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The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Tw1n> all of you.

For real.

Just do what the SBR says, this way if we want to travel to oos tournies we aren't at a disadvantage.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Xion: Salty and I have been talking about running are own tourny sometime in da future. We'll let you know if we decide to run a tourny.
That sounds great. PM me any tourneys in Albuquerque and the one you and Salty are hosting. :)
Ugh since I wont make it to the Rio tourney its going to be a while before theres another one :/


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
That sounds great. PM me any tourneys in Albuquerque and the one you and Salty are hosting. :)
Ugh since I wont make it to the Rio tourney its going to be a while before theres another one :/
There's SUPPOSED to be another one being run at DMD some time around the 1st, but from what I know neither myself nor Sephi is running it, so you can probably expect the ruleset to be whack (items etc.) I'm not discouraging anyone from going, hell I plan on going (IF it occurs) but those people tend to lack communication skills. Very nice building/setup, terrible service.

As for what I do Alpha, I run more than half of the tourneys in Albuquerque :D also, read twin's post, it's all in good fun you dumb *******.

twin: come to tourneys, come to smashfests, come meet all of us brawlnubs some time :D

As for the tourney at Intel, that event was originally slated to have 0 brawl, but Sephi worked his magic and got an event. Take advantage or don't, either way it oughta turn out to be pretty fun.

Aside from the brawl tourney at that event, there will be other tournaments (in case any of you play PC games as well) including CS:S and CoD4 (I think) as well as LOTS of free crap being raffled off to lucky *******s, not to mention free pizza and LOTS of free energy drinks.

Anyone else thinking about the OOS in OK on the 22nd next month? =o


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2008
Norfolk, Virginia
@Sinz-I didn't say that, I just asked if Zman could PM me the tourneys in Albuquerque or the one he wants to host. Of course if its not too much trouble because I won't be on the boards as much now due to college. If not its cool. :)


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
1. Pre-double-blind-pick thing is a bad idea. I'll probably go into why in a future post, it would make this one too long.

2. Trash talk against Dekar and Ax is undeserved. They're cool guys.

3. Trash talk against Tw1n is downright blasphemous.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Correction Neil, you talk **** like you aspire to be me, in a not so near future that is. Every time I actually start spewing random garbage out at you you just say "I love you dekar" like everyone else :[ Talk **** backkkkkkk AsSSHoLES.
Your hair lacks volume, and you're allergic to ******s.

Also, you're an assmaster for posting under my screenname, n00b.

MK alone makes about 90% of the characters in brawl unplayable in tournaments (if you're serious about winning anyway).
Whic is exactly why he's banned.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Anyone else thinking about the OOS in OK on the 22nd next month? =o
You're trying to talk me into it, and I very well may go. I wonder if it's cheaper to fly...if it's a roadtrip, we are hooking up a TV and Brawling on the way there.

2. Trash talk against Dekar and Ax is undeserved. They're cool guys.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Steven the only issue I can see with it is OOS tourney preparation, then again the "play to win" mentality was never really my thing.

Also Bryan, you phallace, if I were allergic to ******s I would never be able to hang out with you for fear of breaking out into violently disgusting boils all over my body (seeing as that's all you really are, a giant quivering ******).

Also, the trashtalk towards ax was meant for me, as I'm an assmaster and posted under his SN on his gay computer :D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Smashfest update: Turns out i'm not closing at work, so I can start the smashfest at 2:30 for those who don't have schools. Who all is planning on coming?
PS. bring sleeping bags if you're crashing, money for food, SETUPS


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
^That entire post made me laugh. Is she hot?

And speaking of manicures and personal hygine, I could use a trimming. I need to get my hair even longer and crazier :D

@Xion: Salty and I have been talking about running are own tourny sometime in da future. We'll let you know if we decide to run a tourny.
It's good to laugh.

She's ****ing beautfiul. However, she's taken and so am I (unofficially). I could see us possibly working out otherwise. She's an amazing girl.

Also, great guys do Flamenco with their Girlfriend :D. i do :D

I love Hannah :D
Flamenco rocks.

I'm getting singing lessons (more like some pointers and "how to's") from my English teacher, right now. He's a professional and has been in several plays and what not. He's even in a musical called Showtune down on Griegos and 4th. It's amazing. If you like theater, I recommend you go.

I digress. I'll see how I'm feeling after that. If I feel I could use some more work I'll talk to you and my choir teacher, Everett.

