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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
the problem is the latest gen is more popular than 3rd gen. deoxys was... never really that popular anyways.

and victini couldn't copy lucario... victini is too... chibi to really do that. a moveset for him would be really difficult in general because of this XD. and it definitely couldn't even remotely look like lucario's for obvious reasons.
Deoxys was definitely popular. He had a movie, as well as a big fanbase during pre-brawl hype. "OMGZ MEWTWO VS. DEOXYZZ" was cool before "OMGZ LUCARIO VS. MEWTWO" was even invented ;) harhar.

But I was refering to Zoroark, not Victini, unless I missed something you were trying to say . . .?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@ Super Smash Bros. Fan

I would wager that Jigglypuff had higher priority over Mewtwo, Roy, etc. because she is not a clone like Roy is and we already had Lucario to fill Mewtwo's spot, not because she was one of the original 12.

Personally, I think Meowth was considered for Melee, considering how Meowth was a Pokeball summon in SSB64 and wasn't a Pokeball summon in Melee but he got a trophy based on Meowth's Party (also based on the anime and it was going to be Meowth's own game) that you can get if you clear All-Star Mode with all 25 characters and came back in Brawl as a Pokeball summon, most likely due to high fan demand for a playable Meowth in Brawl. In Brawl, you get a trophy of Plusle & Minun, one of the alleged "Forbidden Seven", by completing All-Star Mode with all 35 characters. See where I am going with this?

I truly believe that Sakurai acknowledges Meowth is an important Pokemon to the whole series. If you read the Brawl Dojo, it is mentioned that Meowth is "considered a major Pokemon". If you read the trophy descriptions of all Pokemon in Melee and Brawl, you will notice that ONLY Pikachu (in Melee) and Meowth (in Brawl) are said to be "most famous" of all Pokemon. Look for the word, "famous", with Ctrl+F in this page. Part of me is hoping that Sakurai will decide to finally put Meowth as a newcomer... but part of me believes that it will be another letdown at the end. I want my Pikachu vs. Meowth match! :p
Nicely put, Meowth has a chance, maybe not as much as we would want it to be but still...



Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Deoxys was definitely popular. He had a movie, as well as a big fanbase during pre-brawl hype. "OMGZ MEWTWO VS. DEOXYZZ" was cool before "OMGZ LUCARIO VS. MEWTWO" was even invented ;) harhar.

But I was refering to Zoroark, not Victini, unless I missed something you were trying to say . . .?
well if he wasn't even planned then... he won't be in now now that he's even less popular. just saying lol.

and oh. I honestly see zoroark being more like wolf using claws and such over how lucario does things.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
and oh. I honestly see zoroark being more like wolf using claws and such over how lucario does things.
I can't argue much for Deoxys, his time is pretty much up. I know this. He's still a better choice than the Wolf/Lucario clone you just described.

If he isn't unique I don't want him. Period We have ENOUGH "Luigified" clones. Luigification can only be justified in Luigi's case. Falco and Wolf could and should be immensely different. Sam goes for Ganon and Lucas.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I can't argue much for Deoxys, his time is pretty much up. I know this. He's still a better choice than the Wolf/Lucario clone you just described.

If he isn't unique I don't want him. Period We have ENOUGH "Luigified" clones. Luigification can only be justified in Luigi's case. Falco and Wolf could and should be immensely different. Sam goes for Ganon and Lucas.
another reason I think lucario should stay. he's an extremely unique character and no one can really replace him like that : P


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
another reason I think lucario should stay. he's an extremely unique character and no one can really replace him like that : P
He IS unique. I actually am a Lucario user whenever I play Brawl (Which isn't really that often) His relevance is dwindling. He is in the same boat as Deoxys, or will be by 2012. Heck, by 2013 SS&HG will be irrelevant. Which sucks, because I like the idea of CynBayFer for a Pokemon Trainer. I also like Suicune a lot. I suppose the second generations last chance at another smash game is this one. I'm sure third generation will be remade and Deoxys will have another shot then. Or possibly MudGroBlaz and May. That would be awesome.

