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Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
el paso, TX
nm should come to our tournament just so i can 3 stock everyone
i mean fuirous is not a challenge for me and will still probably
win those said money matches.... =]


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2006
El Paso, TX
Drunk message but i wont insult. maybe.
we didnt ban him because we thought people wouldn't show up because of it. So you can come take our money with MK. major lol

Agree with arturito burrito, everyone seems to talk A LOT but no one has said "i am down to go" You guys haven't invited us so we had to step up and do this. We are placing the tourney on a gold platter and you guys are going to deny?? you guys just don't have the captain falcon guts to come.
Make sure to check the thread, we are even practically giving ****ing money away..


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Eeeeheheheh. El Paso, Oklahoma, AND Colorado?

I dunno. What do you say, guys? I want to go to Colorado regardless, and I doubt anyone wants to do Oklahoma and Colorado, so maybe El Paso and Colorado.

I don't care really. Thoughts?

Awesome smash fest Nolan. Thanks for hosting.

I've come to the conclusion Dekar is my long lost brother. That or my evil twin.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
HOLY F'ING CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't post in here for a week or so, and you guys all of a sudden decide to get super active?!?!?!?!?!?!? Screw this, there's like 10 pages I need to read to catch up on. Someone should just inform me of all that is happening and has happened recently. Please?? Tournaments, a new person named AX, Kyle posts, trash talk, etc. WHAT'S GOING ON?!?

Oh, and: HI GUYS!!


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
How did the fest go guys? I couldn't go because I have no way of getting there :(

@El Paso- I would love to go if you can pay for me to get up there that is. If you can do that I'll go up there and challenge you.

@Kash- lol, well see about that.

@Dekar- So is the DMD tourney on the 1st official?


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Neighbors to the left, I need your help! I'm doing this competition in Europe and I need everyones help! Here is the official thread

I'm confused... are you from Europe or Arizona?

Yes! Good job banning MK guys. Canada is next.
Are we going to invade them?

How did the fest go guys? I couldn't go because I have no way of getting there :(

@El Paso- I would love to go if you can pay for me to get up there that is. If you can do that I'll go up there and challenge you.

@Kash- lol, well see about that.

@Dekar- So is the DMD tourney on the 1st official?
Oh, I know.

EDIT: Upon researching the El Paso tournament thread, Oh Snap OK tournament thread, and the Colorado Frenzy tournament thread...

I believe we need to go to Oklahoma without a ****ing moment's hesitation. That **** looks big and it looks fun. I'm certainly one of the last people that's suggested we should go, but I'm going to be one of the first to start organizing this. New Mexico... you're coming with, and I want top three to go to all New Mexico players! It's about time we represented.

Housing: Free. We just need to tell them we are coming and how many AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

Time: Approximately an eight hour drive. The tournament is Saturday November 22nd.

Gas: The trip is about 570 miles in one direction, 1140 miles round trip. Assuming we have a vehicle that gets 30 MPG and gas prices remain at roughly $3 a gallon it will come out to approximately $120 for gas. I did a lot of rounding, though. You can give or take $10 or so.

How much everyone pays for gas really comes down to whether or not we will take a small car with good gas mileage or a bigger car with not-as-good gas mileage. Depends on how many people are willing to go.

Food: Last time when we went to Az12Step we never really spent more than $20, maybe $30, on food, and that tournament was two days long. We also paid a $10 housing fee, so this should be even cheaper in that regard.

Venue: $5 entry fee with $10 for singles and $10 for teams (so $5 per person). They also will have Melee. Right now the turnout looks to be about 80 persons and counting.

Let's see here... gas, food, housing... I think about covers it. We just need to figure out who is going and what vehicle we are taking. I predict the cost for this trip, per person, won't be more than $100, and that's with a lot of lee way. $25 for gas, $30 for food, and about $20 for the venue.

What do you say guys? Let's go rock the Southwest/Midwest's ****ing world.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Good news: Yoda/Darth Vader are going to be available as DLC for the PS3 and 360, respectively, on October 23rd.

Bad news: They cost $5. $5 for one effing character. What's more, you're just unlocking code that's already on the disc. Basically, Namco is shamelessly extorting SC players.

Oh, and no OOS tournaments for me until summer.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
I don't think you understand what I am saying. First of all, you don't have the right to talk because you've never played a REAL PIT you dip****. Get with the program and go fight ax. You'll finally know what I'm talking about. Once again, I'd rather dorm with you than fight Ax again.
It's impossible to compare Daniel's Pit and Ax's pit, they are just astronomically different. It's like having Princess Peach survive a falcon punch through the genitalia and survive. It just can't be done.
Aw, I feel such a strange mixture of flattery and humility. Yes, soon my Pit will be something of legend, and all shall tremble! TREMBLE, I SAY! I don't think I've ever fought you Zman, but it looks like we need to tussle. Same with you, Neil. No more hiding, fight me :bee:

And yes, that was Dekar under my screen name insulting tw1nz, not me. I'll FALCCON PU NCH him later.

