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Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
A fun fact for Ax: No Johns. Your pit sucks. I'll trust the guy that got 7th in a 90-man tourney on this fact. MM me in OK, or CO. You can choose a $10 normal money match, or a $100 showdown on pirate ship. Oh, and InterimOfZeal will probably wanna MM your pit, since he likes beating pit for some reason.
Oh look, someone else who's never met or even played me calling judgement. 7th in a 90 man tourney? Didn't I say no more waving E-*****es around? 7/90 is impressive, but your using this ti imply his expierience in the game gives him some sort of godlike say on what goes. In that case, please consider my 8th place win in a 111 Melee Tournament, 1st, 2nd, and 1st again in Brawl tournies (all aforementioned prior to my move from ND) and have constantly place anywhere from 5th to 9th in tournies here since. So using your logic, I have as much if not more "Smash cred" than the previously mentioned people. Use that info as you will.

Also, I'll be glad to fight you, Zeal, or frankly anyone, but not for MM-I find them pointless. Your skill will show with how you play, money being a complete non-factor.

Well, if that's what you want to think. I'm not going to bother saying otherwise.
Good then we understand each other. I wasn't mis-informed when I head you were a level headed one. Having said that, I would love to get together for more matches betwen two professionals. I'm with Dekar in believing that while Smash fests kick all sorts of ***, getting together for some real critique/boot camp training would be quite beneficial to all.

Nice to meet you Bryan (well we knew each other from the tourney but did not introduce ourselves lol) Definitely, I would like to play you again. I actually did my worst at that tourney, I'll do better next time, its nice to play good pits Oh hell yeah, my Samus is a beast now but I haven't been able to use her on anyone beside my buddies in Los Lunas.
The pleasure is mine! Sorry to hear that that tourney wasn't your best-it ended in a lame fashion for me as well (ROB vA spammed in the 4th match, then a MK-weak). We shall have to make this a good re-match, ja? Oh, you live in Los Lunas? Bummer, that's quite a trek.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Paul, out of respect for Davis I'll let this be my last post as far as religious debate goes:

"I guarentee you Casey, I know more than you'll ever know."

That's a rather proud statement for a Christian. That's all I'm going to say, I'll let you connect the dots for yourself as to why that's pretty ridiculous of you.

jesus-is-savior.com ? I'm seeing quite a bit of nuttiness on this page.

" The King James Bible is God's preserved Word in English today. Beware of the Satanic counterfeits!!!"
AKA buy the book WE publish instead of others because when you spend money on a book from other people we don't get it!!!

Quoting psalms? Let's take one from the very page you linked me:
"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." -Psalm 97:10

But what is Evil? Evil can (for convention's sake) be defined as sewing negativity where it need not be.

Now let's take a direct example proving your "all loving god" to be truly Evil. God sends people to hell for not accepting jesus (I don't capitalize names that I don't respect, I can't respect something that so much pain and hatred has come from) as their one and only savior.

Hell is true agony, for all of eternity.

God knows from when you're born whether you will go to hell or not. Why let someone be born when they're going to go to hell from the get go? Why create something only to **** it? Unless if you're the ultimate evil as well as the ultimate good, it doesn't make sense.

Ultimate good AND ultimate evil? That's contradictory, therefore in real world scenarios, it doesn't exist.

My blood is boiling from even having to type this stuff. Open your eyes to the world Paul and realize that just because you were born into/around something doesn't mean it's true. Just because there isn't a super powerful man in the sky looking over you from the day you're born doesn't mean life is hopeless. You can be a constructive member of society and a positive influence upon those around you without being a part of any religion and lacking in ANY supernatural beliefs, unfortunately from what you've demonstrated it doesn't seem the same can be said about those with belief.

In short, I'd really just like for you to speak without being a giant douchebag about things, you can criticize people on their play without sounding condescending, as Davis so gracefully demonstrated in his post.

As for the age assumption, that's easily explainable. When someone acts so childish and lacks foresight in what they're stating, it's easy to assume they're young, and therefore it's easier for one to brush it off as childish arrogance. Also, I'd like to actually see your driver's license before I'd accept that you're of age. Because you REALLY don't act like it. At least with Everett everyone and their mother knew he was 18, so I could just accept it as either a well played lie or the truth. With you though, it's a bit more difficult to believe.

tl;dr stop being so negative Jesus boy, that's not what Jesus taught, I'm an atheist and I know that, something you obviously don't know. :)
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
The fact is, Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, not religion.

I trust in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone, not religion.

I don't know where you get off thinking I belong to some religion or church...I don't. I follow the truth, and that truth is Jesus Christ.
Hmmmm...you are correct here Paul. He did not die for religion, he died for US. Religion is merely an interpretation of the Bible. Or at least, most of them are. If you believe that all religions are wrong though, then you haven't found the right one. Try going to different churches every once in a while, and see if you change your mind. I believe that my church is led by Jesus Christ, not by a prophet. The prophet does not ever preach of himself either, believe me! The prophet is only the instrument that Christ uses to lead his church on the Earth. So you could say that I follow that truth as well, eh?

You are completely ignorant of what Jesus Christ taught. Yes, he expected us to be kind to others but he did not expect us to except false ways.

First off, Muhammad and Joseph Smith were false prophets. Jesus Christ said....

"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." -Mark 13:22
Indeed, he did teach these things, and yes he did say that. But he also said this:

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." -Matthew 7: 15-20

That was long I know. I'm sure you know what this means Paul, but I will explain it nontheless. Basically it means that not ALL prophets today are false, but there shall be some who will come as false prophets. And it also says that the only way to know if they are false or not is to taste of their fruits(meaning their works). Do they have good works, or bad works? I have seen the works of Joseph Smith, and I have been to other churches too, and I gotta tell you, I believe 100% that he was not a false prophet. But I only know this because I have tested out for myself what he restored. Why would he have endured so much pain for his beliefs at the age of 14 anyways? But anyways, have you tested out what you believe in? There's another scripture I could quote, but it's found in the Book of Mormon, and so I don't know if it's also in the Bible. Otherwise you might not believe it! It just says that you receive no witness of the truth until AFTER your faith has been tried and tested.

Second, here's something to take into consideration....

"For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." —Romans 10:3,4
You've probably heard this scripture too Paul:

"Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men." -Isaiah 29:13

People like this exist all over the world. They seek not to glorify God, but to get gain of the world for themselves. As you put it in the quoted scripture, they ignore God's righteousness, and establish their own "righteousness."

Casey...I could write an entire other page just for you, and it wouldn't be quite as forceful as Paul. But I might have to put it off. Basically, I just want to answer one of the questions you posed right now. If you want me to answer more, PM me.

God does NOT send people to hell for not accepting Jesus. I know you may or may not believe me on that, but I firmly believe it as a member of the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints(yep, that's the actual name of us Mormons!) The ONLY way one can go to hell is if your faith is replaced with knowledge, meaning you no longer have faith in Christ and God but you have a knowledge of their existence and deny it. You have seen them. AND THEN you deny them. That's the only sin that he will not forgive you of. But then again, how many people actually see God? This will happen to only a very few people in the world, and even fewer will decide to deny the witness they have received. Any other thing you do wrong can be forgiven, though some are very, very difficult to be forgiven of, but possible.

