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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
Expect that I really doubt that Leon will ever get in SSB4 as a playable character. Too much of a long shot if you tell me. The only Star Fox character with a much of a shot is Krystal and even then, I have doubts about her.
Although fighting with a staff could be interesting. Actually, Leon could be interesting too, depending how far that iguana-tongue goes. I think only Krystal really has a shot outside of the 3 Star Fox characters already in (and I still think Wolf might end up getting chopped).

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Krystal and Slippy are more popular than Leon. If Sakurai adds another Star Fox character, I'm willing to bet everything that it will be one of them two. I'm really hoping Krystal will make it in SSB4. The chance of that happening is realistic, so i'm keeping my hopes up.
I mainly suggested Leon, since he's less clumsy than Slippy, and has a rivalry with Falco.

Anyway, be fortunate that I didn't drag Panther into the mix, since he's less popular than all the other Star Fox candidates combined.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I think that, in honor of NES classic "Pro Wrestling", they have every game end with the announcer saying "A WINNER IS YOU!!!"

Sarcasm noted... but it would be cool to get a Pro Wrestler as an Assist Trophy... I would like Amazon most of all... he can do these wrestling moves like everyone else but he can also bite and stab with a fork!! A fork!!! No one does that in Pro Wrestling but him!

Krystal and Slippy are more popular than Leon. If Sakurai adds another Star Fox character, I'm willing to bet everything that it will be one of them two. I'm really hoping Krystal will make it in SSB4. The chance of that happening is realistic, so i'm keeping my hopes up.
I can see one of three following scenarios happening with Star Fox...
- keep Fox, Falco, Wolf as semi-clones complete with Landmasters and don't add Krystal :troll:
- add Krystal but she is a semi-clone with a pink Landmaster :troll:
- add Slippy instead of Krystal and he is a semi-clone with a green Landmaster :troll:

Deleted member

Anyone else this game should have custom Event Matches, where you set the character, stage, and opponents, and submit your match onto a large database? Hell, maybe one could make a series of matches of one Event Match.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Anyone else this game should have custom Event Matches, where you set the character, stage, and opponents, and submit your match onto a large database? Hell, maybe one could make a series of matches of one Event Match.
As amusing as it sounds, it might be rather difficult to pull off.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
I'm hoping online has a ranked playlist, much like SSF4. And being able to save replays from online matches, then upload them for other people to download. Sakurai really needs to take a page from Capcom's books. Just look at 3rd Strike Online's online capabilities. Save offline and online replays, then upload then straight to Youtube.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
The chance of that happening is realistic, so i'm keeping my hopes up.
She should get in to make up for Sakurai's ignorance. ^.^

I wonder if Miyomoto or Iwata would have answered the way he did.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Well there is a rule that you can't post threads relating to Smash Bros. Wii U here. This thread is pretty much for all Smash Wii U discussions until more info is revealed to us.
Or you can make your own invite-only discussion thread. But those tend to go by slow :awesome:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Sarcasm noted... but it would be cool to get a Pro Wrestler as an Assist Trophy... I would like Amazon most of all... he can do these wrestling moves like everyone else but he can also bite and stab with a fork!! A fork!!! No one does that in Pro Wrestling but him!

I can see one of three following scenarios happening with Star Fox...
- keep Fox, Falco, Wolf as semi-clones complete with Landmasters and don't add Krystal :troll:
- add Krystal but she is a semi-clone with a pink Landmaster :troll:
- add Slippy instead of Krystal and he is a semi-clone with a green Landmaster :troll:
god people!!

Quit adding these ****** troll faces already, you're gonna ****** confuse someone around here! :mad:



Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
Sakurai needs to learn more about online period.

He has severely warped views of online play. But considering Nintendo are trying to push the Wii U as a competitive console, it's likely it will be a lot better than the ****hole known as Brawl Online.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
He has severely warped views of online play. But considering Nintendo are trying to push the Wii U as a competitive console, it's likely it will be a lot better than the ****hole known as Brawl Online.
Lag has always been a downer for a lot of Wi-Fi titles. Even Mario Kart Wii can't escape it.

