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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@Arcanenik: that list is alright but where's Ike?

I doubt Team Sora is simply going to 'forget' and ignore his past appearance from Wii.

I am your successor!! Muhahahaha!


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I often refer to Jigglypuff as "it", since it can be either gender in the Pokemon RPGs.

Also, has anyone ever noticed that Kirby and Jigglypuff have similar animations?

Where is your proof that the only good Sonic games nowadays that Nintendo helps with? Nintendo did nothing to help Sonic Unleashed for the Wii and I found it to be great.
Maybe I should rephrase my previous statement. What I probably should've said is that Sega should've spent a lot more time fixing up the glitches in Sonic 2006 before releasing it. If the company released that game some time AFTER Christmas 2006, things wouldn't have been so bleak.

Of course, that still won't change the fact that people dislike the story. At least the story never happened at all in the end.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
I have a what?

But seriously Arc, that list is kind of bad due to how all over the place it is with what seem to be your personal biases. I mean, why exactly are Ike, Jiggs, and Lucario gone, but Meowth, Mewtwo, K.Rool, and certain others who would have relevancy issues added in there? I'm really curious about the Mewtwo thing really.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
@ Pieman

Samurott got a sword!! It would be our first sword-fighting Pokemon!! :awesome: And besides, I would like the fire starter represent the second-stage evolution instead of repeating the third-stage evolution. :p

Lucario is gone because Zoroark replaced Lucario just like how Lucario replaced Mewtwo.... and Jigglypuff is gone because she has always been on the cutting board since Melee/Brawl... and she was barely brought back in Brawl (she was the fourth to last character added to Brawl) which shows that she doesn't have priority.

Mewtwo is brought back due to popular fan demand... and Meowth is added because it would continue the pattern I am noticing in Melee/Brawl. Adding at least one new 1st gen rep (Mewtwo, Pokemon Trainer) and at least one new latest gen rep (Pichu, Lucario) per game. Also, it would breath new life to the stagnant Pokemon roster. I would rather have Pikachu, Meowth, Mewtwo, Zoroark, 5th gen starters in SSB4 instead of recycling the same old Pokemon from Brawl but only Lucario replaced with only one new Pokemon (Zoroark) and one returning Pokemon (Mewtwo).

King K. Rool is also added due to popular fan demand. About Ike, read below where I talk to Omega about Ike...

@ Mario and Sonic Guy

I have noticed how similar Jigglypuff's animation is to Kirby for 10 years. This contributes to my theory that Sakurai picked Jigglypuff over Meowth because he figured he could just clone Kirby and make a joke character out of Jigglypuff to cut development time... it makes sense to me. Kirby was like top-tier and Jigglypuff was like bottom-tier in SSB64.

@ Omega

I purposefully took out Ike. I really liked playing with Ike more than Marth but the sad and ugly truth is this: Ike is not relevant to the Fire Emblem series today. Marth's games are relevant today and Caeda is likely because Sakurai himself once considered her the heroine of Marth's games... she is more of Marth's sidekick
(and is definitely his wife at the ending)
. Pluse Caeda would be our first Fire Emblem character who doesn't use a sword but a lance instead!

Why not just give Samurott Ike's old moveset? :troll:


Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
Fact: Magnus from Kid Icarus will be in the new game. He was purposely created by Sakurai just so he can put him in the new game.



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Fact: Magnus from Kid Icarus will be in the new game. He was purposely created by Sakurai just so he can put him in the new game.

Magnus over Palutena and Medusa? I don't think so. It is like adding Rosalina over Toad and Bowser Jr. just because she is new. If Palutena and Medusa are playable in SSB4, then it would be fine for Magnus to be playable in SSB4... we wouldn't add Toad as a playable character in Melee without adding Bowser and Peach as playable characters, right? The same principle applies here with Magnus, Palutena, and Medusa.

Deleted member

@Arcadenik: Do you have any objections to me reviewing your roster? I'm working on it right now.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Fact: Magnus from Kid Icarus will be in the new game. He was purposely created by Sakurai just so he can put him in the new game.

