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New Character: Zelda.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
The guy sounds way to sure of himself, saying stuff like "Sakurai wil lonyl get rid of clones", this is BS cause he never said it, sorry if I want to show the facts to people, and yeah guess I was a little harsh (been watching too many Red vs blue vids XD)

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I am just using my common sense. ALL characters in Melee have their own fanbases. Now, if you take any characters away from Brawl that don't have the same movesets as another character, the game looses something that the original had. Clones are not needed, because Pichu, Dr. Mario, Roy, and Falco players can just start playing as Pikachu, Mario, Marth and Fox and not have to chance their playstyles that much. If you take out anyone else, SOMEONE will be disappointed. Now, you as a director of a huge game like Smash, would you want to disappoint people by taking out their favorite character? Obviously not. This is why taking out anyone but clones is illogical as a directorial standpoint.

And my point about Sakurai liking Sheik. Why do I need a link? Sakurai puts in characters that

A. Appeal to him
B. He thinks would make interesting and unique character additions.

This is the same thing as that he said he wants to put more Retro characters. This is why he put in the Ice Climbers. Nobody cared about them before. But he saw promise in them so he gave them a chance. Now, why would Sakurai want to undo what he did with Sheik by giving her more personality. And besides, She's a ninja. Who doesn't like ninjas?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Kirby, Ness and Pikachu fans definitely boycotted Melee when their characters were nerfed.
Also, I pity the poor Ganondorf players who will not be allowed to play their good old Ganny from Melee in a new style.
It's enough to make a guy cry at the end!

( Clones have fanbases, by the way, and for claiming that Fox and Falco are similar, I think some people here might be a wee bit displeased.

Actually, same goes for all the other clones.

Even Pichu.)


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
if sheik stays in the game(highly unlikely) then she will be nerfed like ness

that made many people who loved ness stop playing melee

therefore adding a nerfed sheik is basically hamper sales anyway

sorry fawriel beat me


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
falco will have a new moveset, as he is to fox as luigi is to mario, and if they want to add any more starfox characters, they need falco first. but i see your point with doc, yl, and pichu, and roy.


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
Kirby, Ness and Pikachu fans definitely boycotted Melee when their characters were nerfed.
Also, I pity the poor Ganondorf players who will not be allowed to play their good old Ganny from Melee in a new style.
It's enough to make a guy cry at the end!
I don't personally like Nerfing, That normally means taking depth from the game. Now for something that is totally unfair like. Infinites, especially if they are super easy to pull off, I could go for a nerf.

Generally I think nerfing can take speed and depth from a game unless it's used for my example above. I prefer buffing, the lower characters which usually *Adds* depth to a game to compete with the broken characters. Which my point of "Patches" was aimed for.

On a different Note:
The bigger the gap between newb and expert, the better the game. The harder it is to cross the bridge from newb to expert the better imo. Note: In my opinion lol

Shouldn't be able to play for 1 month and destroy someone who has been playing for 2 years. Know what I mean?


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
true therefore a person who played for two years should be able to beat a month player by using bowser against sheik

does that happen no

also IMO buffing players is risky because you might make another broken character


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I'm not sure in how far that was a reply to my post... I was just making a sarcastic remark about how things will be changed anyway, and how nobody got assassinated for the changes that were made.

I also prefer buffs.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I am, for once, kind of glad about the imbalance in Melee because I'll have to teach my wholly untalented "roommate" to play decently against me, a process that Sheik, Marth and Falco will doubtlessly accelerate.

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
i think peach is tomorrow. back on topic, zelda looks awesome. She is the best character. No doubt in my mind. I love her. As a clan leader, i have 2 make sure my mains are awesome, and zelda is one of them. I just dont know y ppl think she sucks. She dosen't.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2006
yay for Peach!!! hopefully. zelda is alright. not better than Peach but she's. hopefully there will be no need for shiek and Zelda can get stronger moves so that she will be able to hold up more in a fight.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
So you would rather if Marth returns he'll still be cheap? Or that many characters not used very often stay that way?
1.Fighting game patches never work,that's why they release a new game(Like in the Guilty Gear Series) to fix balances.