So no, I don't condemn you for being atheist.:lick: And I'm pretty sure I'll see you in heaven too.

I hope that helped a little. Gah...there's so much more I could tell you, but for the sake of this thread I will stop. If you wish to continue Casey then seriously PM me. I always like hearing about what other people believe and especially WHY.

Allllllrighty! On a more positive note, how's life people? Oh yea and Davis I would like to go to the tournament. I'm not sure if I can or not, but I'm wavering between going and not going, as I'm kinda in the same boat as Paul. Kinda. But then again, they also have Melee. OH SNAP SON!!!!! And another question about it: will we be taking two cars? Your car of people and Casey's car of people? Or are we all gonna combine into one car of people?


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
@Ax: I had an account before my new accout that was registerd sometime in 02. Alas I forgot my password and now I am Sonic Homer on GFaqs. I'm a level 35 with 1944 karma. I hang around the broadcast anime board, the cartoon board, and the classic gaming board. The only places where swarms of GFaqers don't n00b it up.

@Xion: Ur a pretty good player but you play bad characters (like me :D). Try picking up a beter character like Olimar or someone who can cover the bad matches that Samus and Ike have (word on the street is they both get ****ed by DDD)


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Also, I'll be glad to fight you, Zeal, or frankly anyone, but not for MM-I find them pointless. Your skill will show with how you play, money being a complete non-factor.

Good then we understand each other. I wasn't mis-informed when I head you were a level headed one. Having said that, I would love to get together for more matches betwen two professionals. I'm with Dekar in believing that while Smash fests kick all sorts of ***, getting together for some real critique/boot camp training would be quite beneficial to all.
Well, in my own opinion, if money, or something, isn't on the line then the match is simply for fun. No reason to do your best. I still own Cliche's ***** from our ***** money match with Ganondorf. Bam!

I've always been one who has believed that the Smashers in this state don't help each other out nearly enough. Perhaps because of fear of the other person becoming too much of a threat to play against in tournaments.

I used to be a lot more helpful and when I couldn't succeed at something I'd ask the person playing what I should do differently, but I got criticized by Steven for sounding like a strategy guide, so I keep my mouth a little more quite nowadays.

Allllllrighty! On a more positive note, how's life people? Oh yea and Davis I would like to go to the tournament. I'm not sure if I can or not, but I'm wavering between going and not going, as I'm kinda in the same boat as Paul. Kinda. But then again, they also have Melee. OH SNAP SON!!!!! And another question about it: will we be taking two cars? Your car of people and Casey's car of people? Or are we all gonna combine into one car of people?
Well, they will have Melee which should be awesome, and it's for a day. This tournament is going to be sweet. When Dekar wins second and I win first (lol) I'll treat everyone to ice cream when I get back B).

Depends on how many people are going. How many can fit in your car Dekar? Or whoever's car we're taking.

@Ax: I had an account before my new accout that was registerd sometime in 02. Alas I forgot my password and now I am Sonic Homer on GFaqs. I'm a level 35 with 1944 karma. I hang around the broadcast anime board, the cartoon board, and the classic gaming board. The only places where swarms of GFaqers don't n00b it up.

@Xion: Ur a pretty good player but you play bad characters (like me :D). Try picking up a beter character like Olimar or someone who can cover the bad matches that Samus and Ike have (word on the street is they both get ****ed by DDD)
Wolf is bottom tier. I just make him top.



Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
@Ax: I had an account before my new accout that was registerd sometime in 02. Alas I forgot my password and now I am Sonic Homer on GFaqs. I'm a level 35 with 1944 karma. I hang around the broadcast anime board, the cartoon board, and the classic gaming board. The only places where swarms of GFaqers don't n00b it up.
Ah I see. That's quite a lot of karma, you must frequent it as much as I do. Very cool indeed, it's always a pleasure to meet another GFaqer. And XD. Did you enter the contest? Ever write any reviews/Top 10s?

Well, in my own opinion, if money, or something, isn't on the line then the match is simply for fun. No reason to do your best. I still own Cliche's ***** from our ***** money match with Ganondorf. Bam!
Ah, I can see the logic behind that. Indeed, you speak truth-it's definitely true we probably don't play at our finest at, say, as Smashfest compared to an actual toruney. Still, I'm not sure if money on the line would make me more focused. That's why I'm still insisting we have some boot camp style game days where there is no laughing, it's dead serious play-and-evaluate. *shrugs*

I've always been one who has believed that the Smashers in this state don't help each other out nearly enough. Perhaps because of fear of the other person becoming too much of a threat to play against in tournaments.
This can be true, too-Sun Tzu would advise not to lay all the cards on the table for your soon-to-be-opponent to see. I personally am actually kinda open from my style, as it's hard to really grow and learn otherwise. So, Dekar and I have learned a lot from our daily matches.

I used to be a lot more helpful and when I couldn't succeed at something I'd ask the person playing what I should do differently, but I got criticized by Steven for sounding like a strategy guide, so I keep my mouth a little more quite nowadays.
Haha. I know I have the wekness of not knowing/having played the broad range of characters. For example, no one I know plays a good Mario, so if I ever faced one, it might throw me off. Which is why these gathering are a great way to learn how to cope with all sorts of challenges, me thinks (for examle you're about the only Wolf player I've encountered). I'm making sure to get those bases covered >_>b


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Go to Oklahoma. If we see you there, we won't feel bad if you don't come to FFF. It's gonna be huge. Stop with all the *****ing about religion. It's dumb. Zeitgeist was a waste of time way back in the day. Still is.

Oh look, someone else who's never met or even played me calling judgement. 7th in a 90 man tourney? Didn't I say no more waving E-*****es around? 7/90 is impressive, but your using this ti imply his expierience in the game gives him some sort of godlike say on what goes. In that case, please consider my 8th place win in a 111 Melee Tournament, 1st, 2nd, and 1st again in Brawl tournies (all aforementioned prior to my move from ND) and have constantly place anywhere from 5th to 9th in tournies here since. So using your logic, I have as much if not more "Smash cred" than the previously mentioned people. Use that info as you will.
Ooooh. I got 1st in a 120+ man Melee tournament. It was at an anime convention, though, and the only good competition were other SWFers. don't care, your numbers don't impress either of us until you tell us which tournaments you placed at, and the numbers/who was present.

Also, I'll be glad to fight you, Zeal, or frankly anyone, but not for MM-I find them pointless. Your skill will show with how you play, money being a complete non-factor.
Sounds like you're scared, to me. People play harder when both money and their reputation is on the line. I'm going to work a lot harder when someone challenges me to a MM than when someone just wants to play me. I've already got a MM with Ky, arguably one of the best Pit players around. Why won't you do it? Sounds like you aren't confident in your abilities.