Anywho, fun smash fiesta Nolan. I'll drive next time, because between Dekar's horrid directions and my sister's inability to follow said directions, it's a wonder we got there at all. At least it all came around when Dekar/Mol team got absolutely destroyed (for Kash's sake, we had 13 wins out of 20 matches).


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Good news: Yoda/Darth Vader are going to be available as DLC for the PS3 and 360, respectively, on October 23rd.

Bad news: They cost $5. $5 for one effing character. What's more, you're just unlocking code that's already on the disc. Basically, Namco is shamelessly extorting SC players.

Oh, and no OOS tournaments for me until summer.
I remember them saying a long time ago that each would become downloadable, but yes, a $5 fee is stupid. Namco went a little insane last era, especially with support for Nintendo-they make SCII for all 3 systems, it sells the best on the Gamecube, and yet they release SCIII for the PS2 only. They make ToS for the Gamecube, it sells 1 million copies+, yet the next 2 tales games would be for the PS2 only. Now there isn't even a SC4 for the Wii.

It's like they don't WANT to make money. I would hate them if not for the fact that they make awesome games. Kinda makes me want to maybe get into SC4, as I won La Cueva's SCII tourney years back, and I stand by that my Cervantes/Voldo cannot be stopped.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
K here it is:

Myself, Neil, Ax, and "JT!" (he was the guy teaming with Ax at the fest last night, screaming unholiness every time my beautiful girlfriend ***** his rob) are all willing to go to OK, myself and Neil being guaranteed to go. We may have a spot for one more person, OR a few more, not sure, still deciding which car will be best to take.

Davis, you're awesome for putting exactly how many miles it is to get there, haha. Consider this a cordial invitation to come along with me and my gang of flunkies:

Davis, baby, will you *** with me, then come with us to OK?

As for CO and El Paso, I'm willing to go to both but funding funding funding!


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
@Dekar: Count me out. I'm not really in the mood to travel to OOS tourneys for a game I don't care much for. Good luck though.

@Ax: Your Pit sucks. I haven't even played you and I know all you do is camp. Also, SC4 on the Wii would suck. Partly because the graphics would have to be toned down and nintendo would probably make namco use some stupid wiimote controller configuration for the game.

@Nolan: Awesome smashfest. I would've slept over but I wasn't in the mood. Also, you need to QAC more. It is an amazing move that you need to learn to utilize more.

@Niel: Melee is too good. Every single one of our matches had something epic in it. I'm glad you talked me into dropping marth. I'm now going to focus on my fox. BTW, we should start recording our matches. Also, I find it kind of funny that we were getting done with 4-5 matches in melee on average in the time it took everyone else to get done with 1 in brawl. Also, I should have my hacked brawl ready by the next smashfest.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
@Z-man: The fight is on!

@Dekar: JT said he'd go? Didn't know that. You know, it may be cheaper to fly, actually.

@Alpha: Good, good, let the smack talking begin! But you're doing it wrong-what I do can hardly be considered camping. But you might want to insult spamming in general: I do loves that spammy jab, AR, and arrows. However, that's not even me, just Pit's playstyle.

On the note of the Wii, the graphics would be a non-issue. The Wii already achieved XBox360+ graphics with several games (See MP3 and SMG for easy to find exampes, or the upcoming The Conduit), and Nintendo can't dictate what Namco does with their games on that level. Would it have Wii controls? Probably, but if you haven't noticed, there are very few games that only use the Wiimote control scheme (points to MKWii, SSBB, etc.)

@Erich: You've been gone forever, and you know me. We've played in fact.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Paul, for being such a devoutly religious young lad you do spawn quite a bit of negativity whenever you post anything.

Do yourself (as well as the rest of society) a favor and watch Religulous/zeitgeist


If I could hang myself on a cross in order to rid this world of the disease that is religion, I would do so without a second thought, that is how disgusting the people it spawns are.

In conclusion, you've got a hell of a lot of growing up to do man.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
That, and he should learn the game, not counter-picks. :p But I'm above insults, unless it's to Dekar, Mol, or JT.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
@Dekar: Count me out. I'm not really in the mood to travel to OOS tourneys for a game I don't care much for. Good luck though.

@Ax: Your Pit sucks. I haven't even played you and I know all you do is camp. Also, SC4 on the Wii would suck. Partly because the graphics would have to be toned down and nintendo would probably make namco use some stupid wiimote controller configuration for the game.

@Nolan: Awesome smashfest. I would've slept over but I wasn't in the mood. Also, you need to QAC more. It is an amazing move that you need to learn to utilize more.

@Niel: Melee is too good. Every single one of our matches had something epic in it. I'm glad you talked me into dropping marth. I'm now going to focus on my fox. BTW, we should start recording our matches. Also, I find it kind of funny that we were getting done with 4-5 matches in melee on average in the time it took everyone else to get done with 1 in brawl. Also, I should have my hacked brawl ready by the next smashfest.
I agree to everything in here.

