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Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Money match me too when you come up. I'll offer 10:1 odds on pirate ship single match mms. $1 would win $10, etc. Normal odds for normal sets. =D


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
I would like to take this random chance to say Screw ROBs's vA-over prioritized piece of junk.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Wait, I'm confused. Why is the tourney on the 18th cancelled for more attendance on a tournament thats another week later?

And what day is your party thing, Neil?


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
DMD on 18th is cancelled due to venue owners are tards, no other reason :/

Also, I'm thinking of having something new on the 25th. Completely blind picks, meaning you decide your character choice/counter-pick choice before the first match even starts, relaying all info to the referee. Anyone agree/disagree/have an alternate suggestion?


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
You ruined my life Nolan. Now I'm morally obligated not to imitate dedede..........

That video is totally epic Paul.

But doesn't this mean we can ban Sakurai?


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
You have no idea how much fun it can actually be Nolan.

Paul I am bring the video tomorrow to school, you can upload it or whatever, I don't have the time right now because of Sweeney Todd.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
??? Please don't remind me. There's tons of unfinished melee projects I'd rather not be think about. It'll make me *tear*.

@Neil-Your on dude! :p
You're going to get your **** packed.

@Neil: Are you broke or something? You want a lot of money matches.
There's no such thing as me being broke. To quote SOLAR's thread about an introduction to moneymatches, I need to start moneymatching since my parents pay for my tournaments (kind of not really, but I still feel like a half-*****).

I would like to take this random chance to say Screw ROBs's vA-over prioritized piece of junk.
Agreed, both the smash and the tilt.

Zasalamel is ****ing awesome. That is all.
Personally, zasalamel is ****ing awesome due to the fact that he has a great name. In general, most video game character names by namco are rather sweet. I don't care about his nigh inescapable 0-death combos.

And what day is your party thing, Neil?
I change me mind. Everyone knows I'm very indecisive, but i honestly decided NOT to have it. A smashfest without any special trinkets like a hinkles day would be much less complicated and a smaller waste of time. I'd probably throw a tournament if I could, but since I don't know of our decision with the Intel tournament...well...i'll just keep that smashfest under the "tentative" category.

DMD on 18th is cancelled due to venue owners are tards, no other reason :/

Also, I'm thinking of having something new on the 25th. Completely blind picks, meaning you decide your character choice/counter-pick choice before the first match even starts, relaying all info to the referee. Anyone agree/disagree/have an alternate suggestion?
You're an inexperienced tourney***. You're such a useless **** sometimes, and i'm an expert doppelganger of comebacks. Out of honesty however, it's my humble opinion to NOT do that stupid blind pick idea, the essence of counterpicking stages without counterpicking characters would make the game very contradictory. If by some gay miracle that all of NM decides this to be the ruleset, I will fight until it is changed. If it isn't changed, expect me to never compete again.

Wow I havent been opn here in forever. Im thinking of taking the rust off my controller (yeah my controller can rust despite not being iron :p) and playing some of you guys haha.
Hey kyle! I still love ya big bro irregardless of the fact that you ditched us for no apparent reason. Get your ***-kicking *** back here.

Anything smash related going on this weekend? If not is anyone up for a fest at my house?
DO IT ON FRIDAY. All of APS is having fall break that day, and UNM is supposed to be having fall break during thursday and friday, according to Cameron. even try thursday night to friday afternoon if you can.

Unlike everett, you actually post meaningful videos. I appreciate it. made me have more laughs than expected :)

I'm having a girl's day out with my friend Kristin Saturday, but she doesn't have any money so we may post pone in. If so I'm down for something.
I am proud of you davis. You are manly enough to admit that you enjoy an effeminate evening over at coronado mall staring at topless men with only Calvin Klein underwear on while checking myspace page on their blackberry with plastic diamonds decorated with earrings. On top of that, expect a two-hour long manicure with haircut with makeup and a four-hour long massage. Have fun at your strip-club-less night ;):laugh::laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
Utah In Gojiras Shirt
Hey there! :]

So I think utah is going to run an OOS tournament in... december. Would you guys be able to come? im trying to find a good date :] get back at me.
there is going to be brawl and melee


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Correction Neil, you talk **** like you aspire to be me, in a not so near future that is. Every time I actually start spewing random garbage out at you you just say "I love you dekar" like everyone else :[ Talk **** backkkkkkk AsSSHoLES.