But you might want to insult spamming in general: I do loves that spammy jab, AR, and arrows. However, that's not even me, just Pit's playstyle.
Bullcrap. Pit plays like Melee Falco, without the combos. You rtsd, son.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Ooooh. I got 1st in a 120+ man Melee tournament. It was at an anime convention, though, and the only good competition were other SWFers. don't care, your numbers don't impress either of us until you tell us which tournaments you placed at, and the numbers/who was present.
I have the feeling that elitism douchbagery found between the two of you would make it a challenge to ever impress either of you (not that that is my goal, anyways). If you read the post carefully, you will notice that I stated that the Melee tourney, and the 1st 2nd 1st Brawl placements were in ND, where I moved from this summer. So, this makes checking for facts impossible, but I'll throw some out there anyways:

All were held and run by Play N' Trade, and the Smashers of the Dakotas. 111 entries for Melee, 35/42/and I'm not sure about the last one. And no one was there that you'd recognize obviously, so I'll just omit that. As for NM tourneis, I've been to about everyone starting in...August? You know, NM, DMD, the UNM one, etc. I don't know the number from there, I wasn't paying attention. Ask Dekar, he'd probably know. As for who was there...well, everyone that posts here, that's for sure.

Likewise, I would like the numbers from your claimed 1st place win at a 120+ Melee match, if you will.

Sounds like you're scared, to me. People play harder when both money and their reputation is on the line. I'm going to work a lot harder when someone challenges me to a MM than when someone just wants to play me. I've already got a MM with Ky, arguably one of the best Pit players around. Why won't you do it? Sounds like you aren't confident in your abilities.
Well, that's the theory of how MM's work, but as stated, it doesn't really work on me. I'm concerned about personal fame and rep., and first impressions say it all. So when I play someone for the first time, it IS all out war, money not being as issue. That, and the risk of losing a dollar isn't going to make anyone "play harder." On the same note, doing $100 ones, on a stage that can kill you no less, is simply stupid.

I mean what, you're telling me that scientific data exists somewhere that proves that money on theline makes you player harder? Can you give me some links? Because in reality, you only got one thing correct-money on the match adds pressure. But pressure can do all sorts of things-playing hard is certaintly a possibility, but it could also make someone nervous, anxious, unfocused, and over-defensive-al of which can NEGATIVELY effect how someone plays. Scientifically, if you want to perfectly judge how two combatants fight, you must remove all 3rd party distractions, and this includes money.

Bullcrap. Pit plays like Melee Falco, without the combos. You rtsd, son.
Yeah, just minus the flying, auto-gimpable recovery, lack of ability to perform adequate short hop combos, reflectors, lack of shine abilities and chain grabs...yep, just like Melee Falco /sarcasm.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
@Z-man: Did I hear correctly that you're also playing a Wario now? We should get together on that-I think mine is tourney ready, but there's still some kinks I want to iron out.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
So, I had really long detailed post, but the internet eateded it. D:

Ax, if you can't handle pressure and mental fatigue, you're not a good player. It's what separates my consistent 4th place for the past 3 years from Ferdi, Jeris, or (recently) Tim. 9th isn't anything. Name good players that you have taken sets from. I'll even pretend that NM is good and ask if you've beaten Kash, Sinz, Alpha, Erich etc. (kidding guys, you're much better at Brawl than you were at Melee ♥).

Both the Dakotas are weak.

Falco had the most gimpable recovery in Melee, so it's not like recovering with Pit is harder. Also, Pit has a nifty dthrow trick that is similar to pillar combos of old, but it only works until 40%. Falco had no CG except on Fox, and when I say that Falco and Pit play the same, I don't mean they have identical combos. I mean that, with both of them, you're always pressuring with your projectile and getting in their face. Hell, I'd even say that Melee Falco was campier than a good Pit should be.

By declining MMs simply because you think that they "mean nothing", you're telling people that you don't have enough confidence in your playing abilities to put money on it. You want rep? Beat good players, and win MMs. Backing out of matches is a surefire way to be seen as weak.

I have a MM with Ky because he is supposed to be the best Pit player around, and I haven't lost a single match to a Pit yet with my Sonic, including friendlies. We both have our reps (though mine isn't as well spread), and we're both willing to back it with a friendly competition. Even $5 says that you're serious about your claims.

I'm really sad, because my post was waaaaaaaaay more detailed than this, but it got deleted, so whatever.

As for "elitism douchebaggery", ask Kash about how we treated him before and after he proved himself. I used to be a world class ******* to him during the Melee and early Brawl days, because he talked a big game but (seemed like he) couldn't back it up. Then he beasts at AZ 1 2 Step, and takes out most of CO in MMs, and now he has a hell of a lot more respect from me and the rest of CO. Hell, we want him to move up here.

You wanna talk big, you better be able to keep up with the big kids. Backing outta MMs and johning about why you can't do whatever is a surefire way to get some hate.

Also, NDK didn't post the results online, sadly. I can show you my trophy from it, and you can come up to NDK next year and ask the staff about it. You can also ask about Tim taking 1st in a 96+ man bracket for Brawl this year, and how much of a joke random tournaments are. Give reputable sources, or stfu.

As for my cred, just look at results from any C3 or NVGA tournament in CO in the past 3 years. Or my results from the last NM tournament I attended. Or ask your players.

Now, either you can accept the MMs we've put up for you, or you can accept that you're not on our level and need to prove yourself before you are going to be taken seriously. You have no idea how much nicer I am to someone after they MM me, regardless of whether they win or not.

EDIT: Also, keep that religion bs outta here, seriously. Zeitgeist was crap back in the day. It's still crap. Stop quoting it like your Holy Bible. Michael Moore fans do that. You don't want to be a Michael Moore fan, do you?


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Interim, I am sorry I was ******** before.

That post made me love you again.

I really do not like seeing a bunch of religion stuff on here guys :(. It just is spawning more arguments.... :(

I saw Zeitgeist, it seriously didn't matter to me.

Tony is awesome btw. He destroys players :D, but some how he didn't destroy my falcon with peach up in co a year or two ago.... ://// But don't worry, phantom knees on lovo made up for it ://////

I want my jacket :(

EDIT: EVERYONE is invited to come to Sweeney Todd, it is on this friday and saturday at 7pm in the Cibola PAC(enter through the east lot.), its 5$, 3 if you have student id(I think from any school). It is also on the 30th of this month as well, at 7pm.

come please :D I promise I can sing well.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I say watch Zeitgeist because in all honesty most religious people absolutely refuse to see Religulous. Which is funny, because its message is clearly stated at the conclusion of the film (and is a much more positive piece of video than Zeitgeist).

That and the fact that Zeitgeist is free on the internet, whereas Religulous is out in theaters at the moment (should be anyway, not sure if the athgnosticeists could keep it in theaters for too long).

Torrent it or something, whatever.

But ANYWAY, like I said in my last post, less douchebaggery would be much appreciated. Criticism and flaming are two completely different things, let's keep the flaming among us to a minimum, eh? Unless if it's Cameron I guess, for whatever reason.

and Bryan, Davis' comments weren't meant to offend you or anything, so don't take them as "you're bad get better" he's a bit more grown up than some others on these boards, so take it for what it actually is, constructive criticism. :D


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
@Tony-I deleted my long counter-post as a sign of good will. The summary was that you didn't read my posts carefully, and have nothing to judge me by until we play.