Definetly Palutena and Medusa, seriously they have a major role in the series already, besides we DON'T need another sword user, we have enough as it is, so no.

@Arcatenik: Hmm.. I guess Caeda would offer a different style of play, not only is she female, but also unique and different from the tiring cast of sword users we've been given from the series.



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Definetly Palutena and Medusa, seriously they have a major role in the series already, besides we DON'T need another sword user, we have enough as it is, so no.

@Arcatenik: Hmm.. I guess Caeda would offer a different style of play, not only is she female, but also unique and different from the tiring cast of sword users we've been given from the series.

Being female does not offer a character an unique style of play unless she shoots blood and milk from her body. :scared:

But yes, Caeda would have an unique style of play because she uses a lance instead of a sword... and she could use her winged horse as part of her Final Smash.

@ Super Smash Bros. Fan

Well, I suppose I could review your roster/wishlist...

Deleted member

Being female does not offer a character an unique style of play unless she shoots blood and milk from her body. :scared:

But yes, Caeda would have an unique style of play because she uses a lance instead of a sword... and she could use her winged horse as part of her Final Smash.

@ Super Smash Bros. Fan

Well, I suppose I could review your roster/wishlist...
Yes you can. My roster is on Pg. 65. One thing it note, even thought I mentioned it before, I removed Samurai Goroh and Ray MK III from my wish.

It's also on here., which is the second and current version of my roster with some changes.

Edit: Also, I made a mistake saying that Takamaru would be a "WTF" character. Lots of people are expecting him in the game.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Being female does not offer a character an unique style of play unless she shoots blood and milk from her body. :scared:.
Lol, I didn't mean it that way:woman:

I only said female because Smash lacks female reps. and Caeda would make a great addition knowing this.



Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
not a chance, Mewtwo is the bigger, better one of the two, he is more popular than Lucario in most levels.



lucario is too popular right now to be a flavor of the month. but eventually he'll suffer the same fate as mewtwo as new people start getting into the series and not knowing about lucario.

Deleted member

"OmegaXVII said:
As for your question well, there are way more deserving Pokemon now than there was in SSB64, IMO these pokemon would just as easily make it in:

Pokemon Trainer

Noticed I included Meowth, he has been requested by fans since SSB64 and he's just as popular if not more than Jiggs is.
What makes Mewtwo, Lucario, and Meowth as likely as Jigglypuff to get in? Mewtwo was dropped from Melee due to terrible standing in tiers and either one of these:

- Lucario has a similar move set to him.
- Replaced by Pokemon Trainer as the next 1st gen as a result of his terrible play.

Lucario is more likely then not going to be dropped for Zoroark/Victini. And Meowth was not in SSB64, as much as I would like to believe that rumor.
WhatIsRaizen said:
Fact: Magnus from Kid Icarus will be in the new game. He was purposely created by Sakurai just so he can put him in the new game.
No we don't need Magnus in SSB4. Medusa and Palutena are much more likely to be in the game, especially Medusa.

[COLLAPSE="Arcadenik's Character Roster Review"]
Okay, here is my revised semi-realistic SSB4 roster / wish list as of today (June 16, 2011)

Main characters from the classic Mario games

Marioverse main characters
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong / Dixie Kong
Not really sure about us getting Diddy Kong/Dixie Kong as a team, although I do support the idea and it could happen, so I'll accept it.
King K. Rool

Zeldaverse main characters and Takamaru
Zelda / Sheik
:sick: For god sake, NO TINGLE! Seriously, it would be too awkard to include and I believe his hate in America is enough to keep him from being anymore then an Assist Trophy. The only good Zelda rep is Girahim and he doesn't stand much of a chance.
I highly doubt we'll be having Takamaru right off the bat. He'll probably be an unlockable.

