thread and different people.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
So you felt like cutting Ike, Lucas, Falco, Toon Link, Sonic, Snake. I could see Lucas, Toon Link, MAYBE Falco... but otherwise... no way. Sonic's the most requested character in Smash history. Ike is the most popular FE lord outside Japan, and the most recent.

Problem is you're cutting very important characters and bringing in... Cranky Kong w/ animal buddies?

The other additions are okay. But if you're cutting down with the intention of making more worthwhile additions, I'd reconsider 3 new mario reps, 2(or 3, depending) new DK reps. Meanwhile, Fire Emblem is down to one, Star Fox down to two, Earthbound to one, Zelda to three... To me it just seems like your roster is overflowing with Mario and lacking in everything else.

+ Newcomers generally deserving
+ Reasonable Slot Number

- Cranky Kong & animal buddies. No chance, DK will never get more than three, which is even pushing it already. Even if they did, spinoff indication says it would be Funky Kong or Dixie.
- Cut other significant series too much.
- Too much Mario.
- Pick Toad OR Bowser Jr. It's one or the other, but not both.

5/10 My two cents :)


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
No it doesn't. Google just shows how many times people had search Lucario/Mewtwo for ANY reason. They could of been searching up a Lucario picture for example for a "Lucario sucks" photoshop and the same could go for Mewtwo. A popularity poll would be less ambiguous in meaning.

And this is the first link that shows up when I googled "Mewtwo vs Lucario popularity". http://www.nsfcd.com/index.php?topic=32679.0
Yeah yeah im late and I namesearch. Anyway...

I look at it like this. If we were to take a snapshot of ALL people who care about pokemon at three different times, lets say 2003, 2008 and 2013. If you looked at 2003, EVERYONE would know who mewtwo was. The average age of your 'pokefan' would be like, 13 maybe younger. Pokemon has a big fanbase which is growing rapidly.

Move to 2008, many of those fans from 2003 are still following the series to some extent, and they would all know about lucario and still mewtwo. However you have a constant influx of new people getting into the game over the past 5 years. None of these would start with RBY. I myself only got into pokemon at RSE in 2003 I believe but I still knew who mewtwo was because of my age. Practically every single kid who got into the series after 2003 would only know of mewtwo, they wouldnt actually know who or what he is. If I asked the average young kid who only got into it in 2008, when and where do you catch mewtwo, would they honestly know? Pretty simple no here, a considerable amount of pokemon players would have never actually seen mewtwo in-game. However these kids all know about lucario, and so do the older kids who were into it from the start.

to 2013 now, and the above problem is made even more obvious. All the young players who only get into the series after RSE or around D/P would have no idea about mewtwo other than he is an original legendary. They probably havent even seen his movie. I bet if you took 100 random pokemon fans in 2008 and asked them 'when and where did you catch mewtwo' you'd find a considerable proportion would have no idea. Ask in 2013 and itll be even worse. Lucario however, many would still know. By 2013 though he will start to suffer the same effects, if he is merely any other pokemon except a special case like he was in D/P, he will be overtaken by the next mascot. For now though, he has clearly overtaken mewtwo in popularity.

Mewtwo has been around for so much longer, yet as google battle shows, lucario has registered more hits. This is 100% because the fan base has grown in size massively and every single new person AND all the old ones know about lucario, but the only ones who know about mewtwo are the older players, also the most likely to quit pokemon.


Its just that simple. Mewtwos time has come and gone. It lasted a stupidly long time, but it has gone. Lucarios time is now but just the same, he will suffer the same fate for the next mascot character. By the time new smash comes around I have no doubt in my mind Lucario will be undeniably more popular as every single new player will know about him, but will only know mewtwo by name.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
It sucks that your most innovative character is quite frankly the least deserving.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I consider sonic and snake as guests. I understand I was quite liberal with cuts in that list. A lot of what I added is indeed less deserving than what I cut, but it's either the roster size shoots over 50 or doesnt change. If starfox gets a new game (besides a remaster) or another FE game is worldwide hyped then they deserve new characters. Lucas either needs to be removed or revamped. Cranky and animal buddies is not a serious request, more of my one wild dream (everyone has one). Many debates have risen about toad vs junior with a little paper mario thrown in. They are all deserving. From new and neat villain to retro veteran to some RPG rep, mario is an important franchise. Sure, if we're fine with a bloated roster, many others would return.



LV 20
Dec 20, 2007
The only character guaranteed to get cut is Lucario due to 4th Gen not being current. (Same reason Pichu didn't come back) The only other character that deserves to be cut is the Ice Climbers. You can't even make an argument for them to stay in due to their game being cancelled.

