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New Character: Zelda.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Nothing is wrong with women with flat chests. I can have the most fun in the world with a women with a flat chest. I just don't find them attractive, however, that is completely irrelevant to this debate. Do you want me to define irrelevant because you sure like to make such statements and points.
I wasn't going to be rude, but honestly...get over yourself. You're 15. You come in here throwing the word **** around like you know what it means and saying stuff about women's chests and talking about how you get it on with women and stuff like that. THAT, honestly, is the most immature stuff in this whole thread.

And even if that is all true, and even if you do happen to know what that word means (which I tend to think not with how loosely you use it), be mature enough not to coming in here and announce it to everyone here. Honestly, even if you were 40 and you came in here saying that, it would still annoy me a lot and you would be immature for it, but the fact that you're that young...as I said, I didn't want to be rude, but a 15-year-old saying that stuff is almost like begging for attention and that you want people to think you're older or something.

Again, sorry if you take offense to that, but that's what I have to say. I don't care if you come here and say you hate how Zelda looks (which I do disagree with) or if you just flatout don't like the character or something, but the stuff you're saying...fictional character or not...is just down-right immature and annoying.


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
in all truthfullness, i wouldn't care if you called samus a ****. saying ridley would be a clone of bowser has nothing to do with this. i would just present all the facts that prove they are wrong.
i may be a die-hard metroid fan, but i don't get pissed by insults. i learned to deal, and respect others feelings by not using these terms, but i know that it really doesn't matter. if someone called you something very insulting, would it matter in a year? in a month? in a week? why not just not get mad altogether and save time?
i would rant more but my parents are making me log off. so learn to deal, and your life will be easier,
[sarcastic drawl] thankyou doctor, you've turned my life around! [/sarcastic drawl]

enough of that. zelda is TEH HAWTNESS!!!11!!!!!11eleventy!1!1!!11

and yes, sheik is a girl :psycho:

@ stryks

um.................wait i got it! if they're blind, right? :crazy:


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . . .I like girls with flat chest.
(Just resonding to something random I read here. Carry on)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
...Man. You really got your wookie bent over all that. Seriously. I don't think you even caught the point of any of those paragraphs.

So...why is it my job, or anyone elses, to just perfectly interpret your statements, but not yours to make sure you put the right statement out there?

No, seriously. Free Speech: Entitling that you can't be put to death by the goverment for saying whatever you want! Not entitling you to say whatever you want and not have people react to it.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I wasn't going to be rude, but honestly...get over yourself. You're 15. You come in here throwing the word **** around like you know what it means and saying stuff about women's chests and talking about how you get it on with women and stuff like that. THAT, honestly, is the most immature stuff in this whole thread.
I feel the need to share the words that came out of my mouth the second I finished reading that paragraph, "Oh, **** you."

Get over myself? What is there to get over? It is you that is making it a big issue. It is you that brought this onto a personal level. It is [you[/i] that are being inconsider and immature (Note, I mean you in its plural sense, so not just you).

First, are you implying that a fifteen year old cannot be mature? If so, I think you are poorly mistaken.

Second, the first time I said the word **** in about four years, was in refrence to Zelda's character model, so no I do not go throwing it around like a obsceneity blaring, angry teenager. What's there not to know? I'm sure everyone in this thread knows what it means, and in case if you are behind the times, we are using the slang term, and if you don't know what that means, then stop pretending like you do.

Thirdly, when did I say anything about "getting it on with women"? I didn't, now did I? I said I could have fun with a women with no breasts. Who does that make immature or perverse that you automatically intrepret that as sex or dating. This is another classic example of misinterpretation, the thing I was trying to point out to pinnyflute.

Honestly, the most immature stuff in this thread is the total lack of respect and the peversity of the whole situation. God ****, people. Turn the kettle off, stop boiling the water, and calm the heck down.

And even if that is all true, and even if you do happen to know what that word means (which I tend to think not with how loosely you use it), be mature enough not to coming in here and announce it to everyone here. Honestly, even if you were 40 and you came in here saying that, it would still annoy me a lot and you would be immature for it, but the fact that you're that young...as I said, I didn't want to be rude, but a 15-year-old saying that stuff is almost like begging for attention and that you want people to think you're older or something.
The last thing I care about is attention, especially from people on the internet. Who do you think I am because you certainly don't know me, so stop pretending you do. I've apologized, and apologized, and apologized, well I'm done and I don't care if you are offended anymore. If you are gonna stay butt hurt about it and continue argueing and ignore my apology, fine, screw you. I merely was going to state my opinion and leave but people went off on me so here I am still. Now, I've come to understand that it may have been harsh and this certainly isn't the place to be harsh, and, for the last time, I apologize. If you want to accept my apology, please do so we can end this ridiculous arguement, if not, fine, but you don't have to continue pushing the buttons of everyone here.