Main characters of Kid Icarus and Metroid I don't think we're going to be seeing three Kid Icarus rep. He'll surely try to get two in, but three is kind of overdoing it.
Samus / Zero Suit Samus

Classic Nintendo characters of the 1980's
Mr. Game & Watch
Ice Climbers
Little Mac
I don't think we'll be seeing any newcomers that are "retro" aside from Takamaru, and even he is debatable (His status as a retro character, not his likelihood).

Main characters of Kirby and Star Fox Where's Falco? He stands a much stronger chance of staying in then Wolf.
Meta Knight
King Dedede

Other Nintendo characters from the 1990's and 2000's
Captain Falcon
Muddy Mole
Will probably not happen. I highly doubt they'll consider adding him in the game. He is too unpopular and will not gain sufficient fan support to be in SSB4.

Pokemon This is bad. I highly doubt we'll be seeing Pokemon Trainer gain new Pokemons nor did they add the latest generation in Brawl. Regardless of how much you dislike Jigglypuff, she is part of the original twelve and I highly doubt they'll consider taking Jigglypuff off just so they'll put in Meowth, who wasn't even considered for SSB64. I'm also not so sure about Mewtwo coming back to take the place of Lucario.
Snivy / Pignite / Samurott

Main characters from Nintendo's RPG franchises Ike will almost certainly not be replaced. We have yet to see a starter get the axe from a game and I doubt it'll start now. If there are only two Fire Emblem reps, it will be Marth and Ike. Also, why do you think Marth will be available from right off the bat? You should also consider the fact that Matthew could very well be 3DS exclusive since his only games have been on handheld and that Issac also stands a good chance of getting him, with him being Assist Trophy and all.

Third-party characters and Mii Not sure about Mii's, but I wouldn't count on us getting a fourth third-party character, even if it's in the realm of possibility. I doubt that Slime will be in, or any third-party characters aside from Sonic, Snake, or Mega Man.
Mega Man

We start with 28 slots and unlock 22 more slots for a total of 50 slots. There are 55 playable characters, including transformations in total. It has 32 veterans, including transformations and 23 newcomers, including transformations. I know it's not going to happen... that's why it is also my wish list.
Definitely more of a wishlist then a prediction as you stated. There are quite a few characters on your list that doesn't really stand much of a chance of getting in, but some good character prediction in return. Not the best I've seen and you do need to work on it, but there have been much, much worse.



Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Arc, those excuses don't make sense.

Zoroark wouldn't be the one to "replace" Lucario, Victini would. Also, Lucario didn't replace anyone, and if he did, it was Pichu, not Mewtwo. Also, you say Ike isn't relevant, but you have Meowth and Mewtwo who are in the same type of boat. Also, adding in Mewtwo because of fan demand, yet cutting all those other characters is stupid because its just making the same mistake. Also, cutting Jiggs because she was almost cut from other games, yet putting back Mewtwo, who actually was cut, is also stupid. Also, K. Rool isn't "relevant" either because he wasn't in the last major DK game, so why does he get a "lol popularity" thing while Ike and Falco are cut out? Also, Ness wasn't "relevant" when Brawl came out, yet he still made it in there, and he's on your list too. Also, Radiant Dawn wasn't covered by Brawl so the relvancy issue is still bogus.

EDIT: Super Smash Bros Fan, did you mean Little Mac in that "retro" part of your roster review? :V


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
@SSBF- Lucario will be dropped for zoroark if he is. but that will only be with a smaller roster size. Also mewtwo's moveset was like a cross between yoshi and ness. seriously lol. Lucario plays totally different outside of shadow ball/Aura sphere

@pieman- they're probably not going to put in victini as a character unless he has some massive following I'm unaware of. Also there's a chance he'll be that useless pokeball pokemon similar to celebi/mew

also what pieman said- putting in mewtwo does NOT appeal to today's fans due to his age. Sure the older gen would love it but most of the fans would WTF at it.