2.How is Marth cheap?It's not like you can just pick him up and win if you don't know what you're doing.I main Marth,and it's way harder to play with him rather than a Space Animal or Shiek.

Shiek is indeed cheap because of her playing style and annoying projectile uses.Her tech chase also bugs the crap out of me.(Not that I want her removed,i've actually been defending Shiek ever since people had the idea of her removal)


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
@Eternal phoenix Fire
i'm really going to have to look up cerealicous some time or another...
but you probably just made it up anyways.

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
yay for Peach!!! hopefully. zelda is alright. not better than Peach but she's. hopefully there will be no need for shiek and Zelda can get stronger moves so that she will be able to hold up more in a fight.

....thank you. *tear*


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I am just using my common sense. ALL characters in Melee have their own fanbases. Now, if you take any characters away from Brawl that don't have the same movesets as another character, the game looses something that the original had. Clones are not needed, because Pichu, Dr. Mario, Roy, and Falco players can just start playing as Pikachu, Mario, Marth and Fox and not have to chance their playstyles that much. If you take out anyone else, SOMEONE will be disappointed. Now, you as a director of a huge game like Smash, would you want to disappoint people by taking out their favorite character? Obviously not. This is why taking out anyone but clones is illogical as a directorial standpoint.

And my point about Sakurai liking Sheik. Why do I need a link? Sakurai puts in characters that

A. Appeal to him
B. He thinks would make interesting and unique character additions.

This is the same thing as that he said he wants to put more Retro characters. This is why he put in the Ice Climbers. Nobody cared about them before. But he saw promise in them so he gave them a chance. Now, why would Sakurai want to undo what he did with Sheik by giving her more personality. And besides, She's a ninja. Who doesn't like ninjas?
Last time I check, falco, ganondorf, pichu, doc, roy where characters and too have a fanbase, so wheter sakurai likes it or not, some people are gonna get dissapointed...

Theres a reason he said some characters from melee wont return, he meant mostly the clones, but that desnt mean non-clone characters are out of the woods just yet...

Use REAL common sense:

TP takes hundreds of years AFTER OoT
Zeldas new looks is the one from TP
Zelda in OoT had training from Impa, using her magic to become a sheikah
TP Zelda had no such training
Sheik is a secondary character in OoT, and a minor character in the zelda series, last time I check the game is about all stars...

I know sakurai worked hard on sheik ,buy he clearly stated on one of the 1st interviews hes gonna redo every character to balance the game out, thus it doesnt matter how long he took to make shiek, at the end if sheik is adde hed STILL had to work on shiek, so seeing how sheik is not as popular, has not apepared in two games, and seeing how TP zelda is a diferent zelda from OoT, he will surely leave sheik out to work on another character...

Fact of the matter is sheik was never imporant in the zelda series and now 10 years later shes even less important...

Yellow Mage

Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2006
@ EpF . . .

The word you're looking for is "indeed," not "endeed" :p .

On-topic Edit: I would be totally satisfied if Shiek never showed her . . .

Wait, that was a wrong choice of words: she never shows her face, except as Zelda.

. . . -_-

Umm . . . Zelda should leave the Shiek outfit in the Bat-cave, along with all the other retired costumes.

(Man, that was lame . . . )


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
Zelda looks way to cool to be overshadowed by a transexual again.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2006
I play sheik (not well) so I'd be sad to see part of her go. Although I play Zelda and Sheik separately - like one full game Sheik, one full game Zelda - I'd feel weird if Sheik was left out or (as some other people are suggesting and I disagree) were made into a separate character.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
Honestly, does it even matter if Sheik returns? It's impossible to guess based on the info we have anyway. Sure Zelda is sporting her TP look, but that doesn't mean anything. In the end Sakurai is going to do whatever he **** well pleases with her character, and the smash community will adapt.

If anyone is going to go sulk if/when Sheik returns, whining about how it doesn't make chronological sense, they may as well just gtfo and stick to melee.