Deleted member

Sonic the Baron said:
Anyone else this game should have custom Event Matches, where you set the character, stage, and opponents, and submit your match onto a large database? Hell, maybe one could make a series of matches of one Event Match.
I would love this idea very much. Gives more variety and create more interesting matches.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
Have Nintendo confirmed that the Wii U will use wireless? Or is there still a chance that we will get wired internet?


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Lag has always been a downer for a lot of Wi-Fi titles. Even Mario Kart Wii can't escape it.
Are you sure? It has never lagged for me, and I have a bajillion points on my online thing. Last time a checked at least. Either way, lots of developers are backing the WiiU so I would say were seemingly in good hands. I know it's hard to believe.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
He has severely warped views of online play. But considering Nintendo are trying to push the Wii U as a competitive console, it's likely it will be a lot better than the ****hole known as Brawl Online.
Nintendo needs to stop being close minded and old fashioned and offer better online service already, here's a bit of what I would love to see in Smash:

*No lag!! I can't stress this enough!
*DLC content- hopefully Nintendo will put on their thinking caps and learn to utilize this, happy consumers=more profit.
*online modes- such as leaderboards,live chat talk,and no freakin disconnecting a match just because someone decided to disconnect.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Well, the general population here seems to agree that Little Mac and Takamaru should be in SSB4. I am supporting them as well... but my inner biased fanboy also wants Muddy Mole from Mole Mania and Dog from Duck Hunt. ;)
Punchout hasn't been a retro franchise ever since a new game was released on the Wii a few years ago.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
Nintendo needs to stop being close minded and old fashioned and offer better online service already, here's a bit of what I would love to see in Smash:

*No lag!! I can't stress this enough!
*DLC content- hopefully Nintendo will put on their thinking caps and learn to utilize this, happy consumers=more profit.
*online modes- such as leaderboards,live chat talk,and no freakin disconnecting a match just because someone decided to disconnect.

I agree. Also, I'll add...

-The option to have a rematch and send them a friend request.


Nothing is more frustrating in fighting games than playing someone good and funny, then most likely never to know who they are, or play against them again.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Punchout hasn't been a retro franchise ever since a new game was released on the Wii a few years ago.
I know that. But I have seen some people still listing Little Mac under Retro with Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B, and Pit even though Little Mac and Pit are not retro anymore.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
Have Nintendo confirmed that the Wii U will use wireless? Or is there still a chance that we will get wired internet?
There is no LAN port but maybe there will be a proprietary LAN adapter that connects to a USB port like the Wii.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Have Nintendo confirmed that the Wii U will use wireless? Or is there still a chance that we will get wired internet?
Are you planning a wired connection?

Well as far I see, I haven't been able to confirm an Ethernet port, but since the one on e3 may have been a prototype, I wouldn't worry so much, I bet the final version will have one, hofefully Nintendo won't force you into buying more of that **** just to have a wired connection.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2011
There is no LAN port but maybe there will be a proprietary LAN adapter that connects to a USB port like the Wii.
So they are trying to market the Wii U to hardcore gamers, but will still be using Wireless.


Are you planning a wired connection?

Well as far I see, I haven't been able to confirm an Ethernet port, but since the one on e3 may have been a prototype, I wouldn't worry so much, I bet the final version will have one, hofefully Nintendo won't force you into buying more of that **** just to have a wired connection.

I have a wireless/wired connection at home. But wired connection is infinitely better than wireless. The lag would be a lot worse than a wired connection. Just look at Xbox Live compared to Wii online.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Since I had my poll hit it's 200th vote mark a few days ago. Thanks by the way, you made this poll 100xs more active than my 09-10 poll. Hopefully next June's will be even more active. ANYWAYS, I just decided to write up a summery of my findings, I hope it's a fun read for you guys.
Shortiecanbraw's Poll Findings
[COLLAPSE="here"]Mario: Bowser Jr. and Toad are extremely close in votes to Mario and the rest of the veterans. We then have Paper Mario coming in with about half as many votes as Mario himself. After that characters like Fawful, Daisy, and Waluigi come in with a fourth of the votes the veterans have. Doc comes in with about a third. Overall, Toad and Bowser Jr. are in the lead, and my personal choices for the Mario Franchise.