Again, sorry if you take offense to that, but that's what I have to say. I don't care if you come here and say you hate how Zelda looks (which I do disagree with) or if you just flatout don't like the character or something, but the stuff you're saying...fictional character or not...is just down-right immature and annoying.
Good. You're entitled to your own opinion, and I'm glad you can see that, but guess what, I'm entitled to mine as well. Yes, I'm going to take offense to that and somehow I doubt the sincerity of that apology. You straight up insulted me on a personal level because you misinterpreted what I said. Because I can't seem to make it clearer, for one final time: I apologize to you (again, plural). I don't care if you are annoyed or think I'm immature because of my opinion, that's you and your feelings and opinion. I, however, am a different matter. I'll be sure to add "[/sarcasm]" or "[/joke]" at the end of my next vulgar comment so no one gets all pissy about.

Christ, people. Come on. Grow up.

Seriously how can anyone prefer this:

over this:

Never said I perfered the Melee Zelda over the new Zelda. I merely think the new Zelda character model could be better. However, I do think the Melee Zelda does have a soft face, which I like.

...Man. You really got your wookie bent over all that. Seriously. I don't think you even caught the point of any of those paragraphs.
Well, you ignored all mine and obviously missed my point as well. Ta da. We both fail.

So...why is it my job, or anyone elses, to just perfectly interpret your statements, but not yours to make sure you put the right statement out there?
It isn't, however, most people who are complete *****, when misinterpreted something, apologize and the two come to an understanding. You just kept pushing the same **** button over and over.

No, seriously. Free Speech: Entitling that you can't be put to death by the goverment for saying whatever you want! Not entitling you to say whatever you want and not have people react to it.
****, I'm not expecting people to not have a reaction what I say. I think you're a fool if you do not react. However, I am entitled to say whatever I want to say. Not necessarily on this board, there are rules, but it is people who give power to words. Why should I not be able to say something because society tells me not to?


Smash Ace
May 19, 2007
Longmont, CO
Seriously how can anyone prefer this:

over this:


although I do perfer the blonde hair a bit more, but I dont think Nintendo needs anymore blonde girls, (which is why I think they changed her hair color in the first place)

Z-samus and Peach both blonde.


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
*cries lamely about the update not being Metaknight*
Anyone who wants Sheik back is a f*cking ***.
The cheapest character in Melee. My sister almost always beat me whenever she played with Sheik, and she sucks at Melee, and I'm a Master at the Ice Climbers.
Yes, Sheik is so f*cking cheap. This update is good for smacking down the Sheik luvrs.
Unless your sister's name is Drephen, she should not "always beat" you. And if she does, you're no Ice Climber master.

That's the truth.


Blondes have more fun.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
are you implying that a fifteen year old cannot be mature? If so, I think you are poorly mistaken.
I think a 15-year-old can be mature, but I don't think that you are acting that way. And I'm not implying anything; I'll let your posts speak for themselves.

And don't give me this baloney about not wanting attention because every page has at least 2 or 3 posts from you that are a mile long. As I said, I was trying to be rude; I hadn't said anything to you up until that point, but there comes a time when it is too much. That's what I was saying.

Sorry if everyone is getting on your case, but if you really are as mature as you think/say you are, you'll let this argument (well, all of them, really) just drop. In any case, I'm going to let this argument drop...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
You can say it. You said she's a ****. I hear more than enough people, my own age AND you high school kids think it's funny to just say stuff like that and push their opinions around in the most annoying way possible. (Seriously, who's never been eating somewhere and heard someone go "This is naasty!" It's not 'their opinion,' it's a freaking annoying way of saying they don't like something when they could be talking like a regular person. Stop ruining my meal by calling my food gross.)

I'm grateful you're apologizing, but more than anything I'm trying to say that the attitude a lot of people who act the way you did is -not- cool. It's -not- something we should just bend over and take because 'lol i can say what i want dont overreact ther just werds.' It's not acceptable. I'm sick of it. Aight? But maybe you're not like that IRL, and that's cool.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
Too me it looks more like a down smash by the knock back, but I could easily be wrong.
EDIT: That was to the person that said it looked like a down tilt. People reply to fast.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
You're all stupid. Kashakunaki for being an immature ******, and all of you for caring. This thread ought to be closed and restarted.
Yeah. I just realized about 10 minutes ago I've been arguing with a 15 year old for about an hour over offensive use of the word ****.

I'm commiting myself in the morning.