Ax, you do suck. I watched your pit, it did not do good.

Count me out for OOS. I have a musical (Scroog, from musical theatre sw at the american arts theatre) from the 12-28th of december, but i have rehearsals to attend in november. I am doing lights(professionally :D)

Looks like there is only one more pretty good brawl player from the fest left, if he Davis goes, he will do well.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
sinz do you wear magic underwear? does it make you happy to belong to Scientology's older brother, Mormonism?

Go watch Religulous kind sir. Zeitgeist too. Don't let your brainwashing crazy *** church convince you against it either, that's silly.

Also, Mormons are allowed to eat meat, it'd help you hit puberty sir.

This isn't pent up rage or anything, this is disagreement with you as a human being. You're religious, but still finding time to sit here and start crap. Isn't that against everything Jesus, Muhammad, and John Smith (I think, anyway. He heard voices so I'd HOPE they told him to be a decent human being and profess that to everyone else) taught? What's your problem? Should you kill yourself? Probably, but that's another issue entirely.

I'm an atheist and find that I'd be judged as a better person than you, what does that say about you as a believer? What does that say about your cult?

It would seem that not only you, but Paul as well have quite a bit of growing up to do. Don't worry though you've got a few years before you'll be expected to act like an adult.

My bad: sinz is 18. Paul you've got some time to grow up though, you should utilize it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
@everyone Thanks for coming down to my house for the smashfest. I think we all had a pretty good time and I hope we can do it again soon.

@Paul Yeah, I used to do it a lot but one day I just couldn't do anything but dair and qa from the qac. I'm in the process of getting back on it but I didn't want to try it in matches yet it in fear of being punished, a lot

@Everett You left your jacket here son. Thanks a lot for teaching me about glide tossing, i'm getting it down.

@Dekar Thanks for making me dinner babe, I will trade your services for my salsa anytime.

@Zman Yeah sorry about that, you have no idea what it causes in my house.

@Neil and Davis Are you guys looking for work?

@Steven I beat both Neils and Walkers Marths today frequently. One day my skull bashes will triumph your emo haired swordsmen.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
@Nolan: You need QAC more and not get beaten so badly by my Lucas. I would have spent the night but I was tired and afraid of touching anything in your house. Fun fest though.

@Neil: Fun Melee matches. Just don't reset, it makes you look bad. We still need to do a Falcon brawl ditto though :laugh:

@Dekar: I'm an Aethiest tooo :bee: I didn't play you though. :( That is sad.

@Walker: **** gordos.

@Steven: Fun SC4 matches.

@Derek: Learn to use Marth's homo chain grab on the Mother kids (just not on my Lucas >_>)

@Sinz: Your Snake overwhelmed me. But fun matches.

@Paul: I mentioned everyone else at the fest so far so I didn't want you to feel left out.

@Davis: I din't play you either. That is sad.

@Ax: MM next time we meet. I will **** your **** up so badly that you'll kill yourself to stop your eventual spiral of despair after losing to me. You know nothing.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
I agree to everything in here.

Ax, you do suck. I watched your pit, it did not do good.
****, I'm getting insulted by two people I've never even played, and for no good reason. That's usually the sign of jealousy. But if we are going to play that game, I, too, can make judgements of you both based on how I've seen you play. And beyond a counter-picker and a (lol) MK player, I haven't seen anything to speak of. And since being able to beat everyone at the smashfest/these tournament crowds at one point or the other constitutes sucking, then ****, the quality of that word has taken a hit over the years.

tl;dr: No U.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
@Dekar: I'm an Aethiest tooo :bee: I didn't play you though. :( That is sad.

@Ax: MM next time we meet. I will **** your **** up so badly that you'll kill yourself to stop your eventual spiral of despair after losing to me. You know nothing.
Well, that makes three of us atheists in the house. >_>b

Looking forward to it Zman, lol. Now THAT'S how you insult someone. But I insist that after I'm through with you, I'll have pulverized your fighter's heads so far down in their torsos that they will have to drop their pants to say "Hello."


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
@Alpha: Good, good, let the smack talking begin! But you're doing it wrong-what I do can hardly be considered camping. But you might want to insult spamming in general: I do loves that spammy jab, AR, and arrows. However, that's not even me, just Pit's playstyle.

On the note of the Wii, the graphics would be a non-issue. The Wii already achieved XBox360+ graphics with several games (See MP3 and SMG for easy to find exampes, or the upcoming The Conduit), and Nintendo can't dictate what Namco does with their games on that level. Would it have Wii controls? Probably, but if you haven't noticed, there are very few games that only use the Wiimote control scheme (points to MKWii, SSBB, etc.)
I have yet to see any game on the Wii achieve Gears of War quality graphics. I don't think SC4 on the wii is a bad idea it's just past games on the Wii that have been ported over from other consoles have generally been bad.