Deleted member

Pieman0920 said:
EDIT: Super Smash Bros Fan, did you mean Little Mac in that "retro" part of your roster review? :V
Little Mac is in my roster, but he is not in the retro section because he has a game for the Wii and as such, doesn't qualify as retro anymore.
Steam said:
@SSBF- Lucario will be dropped for zoroark if he is. but that will only be with a smaller roster size. Also mewtwo's moveset was like a cross between yoshi and ness. seriously lol. Lucario plays totally different outside of shadow ball/Aura sphere

@pieman- they're probably not going to put in victini as a character unless he has some massive following I'm unaware of. Also there's a chance he'll be that useless pokeball pokemon similar to celebi/mew
- How is Mewtwo a clone of Yoshi and Ness? If anything, Lucario is a clone of Mewtwo from Melee (Although I don't consider him as such).

- I wouldn't rule out Victini yet. He still has two movies coming out and Mewtwo's second movie was very close to Melee's release date. Once those movies come, there will be more support for Victini as more people will get to know him.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
@pieman- they're probably not going to put in victini as a character unless he has some massive following I'm unaware of. Also there's a chance he'll be that useless pokeball pokemon similar to celebi/mew

also what pieman said- putting in mewtwo does NOT appeal to today's fans due to his age. Sure the older gen would love it but most of the fans would WTF at it.
Zoroark's inclusion on most people's lists isn't a response to popularity, but rather that he had a movie come out in Japan a while ago. This falls in line with the idea that Lucario getting his movie was the reason why he was in Brawl (though the circumstances of the 4th gen's inclusion in Brawl are completely different than anything that comes from the 5th gen due to proximity issues.) So following this rather poor line of logic though, Victini is the next in line, becaue once Smash 4 actually starts production, Victini will have two movies come out. That being said...Victini has two movies coming out instead of one, is the director of BW's favorite Pokemon, and has seen more widespread use than Zoroark. Overall, I'd say he's more popular.

But if her were a Pokeball Pokemon, its very unlikely that he'd just turn out to be like Mew/Celebi/Jirachi, given his signature abilities.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
What makes Mewtwo, Lucario, and Meowth as likely as Jigglypuff to get in? Mewtwo was dropped from Melee due to terrible standing in tiers and either one of these:

- Lucario has a similar move set to him.
- Replaced by Pokemon Trainer as the next 1st gen as a result of his terrible play.
Alright, first of all like steam mentioned, Lucario DIDN'T replace Mewtwo, there's theory that Pokemon Trainer did, also have you actually ever played with Lucario and Mewtwo??!

If you have you would have noticed differences between them, The Shadow Ball move is totally irrelavent to his replacement.

As for Jigglypuff, as seen in the Brawl files she "barely" managed to get in, which means she wasn't top priority and didn't have a "possible" replacement. Meowth on the other hand has seen a pattern with his latest appearance as a Pokeball item, and ask yourself, why would Sakurai even bother with a first gen pokemon if there were tons of 3rd and 4th gens to be represented?

@ steam: yea, I read your post about Mewtwo in 2003 etc...

While that may be true among the newer generation of Pokemon fans, if he were to be brought back he would surely capture some needed attention, but I do agree with your point, the next successor being Zoroark/Vivi would definely change all that if indeed Mewtwo or Lucario were scrapped for good.


Deleted member

Alright, first of all like steam mentioned, Lucario DIDN'T replace Mewtwo, there's theory that Pokemon Trainer did, also have you actually ever played with Lucario and Mewtwo??!

If you have you would have noticed differences between them, The Shadow Ball move is totally irrelavent to his replacement.

As for Jigglypuff, as seen in the Brawl files she "barely" managed to get in, which means she wasn't top priority and didn't have a "possible" replacement. Meowth on the other hand has seen a pattern with his latest appearance as a Pokeball item, and ask yourself, why would Sakurai even bother with a first gen pokemon if there were tons of 3rd and 4th gens to be represented?

@ steam: yea, I read your post about Mewtwo in 2003 etc...