Until then, I heard you liek Mudkipz...
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Well, that's the theory of how MM's work, but as stated, it doesn't really work on me. I'm concerned about personal fame and rep., and first impressions say it all. So when I play someone for the first time, it IS all out war, money not being as issue. That, and the risk of losing a dollar isn't going to make anyone "play harder." On the same note, doing $100 ones, on a stage that can kill you no less, is simply stupid.
Is that really all that matters to you? Man, that's kinda pathetic. Sorry but I had to say that. You don't seem half bad as a person at tournaments, but when you get into an argument you say some stupid things dude. Then again, I've never really talked to you in person.

I mean what, you're telling me that scientific data exists somewhere that proves that money on theline makes you player harder? Can you give me some links? Because in reality, you only got one thing correct-money on the match adds pressure. But pressure can do all sorts of things-playing hard is certaintly a possibility, but it could also make someone nervous, anxious, unfocused, and over-defensive-al of which can NEGATIVELY effect how someone plays. Scientifically, if you want to perfectly judge how two combatants fight, you must remove all 3rd party distractions, and this includes money.
Nope. Sorry dude. You're wrong yet again. If you want to play me at my best, play me in tournament, otherwise I just won't be at my best. I do dumb stuff at Smashfests because it's NOT SERIOUS. You can get away with practicing stuff at Smashfests, but in tournament you must apply it wisely. If you're talking about Melee...prepare to get ***** even in Smashfests/casuals. If you're talking about Brawl, you'll stand a much better chance. I could stand here all day and tell about Melee tournaments I've done well in, but it doesn't mean a thing until you play me, now do it?

Sorry I had to butt in like that, but it sounds like you're suffering from a bit of egotism. Tony has an attitude like that, so don't let it bother you. He's not afraid to speak his mind and to tell the truth, and I admire him a lot for being able to do so, even if it is sometimes more aggressive than I would like it to be. However, he was justified in bagging on you as you were kinda bragging when you came in. And you're still bragging, and it's annoying me. Stop. You're both at fault for a bothersome argument. If you think you're better than me, prove it. Don't talk about how you're already in our league when you've never even played us before.

Anyways, I'm Erich. Good to *officially* meet you. And QUITE DOUBLE POSTING!!!

Which reminds me...when is the next smashfest gonna be?

The sensible, silent majority is laughing its *** of at the last few pages of posts.

*Recedes back into the sensible, silent majority*
Haha, that made me laugh Steven. Bring some humor to lighten the mood.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
One more double post, and I am getting drew. He gave me 5 infractions for spam and double posting, he will definitely pass them on to you guys :/

Nope. Sorry dude. You're wrong yet again. If you want to play me at my best, play me in tournament, otherwise I just won't be at my best. I do dumb stuff at Smashfests because it's NOT SERIOUS. You can get away with practicing stuff at Smashfests, but in tournament you must apply it wisely. If you're talking about Melee...prepare to get ***** even in Smashfests/casuals. If you're talking about Brawl, you'll stand a much better chance. I could stand here all day and tell about Melee tournaments I've done well in, but it doesn't mean a thing until you play me, now do it?
This is also very true. I know that i play around alot in smashfest. But when it is tourney time, I go all out. The only person I felt like I was going my best against was Davis.

Also, Ax, I have NEVER seen you at ANY melee tournament I have gone to. And I went to the majority of them here.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Oh, I didn't quite explain the $100 MM correctly. See, it costs you $1 to try it, you get $100 if you win. It'll stay open to you, so you don't have to drive anywhere special for it.

Also, until I play you, I'll trust the judgement of the people I've played. Or when you beat them in tourney.

Plus, you can't be as broke as Zeal, he's got -$6000 or so.

Sinz: He didn't move to NM until recently, of course you never saw him at melee tourneys...and go to a tourney OOS this winter <3


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Also, Ax, I have NEVER seen you at ANY melee tournament I have gone to. And I went to the majority of them here.
For the 1000th time, people, LEARN TO READ. The tournies I mentioned were in ND, the state North Dakota, where I JUST moved from.

Oh, I didn't quite explain the $100 MM correctly. See, it costs you $1 to try it, you get $100 if you win. It'll stay open to you, so you don't have to drive anywhere special for it.
That still means I would have to be in CO, or you would have to come here. But where would the $100 come from, you? Why would that be beneficial to you?

Also, until I play you, I'll trust the judgement of the people I've played. Or when you beat them in tourney.
I'll agree to the first part-I shall not and do not pass judgement until I play someone. Which I agree with Erich-no matter what Tony or anyone else wants to do, I'm done with this bickering. We'll play, then we'll talk. I think we can all agree to that.

But I'll tell you what I told Tony-be waring of trusting those whom you think you can. SINZ and Paul have only recently seen me (note seen me, note play-there wasn't anyone watching my matches, and 90% of them that night were 2v2s)...at a smashfest, which we all agree is a horrible way to judge one's skill. So, you're getting bad bad advice. But, trust whom you will

Plus, you can't be as broke as Zeal, he's got -$6000 or so.
O_o how the hell is he in debt, and still plays MM? Hay carumba, that's looney. No, I'm down to I think 30 some dollars to my name-I'm officially a poor college kid.

Sinz: He didn't move to NM until recently, of course you never saw him at melee tourneys...and go to a tourney OOS this winter <3
Yes! You can read my posts!

But seriously guys, this blind bickeing and hate is stupid. Let's all shut up, play the **** game, and help each other become better. Because I assure you that's just what I want. Hell, I'll go delete my long and thought provoking respons to Tony, just avoid more.

Oh, and would this be counted as a double-post? I think I'm a little foggy on exactly what that means around here, so sorry SINZ if this counts as one. >_>

Ax, you are ****ing amazing at Brawl. A living legend.

There. Now next time you feel like double-posting what look to be excerpts from a middle schooler's English notebook, just read that line up there and be satisfied.
Except that I'm not, and your sarcasm leads me to believe you think that I think that I'm awesome. Which, for the...christ, I don't know how many times, I've never said.
And seing as how no one here even possesses the reading skills of a middle schooler, I'll take that as a compliment.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Ax, you are ****ing amazing at Brawl. A living legend.

There. Now next time you feel like double-posting what look to be excerpts from a middle schooler's English notebook, just read that line up there and be satisfied.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
Hey guys lets change the subject from lots of arguing to new "AT" Neil, Walker and I discovered (we think).

Air is considered a physical attack and you can counter it. Or is this old?


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
@Ax: Why the hell did you quote yourself? And why the hell did it have to be a large *** post like that? People from the SSBB GFaqs boards fail in an epic way. And be prepared to lose in our MM, your Pit will cease to exist. EDIT: I'd like to rephrase that people from North Dakota fail in an epic way.

@Sinz: I will see if I can go to see Sweeny Todd.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Is old news isaccard =( I take it someone countered the puffs from GaW's uair and you all went "whuuuuu?" I did too when I saw it.

