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Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Can't do anything this weekend but if we need a location for a smashfest next weekend before the DMD tournament my house is free, just alert me if you're going to bring four random people so I can set up wii's on the tables in the back.

Also @Davis, You left your counters for pokemons here. We should meet up at a smashfest so I can bring out my eevees and destroy your bench. (:


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Consider this:

MK has NO BAD MATCH-UPS and does well on EVERY STAGE. So Player A and Player B are going to face in a tournament set. A Double-Blind occurs and both start there match. Player A is Luigi and Player B is Lucario. Player A wins the first match. In response, Player B counterpicks Battlefield and picks MK. Player A decides to remain as Luigi. He gets owned by Player B. What does player A do now? Counterpick a stage MK does bad on? Nope...MK does well on EVERY STAGE against EVERY CHARACTER. What character does player A pick? Snake, D3, Rob....Nope. MK has NO BAD MATCH-UPS and only a few neutral ones.

So in response (unless player A wants to risk loosing), he has to just pick a stage and play MK to deal with MK. Fighting fire with fire essentially.

Also, since the only answer to MK is MK himself, more and more people will pick him up in order to deal with him. And as more and more people pick him up in order to deal with him guess what?....MORE AND MORE PEOPLE will pick him up in order to deal with him.

And as more and more people pick up MK his metagame will improve rapidly and he will continue to better and better (he already has NO BAD MATCH UPS)! Other characters will suffer because so few people play them. Even though I agree with the assertion that we should just "wait and see," I seriously doubt things will change for the better.

@Niel: Either Friday or Saturday is fine with me. I don't have school Friday as well due to fall break. Though I would HIGHLY prefer Friday, it doesn't matter what day you choose.

I'm down for some SC4. Did I ever play you, Paul?
No, I don't think we played. We should have an Apprentice ditto next time. Also, you should play The Force Unleashed. I never really liked Starkiller until I played that game.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Metaknight's a broken character and it's only a matter of time before he's banned, so why not start with him being banned by... November? This would give Everett time to change mains, and wouldn't force him to pick up a new one right before some pretty big tournaments.
I am fine with this. This gives me a month.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Alright, the sole dissenter has agreed to a November ban. Everybody cool with banning Metaknight, starting November 1st?

Edit: Regarding a smashfest, Neil, if you're hosting one, make it Friday. Though I'm afraid I won't be bringing SCIV. Just spent the whole day cleaning/setting my room straight, and it's far too glorious to mess with. Alternatively, I could host something at my house.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
I need to teach you guys sing dance. It is too good.

Also, if you guys think that Metaknight is broken. Look at Quick'N Toast.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Also, if you guys think that Metaknight is broken. Look at Quick'N Toast.
I'm not even going to go for the stupid Tarmogoyf joke that Walker is waiting for.
Toast can get manascrewed. Q'n'T is by far the best, but it's not unbeatable. Go Fulminator Mage! Mk=Q'n'T if he trips 3x as often as other characters. I wasn't going to make a Tarmogoyf joke because goyf didn't need banning. Maybe jitte.........


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ugh. I want to go. I might show up later, Steven. I need to do some homework... but today is one of those days for me... when my whole body feels like it is falling apart and I want to do nothing but sit around and mop, so I could probably use some company.

I'm in my Senior year so probably will be going to college roughly a year from now. I bet I'm going to go to UNM, though. At least for my first couple years. Sorry to disappoint, sweetie :( I'll visit.

I'm down for banning Metaknight starting November 1st and seeing how things develop.

I need singing lessons...


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Toast can get manascrewed. Q'n'T is by far the best, but it's not unbeatable. Go Fulminator Mage! Mk=Q'n'T if he trips 3x as often as other characters. I wasn't going to make a Tarmogoyf joke because goyf didn't need banning. Maybe jitte.........
Mana screwing doesn't happen with 13 vivids :D I play 26 lands and out of probably 30-40 games with Derek, David, and Lora. No mana screwage :D Just ****** people down with Broodmate dragon. (best card from ala.Cmon who doesn't like an 8/8 for 6, that can only be blocked by two creatures and can block two creatures. Also it has flying and has amazing synergy with Mannequin)

The builds that run thrynax are bad though. Too much rfg and hallowed burial in standard. Finks is still broken.