Paul, for being such a devoutly religious young lad you do spawn quite a bit of negativity whenever you post anything.
"Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor"

I'm going to tell the truth, regardless of whether or not it is positive.

Do yourself (as well as the rest of society) a favor and watch Religulous/zeitgeist
I have watched zeitgeist. I can probably guarentee you that I watched it LONG before you ever did. Here are some little known facts:

The people who made that film are freemasons. Freemasons=masons. In case you don't know what masons do, they worship satan. Hmmmmmmm....I wonder why people who worship and glorify satan would make a video that is basically anti-christ? The answer is obvious.

Also, the part in the film that describes the similiarities between Jesus Christ and other mythological figures of other cultures is all false. The truth is, none of that information can be found anywhere in recorded ancient text. Basically, they LIED. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...I wonder why people who worship satan and embrace evil would lie in order to promote anti christ viewpoints? Again, the answer is obvious.

If you actually would "think" for a second instead of accepting what they as fact then you would have realized they lied.


In conclusion, you've got a hell of a lot of growing up to do man.
I guarentee you Casey, I know more than you'll ever know. The fact is, you're ignorant and blind to the truth. If you want to know, I can tell you, but only in person. OR you can actually do your own research and think for yoursef.

You claim that religion is bad. Well, the truth is, it is. This may sound contradictory to what I believe in, but it really isn't.

The fact is, Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, not religion.

I trust in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone, not religion.

I don't know where you get off thinking I belong to some religion or church...I don't. I follow the truth, and that truth is Jesus Christ.

You are completely ignorant of what Jesus Christ taught. Yes, he expected us to be kind to others but he did not expect us to except false ways.

First off, Muhammad and Joseph Smith were false prophets. Jesus Christ said....

"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." -Mark 13:22

Second, here's something to take into consideration....

"For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." —Romans 10:3,4

In fact, you should probably visit this website:


Also, I am 18 years old. I don't why you just assume I'm not.

I could sit here all night and type away why you're wrong. But I'm not going to. If you want to talk in person, man to man, let me know at the next fest/tourney. Then, I'll explain to you.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
@Zman I wouldn't talk about how you can smash me in a 60-40 matchup in your favor when I destroyed your G&W in which you have an arguably if not more 70-30 matchup in your favor. :) But yeah, qacing more is on my list.

Edit: and while this post is fresh let me take the time to say there's an edit button Ax, no need to double post.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
K here it is:

Myself, Neil, Ax, and "JT!" (he was the guy teaming with Ax at the fest last night, screaming unholiness every time my beautiful girlfriend ***** his rob) are all willing to go to OK, myself and Neil being guaranteed to go. We may have a spot for one more person, OR a few more, not sure, still deciding which car will be best to take.

Davis, you're awesome for putting exactly how many miles it is to get there, haha. Consider this a cordial invitation to come along with me and my gang of flunkies:

Davis, baby, will you *** with me, then come with us to OK?

As for CO and El Paso, I'm willing to go to both but funding funding funding!
I have but one thing to say to that:

Can I come to OK and THEN *** with you? I'd like that more.

@Dekar: Count me out. I'm not really in the mood to travel to OOS tourneys for a game I don't care much for. Good luck though.

@Ax: Your Pit sucks. I haven't even played you and I know all you do is camp. Also, SC4 on the Wii would suck. Partly because the graphics would have to be toned down and nintendo would probably make namco use some stupid wiimote controller configuration for the game.

@Nolan: Awesome smashfest. I would've slept over but I wasn't in the mood. Also, you need to QAC more. It is an amazing move that you need to learn to utilize more.

@Niel: Melee is too good. Every single one of our matches had something epic in it. I'm glad you talked me into dropping marth. I'm now going to focus on my fox. BTW, we should start recording our matches. Also, I find it kind of funny that we were getting done with 4-5 matches in melee on average in the time it took everyone else to get done with 1 in brawl. Also, I should have my hacked brawl ready by the next smashfest.
Aw. Thanks anyways, Paul. You should still go to Colorado. You know you want to see Tony and them :p

@Z-man: The fight is on!

@Dekar: JT said he'd go? Didn't know that. You know, it may be cheaper to fly, actually.

@Alpha: Good, good, let the smack talking begin! But you're doing it wrong-what I do can hardly be considered camping. But you might want to insult spamming in general: I do loves that spammy jab, AR, and arrows. However, that's not even me, just Pit's playstyle.

On the note of the Wii, the graphics would be a non-issue. The Wii already achieved XBox360+ graphics with several games (See MP3 and SMG for easy to find exampes, or the upcoming The Conduit), and Nintendo can't dictate what Namco does with their games on that level. Would it have Wii controls? Probably, but if you haven't noticed, there are very few games that only use the Wiimote control scheme (points to MKWii, SSBB, etc.)