- Until there's a Mother 4, Lucas has a VERY good chance of staying.
- Ike's too popular to his series to go anywhere. It would be like taking out Ganondorf because "oops not in the lastest game." Looking right at you Sheik.
- Toon Link is the handheld Link. He's far more recognizable than TP & Skyward Sword Link because his appearance never changes unlike them. He's not going anywhere.
- Sonic might as well be a Nintendo character at this point. He's not going anywhere.
- Snake may go, but if Konami has ANY rep, it's gotta be Snake cause Metal Gear Rising has fallen on it's *** at this point so Raiden's just...no. Castlevania & Bomberman are the only other Smash-worth series they have really. (Yes Konami owns Hudson Soft)
- ROB saved Nintendo & video games as a whole, so he's pretty much in the same boat as G&W. Grandfathers of Nintendo. Not going anywhere.

Brawl's roster is REALLY solid. All the big series are represented very well. If they take anyone out but Lucario & ICs, I will be very surprised because they're the only characters that deserve to go. The Zelda characters minus Toon Link & Ganondorf will get a model revamp like always, but that's pretty much it.

All Sakurai can do is add onto it and balance them. (Stages are a completely different can of worms...)


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Why should Ice Climbers be cut from Smash 4? I think the fact alone that they are Smash veterans is enough merit to keep them. I think that if anything, new entrants from the last game may be cut.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Dont talk about 'guarantees' rofl

pichu was cut because he was irrelevant and a clone, there is no point whatsoever for him and pikachu co-existing.

When the options are add a new character from 5th gen mascot and keep luc, or drop luc I see no reason why theyd drop him. He is the most unique character smash has ever had and cant be cloned/is not a clone. His 'character' is a perfect fit for a fighting game and all his mechanics work well. Theres literally no good reason to cut him, Nintendo are in this business to make money, they wont effectively waste all the effort that was put into lucario, inside and outside of smash.


LV 20
Dec 20, 2007
Why should Ice Climbers be cut from Smash 4? I think the fact alone that they are Smash veterans is enough merit to keep them. I think that if anything, new entrants from the last game may be cut.
You realize Ice Climbers have about as much importance to Nintendo as Anticipation right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anticipation_(video_game)

The only reason they were in Brawl was because Sakurai thought it was a 'cute gimmick.'

Jigglypuff, one of the original Smash characters, was the 4th to last character added to Brawl. (Toon Link, Wolf, & Sonic being the last 3) In the game's files she's not even grouped with the 64 or even Melee character.

There's actually a bunch of blank character slots for the characters they removed from Brawl like Mewtwo, Dixie Kong, & Plusle+Minun THEN Jigglypuff. She was added that late.

Being a veteran does not mean anything unless you're one of the original 12. And even then, you might just barely squeeze by.
If Sakurai things the Ice Climbers are still a cute gimmick and wants them to stay, then that's his call, but ICs are in no way deserving to be in Smash 4.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
As much as I don't care for Lucario, I see no reason to axe him. He is established and popular and they slapped a bunch of Mewtwo's moves on him. I could see him being cut if they slapped his moveset onto Zoroark. However, due to Zoroark being of the less mystical variety of pokemon, their movesets are much less interchangeable. Therefore, since Lucario is already a character? Why not bring him back? First gen fans already have plenty of reps. Let Mewtwo go IMHO.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
They're not going to cut interesting characters. Lucario not being current gen means nothing, since he was popular AND he's a unique character. If you take a look at cut characters from Melee, none of them were unique characters. The only way they'd cut Luc is to bring back Mewtwo, and I'm sorry, they're just not gonna do it. And I don't even USE Lucario.

Zoroark's pretty much guaranteed the 5th gen rep spot. So that brings the pokemon total up to 5. They could add another. Oh boy 6. Now for DKC.. (Which if anyone remembers me, know I'm nothing but a huge DKC fanboy) DKC'd be lucky to get 3 characters, let alone 4. DK and Diddy. K. Rool? I'd love to think so, but the answer's a "maybe", a low one at that.

I got off topic, but my point here is they're not going to drop characters just to drop them and add space for new ones. With such a powerful system, they just use extra space. All the characters cut from Melee were not fully original. (Except Mewtwo, but Lucario filled in his loss with a similar moveset.) They're not gonna start dropping characters left and right to make space. In Brawl they took greater lengths to differentiate characters.

"Clones" had completely different A moves and some had completely different B moves. They'll probably do something even bigger in SmashU. People need to chill..


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
The only characters guaranteed to be in SSB4 are the original 12 from 64. Even then, they aren't guaranteed, but very, VERY likely to make it in.


LV 20
Dec 20, 2007
Dont talk about 'guarantees' rofl

pichu was cut because he was irrelevant and a clone, there is no point whatsoever for him and pikachu co-existing.