Deleted member

Like Zero Suit Samus, on the character screen, you should be able to use Z or another button to play with Sheik from the beginning (I'm of course talking about Zelda/Sheik).[COLLAPSE="Arcadenik"]Thanks for the review!
Arcadenik said:
This is perfect in my opinion. King K. Rool deserves to be in for being such an important character in the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy. If you had Dixie Kong paired with Diddy Kong here, it would be MORE THAN PERFECT in my eyes.
I agree that King K. Rool deserves to be in the game, it would really suck for him to miss out one more time. I would also put Dixie and Diddy Kong together, but I have my doubts about us seeing that, thought I will admit it would be really cool.
Arcadenik said:
Perfect as is... personally, I could do without Ridley but where is Zero Suit Samus? Unless you meant that Zero Suit Samus is part of Samus and is still playable...
Forgot about mentioning. Zero Suit Samus is still part of Samus and is playable.
Arcadenik said:
which starters are you referring to for Pokemon Trainer here? 1st gen (same as Brawl), or 2nd gen from HeartGold/SoulSilver or 5th gen from Black/White? It is so hard for me to pick which ones I want for Pokemon Trainer... most of them have so much moveset potential! Victini could be interesting but personally, I would rather see it replace Jigglypuff as a new floaty-type Pokemon.
I am referring to the first gen Pokemon Trainer.
Arcadenik said:
Perfect as is... though if F-Zero gets a new game, then I would rather see Samurai Goroh over Black Shadow simply because Samurai Goroh has been with the series since the beginning. The only reason why people want Black Shadow is to give Ganondorf's old moveset to him so Ganondorf could get a sword.
I think chances are decent that we'll see a second F-zero rep, with one in almost as much demand as a Metroid rep, but unlike the rest of the newcomers, I am not very confident about either chances. And yes, I would rather see Samurai Goroh over Black Shadow.
Arcadenik said:
This is semi-perfect... I think Ike might lose his spot to Caeda or a future new Lord. I would not lose sleep if Caeda or Ike isn't playable.
I don't think we'll be losing Ike in the near future. With him being a starter, I highly doubt he'll be one of the players the team will consider chopping off.
Arcadenik said:
This is okay, but if you had added Palutena along with Medusa, then the Kid Icarus series would be complete just like the Kirby series.
I can't really see why we need both characters in the game. Sure having both would be excellent, but I don't really see Kid Icarus getting more then two reps this time around due to being just a revived franchise.
Arcadenik said:
I am noticing a severe lack of Starfy, a Golden Sun character (Matthew or Isaac), Mii, and a second retro character who is also a WTF unlockable character (Duck Hunt Dog)... but other than that, this is pretty decent pure-Nintendo roster.
Honestly, I would love to see Starfy or Issac in, but I have my doubts about those two because they have only appeared on handheld. As such, if we get 3DS exclusive, I'm getting the feeling they won't be on the Wii-U version without forcing us to trade them to the Wii-U version.

As for Mii's and a second retro character, I'm not sure if we'll be seeing Mii's or not and I have no clue about it's chances. That is something we'll have to wait and see about. As for a second retro WTF character, I can't really see any that is likely aside from Takamaru.[/COLLAPSE]
OmegaXVII said:
Alright, well you see Meowth has had a trend, he first appeared in SSB64, absent in Melee, but it was suggested that he would return therefore appeared in Brawl once again as a Pokeball item due to popularity and fan request, what does this mean? Possible consideration, I'm not completly supporting the fact that he will make the roster but does have a chance indeed, there's no denying it, and well just like Charizard, he got upgraded, I don't see why Meowth wouldn't be as well, given if he has a bigger demand that is.
Thanks for clarifying that and now I see where you're coming from. It also helps that I would also like to see Meowth in the game. It's just that there are more Pokeballs then Assist Trophies and I think Assist Trophies will be upgraded into playable characters before Pokeballs like Meowth. I hope that I'm wrong, thought.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
He IS unique. I actually am a Lucario user whenever I play Brawl (Which isn't really that often) His relevance is dwindling. He is in the same boat as Deoxys, or will be by 2012. Heck, by 2013 SS&HG will be irrelevant. Which sucks, because I like the idea of CynBayFer for a Pokemon Trainer. I also like Suicune a lot. I suppose the second generations last chance at another smash game is this one. I'm sure third generation will be remade and Deoxys will have another shot then. Or possibly MudGroBlaz and May. That would be awesome.
not quite yet. he's still very well known and will probably still be relevant enough to make it to the next one if it comes down to popularity. but it would definitely be his last smash if he is put in.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
When Steam mentioned Zoroark having things in common with Wolf, I remembered something I wanted to post a while ago:

In Smash, y'all may have noticed that the heavyweights have "slow" dash attacks. When they perform them, they usually have a lot of ending lag; some examples are DK's, Bowser's and Ganon's. Thankfully Brawl changed this with heavysets like Wolf, Snake, and Wario (to an extent). I would like this quality expanded if they add more heavy characters. Also, I would like more heavysets to have a rapid jab. Right now DeDeDe is the only heavyweight to have a continuos "jab" attack. He swings twice and then twirls his hammer.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I'm still quite baffled as to why people are still discussing Victini's position. Manaphy was a Poke Ball Pokemon in Brawl.

I don't want to involve anime, but Manaphy's movie came after Lucario's. Victini's is after Zoroark's, so I kind of smell that scenario repeating itself again.

Deleted member

I'm still quite baffled as to why people are still discussing Victini's position. Manaphy was a Poke Ball Pokemon in Brawl.

I don't want to involve anime, but Manaphy's movie came after Lucario's. Victini's is after Zoroark's, so I kind of smell that scenario repeating itself again.
Manaphy had just one movie, Victini is getting two. Also go back a page and Pieman makes some good arguments for why Victini can be included. Zoroark is not the only candidate we have, Victini is another.

Deleted member

I think I have some hard evidence showing that relevance is NOT a requirement to put a character in. I'll mention one character:


While he was the main character of Fire Emblem, before Super Smash Bros. Melee, his last game appearance was Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo on January, 1994. That's over seven years before Melee. He had no appearance in any other game before Melee.

And oh look, he's a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, despite him not being "relevant" in the game after Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo and not being in any Fire Emblem game until Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, after Brawl came out.

I guarantee you this. If relevance was a requirement, there would be zero chances that Marth would ever be in either Melee or Brawl as a playable character. With him in the game, why say a player will never get in based off only on relevance?

So as you can see, while relevance does play a role in deciding characters, I can assure that if a character gets in or stays out, there are other reasons then relevance. Completely ruling out a character just because of relevance is ridiculous, especially if they have other things going for them.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
and oh. I honestly see zoroark being more like wolf using claws and such over how lucario does things.
Hmm...but I can bet you that Zoroark will have dark attacks (black magic if he's evil)

sorry but I don't know whether he's evil or not.


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Hmm...but I can bet you that Zoroark will have dark attacks (black magic if he's evil)

sorry but I don't know whether he's evil or not.

Being a Dark-type doesn't mean that Zoroark is evil.

If you saw the Zoroark movie, Zoroark was an innocent pawn, who was forced to obey an evil man. It was treated as a bad guy, but was really one of the good guys.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2007
I think I have some hard evidence showing that relevance is NOT a requirement to put a character in. I'll mention one character:


While he was the main character of Fire Emblem, before Super Smash Bros. Melee, his last game appearance was Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo on January, 1994. That's over seven years before Melee. He had no appearance in any other game before Melee.

And oh look, he's a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, despite him not being "relevant" in the game after Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo and not being in any Fire Emblem game until Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, after Brawl came out.

I guarantee you this. If relevance was a requirement, there would be zero chances that Marth would ever be in either Melee or Brawl as a playable character. With him in the game, why say a player will never get in based off only on relevance?

So as you can see, while relevance does play a role in deciding characters, I can assure that if a character gets in or stays out, there are other reasons then relevance. Completely ruling out a character just because of relevance is ridiculous, especially if they have other things going for them.
Here some more examples

When SSB came out, Ness hadn't been in a game for five years; neither had Samus. When SSBM came out, those numbers moved up to seven years, Ice Climbers hadn't had a game in about seventeen years and the last Game and Watch game released was ten years prior. When Brawl came out, Pit hadn't been seen in seventeen years, Ness in fourteen, and the Ice Climbers in twenty-four.