Donkey Kong: Is an interesting poll, the series has three options for Diddy and Dixie. You can choose for them alone or paired. So far Dixie alone is the most wanted choice out of those three. But K. Rool beats her, and comes in with more votes than Diddy. Funky comes in with even less votes than Dixie. Overall, K. Rool is the only likely choice from this poll. (Note: Tiki's were not on the poll.)

The Legend Of Zelda: Really is a jumbled mess. There is a lot of votes going towards a lot of characters. One thing is for sure though, A new Ganon has more voted than old Ganon. Midna and Wolf Link along with Tetra/Toon Zelda have about half the votes that Zelda has. They come in with the most votes, short behind are Skull Kid, Vaati, and Young Link. Unfortunetly Gharahim is very behind. Overall, this is a total toss up. Tingle doesn't even have that many votes.

Metroid: Has a pretty clear path. Ridley. Next, with half the votes of Ridley, and a third of the Votes as Samus/ZSS is Dark Samus. Anthony Higgs, and Sylux. Bring in the rear with less than twenty votes. Overall, I would say it's Ridley we want.

Yoshi: Is pretty simple IMO. He doesn't deserve another representative at the moment. Kamek and Baby Bros are the only two mentionalbes. Shiro, Baby Bowser, and Baby Weilding Yoshi are in the tens of votes. Overall, I wouldn't suggest another character. But if I had to, I would give it to Kamek.

Kirby: Harbors Gooey, who I am in love with. But he has. . . six votes. . . I would assume his lack of relivance and star studded sequals is to blame. Epic Yarn proves nothing is really epic about it. It's greatest contenders war Yarn Kirby and Prince Fulff himself. Unfortunetly they are about another nine tenths to get themselves up to par with Kirby himself. The demand is pretty low for Kirby characters. Poor Gooey. Overall, I suggest no characters from Kirby. But if one must come out of this. . I suppose Prince Fluff will do.

StarFox: Has nothing out of the ordinary to report. Simply that popularity wise, Wolf isn't defending his spot very well. Krystal is twenty votes behind him. She is only thirty votes behind Falco. Overall, it's plain to see that Slippy, Peppy, Panther and Leon were beat out by Krystal. Who gets my full support.

F-Zero: Has true lack of fans who took this poll. Samurai Goroh only managed to land less than half the votes of Falcon. Black Shadow has about third of the votes, and the fourth character is only besting the rest with a score of 16! That is Blood Falcon. I would say Black shadow and Samurai Goroh are two decent contenders. Sorry, Jody Summers

Mother: Also suffers on the whole newcomers idea. Claus and Masked Man have terrible polls when compared to Ness and Lucas. Even Porky has a lack of votes. It seems all the Mother fans couldn't convince one another to all vote for the same person. A lot of character have votes, heck all of them are voted on. Too bad their are a lot of characters to choose from. Overall, this is a dim pool.Masked Man/Claus is going to pull a Sheik on this one.

Fire Emblem: Is to an extent in the sam boat as Mother. They have Roy and Lyn. Roy has two thirds the amount of votes that Marth has. While Lyn has a little over one third. Micaiah, Black Knight, and Caeda all have decent polls, but nothing special. SO, Overall, I would say Roy and Lyn are two candidates.

Kid Icarus: Is out of date. Because of the major overhall of characters, this isn't the best poll for it. With that in mind, Pit has a decent amount of votes asking for an Uprising make over. Which, IMO is likely. Medusa really is lacking a lot of votes. I expected more for her. Palutena is even beating her! With all of this in mind, I consider Medusa the most likely choice.

Wario: Has a lot of nothing. Every character is lacking enough outstanding votes. By default, I give this one to Captain syrup. Who has about a seventh of the votes as Wario.