The point of the $100 MM is to truly test what people are capable of. I'm confident enough in my ability to win on that broken stage, and the $100 prize gets people motivated when they're only out a buck if they don't manage to do it. It's beneficial because some people will sandbag even when it's $20 or $30, but $100 is hard to ignore. Though I do admit the prizes are much less for people who've played me before.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Tony is awesome btw. He destroys players :D, but some how he didn't destroy my falcon with peach up in co a year or two ago.... ://// But don't worry, phantom knees on lovo made up for it ://////
That's okay. I made it up when I came back to NM and ***** you with Falco. ♥

Who the hell said anything about mental fatigue? I was pointing out that using MM as a mantra for a level of skill determination is deply flawed, as is the collective mentallity of a few of these self-proclaimed pros. Yes, I just beat Kash a few nights ago (granted, it was back and forth wins between the both of us). Again, I respect him and he's good, but even when he beat me it was close, nothing I should be overly impressed over. If you read the early posts, if you claim that these guys you listed are good, then I already play in their league. Nice to meet you. (haven't played the other 3 yet).
Mental fatigue is a very real aspect of competitive gaming. Much like pressure. MMing is just one of many ways to gauge skill.

You beat him in friendlies. Woohoo! I've double 3 stocked people that have beat me in friendlies when I'm playing in tournament. There's this thing called sandbagging, and it happens a LOT in friendlies. Who have you beat in tournament?

How do YOU do?

Well duh, the population of Alb=that of ND, so the abundance of a large Brawl crowd is indeed weak. But it's pretty arrogant of you to say that when I can guarantee you have never played anyone from there.
Don't need to. They haven't been doing anything over there worth noting, so I don't care about them. Arrogant? Yes. Do I care? No.

Once again, you blasted through my bulleproof explanation over money matches. The "beat good players" part is enough. On the flip side, suggesting that MMs are a must makes you look idiotic, when I already explained how that mentality is flawed. ****, why not put guns to our heads when playing? That ought to make us "play better." So go back, take time, and read what I posted.
Because hyperbole=logic. If you aren't able to put money on your skills, you aren't confident in your skills. It's not about playing better, it's about showing that you can, and that you know you can. Either back your talk up, or shut the hell up.

Not only that, I'm literally this close to being bankrupt. I could be the best Brawler in the world and would still decline MM, simply because I currently don't have the cash to throw around (at least until I get a job).
If you're a great player, then you can make money off of people with MMs. I've used MMs to pay for my tournament entry fees before.

So let me get this straight-because Kash put up with your BS and leaned to MM, he became a better player and now has your respect. THEN, I beat Kash (with the aforementioned handicaps, no less) all the while skipping the belittlement and MM process. Did I...? Yes, I just tore your theory to shreds. I was able to reach the same level without the burracracy and BS. And christ, you want him to move there over a videogame? *facepalm*
No, you didn't. First off, you beat him in friendlies, which doesn't mean ****.

Second off, I didn't respect him during the MMs. I still thought he was shit (no offense, love ♥), and that everyone that played him was playing like a ******. Then he took 7th at AZ12. That's when I started to respect him. Dinner afterwards made me really like him, as well as him boxing Taj, something that only he and I were dumb enough to do outta CO and NM.

I want him to move here because he's cool. Not because of a video game. Stop assuming stupid shit. I met him through a video game, yes. I don't want him to move up here for one, however. Especially not a bad one.

Look, obviously you want me to..somehow respect you, but it's a two-way street bud-so far you've managed to do anything but that. hell, you're entire concept of the meta game and the concept of a good player is so full of hole it could be made into Swiss Cheese. In fact, you dimissed my skills when never having played or met me, you dismiss my acomplishment and the abilities of 2 entire states once I gave the evidence required of you...you act totally and completely like a child. So kindly man up with your attitude if you have any hopes of seeing something from me.

Wait, let me read this again...

Look, obviously you want me to..somehow respect you

One more time...

Look, obviously you want me to..somehow respect you

Let me clarify something for you:

You don't mean dick to me.


You aren't worth anything to me, and neither is your opinion.

Let's move on to the rest of what you said there.

but it's a two-way street bud-so far you've managed to do anything but that. hell, you're entire concept of the meta game and the concept of a good player is so full of hole it could be made into Swiss Cheese. In fact, you dimissed my skills when never having played or met me, you dismiss my acomplishment and the abilities of 2 entire states once I gave the evidence required of you...you act totally and completely like a child. So kindly man up with your attitude if you have any hopes of seeing something from me.
First off, it's your, not you're. Your shows possession, you're is a contraction - a combination of words- using you and are.

What accomplishments? Beating bumpkins in Dakota? Placing 9th in NM? Both of those aren't ****, and I'm still waiting for you to supply actual results. Also, no online tournaments, please.

You haven't given me any reason to respect you yet. You haven't even provided the names of the tournaments you placed at, or names of accomplished players that you've beaten in tournament.

I never "talked big"-in fact, I was persecuted the second I stepped on here, by two people whom never have even seen me play, and I've been on the defense ever since (you would know this if you took the constructive time to read through carefully what was posted). And please, don't delude yourself as being "big kids"-basic reading comprehension is beyond you, you at least need that to get anywhere. And getting hate over a videogame is a really good measure of one's maturity, and this includes you.
Basic writing and grammar skills are beyond you. Forgive me if I misread.

You catch hate from Sinz, Alpha, and Zman. Kash critiques you nicely, and you lash out at him like you're so good that you can't even take advice from other people. Piss off.

What ones you have set up for me? I've only seen ones for a $10 and $100 one against you on a broken stage. no less. I'm not driving all the way up to CO for a $100 MM on a videogame-that's ********.
Go with them to OK. You can place well if you're actually good, AND make money off of us. $1 entry fee for you vs Tim on Pirate Ship, if I'm correct about the challenge. You win, he gives you $100. You lose, you give him $1. Are you so afraid of a stage that is used nationally and so lacking in confidence with your character that you won't even take a match with 100-1 odds?


And once again, I'm already onyour level, without using MM. I'm living breathing proof that the system is flawed, so why in the hell would I decide to start playing them? You have no idea how much nicer I am to people who can grasp even the tiniest bit of logic.

You're nowhere near my level. Who have you beaten? What have you done? I don't mean stupid *** friendlies. I mean actual tournaments, actual results.

You aren't ****.

Hound me if you wish, but I've given no hate to any of my attackers (even if you lot deserve after those laughable posts) but the dogmatic way you mistakenly think this game has run isn't universal, so kindly man up and cut the blind attacks. Because judging my skill based off of what two people said whom never even watched me play or face me from your safe haven in CO makes you look incredibly blind. And I know you don't want that, you have an image to maintain, yes?
You lashed at Kash, acting as if you couldn't learn anything from anyone. Just saying...

I'm willing to man up. I'll even put $15 on myself v your $5. Spoilers: it's easy money, I don't even play this game might play this game a little. AND I play as Sonic.

I have no worries about my image. I talk crap to everyone ever and still catch all the love I've needed in this game. Reason why is I back my **** up, and make claims that frequently prove true. If you beat me, I'll acknowledge it. Hell, if you come close to beating me, I'll acknowledge it. Ask Erich. He hadn't beat me in tournament once in Melee, but he came close, and I gave him props for it. I'd even go so far as to say I may have been lucky the first time we played.