Davis, I can give you singing lessons. I can teach. I can probably start in november.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Mana screwing doesn't happen with 13 vivids :D I play 26 lands and out of probably 30-40 games with Derek, David, and Lora. No mana screwage :D Just ****** people down with Broodmate dragon. (best card from ala.Cmon who doesn't like an 8/8 for 6, that can only be blocked by two creatures and can block two creatures. Also it has flying and has amazing synergy with Mannequin)

The builds that run thrynax are bad though. Too much rfg and hallowed burial in standard. Finks is still broken.

Davis, I can give you singing lessons. I can teach. I can probably start in november.
Yeah but Toast still gets ***** by the Faeries decks running around with fullminators. 50% of the time Faeries is enough.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
That's the reason he should be banned. With two players on equal skill (talking about the highest level of play), it makes no sense for a player to choose any other character than metaknight. That is why he is on the verge of being banned.
Snake... And the solution to your problems is not running from them. Or in this case, banning them.

So, in other words, unless the MK is able to beat you, he doesn't bother you.


I really take offense to the school shooting bit, especially when it comes from my childhood hero, Tigger. Seriously, though, very uncool. Both the remark about guns and the whole furry thing.
Don't you hate it when MKs can beat you though? It's not fair, I just wanna be able to be the best at this video game over night!

Didn't mean to offend. But you seriously scare the living **** out of me.

Tony is not like the kid that brings guns to school. He's the kid that beats up the kid with the gun and goes, "What the hell were you thinking, scrub?"
Hmmm... that still scares the **** out of me.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Snake... And the solution to your problems is not running from them. Or in this case, banning them.

Don't you hate it when MKs can beat you though? It's not fair, I just wanna be able to be the best at this video game over night!

Didn't mean to offend. But you seriously scare the living **** out of me.

Hmmm... that still scares the **** out of me.
I haven't lost to any Metaknights, but I haven't played any that are on my level. Even in AZ, when I was forced to play against a Kirby and MK teamed together, I wondededed.


Snake loses to MK for free, no joke.

How do I scare you? Honestly, I think a fully grown man dressed as a tiger is a lot scarier than I could ever hope to be. D:

SUPER EDIT: You should MM me. $25, best of 5. You can even use MK, if you're that intent on riding his ****.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Mana screwing doesn't happen with 13 vivids :D I play 26 lands and out of probably 30-40 games with Derek, David, and Lora. No mana screwage :D Just ****** people down with Broodmate dragon. (best card from ala.Cmon who doesn't like an 8/8 for 6, that can only be blocked by two creatures and can block two creatures. Also it has flying and has amazing synergy with Mannequin)

The builds that run thrynax are bad though. Too much rfg and hallowed burial in standard. Finks is still broken.
Fulminator with mannequin/Reveillark= doom for toast. The problem with toast is still it's manabase. Even though it can easily play any of it's cards, actually attacking it's manabase will destroy toast. Why do you think fulminator toast with 4 mannequin was so huge in the meta in block? Because it wrecked the mirror. You really need to be prepared for anything that messes with your mana, and there will be a lot. Everybody knows that 5c is the way to go. That's why you neeed to protect your mana. I wasn't doubting that your toast deck isn't good, I was doubting that you could consistently beat LD.

Oh and bant charm>broodmate dragon. Or anything else in the set.

And I support november 1st as a good time to ban MK. But what about when someone plays random in a tournament and gets MK?


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Well they chose random, they didn't select MK.

I haven't played against LD yet :(
I didn't play block either :/
I suck at mtg :(

I want sacred ground :(


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
It'd be just as thought you selected random for the stage and it picked a stage that was striked/banned. Just restart the match.

Metaknight will be banned, not the act of selecting him.

That would be cool Everett. Singing isn't one of my strong suits, but I definitely need to work on it.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Do you know what voice part you are?

Get some music that is in your range. And I will help you out with it. I will help you with your breathing(extremely important.), your diction(whats the point of singing if your audience can't understand what your singing?), volume(everyone likes to be heard!), and notes.

I am not very good on the piano, i can play your notes. But, if you really want good lessons, I will talk to my choir teacher. Mr. Hatch is the best choir teacher in the state, hands down. No contest there. He isn't cheap for lessons though. But, he is amazing.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
from the mk should not be banned thread.

I think I am gonna start photoshopping Phelps onto more MK pics! It will raise the morale of the US smash scene!


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM

Don't be depressed about MtG. It's really hard to be good at MtG and brawl at the same time, since they are both totally time consuming.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
That pic reminds of a pic I saw on SRK some time ago that had Magneto's helmet photoshopped on MK. Not sure which one is more accurate, though.

I tried txting Neil but no response. Is anyone having a smashfest today? I'm really bored of playing the free DS demos from the Nintendo Channel.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Alright fellas: update.