I come on to say hi and all I see is
1) A ****ing terrible tournament idea (thats more of a freeplay thing)
2) Neil is still awesome Neil
3) Repeat for Sinz and Paul
4) Kash is so far in the bisexual closet he's finding presents...
5) And half the guys on this thread are joining him (Although flamenco can be ok pending. So you're still good Sinz)

A manicure and all the other crap you said Kash is actually not manly. Its the opposite. Pictures at Walgreens = akright. Get them and some junk food. Or at least a soda. Manicure and Pedicure = homo. Those are the things that men are meant to sit on the side waiting and *****ing about why is it taking so long or waiting and texting OR (best option) while the women do there stuff the guy goes to a local gaming place (there is ALWAYS a close one, don't lie to yourself everyone) and kill time till they call saying I'm done where are you. And te Art Project only counts if its for school or a mutual hobbie.

Oh ya whats up everone =D

@Dekar: F off you piece of crap. I barely even know you and I'm ready to drive to your house just to set it on fire. Anyone near you hates you and your gaming skills. Not even your mother loves you. I would rather cut off a finger than look in your general direction... (All in all I do think you're a cool guy. But to quote you "I love you dekar" like everyone else :[ Talk **** backkkkkkk AsSSHoLES." There you go =D Hope someone enjoyed it...or learned something). Peace

EDIT QUESTION: How did the UNM tourney go? Sorry to lazy to go read pots from X amount of pages ago. I'll keep everyone posted on when any new ones are coming up if needed. If not... *tear*
You just don't understand how it's like to act without fear of your sexuality being questioned. I am so secure in my sexuality that I really don't care what anyone else thinks.

This is how my, "am I gay," phase went:
"Hmm... am I gay? I don't know... mmm."
A day later.
"Yeah, I'm totally ****ing hetero *wails on guitar*"

Being sexy and clean gets me the ladies like you wouldn't believe. I've actually already gotten a manicure once before. It was pretty awesome, so I can only imagine a pedicure will be that much better.

Just don't be jealous, man.

PS: The finding presents thing made me lol.

There's SUPPOSED to be another one being run at DMD some time around the 1st, but from what I know neither myself nor Sephi is running it, so you can probably expect the ruleset to be whack (items etc.) I'm not discouraging anyone from going, hell I plan on going (IF it occurs) but those people tend to lack communication skills. Very nice building/setup, terrible service.

As for what I do Alpha, I run more than half of the tourneys in Albuquerque :D also, read twin's post, it's all in good fun you dumb *******.

twin: come to tourneys, come to smashfests, come meet all of us brawlnubs some time :D

As for the tourney at Intel, that event was originally slated to have 0 brawl, but Sephi worked his magic and got an event. Take advantage or don't, either way it oughta turn out to be pretty fun.

Aside from the brawl tourney at that event, there will be other tournaments (in case any of you play PC games as well) including CS:S and CoD4 (I think) as well as LOTS of free crap being raffled off to lucky *******s, not to mention free pizza and LOTS of free energy drinks.

Anyone else thinking about the OOS in OK on the 22nd next month? =o
**** that. Let's go to the Colorado tournament next month!

1. Pre-double-blind-pick thing is a bad idea. I'll probably go into why in a future post, it would make this one too long.

2. Trash talk against Dekar and Ax is undeserved. They're cool guys.

3. Trash talk against Tw1n is downright blasphemous.
Dekar wanted **** thrown at him, so in that regard it is very much deserved.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
CO or OK, which one is getting higher turn out? Link to the CO one? =o

And when would be a realistic time for us at NM to throw an OOS tourney?


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Smashfest update: Turns out i'm not closing at work, so I can start the smashfest at 2:30 for those who don't have schools. Who all is planning on coming?
PS. bring sleeping bags if you're crashing, money for food, SETUPS
In that case, I'll probably be showing up to your fest sometime around 3:30. I'll definitely bring a Wii and probably a tv as well.

Edit: NM has had a very poor history of running OOS tourneys. Either one of two things happens:

1. The tourney is run very well but hardly anyone shows up.


2. We get a large tournout but the tournament itself is ran very poorly.

or in the worse case scenario NO ONE shows up AND the tournament is run poorly (aka Pice/Joe's old tournaments).

@Everett: If you end up going to the fest tomorrow could you bring that video of our matches so I can load them up onto youtube.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Ya know, there was this one time where we had like 7 people confirmed for going to an OOS tourney, and only two went....

Yeah, NM is not that reliable oos tourney wise.

Paul, I will try to remember.

I think I can make it to your fest Nolan, i have rehearsal til around 5:30-6:00 pm. I might ask you guys to critique me on a couple of my songs. If, you guys wouldn't mind.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
@Nolan: I can proabably go to your fest. Don't know if I can spend the night, but I can probably go though :bee:

@Kash: Pics?