While that may be true among the newer generation of Pokemon fans, if he were to be brought back he would surely capture some needed attention, but I do agree with your point, the next successor being Zoroark/Vivi would definely change all that if indeed Mewtwo or Lucario were scrapped for good.

- There's a theory that Mewtwo was replaced by Lucario because Lucario appeared in a movie and as such, was the primary candidate to replace Mewtwo.

- The fact that Jigglypuff made it clearly shows that he was highly priority then Mewtwo, Roy, etc. Considering that he's part of the original twelve, I would be shocked to see him go, since he's unique, popular, and clearly follows all four guidelines completely. Dropping vets is a lot harder job to do then disregarding newcomers as if you drop the wrong character, you can expect massive back lashing. This will happen if Jigglypuff goes.

- How does this logic support Meowth being likely? So what if he was a Pokeball character? The only one IIRC that have made into playable characters is Charizard. All it shows is that Meowth may be dropped as even a Pokeball character entirely. Please clarify your logic as I am totally not seeing it.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
How is Mewtwo a clone of Yoshi and Ness? If anything, Lucario is a clone of Mewtwo from Melee (Although I don't consider him as such)
because most of mewtwo's attacks are with his tail. he's floaty and hits with almost always his tail. sounds like yoshi. he also has psychic attacks and throws with telekinesis.... Lucario doesn't do that. Lucario uses mainly fighting/martial arty kinda stuff.

@omega- Browny made that post actually. but it's what I've been saying from the beginning.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Super Smash Bros. Fan... if this is your roster.

[COLLAPSE="Roster"]Mario series
- Mario
- Luigi
- Peach
- Bowser
- Bowser Jr.

Well, I will be honest... I have a bias favoring Toad but Bowser Jr. is a decent choice... as long as he does not end up a Bowser clone. At least you didn't add Waluigi or worse, Geno.

Donkey Kong series
- Donkey Kong
- Diddy Kong
- King K. Rool

This is perfect in my opinion. King K. Rool deserves to be in for being such an important character in the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy. If you had Dixie Kong paired with Diddy Kong here, it would be MORE THAN PERFECT in my eyes.

Yoshi series
- Yoshi

Perfect as is... but my inner fanboy kinda wishes that Yoshi would have Baby Mario riding on him a la Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Wario series
- Wario

Perfect as is... but my inner fanboy also wishes that Wario would have moves from Wario Land games instead of made-up moves based on his WarioWare persona.

Zelda series
- Link
- Zelda / Sheik
- Ganondorf
- Toon Link OR Young Link

Perfect as is... though I prefer Toon Link over Young Link despite Majora's Mask being my #1 favorite Zelda game. Tingle would be an added bonus in my eyes.

Metroid series
- Samus
- Ridley

Perfect as is... personally, I could do without Ridley but where is Zero Suit Samus? Unless you meant that Zero Suit Samus is part of Samus and is still playable...

Kirby series
- Kirby
- Meta Knight
- King Dedede

Perfect as is. It does not need any more newcomers.

Star Fox series
- Fox
- Falco
- Wolf

Perfect as is... personally, I can live without Falco and I couldn't care less about Krystal.

Pokemon series
- Pikachu
- Jigglypuff
- Pokemon Trainer
- Mewtwo OR Lucario OR New Pokemon?
- Zoroark OR Victini

You know my inner fanboy wants Meowth to be that New Pokemon. LOL With that out of the way, which starters are you referring to for Pokemon Trainer here? 1st gen (same as Brawl), or 2nd gen from HeartGold/SoulSilver or 5th gen from Black/White? It is so hard for me to pick which ones I want for Pokemon Trainer... most of them have so much moveset potential! Victini could be interesting but personally, I would rather see it replace Jigglypuff as a new floaty-type Pokemon.

F-Zero series
- Captain Falcon

Perfect as is... though if F-Zero gets a new game, then I would rather see Samurai Goroh over Black Shadow simply because Samurai Goroh has been with the series since the beginning. The only reason why people want Black Shadow is to give Ganondorf's old moveset to him so Ganondorf could get a sword. :rolleyes:

EarthBound series
- Ness
- Lucas

Perfect as is. It doesn't need any more newcomers, especially now that the series is dead.