@Erich: You've been gone forever, and you know me. We've played in fact.
Graphics can kiss my ***. I enjoy Majora's Mask and Pong just as much as Gears of War and Soul Calibur 4. Why? Gameplay. I don't care about the graphics. I know some people do, though. It's an opinion thing.

I think Soul Calibur 4 for the Wii would've made a decent game. Inferior to the Ps3 version, but a good game all the same. Nintendo wouldn't, and I don't think necessarily can, force a developer to use a certain control system. Should the game have been made for the Wii I'm sure it would've used a GCN controller, possibly the classic.

I agree to everything in here.

Ax, you do suck. I watched your pit, it did not do good.

Count me out for OOS. I have a musical (Scroog, from musical theatre sw at the american arts theatre) from the 12-28th of december, but i have rehearsals to attend in november. I am doing lights(professionally :D)

Looks like there is only one more pretty good brawl player from the fest left, if he Davis goes, he will do well.
Don't forget to PM the details for your performance, Everett. I will most likely come.

Ah, thank you. I will probably go and do my best to represent. I just wish you, Paul, and Steven would go with me.

You have no idea. The horror stories I could tell you...........

The fest was awesome. NOT going to main jigglypuff, though. We need more smashfests.
Good. Jigglypuff can die... ****ing jump monster.

@everyone Thanks for coming down to my house for the smashfest. I think we all had a pretty good time and I hope we can do it again soon.

@Paul Yeah, I used to do it a lot but one day I just couldn't do anything but dair and qa from the qac. I'm in the process of getting back on it but I didn't want to try it in matches yet it in fear of being punished, a lot

@Everett You left your jacket here son. Thanks a lot for teaching me about glide tossing, i'm getting it down.

@Dekar Thanks for making me dinner babe, I will trade your services for my salsa anytime.

@Zman Yeah sorry about that, you have no idea what it causes in my house.

@Neil and Davis Are you guys looking for work?

@Steven I beat both Neils and Walkers Marths today frequently. One day my skull bashes will triumph your emo haired swordsmen.
Already found some, sorry, man. After three stocking you, though, you might want to look for some yourself.

Thanks for the Smashfest. It rocked.

@Nolan: You need QAC more and not get beaten so badly by my Lucas. I would have spent the night but I was tired and afraid of touching anything in your house. Fun fest though.

@Neil: Fun Melee matches. Just don't reset, it makes you look bad. We still need to do a Falcon brawl ditto though :laugh:

@Dekar: I'm an Aethiest tooo :bee: I didn't play you though. :( That is sad.

@Walker: **** gordos.

@Steven: Fun SC4 matches.

@Derek: Learn to use Marth's homo chain grab on the Mother kids (just not on my Lucas >_>)

@Sinz: Your Snake overwhelmed me. But fun matches.

@Paul: I mentioned everyone else at the fest so far so I didn't want you to feel left out.

@Davis: I din't play you either. That is sad.

@Ax: MM next time we meet. I will **** your **** up so badly that you'll kill yourself to stop your eventual spiral of despair after losing to me. You know nothing.
We played in Soul Calibur 4. Stupid Taki and that kick.

For the sake of this board's integrity I politefully request that the religious discussion be taken to personal messages or dropped entirely. I'm all up for debating, but all I see are attacks. It's understandable. It's a touchy subject.

Ax, take this not as an insult, but as a critique: Your Pit isn't very good. You have a good understanding of the game and the general knowledge necessary for competitive play, but I believe you're going about it all wrong, and you are entirely too predictable. You will get rocked if you remain that predictable. You were good at forced your opponents into disadvantageous positions, but you fail to either capitalize on it or understand it at all. If you want to dismiss what I say, that's fine, if not, I'd be happy to help you.


@Dekar: Good games, bro. You and your girlfriend's Kirby team sucks ***, too, and by sucking *** I mean rocks my wold.

@Sinz: Good games. It's a shame you won't go to OK or CO. How about El Paso?

@Steven: Ah, that's a bummer. Did we even play each other at the fest? Hmm. Well, fun doubles. I need a doubles partner for out of state now... this sucks... I love ya man.

@Neil: I swear someone is just gonna beat the **** out of you one day, man. After I'm done breaking that person's neck, I'm gonna laugh at you, too... unless I'm beating the crap out of you. Haha. Then I'll just laugh.

@Steven again: Oh snap, two shout outs. You've done well for yourself. Fun Soul Calibur matches. I can definitely see the potential... and bull****... in Zasalamelelamazakasaszasazsaasazlamelemel. That's how you spell it, right? I never know when to stop.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
@Zman I wouldn't talk about how you can smash me in a 60-40 matchup in your favor when I destroyed your G&W in which you have an arguably if not more 70-30 matchup in your favor. :) But yeah, qacing more is on my list.