So I really don't understand why some people use relevance as a reason to reject characters.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
I'm still quite baffled as to why people are still discussing Victini's position. Manaphy was a Poke Ball Pokemon in Brawl.

I don't want to involve anime, but Manaphy's movie came after Lucario's. Victini's is after Zoroark's, so I kind of smell that scenario repeating itself again.
1) A Pokemon's "position" in terms of the anime or games or whatever has little to no baring if they will be in, and the whole idea that there are set conditions for them doesn't add up. Most people in this topic are thinking that Zoroark will get in for the presumed reasons that Lucario got in, but here is some food for thought. Prior to Lucario getting in, there was no such thing as a non-legendary movie pokemon getting in. Also prior to Brawl, there were no Pokemon who were previously Pokeballs (Charizard), or Pokemon who were middle evolutions (Ivysaur). Citing the fact that Mew-Esque Pokemon have been Pokeball Pokemon doesn't really mean a single thing.

2) Manaphy's movie came out in the middle of Brawls development. From what we can understand, Lucario was decided on fairly early, and the release of his movie times up nicely when Brawl would have just been started. Thus, Manaphy not being playable isn't really relevant by this line of thinking. In contrast, Victini's movies are coming out in a month, while Smash 4 still wouldn't have even started up yet.

3) This is the biggest point I feel I need to stress: Gen 4 wasn't fully revealed during Brawl's development. Gen 5 is for Smash 4's impending development. Because of this, the majority of Brawl's Gen 4 Pokemon were just pre-release Pokemon. The 3rd Gen Poke-representation was, on the other hand, actually sort of varied, though its true that there was no playable character. If Gen 5 is going to get a representative, they will not be limited in the same way, and thus choosing their representative in the same way is foolish.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Here some more examples

When SSB came out, Ness hadn't been in a game for five years; neither had Samus. When SSBM came out, those numbers moved up to seven years, Ice Climbers hadn't had a game in about seventeen years and the last Game and Watch game released was ten years prior. When Brawl came out, Pit hadn't been seen in seventeen years, Ness in fourteen, and the Ice Climbers in twenty-four.

So I really don't understand why some people use relevance as a reason to reject characters.
Guess you can count F-Zero to that list. It's been MIA since 2004 and there's no signs of a new release anytime soon.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I'm pretty sure Marth was the Main character of Shadow Dragon, along with Caeda. That's not that long ago.

I can see Mother coming out again, but does anyone honestly see another F-Zero coming out?

Deleted member

I'm pretty sure Marth was the Main character of Shadow Dragon, along with Caeda. That's not that long ago.

I can see Mother coming out again, but does anyone honestly see another F-Zero coming out?
I understand that already, but the remake was after Brawl in 2009. What I was saying is that if relevance was an absolute requirement, Marth would have never made it into Melee. Marth breaks this so called "requirement" by being a playable character in that game. When it comes to his relevance in Melee, I am not considering anything after Melee's release date as his last game before Melee was in January, 1994. That means since no new Fire Emblem game was made with him on it, if relevancy was a requirement, we would have either gotten a different Lord or no replacement at all.

That said, F-zero can still get a game in for the Wii-U. It's on a hiatus, not dead. Mother on the other hand, is all but dead. That's why we're probably (Not 100% certainly) not getting another rep for the Mother franchise.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Being a Dark-type doesn't mean that Zoroark is evil.

If you saw the Zoroark movie, Zoroark was an innocent pawn, who was forced to obey an evil man. It was treated as a bad guy, but was really one of the good guys.

Did you even read my post?, I said I didn't even know whether he's evil or not.

I was merely implying that him being a dark type would of course have dark related attacks.



Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
I'm pretty sure Marth was the Main character of Shadow Dragon, along with Caeda. That's not that long ago.