Fire Emblem series
- Marth
- Ike

This is semi-perfect... I think Ike might lose his spot to Caeda or a future new Lord. I would not lose sleep if Caeda or Ike isn't playable.

Retro characters
- Ice Climbers
- Mr. Game & Watch
- R.O.B.

Perfect as is... but we could add some more retro characters...

Kid Icarus series
- Pit
- Medusa

This is okay, but if you had added Palutena along with Medusa, then the Kid Icarus series would be complete just like the Kirby series.

Pikmin series
- Olimar

Perfect as is.

Punch-Out!! series
- Little Mac

Perfect as is... it is very, very likely he will finally join the roster in SSB4 thanks to his Wii game.

Sin & Punishment series
- Saki Amamiya OR Isa Jo

Perfect as is... though I think Isa Jo will get in over Saki Amamiya because he is the protagonist of Star Successor. It is like Ness vs. Ninten.

The Mysterious Murasame Castle (one game)
- Takamaru

Perfect as is... I can see him getting in SSB4 as well because he had a guest appearance in Samurai Warriors 3. But he should be grouped with the retro characters...

I am noticing a severe lack of Starfy, a Golden Sun character (Matthew or Isaac), Mii, and a second retro character who is also a WTF unlockable character (
Duck Hunt Dog
)... but other than that, this is pretty decent pure-Nintendo roster. :)[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Victini is starting to sound much more plausible...

Guess I automatically assumed Zoroark would be the best bet given how similar it is to Lucario in many aspects. :V

Also, if I could just throw out a quick question, how many people feel Fire Emblem deserves 3 characters? Marth is staying, and I'd like to think Ike would too since he's so popular, but I'm pretty sure we'll have a new Fire Emblem game coming out soon enough. We would surely get the lord from that game?

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
because most of mewtwo's attacks are with his tail. he's floaty and hits with almost always his tail. sounds like yoshi. he also has psychic attacks and throws with telekinesis.... Lucario doesn't do that. Lucario uses mainly fighting/martial arty kinda stuff.

@omega- Browny made that post actually. but it's what I've been saying from the beginning.
I don't see how Mewtwo's playing style is anything like Yoshi just because they both have a tail. Mewtwo's tail is considerably larger so he can space much better, though some of Yoshi's tail attacks have much more power like his up-air compared to Mewtwo's up-air.

And even so, Mewtwo doesn't "almost always" hit with his tail. You obviously must be forgetting about his grabs (minus down-throw), pummel, jab, forward and neutral air and all of his B attacks. Sure, he uses his tail a lot, but it's ****ing huge and long, of course he will.

Other than that, they really don't play the same at all. Yoshi is a lot more hit-and-run and relies a huge amount on his grab, especially his pivot grab in Brawl. Mewtwo, on the other hand, racks up damage so completely different and kills differently as well.

Might as well say Metaknight and Marth play the same because they have swords.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
mewtwo is much more like yoshi than he is like lucario. and the psychic attacks are why I said ness as well. lol. but outside of shadow ball (and I guess a similar Fsmash animation) lucario and mewtwo are nothing alike.

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
mewtwo is much more like yoshi than he is like lucario. and the psychic attacks are why I said ness as well. lol. but outside of shadow ball (and I guess a similar Fsmash animation) lucario and mewtwo are nothing alike.
Ness and Mewtwo are definitely not alike at all, regardless of the fact that they use psychic abilities. How they use them are clearly different.

Though, no I don't think Lucario and Mewtwo are alike, but they are similar: floaty, humanoid, similar neutral B, similar F Smash (somewhat). Other than that, no.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Ness and Mewtwo are definitely not alike at all, regardless of the fact that they use psychic abilities. How they use them are clearly different.