Edit: and while this post is fresh let me take the time to say there's an edit button Ax, no need to double post.
True. The weird thing about me in Brawl is that I'm over all better at it, but I am only at tournament level with only one (maybe two) character(s). Those are Lucas and unfortunatly, Sonic :dizzy:. I had the opposite problem in Melee where is was good with a plethora of chracters(Falcon, Gdorf, Roy, ect.) but I on the whole I sucked at Melee.

@Davis: I remember that matchy-poo as you called it. Taki's hurricane kick is nasty as hell. :laugh: Good luck if you do go OOS.

@Ax: We need to get this **** recorded, gonna be epic :chuckle:

@Paul: SC4 could work on the Wii if they allowed GC controller and/or Wiimote port controller compatable (the classic controller would work if you use the dpad cause those analog sticks SUCK)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
I have yet to see any game on the Wii achieve Gears of War quality graphics. I don't think SC4 on the wii is a bad idea it's just past games on the Wii that have been ported over from other consoles have generally been bad.
GoW is a very high end graphical game-to use it as a comparison for all 360 games is like using Crysis as the standard for all PC games. Take it from someone who understands the innerworking of the video game industry very well, SC4 could very easily have been done on the Wii.

Which is besides the point, as the original discussion was how Namco is known fo making boneheaded decisions, which you can't dispute.

The people who made that film are freemasons. Freemasons=masons. In case you don't know what masons do, they worship satan. Hmmmmmmm....I wonder why people who worship and glorify satan would make a video that is basically anti-christ? The answer is obvious.
Um, no.

Seriously, how did you manage to draw that conclusion? That sounds like FOX news/religious mind control garbage you just spewed all of here. And even if it WAS made by Satanics, how does that make it any less true?

Also, the part in the film that describes the similiarities between Jesus Christ and other mythological figures of other cultures is all false. The truth is, none of that information can be found anywhere in recorded ancient text. Basically, they LIED. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...I wonder why people who worship satan and embrace evil would lie in order to promote anti christ viewpoints? Again, the answer is obvious.
Now I understand how you came to the aloof conclusion that I camp-it seems you are mistaken about a great many things. Once again, I'll let Wikipedia humilitae you by proving you wrong:

It is WELL documented that numerous gods share nearly identical stories to that of Jesus (mithra being the most obvious). If you want the truth, Christianity literally copypasta'D Pagan beliefs and religions before it. Now I don't personally care what someone believes in, but if you're going to start a debate, you better have your facts straight. And this includes not providing links to clearly biased websites to "back your claims."

Graphics can kiss my ***. I enjoy Majora's Mask and Pong just as much as Gears of War and Soul Calibur 4. Why? Gameplay. I don't care about the graphics. I know some people do, though. It's an opinion thing.

I think Soul Calibur 4 for the Wii would've made a decent game. Inferior to the Ps3 version, but a good game all the same. Nintendo wouldn't, and I don't think necessarily can, force a developer to use a certain control system. Should the game have been made for the Wii I'm sure it would've used a GCN controller, possibly the classic.
The voice of reason.

Ax, take this not as an insult, but as a critique: Your Pit isn't very good. You have a good understanding of the game and the general knowledge necessary for competitive play, but I believe you're going about it all wrong, and you are entirely too predictable. You will get rocked if you remain that predictable. You were good at forced your opponents into disadvantageous positions, but you fail to either capitalize on it or understand it at all. If you want to dismiss what I say, that's fine, if not, I'd be happy to help you.
Forgive me in advance, as this is going to sound as if I'm angry, but if I'm going to take advice, it better be from someone who has proven to be leagues above my skill level. And I'm saying this with as little malice as possible, but this title doesn't describe you. Why? Because I was able to beat you, which means you are no more skillful than me, and thus are unfit to say that my Pit isn't very good (unless you're willing to admit that you are no better, as is logically implied). In fact, if you are logical, you will realize that I can and have beaten: Nolan, Neil, G. Love, You, Gofy, and even Dekar. In fact, everyone reading this whom I have faced I have beaten before. So it sounds quite foolish portraying me as under you lot, especially considering I've been with the Smash series on a profesional level since day 1.

In fact, you claim that I am predictable, when you literally manage to win your matches using short-hop airs and side smash-predictability at it's finest. Mean while, I was able to successfully execute everyone of Pit's moves-from MS to AR. I appreciate and take much critique, as it is what has helped me improve, but going about it in a way that makes me seem as an underling is the entirely wrong way to take the approach. That's just pompus when I've demonstrated my ability to fight on the same level and beat you, when I had a handicap no less (extremely fatigued from half a day of medical check ups and being partially blind throughout).

So next time we fight, I shall hope you reconsider your stance on my play style, because you better believe I will call you on it when I beat you. Having said that giant rant, I will remember to try to spice up the fight with more surprises. But I kindly extend that inventation to you as well.:chuckle:

True. The weird thing about me in Brawl is that I'm over all better at it, but I am only at tournament level with only one (maybe two) character(s). Those are Lucas and unfortunatly, Sonic . I had the opposite problem in Melee where is was good with a plethora of chracters(Falcon, Gdorf, Roy, ect.) but I on the whole I sucked at Melee.
Wow, I'm basically the same way. I kinda like narrowing down my expertise to only a few characters, though.