As opposed to what, money? No, what really matters to me is playing the game and having fun-if I come in 5th in a tourney, that just means I gotta get better, and have fun doing it. Tony was asserting that money on the line drives him to play better, and I'm saying just simply seeing how far I go in a tourney drives me. Sorry if it sounded a little escentric.
No, money on the line shows that I'm confident in my skills. I won't try during friendlies, because they don't matter. I'll try when things do matter. In example, tournaments, or my rep. If money drove me to play, I wouldn't be playing Smash, since I almost ALWAYS place 4th. You know, the ranked position that gets no money.

I could post my tourney results all day, but until he actually plays me, he has little ground to judge me on.
Except you don't have any good tournies backing you, do you? Hell, what tournaments do you even have?

And this is a perfect example of lack of said comprehension-please point out how I came in "bragging?" I ws being attacked when i came here for no reason, and have just been countering and rebutting the points ever since. Hell, direct your post to tony, as he's the one who joined this bandwagon-never once did I call him out on anything. And I said I'm in league because I was able to beat Kash, but I'll concede that point that I haven't played you and the match may not have been all that serious.
There's your bragging right there. Unless it was tournament, I don't care.

We'll play, then we'll talk. I think we can all agree to that.
Sounds fair enough. Until then, don't act like you're hot stuff. Also, MM me either way, as I have a reputation of Pit nommer to keep.

O_o how the hell is he in debt, and still plays MM? Hay carumba, that's looney. No, I'm down to I think 30 some dollars to my name-I'm officially a poor college kid.
College does that to you. All my loans are subsidized, though, so I don't have to pay until after I finish, and there is no interest. Still, I'll prolly stop taking out loans either next semester or the one after, because I don't want to SERIOUSLY be in debt.

But seriously guys, this blind bickeing and hate is stupid. Let's all shut up, play the **** game, and help each other become better. Because I assure you that's just what I want. Hell, I'll go delete my long and thought provoking respons to Tony, just avoid more.
Kinda quoted you too early, sorry, but I'm not deleting this post. Already lost another one.

At any rate, don't claim you're good until you start doing well in tournaments, particularly the ones for the state you're living in.

Tim's Pirate Ship Challenge is a way of him showing just how confident he is about his strategies for that stage. The gain is putting that much money on the line, and showing that it was never once a gamble for him.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
So, I had really long detailed post, but the internet eateded it. D:

Ax, if you can't handle pressure and mental fatigue, you're not a good player. It's what separates my consistent 4th place for the past 3 years from Ferdi, Jeris, or (recently) Tim. 9th isn't anything. Name good players that you have taken sets from. I'll even pretend that NM is good and ask if you've beaten Kash, Sinz, Alpha, Erich etc. (kidding guys, you're much better at Brawl than you were at Melee ♥).

Both the Dakotas are weak.

Falco had the most gimpable recovery in Melee, so it's not like recovering with Pit is harder. Also, Pit has a nifty dthrow trick that is similar to pillar combos of old, but it only works until 40%. Falco had no CG except on Fox, and when I say that Falco and Pit play the same, I don't mean they have identical combos. I mean that, with both of them, you're always pressuring with your projectile and getting in their face. Hell, I'd even say that Melee Falco was campier than a good Pit should be.

By declining MMs simply because you think that they "mean nothing", you're telling people that you don't have enough confidence in your playing abilities to put money on it. You want rep? Beat good players, and win MMs. Backing out of matches is a surefire way to be seen as weak.

I have a MM with Ky because he is supposed to be the best Pit player around, and I haven't lost a single match to a Pit yet with my Sonic, including friendlies. We both have our reps (though mine isn't as well spread), and we're both willing to back it with a friendly competition. Even $5 says that you're serious about your claims.

I'm really sad, because my post was waaaaaaaaay more detailed than this, but it got deleted, so whatever.

As for "elitism douchebaggery", ask Kash about how we treated him before and after he proved himself. I used to be a world class ******* to him during the Melee and early Brawl days, because he talked a big game but (seemed like he) couldn't back it up. Then he beasts at AZ 1 2 Step, and takes out most of CO in MMs, and now he has a hell of a lot more respect from me and the rest of CO. Hell, we want him to move up here.

You wanna talk big, you better be able to keep up with the big kids. Backing outta MMs and johning about why you can't do whatever is a surefire way to get some hate.

Also, NDK didn't post the results online, sadly. I can show you my trophy from it, and you can come up to NDK next year and ask the staff about it. You can also ask about Tim taking 1st in a 96+ man bracket for Brawl this year, and how much of a joke random tournaments are. Give reputable sources, or stfu.

As for my cred, just look at results from any C3 or NVGA tournament in CO in the past 3 years. Or my results from the last NM tournament I attended. Or ask your players.

Now, either you can accept the MMs we've put up for you, or you can accept that you're not on our level and need to prove yourself before you are going to be taken seriously. You have no idea how much nicer I am to someone after they MM me, regardless of whether they win or not.

EDIT: Also, keep that religion bs outta here, seriously. Zeitgeist was crap back in the day. It's still crap. Stop quoting it like your Holy Bible. Michael Moore fans do that. You don't want to be a Michael Moore fan, do you?
It's true. Tony treated me like his *****, but I did have my head up my ***.

Love ya, bro.

Interim, I am sorry I was ******** before.

That post made me love you again.

I really do not like seeing a bunch of religion stuff on here guys :(. It just is spawning more arguments.... :(

I saw Zeitgeist, it seriously didn't matter to me.

Tony is awesome btw. He destroys players :D, but some how he didn't destroy my falcon with peach up in co a year or two ago.... ://// But don't worry, phantom knees on lovo made up for it ://////

I want my jacket :(

EDIT: EVERYONE is invited to come to Sweeney Todd, it is on this friday and saturday at 7pm in the Cibola PAC(enter through the east lot.), its 5$, 3 if you have student id(I think from any school). It is also on the 30th of this month as well, at 7pm.

come please :D I promise I can sing well.
We could have a Smashfest Saturday or something and then go see Everett fail... I mean perform.

Just messin' with ya.

I say watch Zeitgeist because in all honesty most religious people absolutely refuse to see Religulous. Which is funny, because its message is clearly stated at the conclusion of the film (and is a much more positive piece of video than Zeitgeist).

That and the fact that Zeitgeist is free on the internet, whereas Religulous is out in theaters at the moment (should be anyway, not sure if the athgnosticeists could keep it in theaters for too long).

Torrent it or something, whatever.

But ANYWAY, like I said in my last post, less douchebaggery would be much appreciated. Criticism and flaming are two completely different things, let's keep the flaming among us to a minimum, eh? Unless if it's Cameron I guess, for whatever reason.

and Bryan, Davis' comments weren't meant to offend you or anything, so don't take them as "you're bad get better" he's a bit more grown up than some others on these boards, so take it for what it actually is, constructive criticism. :D
I'm going to give you the best God **** high five you've ever had next time I see you.

Is that really all that matters to you? Man, that's kinda pathetic. Sorry but I had to say that. You don't seem half bad as a person at tournaments, but when you get into an argument you say some stupid things dude. Then again, I've never really talked to you in person.