DMD is off in favor of a larger tournament (with better sponsors) at Intel.

It is called "Intel Lanfest" and they host one about every 6ish months-a year. The pay-in (for ALL tourneys, brawl, counter-strike, CoD4, etc.) as well as BYOC and free drinks/pizza is $25 on-line before the event, or $30 at the door (if they have spots available).

It's a 3-day event starting on the 24th and going through to the 26th, the Brawl tournament occurs on the 25th.

YES there will be doubles and singles, NO there will be no Mario Circuit. Aside from that, the rule set will be the same as it was at DMD last month.

Prizes will not be cash as most would hope, but instead very very nice computer parts (Maybe even an oct-core or whatever's the latest from intel for first) as well as custom 15-foot GC controllers.

tl;dr it's at the Intel plant on Alameda way on the west side, for $25 (both doubles and singles and as many 5-hour energy drinks as you can stomache, as well as pizza and all other tourneys your heart desires), on the 25th (a Saturday), for computer parts and GC controllers.

Now, my question for everyone else is, considering Sinz won't be going to this one, would we like to just ban Meta now and get it over with? Thanks for the input. =)


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Editing implies I made a mistake in my post (which I did) but I'm far too hard-headed to admit it so:


That is the website for pre-registration, as well as to find any info I may have left out or found unimportant, like a map of how to get there XD


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
Let's ban MK in the main events, then have a side tourny where you can only play MK and the only stages you can go to are Battlefield, Halberd, and Luigi's Mansion.

Also on the site it says it's in Rio Rancho.

One more thing is there anyway can get cash prizes? Getting free PC parts and GC controllers are nice, but cash is so much better.



Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Dekar- If thats the tourney at Rio Rancho then no thanx lol, thats way too far from where I live.

Other than that, Dekar do you know of any tourneys after Intel?

Awesome news, my Samus is crazy now I can't wait to play someone! :p

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Davis, where's my money man? If you don't get it to me by the next fest, expect me to BEAT YOU WITH A TOASTER.

Ey guys, SC4 (and smash I guess) at my house today. 2:00 to whenever. Text and/or call 301-2961 if you need and/or want info.
Well thanks for the smashfest Steven. I LEARNED HOW TO BOOST SMASH OMG!!! even though I kinda ruined your night by making you drive the dreaded course to sandia :( It was simply a test of your manliness I guess. So you can go tell Davis and Kendrick (I probably mispelled your name sorry) (i liked the name mitsurento cooler :lick:) to **** off. Those two don't match your manliness nor bravery.

How do I scare you? Honestly, I think a fully grown man dressed as a tiger is a lot scarier than I could ever hope to be. D:

SUPER EDIT: You should MM me. $25, best of 5. You can even use MK, if you're that intent on riding his ****.
Sorry Dark, but Tony's right. I'd be much more fearful of a grown man trying to act like a Frosted Flakes mascot compared to a sexy british smasher. And Tony, when NM comes to **** you guys in your next tournament, $5 best of 5 as well? You're bagging it with $25 money matches...that's pretty intense, even for you buddy.

Do you know what voice part you are?

Get some music that is in your range. And I will help you out with it. I will help you with your breathing(extremely important.), your diction(whats the point of singing if your audience can't understand what your singing?), volume(everyone likes to be heard!), and notes.
You probably won't believe me, but I clearly remember having a distinct voice in middle school. I could actually sing rather clearly, loudly, and have some skill with distinguishing from different notes. I just didn't have any lungs.

So anybody want to host a last minute smashfest lol

I assume Niel is sleeping because he was up all night at the balloon fiesta
Thanks for mispelling my name Paul. I AM THE EXCEPTION to the "i before e except after c" rule. Well I had fun with the falco dittos, particularly because I won every match but about 3. And you know that I never commnet on how "fun" our matches are when you always win ;) But yeah, I just woke up on saturday at about 5:00 pm.

I think I am gonna start photoshopping Phelps onto more MK pics! It will raise the morale of the US smash scene!
It's not going to raise US smash scene, it's not like we have any competing countries. All of the original asian smashers (particularly japanese) are over here now anyway. What I'm not understanding about this is why you would choose Phelps. First of all, everyone knows that Phelps has no life. 5 hours a day swimming? that's over the top. Are you saying metaknight has no life? It should just be that Metaknight is HATED by everyone. Photoshop someone who everyone in the universe knows and despises, like president bush or rick astley.