On a side note, it WOULD be cool if sheik was scrapped and Zelda was better as a stand alone character, but either way, it doesn't much matter. Brawl is going to rock.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
I trulyt don't think Zelda will have the ability to transform into Sheik. If Sheik is there at all, then she will be her own character. As we've seen, all our characters have gotten makeovers or are using their costumes from their recent games. Sheik isn't too recent anywhere and she was, as said earlier, only a secondary character. The primary characters might not have any game to base their new costumes on, but they can be given graphic improvements. So Sheik does have a chance, I just don't think Sakurai will take it.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2007
closest to Sterling Heights, MI on your wii foreca
oh, i would use the down+b. in training mode, as the CPU, that is.

zelda better still have her kick. hey, maybe her down+b is going to be a lightning kick on the ground! that would be cool.

in fact they should just simplify it for everyone and make all her moves the kick.


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
1.Fighting game patches never work,that's why they release a new game(Like in the Guilty Gear Series) to fix balances.
Then in a sense a brand new game is a mega patch lol. Patch is just changes in the game usually to balance games. They happen all the time in FFXI. People will either get
1.) Excited that their job/char has become harder to play but still a good job so as to not "everyone" can pick up that char/job easily. or excited their insignificat job they like now became a more important job/char. aka how FFXI can sorta apply to melee.

2.) They get upset because they are lazy and wish it was easier for them, or that their char/job stayed best, but now other jobs/chars are getting on par, making the knowledge of how to deal with different foes goes from 3-5 to 26+ or however many is going to be in Brawl.

You guys saying patches never work. Please give me an example. I haven't really seen one yet. You just said "That's why they release new games" Or maybe they release new games to make more money.... not for the sole purpose of balancing a game. They can't balance it, in entirely new playing field with way more variables added in, as well as characters with new move sets. It takes people like Smashboards to break down a game to find teh flaws that need to be "patched". Not a small group of people making the game as their "job"


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Tallahassee, Florida
You guys saying patches never work. Please give me an example.
SSBM 1.1 is released tomorrow. The following changes are made. Note that these are all very minor changes, and seek to 'Balance' the game.

F.Smash has longer lag
Grab range slightly reduced

F.Air has slightly less knockback, does more damage
Dash Attacks knockback mechanics changed slightly so it is easier to DI out of or tech

U.Smash does slightly less knockback
Shine does slightly less knockback


These changes will seem minor, and 'better' to the game, but they COMPLETELY change the gameplay. They make it a 'new game' every patch, and everyone has to re-learn character matchups, everything. People don't want that, they want to build on older knowledge.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
SSBM 1.1 is released tomorrow. The following changes are made. Note that these are all very minor changes, and seek to 'Balance' the game.

F.Smash has longer lag
Grab range slightly reduced

F.Air has slightly less knockback, does more damage
Dash Attacks knockback mechanics changed slightly so it is easier to DI out of or tech

U.Smash does slightly less knockback
Shine does slightly less knockback


These changes will seem minor, and 'better' to the game, but they COMPLETELY change the gameplay. They make it a 'new game' every patch, and everyone has to re-learn character matchups, everything. People don't want that, they want to build on older knowledge.
Not to discount this, but man, you've got to be an INSANELY high level player to have your game completely changed by things like that. To be so aware of your character as a whole and how he or she matches up against any possible contender. I pretty much main Mario, and I can say with confidence that if he was changed in any ways similar to those, it'd be a simple matter of learning to change my timing and move reliance over a week of playtime.

Now consider that paired with this; despite the fact that I'm considered a casual Smasher, I do play with my friends at least 4 hours a week. We've been doing this for a while, and we've gotten pretty good. The majority of our matches revolve around highly active mindgames and hinge on proving just how good we are with our characters. That doesn't sound like much to the tournament smasher, but to the absolute newcomer who just wants to beat Bowser up with Peach for once, even our level of playskill can be kind of scary.

What percentage of Smash purchases are regular casual players like us? I'd say 20%, tops. At about 30%, you have the next step down the casual ladder-folks who just play every few weeks for a bit, when they have people over, or when they're bored. They could adjust to a patch in probably a single play session. And down from there, you have the majority of Smash purchasers. Folks who play for a few months around release (if even more than a month) and from then on only dust off the game on very special occasions. They wouldn't even notice a patch.