@Ax: We need to get this **** recorded, gonna be epic
Hell yes, I'm pumped! I was gona have Dekar call you and say we should get this **** started tonight at NinjaMonkey, but I decided not to go after all. UFC is on, and I'm a little Brawled out ATM.

And thanks Nolan for notifying me about Edit. I'm used to the GameFAQS forums, which are vastly different than these.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Despite the edit feature, I'll go ahead and make a double post. I'll agree with Kash about the religion debate-this isn't the time or place for such sillyness, so I'll try to avoid it if it pops up again. And at the risk of sounding like a hippie, this place has seemed to suddenly exploded into Insult Central, over...a video game. -_- So how bout we just stick to playing this game in as much as a professional style as possible. M'kay? Either that, or we can keep waving our E-*****es around, which I can do as well, but it is so...primitive.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Hell yes, I'm pumped! I was gona have Dekar call you and say we should get this **** started tonight at NinjaMonkey, but I decided not to go after all. UFC is on, and I'm a little Brawled out ATM.

And thanks Nolan for notifying me about Edit. I'm used to the GameFAQS forums, which are vastly different than these.
No johns. I am from the Gfaqs boards myself (been a member since 03)


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
****. I know how Erich feels when he said he had a lot of catching up to do in the boards. lol

I'm in a terrible mood and I'm trying to find something to make me feel better.

@Everyone- It sounds like you all had some fun at the fest. I just wish I could have gone. :(

@Dekar- I still got to play you sometime.

@Neil- I wouldn't mind on Ike ditto matches :D

@Ax- Yeah I still don't know your name, but mines KC, nice to meet you! lol (fun team matches at the UNM tourney)

@Zman- I feel like playing you at Brawl as well, you and Salty are too fun!

@Sinz- I would like to fight your MK at the next tourney if you don't mind. :)

@Alpha- Even though you don't like brawl, I would like to play you sometime.

@Kash- yeah yeah Ill own you. lol :p

All jokes aside, in all honesty am I a good Ike guys? I just want your feedback and tips to get better. :)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
No johns. I am from the Gfaqs boards myself (been a member since 03)
Get out of here, really? Nice, I lurked in 03, became an official member in 04 myself (I have like 1380 karma or something). Which boards do you frequent? I got my start on SSBMSB, but my home is pretty much PotD now. I stop by SSBB boards sometimes, but it's a cesspool of...well, you know Gamefaqs users >_>.

@Ax- Yeah I still don't know your name, but mines KC, nice to meet you! lol (fun team matches at the UNM tourney)
Hey dude! Mine's Bryan, but Ax works as well (more interesting than Bryan, that's for sure.) Yeah they were, but I think you ***** Steven and I (Steven was terrible...oh, and not you GLUV). We should get some 1vs1s going as well. Your Ike's shorthop down slashes caught me by surprise and were quite effective. On that note, I wanna take on your Samus as well-she was my main in Melee before getting nerfed to all hell, so it should be fun.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
Hey dude! Mine's Bryan, but Ax works as well (more interesting than Bryan, that's for sure.) Yeah they were, but I think you ***** Steven and I (Steven was terrible...oh, and not you GLUV). We should get some 1vs1s going as well. Your Ike's shorthop down slashes caught me by surprise and were quite effective. On that note, I wanna take on your Samus as well-she was my main in Melee before getting nerfed to all hell, so it should be fun.
Nice to meet you Bryan (well we knew each other from the tourney but did not introduce ourselves lol) Definitely, I would like to play you again. I actually did my worst at that tourney, I'll do better next time, its nice to play good pits :) Oh hell yeah, my Samus is a beast now but I haven't been able to use her on anyone beside my buddies in Los Lunas.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
I've decided to drop in for fun facts:

A fun fact for Ax: No Johns. Your pit sucks. I'll trust the guy that got 7th in a 90-man tourney on this fact. MM me in OK, or CO. You can choose a $10 normal money match, or a $100 showdown on pirate ship. Oh, and InterimOfZeal will probably wanna MM your pit, since he likes beating pit for some reason.

A fun fact for Alpha and Sinz: If you guys don't show to CO, I'll cry. I'll even MM alpha in melee so he can recoup a bit of his money. Because I lurves him.

A fun fact for Kash: You aren't allowed to *** without Tony or myself, you backstabber!

A fun fact for Dekar: If you don't stay away from Kash I will stab you in the gonads.

A fun fact for the other NM smashers I met: Coming to CO will improve your CHA by 5!


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
GoW is a very high end graphical game-to use it as a comparison for all 360 games is like using Crysis as the standard for all PC games. Take it from someone who understands the innerworking of the video game industry very well, SC4 could very easily have been done on the Wii.