When the options are add a new character from 5th gen mascot and keep luc, or drop luc I see no reason why theyd drop him. He is the most unique character smash has ever had and cant be cloned/is not a clone. His 'character' is a perfect fit for a fighting game and all his mechanics work well. Theres literally no good reason to cut him, Nintendo are in this business to make money, they wont effectively waste all the effort that was put into lucario, inside and outside of smash.
Mewtwo. *drops microphone and walks away* See yall in Smash 4! PEACE! (Except you, Lucario)


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Well, that's almost true. Big name Nintendo characters are guaranteed. Mario, Link, Pikacu, Kirby and even Luigi are absolutely guaranteed.

There's "This character might get cut" and then there's VERY illogical "this character might get cut"

If it's a game about Nintendo characters fighting, without the above 5 in it, it's not a game about Nintendo characters fighting, and then some.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
(Which if anyone remembers me, know I'm nothing but a huge DKC fanboy)
Aren't we f*cking all? Unfortunately, being a DKC fanboy also makes one realize how little Sakurai knows about our favorite franchise. Ergo, unless there is a huge fan request, he probably wouldn't even BEGIN to consider K. Rool, regardless of how deserving he is. Also, in regards to Crimsonfeint's roster. While I would main Cranky Kong in a second, he is not actually serious. Us DK fanboys just can't help ourselves when it comes to the animal buddies.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Yep yep, just a wild toss-in for dreaming's sake. My biggest fear is that no one brings to Sakurai's attention how important the DK franchise is and how much they need their villain.



Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
My only concern with K. Rool is he wasn't in the main title, so he's got less mainstream attention. (If any) The only things he's been in since Brawl are Jungle Climber and Barrel Blast (Came out about the same time..) and Superstar Sluggers. I mean..it's something.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
there aren't really enough good newcomers to be dropping a load of characters... just saying...

and due to pokemon's popularity there's really no reason why lucario and zoroark can't both be in. they deserve a lot of slots lol.


LV 20
Dec 20, 2007
Aren't we f*cking all? Unfortunately, being a DKC fanboy also makes one realize how little Sakurai knows about our favorite franchise. Ergo, unless there is a huge fan request, he probably wouldn't even BEGIN to consider K. Rool, regardless of how deserving he is. Also, in regards to Crimsonfeint's roster. While I would main Cranky Kong in a second, he is not actually serious. Us DK fanboys just can't help ourselves when it comes to the animal buddies.
Go into SSE. Play DK & Diddy's stage. (cutscenes and all) Then look at Brawl's music choice. Then say how little Sakurai knows about DK.

The man even put in the updrafts from DKC2 in. Dixie was even in the game at one point. (Before Jigglypuff was even added) Give him some credit.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
Yep yep, just a wild toss-in for dreaming's sake. My biggest fear is that no one brings to Sakurai's attention how important the DK franchise is and how much they need their villain.

One would think, but unfortunately, the Donkey Kong is the only franchise where the iconic games were not made by the Japanese. While this SHOULD be trivial, as I have said a hundred times, I believe not. Look at Miyamoto's constant attempts to eliminate Kremlings. I feel like that is enough proof to make us fear and doubt K Rool's inclusion in Smash 4. Although it does make me hopeful that he obviously considered Dixie at one point, it might also show that he is ignorant of the franchise's fanbase as almost all of us would prefer K Rool to Dixie. However, maybe Dixie was simply a Diddy clone and was going to be tacked on for quantity's sake so she won't be as heavily considered next time around.

@BlazingKatguyperson: I fail to see your point. The music selection? DKC2 had the best music of any video game and there is ONE song from it that was horribly butchered. The 2 DK stages? ARCADE DONKEY KONG AND JUNGLE BEAT! Respect for DKC? I think not. A jungle setting in SSE as well as a similar mechanic hardly counts as evidence of his knowledge and respect. All I'm saying.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
We could easily end up with a roster above 60 with deserving nintendo candidates alone. You could throw in toad bowser jr paper mario geno dixie kong king k rool krystal slippy black shadow samurai goroh knuckle joe balloon fighter little mac xcitebiker tingle zoroark mewtwo ridley isaac andy professor layton tom nook villager the list of possibilities goes on!



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Come to think of it, I just realized how coincidentally NEAT it would be if Mewtwo, Lucario, and Zoroark all got in. Psychic, Fighting, and Dark. :V

I'm only expecting Zoroark, though. Unfortunate.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
I'd go for Plusle and Minun over any other Pokemon.