Though, no I don't think Lucario and Mewtwo are alike, but they are similar: floaty, humanoid, similar neutral B, similar F Smash (somewhat). Other than that, no.
I know lmao. but lucario and mewtwo are much less similar than yoshi and ness.

they also play completely different.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
- How does this logic support Meowth being likely? So what if he was a Pokeball character? The only one IIRC that have made into playable characters is Charizard. All it shows is that Meowth may be dropped as even a Pokeball character entirely. Please clarify your logic as I am totally not seeing it.
Alright, well you see Meowth has had a trend, he first appeared in SSB64, absent in Melee, but it was suggested that he would return therefore appeared in Brawl once again as a Pokeball item due to popularity and fan request, what does this mean? Possible consideration, I'm not completly supporting the fact that he will make the roster but does have a chance indeed, there's no denying it, and well just like Charizard, he got upgraded, I don't see why Meowth wouldn't be as well, given if he has a bigger demand that is.



Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
This is my thoughts on the whole Pokemon roster.

Pikachu: He is the mascot of pokemon and as long as the series stays so will it.

Jigglypuff: Was probably a joke character for S64 but since everyone loves it's playing style Jiggs will stay as a smash favorite.

Pichu: Represented the 2nd Gen pokemon and since everyone loved pikachu they should like pichu. His self damaging moves made it scary to use and wasn't very popular. Replaced by Lucario.

Mewtwo: Represented the 1st Gen pokemon being one of the strongest in the game. He was slow and light which made him difficult to use and wasn't a Smash Favorite. Replaced by Pokemon Trainer.

Lucario: Represents the 4 Gen Pokemon (latest in Brawl). Used similar poses and moves (standard B) from Mewtwo which is why some believe to replace Mewtwo. If he's really popular he may stay otherwise be replace by the newest generation of pokemon.

Pokemon Trainer: New Rep for 1st gen and what started it all. The pokemon swapping allows the person to have three pokemon at once which makes him very versitile. I doubt he will be replace other than Costume changes with the girl and Blue.

My Future Predictions

Zoroark: Has very similar appearance to Lucario and could use a lot of Lucario's models. I don't know much about the character other than that.

Another idea would be bring back a pokemon rep of each generation. Lucario and Mewtwo would come back replacing Pokemon trainer. A new 2nd Gen (other than pichu) and finnally a 3rd gen. The problem with this idea is that you will have a total of 7 pokemon characters. If Pokemon Trainer stayed instead of Mewtwo then you would have 9. 7 pokemon characters is a bit much I believe.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Did I just hear Geno is worse than Waluigi? WHY?! I get that he isn't relevant, and that's perfectly understandable, but WALUIGI? Really? THE most hated Mario character ever. I hate him more than I hate Duck Hunt Dog, and I reeeeallly don't like him.

Ho Hum, here's my pokemon roster:

Mascot of Pokemon: Pikachu
Popular/Veteran: Jigglypuff
Pokemon Trainer: Second Generation
Popular Pokemon: Deoxys (could be replaced with Mewtwo, Meowth, Minun/Plusle, Suicune. Anyone popular really)
New Generation Pokemon: Victini not Zoroark.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Did I just hear Geno is worse than Waluigi? WHY?! I get that he isn't relivant, and that's perfectly understandable, but WALUIGI? Really? THE most hated Mario character ever. I hate him more than I hate Duck Hunt Dog, and I reeeeallly don't like him.
I main waluigi in mario party. don't hate.

but seriously... I would lose faith if they put in duck hunt dog but kept out any character with a ****ing name XD


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I main waluigi in mario party. don't hate.
You main the essance of pure evil. I actually enjoy almost every character but him and Duck hunt Dog. Though characters do get under my skin (like Zoroark) for various reasons. I still like him though. His fanboys not so much. I hate the idea of WE MUST HAVE A HUMANOID POKEMON.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
You main the essance of pure evil. I actually enjoy almost every character but him and Duck hunt Dog. Though characters do get under my skin (like Zoroark) for various reasons. I still like him though. His fanboys not so much. I hate the idea of WE MUST HAVE A HUMANOID POKEMON.
Waluigi haz dat rose. he also does the ****ing thriller when he gets an eagle in Mario golf.

and Zoroark is okay. people would actually be surprised to know mewtwo was my favorite pokemon before lucario : P

@shortie- that's... pretty bad for a pokemon roster lol.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
@ Super Smash Bros. Fan

I would wager that Jigglypuff had higher priority over Mewtwo, Roy, etc. because she is not a clone like Roy is and we already had Lucario to fill Mewtwo's spot, not because she was one of the original 12.