In my opinion, a patch would do nothing but good for probably more than 85% of players and purchases. What Bowser fan wouldn't like to get a call from their friend and hear, "Hey man, you wanna come over? You can finally play do Bowser and have an even chance at winning!" There's even a small pocket of fanboys and girls who would go ahead and go out and buy the game if their respective character suddenly got twice as fun to play because they didn't suck anymore.

I understand where you're coming from, just, well, reiterating. I think a patch system might be better for the greater good in general.

...You know I heard somewhere over 80% of percentiles are actually made up on the spot.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Tallahassee, Florida
Not to discount this, but man, you've got to be an INSANELY high level player to have your game completely changed by things like that.
Balance matters most to those players. The more casual you are, the less balance changes effect you, and the less all of this matters. And you don't need to be THAT high level of a player...

Check out a quick line of logic real fast.

Captain Falcon's Forward Air when shuffled does an enormous amount of damage and knockback, and can be used rapidly. Ideally, you want to hit as many knees as possible, because of the current balance of the game. When a combo would do more damage, or they are not in an area you can hit the knee, or if they are defending from the knee, you need to do different things. This leads to all of the tactics related to Falcon, but ultimately you want as many knees as possible, because it's his best move. Most characters have a movie like this. The strategy in a way revolves around it.

However, when you change a move like that that is CENTRIC to how the character plays, you change the entire way they play. Let's say now knee is less powerful than down.air. This changes EVERYTHING about how falcon plays, with seemingly 'minor' changes to the balance.

Jenga. You don't patch fighting games.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Balance matters most to those players. The more casual you are, the less balance changes effect you, and the less all of this matters. And you don't need to be THAT high level of a player...

Check out a quick line of logic real fast.

Captain Falcon's Forward Air when shuffled does an enormous amount of damage and knockback, and can be used rapidly. Ideally, you want to hit as many knees as possible, because of the current balance of the game. When a combo would do more damage, or they are not in an area you can hit the knee, or if they are defending from the knee, you need to do different things. This leads to all of the tactics related to Falcon, but ultimately you want as many knees as possible, because it's his best move. Most characters have a movie like this. The strategy in a way revolves around it.

However, when you change a move like that that is CENTRIC to how the character plays, you change the entire way they play. Let's say now knee is less powerful than down.air. This changes EVERYTHING about how falcon plays, with seemingly 'minor' changes to the balance.

Jenga. You don't patch fighting games.
Ahhhiee dunno. Even though a casual player might not be able to really tell that character A is broken because some of his moves have no lag and too much power, they will be able to tell that they keep losing to their friend who plays as character A, and that they keep jamming on the same moves over and over again. It's that kind of stuff that can make a game no fun for, say, a 12 year old just sitting down to play at a birthday party.

That's one of the reasons some games were never any fun when we were kids. You pick up the controller, and someone's already figured out what's 'broken' by finding what works a lot more than it should, and they just take the match out of your hands.

It also seems to me that, say, playing Falcon, you'd have a number of varied combos at your disposable, but frequent the ones with the highest output. You'd have the character pretty well known, both what he's good at and not, so if the knee gets nerfed, you just do some testing and find out what the next best thing in, slide your knee dependent setups a little lower in the queue. It's still Falcon, but you have to take everything you know and shuffle it around a bit. If you focused all of your energies in a match into getting things into a point where you can do that one strongest move, well... I dunno what to say about that.

It might seem mid/low leveled of me, but I usually think of characters as army knives, all with different tools for encountering a situation. If all of a sudden, your fork gets unreliable, well, you might have to learn to eat with your corkscrew or knives now and then.

I do maintain that when things are REALLY unbalanced, casual players can tell. (So many fighting games have 'that one character' or 'that one move.' I swear to god I could beat anyone in MK back in the day with lots of time and a thousand jump kicks.) And when it's like that, a patch can be a big boon for fun factor and sales. I don't want to see the tournament scene riddled and upset by constant updates, of course. I just think for the benefit of all the players, some annoying re-learning might be worth the trouble.