Which is besides the point, as the original discussion was how Namco is known fo making boneheaded decisions, which you can't dispute.

Um, no.

Seriously, how did you manage to draw that conclusion? That sounds like FOX news/religious mind control garbage you just spewed all of here. And even if it WAS made by Satanics, how does that make it any less true?

Now I understand how you came to the aloof conclusion that I camp-it seems you are mistaken about a great many things. Once again, I'll let Wikipedia humilitae you by proving you wrong:

It is WELL documented that numerous gods share nearly identical stories to that of Jesus (mithra being the most obvious). If you want the truth, Christianity literally copypasta'D Pagan beliefs and religions before it. Now I don't personally care what someone believes in, but if you're going to start a debate, you better have your facts straight. And this includes not providing links to clearly biased websites to "back your claims."

The voice of reason.

Forgive me in advance, as this is going to sound as if I'm angry, but if I'm going to take advice, it better be from someone who has proven to be leagues above my skill level. And I'm saying this with as little malice as possible, but this title doesn't describe you. Why? Because I was able to beat you, which means you are no more skillful than me, and thus are unfit to say that my Pit isn't very good (unless you're willing to admit that you are no better, as is logically implied). In fact, if you are logical, you will realize that I can and have beaten: Nolan, Neil, G. Love, You, Gofy, and even Dekar. In fact, everyone reading this whom I have faced I have beaten before. So it sounds quite foolish portraying me as under you lot, especially considering I've been with the Smash series on a profesional level since day 1.

In fact, you claim that I am predictable, when you literally manage to win your matches using short-hop airs and side smash-predictability at it's finest. Mean while, I was able to successfully execute everyone of Pit's moves-from MS to AR. I appreciate and take much critique, as it is what has helped me improve, but going about it in a way that makes me seem as an underling is the entirely wrong way to take the approach. That's just pompus when I've demonstrated my ability to fight on the same level and beat you, when I had a handicap no less (extremely fatigued from half a day of medical check ups and being partially blind throughout).

So next time we fight, I shall hope you reconsider your stance on my play style, because you better believe I will call you on it when I beat you. Having said that giant rant, I will remember to try to spice up the fight with more surprises. But I kindly extend that inventation to you as well.:chuckle:

Wow, I'm basically the same way. I kinda like narrowing down my expertise to only a few characters, though.

Hell yes, I'm pumped! I was gona have Dekar call you and say we should get this **** started tonight at NinjaMonkey, but I decided not to go after all. UFC is on, and I'm a little Brawled out ATM.

And thanks Nolan for notifying me about Edit. I'm used to the GameFAQS forums, which are vastly different than these.
Well, if that's what you want to think. I'm not going to bother saying otherwise.

****. I know how Erich feels when he said he had a lot of catching up to do in the boards. lol

I'm in a terrible mood and I'm trying to find something to make me feel better.

@Everyone- It sounds like you all had some fun at the fest. I just wish I could have gone. :(

@Dekar- I still got to play you sometime.

@Neil- I wouldn't mind on Ike ditto matches :D

@Ax- Yeah I still don't know your name, but mines KC, nice to meet you! lol (fun team matches at the UNM tourney)

@Zman- I feel like playing you at Brawl as well, you and Salty are too fun!

@Sinz- I would like to fight your MK at the next tourney if you don't mind. :)

@Alpha- Even though you don't like brawl, I would like to play you sometime.

@Kash- yeah yeah Ill own you. lol :p

All jokes aside, in all honesty am I a good Ike guys? I just want your feedback and tips to get better. :)
In all honestly I haven't played you nearly enough nor seen you play enough to give you an educated response.

I've decided to drop in for fun facts:

A fun fact for Ax: No Johns. Your pit sucks. I'll trust the guy that got 7th in a 90-man tourney on this fact. MM me in OK, or CO. You can choose a $10 normal money match, or a $100 showdown on pirate ship. Oh, and InterimOfZeal will probably wanna MM your pit, since he likes beating pit for some reason.

A fun fact for Alpha and Sinz: If you guys don't show to CO, I'll cry. I'll even MM alpha in melee so he can recoup a bit of his money. Because I lurves him.

A fun fact for Kash: You aren't allowed to *** without Tony or myself, you backstabber!

A fun fact for Dekar: If you don't stay away from Kash I will stab you in the gonads.

A fun fact for the other NM smashers I met: Coming to CO will improve your CHA by 5!
I'm sorry, Tim... but you're never home and neither is Tony... I need companionship dammit!

EDIT: Lol. Upon analyzing my quote from Smashmac in my signature I've come to a couple conclusions.

While applicable in Melee, it is hardly applicable in Brawl. I actually believe it is more more applicable to sex/women more than either.

Mindgames equals getting them into bed.
Technicality equals how good you are at sex and how well you perform before orgasm.
Smarts equals when you're laying in bed with the women afterward and knowing how to play your cards right for next time.
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