Personally, I think Meowth was considered for Melee, considering how Meowth was a Pokeball summon in SSB64 and wasn't a Pokeball summon in Melee but he got a trophy based on Meowth's Party (also based on the anime and it was going to be Meowth's own game) that you can get if you clear All-Star Mode with all 25 characters and came back in Brawl as a Pokeball summon, most likely due to high fan demand for a playable Meowth in Brawl. In Brawl, you get a trophy of Plusle & Minun, one of the alleged "Forbidden Seven", by completing All-Star Mode with all 35 characters. See where I am going with this?

I truly believe that Sakurai acknowledges Meowth is an important Pokemon to the whole series. If you read the Brawl Dojo, it is mentioned that Meowth is "considered a major Pokemon". If you read the trophy descriptions of all Pokemon in Melee and Brawl, you will notice that ONLY Pikachu (in Melee) and Meowth (in Brawl) are said to be "most famous" of all Pokemon. Look for the word, "famous", with Ctrl+F in this page. Part of me is hoping that Sakurai will decide to finally put Meowth as a newcomer... but part of me believes that it will be another letdown at the end. I want my Pikachu vs. Meowth match! :p


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
@shortie- that's... pretty bad for a pokemon roster lol.
Everyone says that. But I hate people who just keep the first generation and the latest. Soul silver is still relevant, and Fire Red is not. Hence the new PT. Plus I think Pokemon Trainer should switch every time. Pokemon is a majorly fickle franchise. Victini is more interesting than Zoroark. He has the ability to use "Shadow Ball" instead of Aura, and just basically copy Lucario. I don't see how Illusion could work in smash anyhow. I picked Deoxys because he's probably the most popular third series. He could be swapped out for any other popular pokemon though. Everyone needs to quit whinig when a Pokemon gets cut. If you like Pichu, Mewtwo, or Lucario play Melee/Brawl.

I go for a more broad representation of the Franchise. Not "FIRST IS BEST" like every RBY fanboy.

@Nik, I'm a Meowth fan too, but I feel his time is up. . .he definitely had his best chance during 64/Melee.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Everyone says that. But I hate people who just keep the first generation and the latest. soul silver is still relevant, and Fire Red is not. Hence the new PT. Plus I think Pokemon Trainer should switch every time. Pokemon is a majorly fickle franchise. Victini is more interesting than Zoroark. He has the ability to use "Shadow Ball" instead of Aura, and just basically copy Lucario. I don't see how Illusion could work in smash anyhow. I picked Deoxys because he's probably the most popular third series. He could be swapped out for any other popular pokemon though. Everyone needs to quit whinig when a Pokemon gets cut. If you like Pichu, Mewtwo, or Lucario play Melee/Brawl.

I go for a more broad representation of the Franchise. Not "FIRST IS BEST" like every RBY fanboy.

@Nik, I'm a Meowth fan too, but I feel his time is up. . .he definitely had his best chance during 64/Melee.
the problem is the latest gen is more popular than 3rd gen. deoxys was... never really that popular anyways.

and victini couldn't copy lucario... victini is too... chibi to really do that. a moveset for him would be really difficult in general because of this XD. and it definitely couldn't even remotely look like lucario's for obvious reasons.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I wish Deoxys had a chance. I'd prefer him over any other Pokemon. u3u

Also, Waluigi looks like the villain of Joy Mech Fight. Even more of a reason for me to not like him.
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