I can see Mother coming out again, but does anyone honestly see another F-Zero coming out?
Shigesato Itoi has said many times that he will never make another Mother again. He said he would let someone else make it but I don't think soemone wants to live up to to Earthbound and Mother 3. Those games are so easy to **** up.

edit: and yes, I can see a new F Zero. The WiiU is perfect for that **** too. Another Mother? No, hell no.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I understand that already, but the remake was after Brawl in 2009. What I was saying is that if relevance was an absolute requirement, Marth would have never made it into Melee. Marth breaks this so called "requirement" by being a playable character in that game. When it comes to his relevance in Melee, I am not considering anything after Melee's release date as his last game before Melee was in January, 1994.
It's not that big of a stretch to say within his own series he was the "Mascot" thus, he is always relivant. I mean Pika isn't in Black and White, but he is most definitely still the mascot, which makes him forever relivant.

Anyways, I think popularity, relevance, and importance within their own series are majorly important. I character needs importance to an extent, and they definitely need popularity. I think relevance is the only one that you don't need as much of, but it's still very important.

Remember, the fact that Ness was in SSB makes him relevant. So he;s pretty much been relevant this whole time.

I agree that relevance is a tad overrated, but it still is important. Pauline was probably popular, and she was important at one point, but she isn't relevant. I don't see anyone rooting for her.

I could see someone taking on the Mother project. It's definitely not impossible. BUT, I don't know much about that series. Same goes for F-Zero, that's why I asked.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
What are people's thoughts of seeing Cranky Kong pop up as an Assist Trophy. He'd basically make mockery speeches, which relate to Nintendo's history.



Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I think I have some hard evidence showing that relevance is NOT a requirement to put a character in. I'll mention one character:


While he was the main character of Fire Emblem, before Super Smash Bros. Melee, his last game appearance was Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo on January, 1994. That's over seven years before Melee. He had no appearance in any other game before Melee.

And oh look, he's a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, despite him not being "relevant" in the game after Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo and not being in any Fire Emblem game until Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, after Brawl came out.

I guarantee you this. If relevance was a requirement, there would be zero chances that Marth would ever be in either Melee or Brawl as a playable character. With him in the game, why say a player will never get in based off only on relevance?

So as you can see, while relevance does play a role in deciding characters, I can assure that if a character gets in or stays out, there are other reasons then relevance. Completely ruling out a character just because of relevance is ridiculous, especially if they have other things going for them.
I was meaning more popularity than relevance. like relevance to the fans.

Deleted member

@Mario_And_Sonic_Guy: That would be a nice joke of an Assist Trophy. I would love to see him talk about how the old days were so better. Could be kind of nostalgic.
It's not that big of a stretch to say within his own series he was the "Mascot" thus, he is always relivant. I mean Pika isn't in Black and White, but he is most definitely still the mascot, which makes him forever relivant.

Anyways, I think popularity, relevance, and importance within their own series are majorly important. I character needs importance to an extent, and they definitely need popularity. I think relevance is the only one that you don't need as much of, but it's still very important.

Remember, the fact that Ness was in SSB makes him relevant. So he;s pretty much been relevant this whole time.

I agree that relevance is a tad overrated, but it still is important. Pauline was probably popular, and she was important at one point, but she isn't relevant. I don't see anyone rooting for her.

I could see someone taking on the Mother project. It's definitely not impossible. BUT, I don't know much about that series. Same goes for F-Zero, that's why I asked.
I think the difference between Marth and Pikachu is that with Pikachu, you can at least get him into Black & White (After beating the game of course) whereas Marth doesn't even make an appearance outside of the first, third, and remake of those two, the latter of which came after Brawl.

That said, I agree that when it comes to relevancy, it's not just if they've appeared in a game but how important they are in the franchise. The reason why I think Marth was included was not because he appeared in the latest Fire Emblem game, but because he was the main character people knew of when they think of Fire Emblem characters. What I was refuting was the part where people say that they must appear in games before SSB4 gets into development and I refuted that by saying that there were no recent games with Marth in it before Melee went into development and if it was an absolute requirement, we would have not gotten Marth.

I also agree that popularity and importance is very important to consider. King K. Rool hasn't appeared in Donkey Kong Country Returns (But he at least was in Super Mario Sluggers), yet he is a very popular request for SSB4. That popularity and his importance to the Donkey Kong series could be enough for him to be in SSB4.