Nope. Sorry dude. You're wrong yet again. If you want to play me at my best, play me in tournament, otherwise I just won't be at my best. I do dumb stuff at Smashfests because it's NOT SERIOUS. You can get away with practicing stuff at Smashfests, but in tournament you must apply it wisely. If you're talking about Melee...prepare to get ***** even in Smashfests/casuals. If you're talking about Brawl, you'll stand a much better chance. I could stand here all day and tell about Melee tournaments I've done well in, but it doesn't mean a thing until you play me, now do it?

Sorry I had to butt in like that, but it sounds like you're suffering from a bit of egotism. Tony has an attitude like that, so don't let it bother you. He's not afraid to speak his mind and to tell the truth, and I admire him a lot for being able to do so, even if it is sometimes more aggressive than I would like it to be. However, he was justified in bagging on you as you were kinda bragging when you came in. And you're still bragging, and it's annoying me. Stop. You're both at fault for a bothersome argument. If you think you're better than me, prove it. Don't talk about how you're already in our league when you've never even played us before.

Anyways, I'm Erich. Good to *officially* meet you. And QUITE DOUBLE POSTING!!!

Which reminds me...when is the next smashfest gonna be?

Haha, that made me laugh Steven. Bring some humor to lighten the mood.
Haha. Good stuff.

I think it'll be... sometime this weekend. I'm way pumped and need to practice anyways. Like... super duper pumped.

One more double post, and I am getting drew. He gave me 5 infractions for spam and double posting, he will definitely pass them on to you guys :/

This is also very true. I know that i play around alot in smashfest. But when it is tourney time, I go all out. The only person I felt like I was going my best against was Davis.

Also, Ax, I have NEVER seen you at ANY melee tournament I have gone to. And I went to the majority of them here.

Hey guys lets change the subject from lots of arguing to new "AT" Neil, Walker and I discovered (we think).

Air is considered a physical attack and you can counter it. Or is this old?
Daaaaaayuuuum you're slow.

Just messin'.

That's okay. I made it up when I came back to NM and ***** you with Falco. ♥

Mental fatigue is a very real aspect of competitive gaming. Much like pressure. MMing is just one of many ways to gauge skill.

You beat him in friendlies. Woohoo! I've double 3 stocked people that have beat me in friendlies when I'm playing in tournament. There's this thing called sandbagging, and it happens a LOT in friendlies. Who have you beat in tournament?

How do YOU do?

Don't need to. They haven't been doing anything over there worth noting, so I don't care about them. Arrogant? Yes. Do I care? No.

Because hyperbole=logic. If you aren't able to put money on your skills, you aren't confident in your skills. It's not about playing better, it's about showing that you can, and that you know you can. Either back your talk up, or shut the hell up.

If you're a great player, then you can make money off of people with MMs. I've used MMs to pay for my tournament entry fees before.

No, you didn't. First off, you beat him in friendlies, which doesn't mean ****.

Second off, I didn't respect him during the MMs. I still thought he was shit (no offense, love ♥), and that everyone that played him was playing like a ******. Then he took 7th at AZ12. That's when I started to respect him. Dinner afterwards made me really like him, as well as him boxing Taj, something that only he and I were dumb enough to do outta CO and NM.

I want him to move here because he's cool. Not because of a video game. Stop assuming stupid shit. I met him through a video game, yes. I don't want him to move up here for one, however. Especially not a bad one.


Wait, let me read this again...


One more time...


Let me clarify something for you:

You don't mean dick to me.


You aren't worth anything to me, and neither is your opinion.

Let's move on to the rest of what you said there.

First off, it's your, not you're. Your shows possession, you're is a contraction - a combination of words- using you and are.

What accomplishments? Beating bumpkins in Dakota? Placing 9th in NM? Both of those aren't ****, and I'm still waiting for you to supply actual results. Also, no online tournaments, please.

You haven't given me any reason to respect you yet. You haven't even provided the names of the tournaments you placed at, or names of accomplished players that you've beaten in tournament.

Basic writing and grammar skills are beyond you. Forgive me if I misread.

You catch hate from Sinz, Alpha, and Zman. Kash critiques you nicely, and you lash out at him like you're so good that you can't even take advice from other people. Piss off.

Go with them to OK. You can place well if you're actually good, AND make money off of us. $1 entry fee for you vs Tim on Pirate Ship, if I'm correct about the challenge. You win, he gives you $100. You lose, you give him $1. Are you so afraid of a stage that is used nationally and so lacking in confidence with your character that you won't even take a match with 100-1 odds?



You're nowhere near my level. Who have you beaten? What have you done? I don't mean stupid *** friendlies. I mean actual tournaments, actual results.

You aren't ****.

You lashed at Kash, acting as if you couldn't learn anything from anyone. Just saying...

I'm willing to man up. I'll even put $15 on myself v your $5. Spoilers: it's easy money, I don't even play this game might play this game a little. AND I play as Sonic.

I have no worries about my image. I talk crap to everyone ever and still catch all the love I've needed in this game. Reason why is I back my **** up, and make claims that frequently prove true. If you beat me, I'll acknowledge it. Hell, if you come close to beating me, I'll acknowledge it. Ask Erich. He hadn't beat me in tournament once in Melee, but he came close, and I gave him props for it. I'd even go so far as to say I may have been lucky the first time we played.

No, money on the line shows that I'm confident in my skills. I won't try during friendlies, because they don't matter. I'll try when things do matter. In example, tournaments, or my rep. If money drove me to play, I wouldn't be playing Smash, since I almost ALWAYS place 4th. You know, the ranked position that gets no money.

Except you don't have any good tournies backing you, do you? Hell, what tournaments do you even have?

There's your bragging right there. Unless it was tournament, I don't care.

Sounds fair enough. Until then, don't act like you're hot stuff. Also, MM me either way, as I have a reputation of Pit nommer to keep.

College does that to you. All my loans are subsidized, though, so I don't have to pay until after I finish, and there is no interest. Still, I'll prolly stop taking out loans either next semester or the one after, because I don't want to SERIOUSLY be in debt.

Kinda quoted you too early, sorry, but I'm not deleting this post. Already lost another one.

At any rate, don't claim you're good until you start doing well in tournaments, particularly the ones for the state you're living in.

Tim's Pirate Ship Challenge is a way of him showing just how confident he is about his strategies for that stage. The gain is putting that much money on the line, and showing that it was never once a gamble for him.
You know what? **** everyone else ever. Have my babies, please!

I think I'm going to make a New Mexico montage video of us suck-- I mean kicking ***. Then again I'll probably be too lazy. We'll see. If you're interested get your favorite *** kickings on a SD card so I can get them from you.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Sounds fair enough. Until then, don't act like you're hot stuff. Also, MM me either way, as I have a reputation of Pit nommer to keep.
Once again, I must insist I didn't brag. Go back and look at my first posts. I post nothing harmful, then-BAM! I'm getting attacked for no reason. That's called playing defense. And me saying I was able to beat Kash is exactly what you asked for, so that's definietly not bragging.