I tried txting Neil but no response. Is anyone having a smashfest today? I'm really bored of playing the free DS demos from the Nintendo Channel.
Sorry I was sleeping, not in the mood for a fest.

Alright fellas: update.

DMD is off in favor of a larger tournament (with better sponsors) at Intel.

It is called "Intel Lanfest" and they host one about every 6ish months-a year. The pay-in (for ALL tourneys, brawl, counter-strike, CoD4, etc.) as well as BYOC and free drinks/pizza is $25 on-line before the event, or $30 at the door (if they have spots available).

It's a 3-day event starting on the 24th and going through to the 26th, the Brawl tournament occurs on the 25th.

YES there will be doubles and singles, NO there will be no Mario Circuit. Aside from that, the rule set will be the same as it was at DMD last month.

Prizes will not be cash as most would hope, but instead very very nice computer parts (Maybe even an oct-core or whatever's the latest from intel for first) as well as custom 15-foot GC controllers.

tl;dr it's at the Intel plant on Alameda way on the west side, for $25 (both doubles and singles and as many 5-hour energy drinks as you can stomache, as well as pizza and all other tourneys your heart desires), on the 25th (a Saturday), for computer parts and GC controllers.

Now, my question for everyone else is, considering Sinz won't be going to this one, would we like to just ban Meta now and get it over with? Thanks for the input. =)
WOOT! I guess i'll make reservations for SOMETHING the night before SOMEWHERE. The 25th is that very special day where I work towards the goal of hitting puberty. (By the way I'm so accustomed to puberty jokes that by now I'm not ashamed, embarrassed, nor even care about them. I'm attacking myself through these jokes now.)

Awesome news, my Samus is crazy now I can't wait to play someone! :p
$1 money match? me random you samus the entire set, best of 5?


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
lol zman, that thread is from longggg ago, not to mention it's not really the correct tourney discussion thread, their forums are sort of hidden, since they blow at web design :D


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Do you know what voice part you are?

Get some music that is in your range. And I will help you out with it. I will help you with your breathing(extremely important.), your diction(whats the point of singing if your audience can't understand what your singing?), volume(everyone likes to be heard!), and notes.

I am not very good on the piano, i can play your notes. But, if you really want good lessons, I will talk to my choir teacher. Mr. Hatch is the best choir teacher in the state, hands down. No contest there. He isn't cheap for lessons though. But, he is amazing.
Well, I'm not aiming for professional singer here. Just something above suck. I have no idea what my range is, either.

Brawl is time consuming? Man, I play like... once a month now.

jkjklolol. It's back to about once a week again.
That's more than me >.>

Editing implies I made a mistake in my post (which I did) but I'm far too hard-headed to admit it so:


That is the website for pre-registration, as well as to find any info I may have left out or found unimportant, like a map of how to get there XD
So you want me to pay $50 for the chance to win a 15 ft long GC controller?
Uhh, no thanks?

If you guys come to FFF, I'll mm you, mangz. :D!
Is FFF your end of November tournament? I really wanna go.

I've taken you up on your advice. I'm going to be the new KDJ of MMs.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Alright fellas: update.

DMD is off in favor of a larger tournament (with better sponsors) at Intel.

It is called "Intel Lanfest" and they host one about every 6ish months-a year. The pay-in (for ALL tourneys, brawl, counter-strike, CoD4, etc.) as well as BYOC and free drinks/pizza is $25 on-line before the event, or $30 at the door (if they have spots available).

It's a 3-day event starting on the 24th and going through to the 26th, the Brawl tournament occurs on the 25th.

YES there will be doubles and singles, NO there will be no Mario Circuit. Aside from that, the rule set will be the same as it was at DMD last month.

Prizes will not be cash as most would hope, but instead very very nice computer parts (Maybe even an oct-core or whatever's the latest from intel for first) as well as custom 15-foot GC controllers.

tl;dr it's at the Intel plant on Alameda way on the west side, for $25 (both doubles and singles and as many 5-hour energy drinks as you can stomache, as well as pizza and all other tourneys your heart desires), on the 25th (a Saturday), for computer parts and GC controllers.

Now, my question for everyone else is, considering Sinz won't be going to this one, would we like to just ban Meta now and get it over with? Thanks for the input. =)
Of course it's on the same day as a big MtG tourney now........ But this sounds awesome! I might come. I'm all for the immediate ban if it doesn't affect anyone who is coming. And he needs the ban. Good deal for the money overall. If MtG isn't up, count me in. Thanks for the update.

@Neil: Are you broke or something? You want a lot of money matches.
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