(I also wouldn't say that if I didn't think Smash has as big of a casual base market as I think it does. While Smash might have one of the largest, if not the largest, pro scenes, the majority of players are still casual via percent, which is a really big difference from Guilty Gear or even Street Fighter, where a good majority of the people who buy the games are going to get pretty deep into their environments. I'd definitely say no patches if this were a game like that.

Also, unlike Guilty Gear's every-other-year iterations, it seems Smashes are coming really fa r apart. If things are broken and can't be patched, we'll be spending another, what, 4+, maybe 6 years just dealing with it.)

...Banana peel!?

Pegasus Knight

Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2007
Kalypso: If I may, your example about how a patch modifying The Knee would completely change how Captain Falcon might play? ...It doesn't sound like a bad thing. Instead, it sounds like a potentially very good change.

I'll admit I'm not good enough at Melee to know how exactly that would change Falcon's game...but I know enough to be sure his gameplan would be more diverse. And I can say the same about Zelda in Melee, since an overwhelming majority of her gameplay revolves around landing her B-Air/F-Air*.

If they were to make a patched Melee a few years ago that sped up Zelda's other moves and made them actually worth using, while simultaneously nerfing her B-Air/F-Air, I would have been elated. Suddenly she's no longer a one-trick wonder, but instead has a full-depth gameplan, mixing up several moves. I would have deeply enjoyed a Zelda that wasn't just Lightning Kick, Lightning Kick, Lightning Kick. I truly hope Brawl's version of her is this diverse character I envision.

I suspect the same might be true of a patched Captain Falcon. The Knee is a really, really good move. The move is so good that it almost defines the character (Yes, I know his D-Air and B-Air also get a lot of use, particularly B-Air). Why would diversifying his game be bad? So nerfing The Knee would 'completely change' him. Great; so long as his other moves are improved to be on par with the newly nerfed Knee, he should have a much more diverse game.

Does this 'throw out' much of the learning on the character? Perhaps. But if a character revolves completely around one move because it is so much better than the others, that's a sign of unintentional bad game design. Better to open up new options than to consign players to the same move repeated over and over, wouldn't you think?

*: My Zelda B-Air/F-air comment is based on limited grasp of tournament play, and watching about 7-8 videos of 'tournament Zeldas' on YouTube. If I'm missing something about her in Melee, please show me. As it is, I see Zelda as almost completely relying on one move.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Tallahassee, Florida
Kalypso: If I may, your example about how a patch modifying The Knee would completely change how Captain Falcon might play? ...It doesn't sound like a bad thing. Instead, it sounds like a potentially very good change.
For a new game, maybe, for the same game, no. The point is, change, for the better OR worse is ultimately for the worse because it resets high level tournament play.
Also, unlike Guilty Gear's every-other-year iterations, it seems Smashes are coming really fa r apart. If things are broken and can't be patched, we'll be spending another, what, 4+, maybe 6 years just dealing with it.)
SSBM was released 2 years after SSB64, and was rushed for a launch-ish title for the cube. SSBB was originally a launch title for the Wii, however it was kept off shelves so the game could be properly completed and balanced. It's already been in production longer than the gap between SSB64 and SSBM, and will be a more balanced game.

It's a matter of getting it right the first time.
But if a character revolves completely around one move because it is so much better than the others, that's a sign of unintentional bad game design.
Every character of every fighting game falls into this archetype. There is ALWAYS a best move, and you ALWAYS want to do it as much as possible. A large part of the characters meta game is based around making that move work.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
For a new game, maybe, for the same game, no. The point is, change, for the better OR worse is ultimately for the worse because it resets high level tournament play.
And my question is pretty much, would the aftercare Smash team be willing to reset high level tournament play and make them suffer for however long it takes to adjust so that everyone else could enjoy the game more by leaps and bounds from then on?

Would they even CARE about troubling a 1000 really, really high level players so that 100,000 regular players could enjoy the game more? 500,000? More? No telling how many copies Brawl is going to sell, and how many consoles it might move. I'm not sure I could bring myself to patch it and risk that unless the difference was pretty staggering, but I can't speak for them.

(Like it's even possible Nintendo would do a patch system, considering their paltry online support for their games thus far. >>)

SSBM was released 2 years after SSB64, and was rushed for a launch-ish title for the cube. SSBB was originally a launch title for the Wii, however it was kept off shelves so the game could be properly completed and balanced. It's already been in production longer than the gap between SSB64 and SSBM, and will be a more balanced game.