We could easily end up with a roster above 60 with deserving nintendo candidates alone. You could throw in toad bowser jr paper mario geno dixie kong king k rool krystal slippy black shadow samurai goroh knuckle joe balloon fighter little mac xcitebiker tingle zoroark mewtwo ridley isaac andy professor layton tom nook villager the list of possibilities goes on!

Really? Tingle again? :glare:


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Come to think of it, I just realized how coincidentally NEAT it would be if Mewtwo, Lucario, and Zoroark all got in. Psychic, Fighting, and Dark. :V

I'm only expecting Zoroark, though. Unfortunate.
you won't be dissappointed :p

@gloworm- ewww... another character that infinites the whole roster.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2006
I think
Mario, Luigi, Pikachu , Samus, Link, Kirby, DK, Captain Falcon, Fox are safe bets, as they are the stars of their respective huge franchises(actually Pokemon Trainer is the Star of pokemon...)

Pit, Ness, Marth or Ike (old vs new), G&W, Olimar are stars of their respective franchises, even if they are small franchises (Pit is Sakurai's new baby, so he is from all of them the safest bet) But all of them seem safe

ROB is a strange oddball, just a toy, not even a videgame character... I would say, there is a possibility for him to be cut

Zelda, kinda Peach, Ice Climbers, Pokemon Trainer and Samus are safe bets for their very unique playstyle

Zelda, Ganondorf, Bowser, Peach, Yoshi, Wario, Dedede, Diddy, Falco are very prominent side characters of their respective franchises so i assume them to be safe as well

Sonic and Snake are guests... depends if the owners and Sakurai still want them there. Probably Sonic more than Snake. I can't say anything about those really.

Lucas, Ike or Marth (the respectet other), Metaknight, Toon Link, Wolf, Lucario, Jigglypuff and even ROB. These I can see being cut. They are either from a small franchise that is already present (Earthbound), they may steem from a franchise with an everchanging cast (Fire Emblem) or are easily replaceble (Pokemon).
I don't want all of them cut obviously, (I think) I am just being reasonable and expect, if anyone is cut, it's one of those. By the way, I like Lucas, Ike and Wolf, but I could live with them being cut.

On the other side... Mewtwo... I still miss

oh about the google battle Lucario VS Mewtwo
they have pretty much the same amount of hits (both between 5E+6 and 6E+6) so the one who wrote before, that mewtwo doesn't matter anymore is kinda wrong. other Pokemon don't even reach the million mark. okay, pikachu is like 28E6 but he doesn't count ;)


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
the point being, mewtwo has existed for like 4x longer than lucario, yet lucario has more hits. by 2013, the gap is going to be much bigger.


Smash Cadet
Jun 16, 2011
The character I'd hope for most is a Pokemon Trainer Style Majora's Mask Link. Not going to happen though, in all likelihood.


LV 20
Dec 20, 2007
the point being, mewtwo has existed for like 4x longer than lucario, yet lucario has more hits. by 2013, the gap is going to be much bigger.
More hits for what? Pokemon sites? Lucario was a top threat in 4th Gen OU Pokemon while Mewtwo was Uber which not nearly as many people play. Of course more people are going to be looking up Lucario. Wifi made competitive Pokemon actually exist outside of sims and Nintendo tourneys. So the online Pokemon Community exploded because of it.

On Smash Boards? You can't even compare the Brawl community to the Melee community. It's FAR larger. I guarantee that at least 3/4ths of the current Smash Boards members joined within, at most, a year before Brawl's release. Wifi made this site and many others blow-up regardless of how much people seem to hate wifi now

Lucario, like Pichu, is completely disposable. He's ran his course, Game Freak's PR doesn't care about him anymore. I can't even imagine that Sakurai would put EIGHT Pokemon characters in the game AND keep Pokeballs as an item.

Right now they're one short of the Mario series that has 8 characters divided up into different franchises in the same world. The formula for Pokemon in Smash is perfect right now. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, another 1st Gen rep (PT's gimmick is far too good to be out...poor Mewtwo), and a current Gen rep. (Pichu & Lucario)

I can't even see Sakurai keeping Lucario just because of pure fan backlash. I guaran-damn-tee you that if Lucario is in Smash 4 the fan reaction will be "Wow! What a COMPLETE waste of a character slot! We don't need this many Pokemon! They should have put in *insert character that didn't make it in because of Lucario*"


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I'd go for Plusle and Minun over any other Pokemon.
You've got to be kidding right? Over Zoroark or Mewtwo.

I'm sorry but that is just not going to happen, even if they are a tag team, thetly still aren't deserving enough, plus the two little fools would end up closer to Pikachu's moves in a way.

If any pokemon deserves a spot it's Mewtwo along with:

Pokemon Trainer
Jigglypuff (IMO she needs to be replaced)

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