@Tw1n: lol

@Sinz: I don't know too much about singing but I can try to help you out. Just help me get my GAW better, lol.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Afro thundah is too awesome.

Zman, I can help you out.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'll give you my two cents, Everett... doubt I'll go to the fest, though.

In that case, I'll probably be showing up to your fest sometime around 3:30. I'll definitely bring a Wii and probably a tv as well.

Edit: NM has had a very poor history of running OOS tourneys. Either one of two things happens:

1. The tourney is run very well but hardly anyone shows up.


2. We get a large tournout but the tournament itself is ran very poorly.

or in the worse case scenario NO ONE shows up AND the tournament is run poorly (aka Pice/Joe's old tournaments).

@Everett: If you end up going to the fest tomorrow could you bring that video of our matches so I can load them up onto youtube.
I feel so bad about my last tournament I held. I really did try and other people did, too.
However, regardless of my efforts OoS treated me more or less like jerks, so I really don't care.

@Nolan: I can proabably go to your fest. Don't know if I can spend the night, but I can probably go though :bee:

@Kash: Pics?

@Tw1n: lol

@Sinz: I don't know too much about singing but I can try to help you out. Just help me get my GAW better, lol.
No can do. Sorry cowboy. Just take my word. **** she's pretty!


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Man, next tourney we have we need to advertise with the anime club. I heard that it was huuuuuuge.

Nolan, i am almost for sure going tomorrow night.

I am kinda surprised though, your not going to a fnm?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Awesome Everett. See you there. Yeah, I haven't been to happy with magic since Shards came out. I've got a Toast deck I'm testing for states made in our playtesting group but its still going through edits.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
*comes back now that the flames have died down*

Yeah, Nolan and I don't actually play much MtG anymore. Last night was the only serious test we have done in awhile.......

I'll bring my Wii and tv.

And yes, the anime club is really good for adveritsing. Unm tourneys FTW.

Should I main Jigglypuff? I kind of want to.:jigglypuf


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
You guys should go to the CO one and the OK one. That way I'll get to beat you all twice =D

PS: Counterpick Jungle Japes against Sinz.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
it's hard to watch people who spend a quarter of their lives on an internet forum about a video games QUARREL ABOUT THEIR GODDA** SEXUALITY. Half of you think that you are secure and just perfect with other people calling you gay and bi, and the other half of you just try and put the secure ones down just to keep yourself at bay and deny your own sexuality. :laugh: it's pretty funny. I'm just out of the blue considering the fact that i haven't hit puberty yet (which at this point is a fact I enjoy and welcome).

My mistake about the fall break thing zach. Yeah, silly old me strikes again.

Hey there David! How ya doin mr. sexy bad***? I can just see the newspaper headlines now, we're all minding our own little business in a horribly run OoS tourney by NM with forward and CO, then all of a sudden out of the blue David and Kyle make their grand entrance. Everyone pauses and drops their controllers, running over and hugging them, Sean especially. Sean's probably plotting to get revenge on kyle for the bedroom incident too :) I can't wait to see you guys again :)

Oh, and as for the people that deserve trash talk and who doesn't: Only Ax does. I'm not sure where he got the idea that he could freely insult the twinz, who would probably scrape his head across the cement within seconds. Plus, your playstyle is such bull****, I'd rather share a dorm with Zach than have to play his pit. In all seriousness Ax, don't spam arrows. I ***** your spammy ***got *** with an ike. Go pitch a tent, ****er. I even pulled off a (direct quote) "jewish" kill on you on Rainbow Cruise. Learn this lesson: GAY BEGETS GAY.
By the way, what's your real name, I kinda don't know. That's one thing I could be sorry about. :(

So as for the metaknight ban, apparently cameron is offended as well everett. I know none of us care about him because he currently carries the title of worst aspiring competitive smasher in all of the Southwest Region. According to cameron, his "natural" character was metaknight and it's unfair that the character he felt comfortable with because of MK's speed just coincidentally was the same broken character that we're banning. If you've read this paragraph, please call cameron at 5053319614 and tell him what a dumb*** he is. I'd say 75% of the things he says about super smash bros. is absolutely incorrect. The world would do so much better with a cameron without a ****ing throat.

I'll be at the smashfest Nolan, hopefully I can get a ride from the person I rely on most :) I'll bring a TV myself, and Steven has my non-tv setup stuff. If at all I get bored during the fest, I'll probably start redoing my AR stuff for Walker again. I had fun with it myself, but I explained why the process is so annnoying.

Where's Erich? I need to get revenge on his fuzzy and fiery character. Quote Davis, i can break his neck with only one hand. Lucario should seriously be that easy to rip apart. Ike's got enough biceps to gouge lucario's eyeballs out and push it through his freaking spinal column.