Back to the topic!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
Too me it looks more like a down smash by the knock back, but I could easily be wrong.
EDIT: That was to the person that said it looked like a down tilt. People reply to fast.
If it were a down smash, she would be standing upright. If you recall her dsmash in melee, she just did a swing with her foot and never crouched. (Not to mention it was a crappy smash :))


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
If it were a down smash, she would be standing upright. If you recall her dsmash in melee, she just did a swing with her foot and never crouched. (Not to mention it was a crappy smash :))
Yeah, I know about that. I almost play a serious Zelda, but I'm assuming that they've tweaked her moveset. I really don't see a reason why it shouldn't be tweaked.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Marietta, GA
A new trailer possibly at E3 will show her, but the new addition is a better update than an item or stage update, just for me though cause it surprised me just to see an out of no where update.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2007
The Temple of The Titans
the only thing I want to her at E3 is a release date. a trailer that shows alkl the known charcters would just not be too valuable IMO.

here's an idea for the most valuable trailer ever:
give us a movie similar to the Special Movie from SSBM (archives > special movie)


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
Personally I love Zelda's Moveset in Melee. Just change the physics of her moves so you can't Smadh DI her forward Smash and such. Ok so make her slow and more powerful. But please don't make her so slow it's easy to shield-grab her 24/7. Spacing can help make this up but spacing on shield attacks only work with a distanced jab smash or F-air and b-air. Try dash attacking and not getting shield grab. lol.

What I personally hope for is, I don't care if the characters start out broken, Just make it so you can download a patch to your wii, to adjust imbalances.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2007
I honestly think he just pulls a random update out of a hat, and posts it up.
Hopefully the release date is in that hat, and it gets picked out soon :D

Zane Fleia

Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2006
What I personally hope for is, I don't care if the characters start out broken, Just make it so you can download a patch to your wii, to adjust imbalances.
Hah. If we had that for Melee, it wouldn't be CLOSE to the game it is today.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Tallahassee, Florida
What I personally hope for is, I don't care if the characters start out broken, Just make it so you can download a patch to your wii, to adjust imbalances.
Worst. Idea. Ever.

You NEVER patch fighting games. NEVER. EVER.

The most minuscule of changes can change the entire game, and it is not fair to tournament players to change the whole game with a patch. Bad. Wrong. Neverdoit.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Why not? They "patched" Melee with 2 diferent US versions, and PAL had balancing changes to the top tiers and there weren't any issues.

Sheik will most likely be in Brawl. The producers want more female characters.
Please link me to anything said by anyone who's developing the game saying anything even slightly hinting that. You can't, because it's pure speculation.


Oct 25, 2001
Philadelphia, USA
There were actually 3 different NTSC versions, and a single PAL version, which makes the count altogether 4. Even among the NTSC versions the only large differences that come to mind were that attacks that caused 1% or less damage caused hit lag, and could be DI'd/smash DI'd. This indirectly nerfed Zelda. Also Bowser's Flame Cancel was removed in 1.2.

As far as major attack properties nothing was changed until the PAL release. Being a different region entirely, it was only fiscally sound to change attack properties then. As far as the "fairness" call of patching a fighting game, it's double-sided. It's not fair to those who've practiced the game under the original conditions, and it's also not fair to the people who can't seem to enjoy the game due to glitches and/or imbalance. My lasting impression of tournament Melee was that it is dominated by a tiny group of top tier characters. The game also has some very profound glitches which I'm amazed ever made it past 3 revisions of the game. As far as a tournament-style game I honestly don't find it very well suited for that purpose in its present form.

Secondly, you're paying money to play a game, in the hopes of winning more money. If the game is modified on a grand scale for whatever reason, you're going to suck it up. If it upsets you so much that you quit tournament play, that's your call. The dev team often doesn't touch a game anyway after it's hit the shelves. Though honestly, I find the idea of patches or a "tournament edition" will greatly increase the tournament playability and lifespan of Brawl. As technical a game as Melee is, the 1v1 character imbalance in particular is just absurd.

As for the topic at hand, I hope they don't make Zelda's Brawl physics too much of a carbon copy from Melee. The site already reveals that she has lower than average mobility but high attack power. This didn't work out in Melee at all. So I'm hoping that they give her a more balanced set of moves that are effective enough to give her the fighting edge needed to contend with everyone else.


Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2007
First post

As far as Shiek returning: sure Shiek wasn't in Twilight Princess, but I don't think she'll be taken out. Do you really think they'll get rid of one of the most popular characters from Melee?

If she is in though I can't wait to see her new look. As far as moves, maybe they'll tweak her down a bit and make Zelda a bit stronger; I'm probably one of a minority that actually switches between the two within battle.
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