Anyway, I was thinking we could run a new "pick/counter-pick system" at the next monthly, but not at intel. This would be a good way of testing whether it's even a decent system or not.

Before the tournament has even begun, you choose your characters for each round, as well as your counter-picks. You can do this during the set-up where the brackets will be displayed for about 15 minutes before actual play begins (Oh, I'm most likely playing either GG or HIV in round "x" so I better be ready for DK, Ike, Kirby, and Marth, so who of my choices has the best chance against any of them? What would be a decent counter-pick stage against 2 or 3 of these characters?)


round 1
Luigi strike smashville
Kirby choose pokemon 1

round 2
x strike B
y choose C

Why do I suggest this? Well, with the MK ban coming up, a lot of people are going to be playing more of a Rock, Paper, Scissors picking game with their characters.

As we all know, in Rock Paper Scissors strategy games it's more about playing the opponent's weaknesses rather than your own strengths. Such as when Everett would pick Metaknight on Luigi's Mansion against Steven's DK. That wasn't a play of his strengths, but rather a play against Steven's weakness (priority against whorenado in this case).

Which can also be equated (by a stretch) to voting AGAINST a candidate as opposed to FOR the one you actually like. Ultimately, it's just not constructive.

This new picking system would force people to play according to their strengths, and over-all (I believe) further the metagame of Brawl in a much more beautiful fashion than what we're seeing right now.

So, after seeing my reasoning, can I get some opinions?


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
DO IT ON FRIDAY. All of APS is having fall break that day, and UNM is supposed to be having fall break during thursday and friday, according to Cameron. even try thursday night to friday afternoon if you can.
Uh that's not true. Cibola still has school on friday. Last week was our fall break. Meh it doesn't matter, I'll show up on friday regardless if the fest is held that day.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Dekar, when I cp'd Steven at Luigi's mansion I lost.

In doubles it works better :D

Besides, I can just play gayer now.

Also, I'm thinking of having something new on the 25th. Completely blind picks, meaning you decide your character choice/counter-pick choice before the first match even starts, relaying all info to the referee. Anyone agree/disagree/have an alternate suggestion?
Heck no man. The TO will get too busy, the tournament will slow down even further. It is just stupid. plus, that isn't even double blinds.

For a double blind you still pick a character you think would do good against that person. Its more of a way to mind game your opponent :D

Also, guys. If SBR decides to declare MK is not ban worthy, I am picking him right back up, and he will be legal here. I am the only player who loses his main with this banning. The only reason I am doing this is to prove that I am better than you guys think, because I am tired of hearing people saying during the match. He's only winning because he is metaknight. That started to piss me off.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Smashfest is friday. I would do in the middle of the day for all the folks who have the day off from school but I have work until 4:30 D:. So, does starting it at 5:30 work for everyone?

I'll bring bagels and try to pick up some drinks. Do we want to pitch for pizzas for dinner or something?


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
We'll just have to wait and see if MK gets banned. It's kind of up in the air right now.

I personally think he won't get banned; but then again, it IS the SBR's decision (and they've made dumb decisions in the past).


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
Well, if MK is not banned thats fine by me. I'll stomp anyone who plays him. :)

Anywho Besides the Intel tourney, Is there any other tourneys anyone knows of? Unfortunately I can't go all the way out to Rio.

@Neil- Bring it, I can't wait to face you with my Samus. :D


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I am proud of you davis. You are manly enough to admit that you enjoy an effeminate evening over at coronado mall staring at topless men with only Calvin Klein underwear on while checking myspace page on their blackberry with plastic diamonds decorated with earrings. On top of that, expect a two-hour long manicure with haircut with makeup and a four-hour long massage. Have fun at your strip-club-less night
Woah, woah, woah. I didn't say I was going to live out Neil's personal fantasies about myself Saturday. Though a massage does sound great.

We're going to go to Walgreens and get some pictures, go to the salon and get a manicure and pedicure, then go back to her house and work on an art project.

I'm just fly like that. Real men get manicures, that's why it starts with man. Plus, I've got the ladies all over me. I just choose not to get involved with them because my heart is already taken.