Dekar, I hope enough people had flamed you for your stupid system. My original argument was based on the fact that you decide your counterpicks and characters WHILE you play the match. It's just part of reaching the pantheon and becoming a professional to be able to EXPLOIT your opponents weaknesses for victory, not just abuse your strengths. Remember, the art of mindgames involves making your opponent set up at the right moment just where you want them, which emphasizes the use of their weaknesses. For example, during a match, let's say GoldenGlove just realizes that my falco sucks on platforms after playing a single round on Dream Land64. Therefore, he's going to most likely ban Final Destination in a future match during the tournament, and he's definitely going to counterpick a platform intensive stage, such as Pokemon Stadium when it's shifted into different types.

If there's anything I forgot, sorry.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
You guys should go to the CO one and the OK one. That way I'll get to beat you all twice =D

PS: Counterpick Jungle Japes against Sinz.
I'm going to go to the Colorado one and will drag NM with me if I must. You're going to Oklahoma as well?

PS: Noted.

Money match ike vs falcon?
Who do I get to be?

it's hard to watch people who spend a quarter of their lives on an internet forum about a video games QUARREL ABOUT THEIR GODDA** SEXUALITY. Half of you think that you are secure and just perfect with other people calling you gay and bi, and the other half of you just try and put the secure ones down just to keep yourself at bay and deny your own sexuality. :laugh: it's pretty funny. I'm just out of the blue considering the fact that i haven't hit puberty yet (which at this point is a fact I enjoy and welcome).

My mistake about the fall break thing zach. Yeah, silly old me strikes again.

Hey there David! How ya doin mr. sexy bad***? I can just see the newspaper headlines now, we're all minding our own little business in a horribly run OoS tourney by NM with forward and CO, then all of a sudden out of the blue David and Kyle make their grand entrance. Everyone pauses and drops their controllers, running over and hugging them, Sean especially. Sean's probably plotting to get revenge on kyle for the bedroom incident too :) I can't wait to see you guys again :)

Oh, and as for the people that deserve trash talk and who doesn't: Only Ax does. I'm not sure where he got the idea that he could freely insult the twinz, who would probably scrape his head across the cement within seconds. Plus, your playstyle is such bull****, I'd rather share a dorm with Zach than have to play his pit. In all seriousness Ax, don't spam arrows. I ***** your spammy ***got *** with an ike. Go pitch a tent, ****er. I even pulled off a (direct quote) "jewish" kill on you on Rainbow Cruise. Learn this lesson: GAY BEGETS GAY.
By the way, what's your real name, I kinda don't know. That's one thing I could be sorry about. :(

So as for the metaknight ban, apparently cameron is offended as well everett. I know none of us care about him because he currently carries the title of worst aspiring competitive smasher in all of the Southwest Region. According to cameron, his "natural" character was metaknight and it's unfair that the character he felt comfortable with because of MK's speed just coincidentally was the same broken character that we're banning. If you've read this paragraph, please call cameron at 5053319614 and tell him what a dumb*** he is. I'd say 75% of the things he says about super smash bros. is absolutely incorrect. The world would do so much better with a cameron without a ****ing throat.

I'll be at the smashfest Nolan, hopefully I can get a ride from the person I rely on most :) I'll bring a TV myself, and Steven has my non-tv setup stuff. If at all I get bored during the fest, I'll probably start redoing my AR stuff for Walker again. I had fun with it myself, but I explained why the process is so annnoying.

Where's Erich? I need to get revenge on his fuzzy and fiery character. Quote Davis, i can break his neck with only one hand. Lucario should seriously be that easy to rip apart. Ike's got enough biceps to gouge lucario's eyeballs out and push it through his freaking spinal column.

Dekar, I hope enough people had flamed you for your stupid system. My original argument was based on the fact that you decide your counterpicks and characters WHILE you play the match. It's just part of reaching the pantheon and becoming a professional to be able to EXPLOIT your opponents weaknesses for victory, not just abuse your strengths. Remember, the art of mindgames involves making your opponent set up at the right moment just where you want them, which emphasizes the use of their weaknesses. For example, during a match, let's say GoldenGlove just realizes that my falco sucks on platforms after playing a single round on Dream Land64. Therefore, he's going to most likely ban Final Destination in a future match during the tournament, and he's definitely going to counterpick a platform intensive stage, such as Pokemon Stadium when it's shifted into different types.

If there's anything I forgot, sorry.
Will you have my babies, Neil?