This is why I still think that Saki Amamiya and King K. Rool still have a decent chance of getting into the next game; not because they've appeared in the latest games (Although they haven't, which I will admit does hurt their chances, but doesn't eliminate them), but because people generally think about those two when it comes to Sin & Punishment and Donkey Kong respectively. If those two can get in, despite not appearing in the latest games (Although in Saki's case, I would also be fine with Isa Jo), so can others.
Steam said:
I was meaning more popularity than relevance. like relevance to the fans.
That wasn't geared towards you.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I also agree that popularity and importance is very important to consider. King K. Rool hasn't appeared in Donkey Kong Country (But he at least was in Super Mario Sluggers), yet he is a very popular request for SSB4. That popularity and his importance to the Donkey Kong series could be enough for him to be in SSB4.
Don't you mean Donkey Kong Country Returns? K. Rool appeared in the original Donkey Kong Country.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I agree with that matter, to say that relavance plays a major role for determining a character is just dumb, looking at Marth, it's proven.

I'm gonna go ahead and make my accurate predictions as of today with explanation, it's not a wishlist.

I'll post it as soon as I'm done.


Deleted member

Would Zero be a good addition?

I wouldn't mind Zero, but he shouldn't get in before Mega Man. Going by the fact that we're very likely getting the classic version, if we get a second rep, it's going to be Proto Man or Bass. That said, none of the three stands much of a chance.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I agree with that matter, to say that relavance plays a major role for determining a character is just dumb, looking at Marth, it's proven.

It definitely does play a major role. Just other factors do as well.

BOY do I have a treat for y'all!

Here is the translated Melee polls for funsies.

Andddd Here is a list of characters that were thought about during brawl's inclusion!

All curtiosy of Toise. I also have (somewhere) a link to every character-related idea/inclusion to ever grace smash. Of course it's just all the characters we have confirmed were thought about/planned for Smash. It's hard to explain what that list is, but it's somewhere. Here is what I'm talking about!


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Would Zero be a good addition?

Zero from Megaman?

Hmm... It definetly would be fun and exciting but seeing he's 3rd party material, I can't see him taking Megaman's place, although it's highly possible that Zero or Dr.Doom appear as Assist Trophies, that would be awesome.



Smash Ace
May 18, 2009
Zero would still be pretty sweet if he does happen to appear ouutaa no where. I really hope Sonic stays though. Sonic, Snake, Megaman are all uniquely different hire parties.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
I actually supported R.O.B. in the earlier pre-Brawl days. :I Because he was my favorite in Mario Kart...

I think what thew people off was that he was revealed as a common enemy in SSE, so people just assumed that was all he would be.

I don't like the term "WTF character". It's not like some kind of criteria that has to be met. Sakurai just happened to see potential in someone that most people didn't expect is all.

Also after playing a bit of Joy Mech Fight again, I'm really hoping we get to see Sukapon...

I think the criteria for a WTF character is for them to be retro and not expected.

Saving that image. :bee:

Deleted member


I think the criteria for a WTF character is for them to be retro and not expected.

Saving that image. :bee:
Sukapon will never be in a Super Smash Bros. game as a playable character. Sakurai himself said that he would not be appearing in the future. Even thought he has fighting potential, his best chance is an Assist Trophy.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009

I think the criteria for a WTF character is for them to be retro and not expected.

Saving that image. :bee:
Sakurai actually began work on Sukapon for Melee, but scrapped him. He said it's pretty unlikely that he will ever consider him again so.....



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
It definitely does play a major role. Just other factors do as well.

BOY do I have a treat for y'all!

Here is the translated Melee polls for funsies.

Andddd Here is a list of characters that were thought about during brawl's inclusion!

All curtiosy of Toise. I also have (somewhere) a link to every character-related idea/inclusion to ever grace smash. Of course it's just all the characters we have confirmed were thought about/planned for Smash. It's hard to explain what that list is, but it's somewhere. Here is what I'm talking about!
Wow, I have to admit, I'm impressed if not overwhelmed by all this, good stuff :) Lol at McFox with Geno.


Deleted member

@Shortiecanbrawl: Glad you brought that up. I did look at the multiple reputation list and it's safe to say that if one of this happens again and that a character gets at least two recommendations, it stands a chance of getting in as a playable character. The more recommendations, the better.

Also, since Takamaru appeared in a game, he could get in.
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