PS: **** you Dekar.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
^That entire post made me laugh. Is she hot?

And speaking of manicures and personal hygine, I could use a trimming. I need to get my hair even longer and crazier :D

@Xion: Salty and I have been talking about running are own tourny sometime in da future. We'll let you know if we decide to run a tourny.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Woah, woah, woah. I didn't say I was going to live out Neil's personal fantasies about myself Saturday. Though a massage does sound great.

We're going to go to Walgreens and get some pictures, go to the salon and get a manicure and pedicure, then go back to her house and work on an art project.

I'm just fly like that. Real men get manicures, that's why it starts with man. Plus, I've got the ladies all over me. I just choose not to get involved with them because my heart is already taken.

PS: **** you Dekar.

Also, great guys do Flamenco with their Girlfriend :D. i do :D

I love Hannah :D


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
I come on to say hi and all I see is
1) A ****ing terrible tournament idea (thats more of a freeplay thing)
2) Neil is still awesome Neil
3) Repeat for Sinz and Paul
4) Kash is so far in the bisexual closet he's finding presents...
5) And half the guys on this thread are joining him (Although flamenco can be ok pending. So you're still good Sinz)

A manicure and all the other crap you said Kash is actually not manly. Its the opposite. Pictures at Walgreens = akright. Get them and some junk food. Or at least a soda. Manicure and Pedicure = homo. Those are the things that men are meant to sit on the side waiting and *****ing about why is it taking so long or waiting and texting OR (best option) while the women do there stuff the guy goes to a local gaming place (there is ALWAYS a close one, don't lie to yourself everyone) and kill time till they call saying I'm done where are you. And te Art Project only counts if its for school or a mutual hobbie.

Oh ya whats up everone =D

@Dekar: F off you piece of crap. I barely even know you and I'm ready to drive to your house just to set it on fire. Anyone near you hates you and your gaming skills. Not even your mother loves you. I would rather cut off a finger than look in your general direction... (All in all I do think you're a cool guy. But to quote you "I love you dekar" like everyone else :[ Talk **** backkkkkkk AsSSHoLES." There you go =D Hope someone enjoyed it...or learned something). Peace

EDIT QUESTION: How did the UNM tourney go? Sorry to lazy to go read pots from X amount of pages ago. I'll keep everyone posted on when any new ones are coming up if needed. If not... *tear*


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
twin, vivi/black wizards don't talk you fat newb, therefore either you must change your avatar with post haste, or suffer my erect, boil covered dingaling carnage. kash I'm going to toss your salad like my grandma tosses mine (unless of course you feel especially frisky and wish to be pitching for once, in which case I shall flex my wonderful *** and pinch your needledick's head off).

As for my idea, you're all thinking about it as if Brawl were Melee, it's not [(un?)fortunately].

Playing one's strengths as opposed to playing the opponent's weaknesses is honestly a much better way to run things. It happens in all competitive games besides fighters from what I've seen, which is honestly holding the scene back in general.

In Counter-Strike there are 4 "neutral" maps for the teams to choose from, each team can 'strike' a map, (they call it banning) leaving either 2, 3, or 4 choices. Coins are flipped to find out what map will be chosen, in order to randomize which map is played (there isn't a random stage switch in CS, unfortunately).

After Team A dominates Team B, Team B chooses a map, they don't choose the map that the opponent lacks skill in, they choose their best map. This map is chosen before any of the teams even know which map they're going to play on for round 1.

The same should be applied to Brawl (NOT Melee, Melee's 5 characters are relatively even among each other, Brawl's cockload of tourney playable characters have counterpicks up the ***, including many match-ups that are 70-30 or even 80-20, in these cases the player choosing the advantaged character is beating the opponent's character, not the opponent themselves).

Like I said, we're going to be testing this at the next monthly coming up in November. After seeing how it turns out we can decide where we want to go from there :)


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Brawl's cockload of tourney playable characters
MK alone makes about 90% of the characters in brawl unplayable in tournaments (if you're serious about winning anyway).

twin, vivi/black wizards don't talk you fat newb
Tw1n has earned his right to talk trash. He is a well respected smasher and has been apart of the NM smash scene for awhile now. What have you done?
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