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
If at all I get bored during the fest, I'll probably start redoing my AR stuff for Walker again. I had fun with it myself, but I explained why the process is so annnoying.
Yay! Hacked Melee.

BTW, everyone, I'm actually considering playing Jigglypuff. It wasn't sarcasam.

Sliraobe God

Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Will you have my babies, Neil?
Davis you are the coolest man I have ever met :):):) 30 yrs from now, will you have sex with my trophy wife? :chuckle:

Yay! Hacked Melee.

BTW, everyone, I'm actually considering playing Jigglypuff. It wasn't sarcasam.
Walker, remember the explanation. When I'm really bored and I don't have any homework or any type of stress in the near future (which the nearest time probably being summer 2009), I'll finally re-enter all my AR codes for melee. It just takes so long.
Walker you are silly. Jigglypuff is worthless. Look at the tier list again. Jigglypuff is only good in teams where you can easily gimp the other person's recovery without them expecting you to even be there. The opponent expects you to be fighting and taking care of that opponent's teammate.

Mother 3 is fun :)

@Neil: I would never dorm with you, ever. And that's how I feel when I fight Salty's Pit. But I have the Bucket on my side ;)

One more things, my cats are really really fat >_>
I don't think you understand what I am saying. First of all, you don't have the right to talk because you've never played a REAL PIT you dip****. Get with the program and go fight ax. You'll finally know what I'm talking about. Once again, I'd rather dorm with you than fight Ax again.
It's impossible to compare Daniel's Pit and Ax's pit, they are just astronomically different. It's like having Princess Peach survive a falcon punch through the genitalia and survive. It just can't be done.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Yeah Kash, I'm going to OK, a few others are too, but I dunno how many exactlys. I've got myself a low tier tourney to win. And a teams tourney. And a singles tourney. And a crew battle.

But yeah, you guys should definitely go to both. Or at least CO.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2006
El Paso, TX
Your on, get ready for my Ike. :)
Nice thats the attitude I want to have from all Ikes. EL Paso is having a major tournament on Nov 15th. Housing is offered and we are looking at maybe 100< participants. We will create the thread soon and ill let you know all the info.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
I'll do some Ike MMs against all of you as well just post the specifics in the threads dufman just posted.

We should do a El paso vs New Meixco crew battle as well To fill up the 3 day even time.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Yeah Kash, I'm going to OK, a few others are too, but I dunno how many exactlys. I've got myself a low tier tourney to win. And a teams tourney. And a singles tourney. And a crew battle.

But yeah, you guys should definitely go to both. Or at least CO.
Sounds like a challenge to me, Tim. I can't pass up a challenge.

Davis you are the coolest man I have ever met :):):) 30 yrs from now, will you have sex with my trophy wife? :chuckle:

Walker, remember the explanation. When I'm really bored and I don't have any homework or any type of stress in the near future (which the nearest time probably being summer 2009), I'll finally re-enter all my AR codes for melee. It just takes so long.
Walker you are silly. Jigglypuff is worthless. Look at the tier list again. Jigglypuff is only good in teams where you can easily gimp the other person's recovery without them expecting you to even be there. The opponent expects you to be fighting and taking care of that opponent's teammate.

I don't think you understand what I am saying. First of all, you don't have the right to talk because you've never played a REAL PIT you dip****. Get with the program and go fight ax. You'll finally know what I'm talking about. Once again, I'd rather dorm with you than fight Ax again.
It's impossible to compare Daniel's Pit and Ax's pit, they are just astronomically different. It's like having Princess Peach survive a falcon punch through the genitalia and survive. It just can't be done.
We'll see if I still have my spunk 30 years from now... oh wait am I saying?

Hell yeah I will.

Nice thats the attitude I want to have from all Ikes. EL Paso is having a major tournament on Nov 15th. Housing is offered and we are looking at maybe 100< participants. We will create the thread soon and ill let you know all the info.
El Paso vs. New Mexico crew battles? How boring. New Mexico would **** you silly.

You know it.
My Ike is better.
Oh noes!


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2006
El Paso, TX
Sounds like a challenge to me, Tim. I can't pass up a challenge.

We'll see if I still have my spunk 30 years from now... oh wait am I saying?

Hell yeah I will.

El Paso vs. New Mexico crew battles? How boring. New Mexico would **** you silly.

My Ike is better.
Oh noes!
El Paso ***** NM in melee and they will do it once again in brawl!!!
Is this another ike that wants to lose to my falcon??

Alright but in all seriousness, you guys should come down here then and we can settle this. Are you down for the challenge? The word is now being spread around to central texas and arizona aswell.
I am serious about my falcon money matches as well so if you are down please confirm it here!! http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=199961
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