Because until then, you're gona have to wait X amount of tournies, because obviously I don't get to choose who I fight in them.

College does that to you. All my loans are subsidized, though, so I don't have to pay until after I finish, and there is no interest. Still, I'll prolly stop taking out loans either next semester or the one after, because I don't want to SERIOUSLY be in debt.
Thankfully I leanred way before college that loans, especially student ones, are some of the worst debt you can get into (thank you, Robert Kiwazaki!). Just the cost of living keeps me down.

At any rate, don't claim you're good until you start doing well in tournaments, particularly the ones for the state you're living in.

In order to do that, you're going to have to make your mind up on what is good. You claim you place 4th in tournies. I've gotten 5th in one here. So, what, is there a world of difference between 4th and 5th place all of a sudden?


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Once again, I must insist I didn't brag. Go back and look at my first posts. I post nothing harmful, then-BAM! I'm getting attacked for no reason. That's called playing defense. And me saying I was able to beat Kash is exactly what you asked for, so that's definietly not bragging.
Except what Kash posted was a critique, not an attack. Also, beating someone in friendlies doesn't mean anything, so stop bragging about it. That's like bragging about WiFi wins. It just shows how much of a scrub you are.

Because until then, you're gona have to wait X amount of tournies, because obviously I don't get to choose who I fight in them.
Or you could MM them. I'm sure they'd be willing to do it, and if they lose a MM, they can't john.

Thankfully I leanred way before college that loans, especially student ones, are some of the worst debt you can get into (thank you, Robert Kiwazaki!). Just the cost of living keeps me down.
Yeah, but it's not like I have much of a choice. Go to college, don't go to college. Lame. D:

In order to do that, you're going to have to make your mind up on what is good. You claim you place 4th in tournies. I've gotten 5th in one here. So, what, is there a world of difference between 4th and 5th place all of a sudden?
5th=6th. Jamaal normally places 5th at CO tournaments, and I can 2 stock him like cake. Not to say he's bad, just that there's a difference. Also, I've placed 4th consistently, regardless of tournament size. 16 man, 40 man, 80 man, I almost always take 4th. It's because I lose to the same (small) group of people.

I've also taken 3rd a couple times, 2nd on occassion, and 1st three times (though all three are meh...).

I've placed well OoS, and proved myself to be extremely consistent, with the one or two random 7th placings (wtfisuck) in 3 years. Actually, I think I've placed 7th 4 times total (maybe 3), 33rd twice (AZ 1 2, threw my matches to go play Melee, and OC3, which was out of 250+ people), and 17th once (no johns here, I just sucked). Out of literally over 100 tournaments, I've placed below 4th a grand total of 7 times. I've taken 2nd more than that, I think, if you count bi-weeklies from like... 2 years ago.

Unless you count GG. I almost always get double-peaced in that game. D:

However, placing isn't necessarily corellatory to skill. You may place 9th in a Maryland tournament, and be leagues ahead of me, simply because of how competitive their scene is. Likewise, you could place 2nd at a Wyoming tournament, and be nowhere near our level (BUT WE LOVE WYOMING BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS COME TO OUR TOURNAMENTS AND BRING US MOUNTAIN DEW, SO THEY ARE GOOD NO MATTER WHAT!).

For you? I'd say beat Kash, Alpha, or Sinz in tournament. I dunno how good the rest of the scene is now, but those are the guys to beat.

Really, it's more about who you lose to than anything. I lose to Ferdi and Tim. Sometimes Nite. They're all good. If I lost to <insert scrub here> on a routine basis, then I wouldn't really be able to say I'm worth much, know what I mean?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Except what Kash posted was a critique, not an attack. Also, beating someone in friendlies doesn't mean anything, so stop bragging about it. That's like bragging about WiFi wins. It just shows how much of a scrub you are.
I know, but if friendly matches are worthless, then why bother critiquing someone about one? Let's go back and look at this-he was critiquing me on a match in the poorest opening way possible ("Your Pit isn't very good."). Now, are you telling me that DOESN'T seem like an ironic thing to do considering it was a friendly AND I was able to beat him? That simply what I said to him-that him doing so semmed pointless unless he, too, admidted that his Wolf "wasn't very good", seing as how we played in the same level at a friendly. I mean, I could have come on here and randomly starting critiquing him as well (which I eventually did in my counter post), but I didn't, because doing so after playing...what, 4 matches?...with him doesn't give anyone enough room to work on critiquing.

And stop using Kash as an example. Here, I'll quote myself from the post I originially "lashed out" at him from:

"I appreciate and take much critique..."

"Forgive me in advance, as this is going to sound as if I'm angry, but if I'm going to take advice..."

" And I'm saying this with as little malice as possible..."

I was trying to show him that his ways of giving advice were all wrong, while trying to sound as little of an *** as possible. And you forget the random ones from Sinz and Alpha.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
You're still saying it with as little malice, but there's still malice. Forgiving you in advance for sounding angry implies that you're sounding angry. Apologizing for things before you do them doesn't make them any less real.

Maybe you guys should all start telling each other your habits. Rather than saying he approaches with aerials (surprise, it's Wolf!) and fsmashes predictably, tell him what aerials when and where, and what about his fsmashing makes it predictable (i.e. near the middle of the stage at max fsmash range).

Friendlies are worthless for claiming competence. They aren't worthless for learning new things, and picking up on habits of yours and your opponent's. Also, while it seems a double-standard, Kash has more clout and recognition. More "rep", if you will. Until you prove your value, you're not exactly at the level to be disregarding him. Still, that doesn't mean you can't critique him. Just do so intelligently.

As for Sinz and Alpha, neither of them were as constructive or positive as Kash was.

Also, another thing Kash does is he plays mindless when playing mindless players. He'll still win, but he won't try when you're just doing stupid ****. If you keep getting hit by "predictable fsmashes" and laser spam, he'll keep doing it. Just something to keep in mind.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Also, another thing Kash does is he plays mindless when playing mindless players. He'll still win, but he won't try when you're just doing stupid ****. If you keep getting hit by "predictable fsmashes" and laser spam, he'll keep doing it. Just something to keep in mind.
Quoted For Truth


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
It's true, Kash will play pretty mindlessly sometimes. I hated him for it until he explained it to me. Now when I don't want to pay attention, I just dair and fsmash with wario.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I WOULD edit my post from a while ago changing it from "a bit more grown up than some others on these boards" to "a bit more grown up than most on these boards"

but that would be rather pointless, as that post was about a page ago!

Regardless of who's posting though,and what's being said, the sudden spurt of activity in this thread is rather enjoyable.

Also, is ANYONE besides Ax and myself planning on attending the tourney at intel?!

Kash you're emazing.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Due to demand, I won't be discussing my beliefs in this thread anymore.

I apologize for being an ***, but I will not apologize for my faith in Jesus Christ. If any of you want to talk to me, let me know.

Anyways, Tony is right. Friendlies don't count for anything. Back in the Melee days, I was able to compete with Sinz and Erich stock for stock in friendlies yet I did horribly in tournaments. They would always place far better than me at competitions.

Also, I might go to CO. If not for anything but to see Tony and them again.
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