Pokemon: Has a lot of votes for almost every contestant. Firstly, Mewtwo has an enourmous amount of votes. He's beating Pichu, Zoroark, Lucario and Jigglypuff even! Zoroark is a stand out, he has sixty votes about. Along with Pichu and Plusle and Minun. Unfortunatley, Victini, Meowth and the rest are doing rather poorly. Kanto PT has the most votes by far for the PT.(Boo!) Leaving second place to Johto. Overall, I suppose Johto PT, Zoroark, Mewtwo, and Plusle/Minun are a decent pool to pick from.

NEW FRANCHISES: For this, I'll just quickly name off any of the outstanding characters. There are tons to sort through. Isaac [Golden Sun], Balloon Fighter, Little Mac [Punch Out!!!], Mii's [Wii Series], Ray MK [Custom Robo], Saki [Sin and Punishment], Starfy [LoS], Tom Nook [Animal Crossing].

THIRD PARTIES: Here is the list from most to least votes: Sonic The HedgeHog, Snake, Megaman, Bomberman, Castlevania, Super Mario RPG, Street Figher and Final Fantasy take the lead. Other like Kingdom Hearts, Soul Caliber, and Proffesor Layton did not live up to expectations.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I agree. Also, I'll add...

-The option to have a rematch and send them a friend request.


Nothing is more frustrating in fighting games than playing someone good and funny, then most likely never to know who they are, or play against them again.
Yes, if someone decides to rematch, where's the freaking option?

Not in Brawl, but hopefully in Wii-U's.

I also want the ability to upload custom music into SSB4, I would definetly add Street Fighter themes and pretend lol.....



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
yes, that would be awesome, hopefully without having to hack my Wii and convert them.

My personal favorite: Evil Ryu theme SFA 3



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
With the rosters I see floating around, mine included, is anyone worried this roster will be a bit less dazzling? Brawl brought in some big names like Diddy Kong, King Dedede, Meta Knight, Captain Olimar, Pit, and Wario. There were even a few surprises like Pokemon Trainer and R.O.B. thrown in. Not to mention Snake and Sonic.

Sure, most people believe Ridley, Little Mac, and Megaman are shoe-ins, but other than them, there aren't that many big names out there left? (I'm going to get in trouble for not mentioning some characters, I know it :V)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
I know that. But I have seen some people still listing Little Mac under Retro with Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B, and Pit even though Little Mac and Pit are not retro anymore.
Technically,Pit is still retro until Uprising comes out. : P It's not helping in Little Mac's case though if you keep going along with them. Just list him as a separate franchise (which I've also seen other people do). With that said there's only one retro character that has a high chance of getting in (who I keep forgetting how to spell his name). I think we can speculate on one other choice.

Deleted member

Mario_And_Sonic_Guy said:
Lag has always been a downer for a lot of Wi-Fi titles. Even Mario Kart Wii can't escape it.
I haven't really noticed any lag from that game. It's the disconnection issue that occurs sometimes that hurts it. I haven't seen any lags from Excitebots: Trick Racing either (Best racing game I've played this gen IMO).
Arcadenik said:
I know that. But I have seen some people still listing Little Mac under Retro with Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B, and Pit even though Little Mac and Pit are not retro anymore.
These people seriously need to read up on information regarding Little Mac and Pit. It's aggravating having to have to look at rosters that include these as retro because these people are obviously not informed well enough of Nintendo's history.
Oasis_S said:
Sure, most people believe Ridley, Little Mac, and Megaman are shoe-ins, but other than them, there aren't that many big names out there left? (I'm going to get in trouble for not mentioning some characters, I know it :V)
There's Medusa, Zoroark/Victini, and possibly King K. Rool. But yeah, not many big Nintendo stars left, so they only have new B-franchises to pick from now.
refugee said:
With that said there's only one retro character that has a high chance of getting in (who I keep forgetting how to spell his name). I think we can speculate on one other choice.
Would that be Takamaru?


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
all of that just remind me of this

alright!! that's enough! back to discussing the same topics people. lol
I always liked Makoto's theme, always reminded me of Ape Escape music.

It is relevant if a Street Fighter character makes it in. :p

Every other theme is low tier compared to this...
Kind of reminds me of this. Yay Knunckles!

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