It's a matter of getting it right the first time.

Every character of every fighting game falls into this archetype. There is ALWAYS a best move, and you ALWAYS want to do it as much as possible. A large part of the characters meta game is based around making that move work.
I haven't been so glad about being wrong about something in a while. And here I was worried about Brawl's devtime when I was having trouble finding numbers for the previous titles.

But yeah, for the most part I look forward to them getting it right. I guess I'm speculating more than anything; if Brawl ended up with tiers the same set apart as Melee, I -would- want to see the characters levelled out. At what cost, though, I'm not sure...

I could definitely see that, but it's not how I play. You've also got to consider what's most efficient given your situation. While a character might have a great bAir or something, sometimes the setup to use that move properly could be much less efficient than just using moves that are good for your circumstance. In a similar situation I could see myself trying to use that move most often; looking most for chances to do so, but otherwise I just play really flexible because I get bored with games pretty easy if I play any other way. Also, I'm not pro.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Tallahassee, Florida
And my question is pretty much, would the aftercare Smash team be willing to reset high level tournament play and make them suffer for however long it takes to adjust so that everyone else could enjoy the game more by leaps and bounds from then on?

Would they even CARE about troubling a 1000 really, really high level players so that 100,000 regular players could enjoy the game more? 500,000? More? No telling how many copies Brawl is going to sell, and how many consoles it might move. I'm not sure I could bring myself to patch it and risk that unless the difference was pretty staggering, but I can't speak for them.

(Like it's even possible Nintendo would do a patch system, considering their paltry online support for their games thus far. >>)
You are not considering the possibility that the game is balanced well enough for casual play when the game comes out to not need a patch...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
You are not considering the possibility that the game is balanced well enough for casual play when the game comes out to not need a patch...
No, nooononononnonononono. Sorry if I didn't make myself very clear. Bad habit I have. I'm very specifically trying to say that if the game has the same balance issues that Melee did, or, perhaps, even WORSE than that, would they patch it and should they.

The balance issues in Melee don't much affect absolute casual players (playing at purchase and hardly ever from there on,) but once you get on up to players that play regularly and know their way around, they can become rather obvious. SO if the balance in Brawl was like this, then should they patch? Maybe. It could upset a lot of people, but a lot of other people could be happy to learn a new routine. Especially if they can do it with a character they really like that they couldn't play before. Even pros could be happy about that. But then, a lot of people would hate it, too, and it would upset tournaments until everyone could sufficiently reconfigure their styles. So, that's a...?

If they balance issues got as bad as some older fighting games, what should they do? I'm sayin', if your little sister picks up a controller, figures out, say, Sonic's down-Smash and start whupping on veteran players by spamming it like whoah. That out-of-whack. Then I would be entirely for a patch.

BUT despite all this speculation, I do have a lot of faith Brawl will actually be very well balanced, and won't even need to consider anything like patching. I was just speculating out of pure horror and fear that they'd include a favorite character of mine, say, Lucario, Tails...heck, the universe explodes and they include Laharl, and I'd not be able to use them because they'd drop to the bottom tier like a sack of rocks. That'd practically ruin the whole **** game for me, and keep me depressed for months on end. ;P


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
No one really knows that but i love the song its so beautiful but anyway if Sheik is (which she should not) Zelda might lose some of her shine (god forbid) and i think the two work better together i mean thats how i used them in SSBM


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2005
Hmph....Pew Lasers Mutha Fuka
Im putting money on Sheik coming back as her own character..........and hoping that the trashy characters get a buff rather then the top tier getting a nerf. Broken character vs Broken Character is a even match in my eyes :ohwell:

Sheik was only known by the people who played OoT back in the day so lets say thats (2million) <--random number

Once smash came out everybody knew her to be that mofo bish that some how had stupid powerful attacks in EVERY DIRECTION while traveling around the levels with speed like shes on crack.....wtf.(3million+)

This point alone is enough to say sheik was known by more people rather then less due to smash coming out 10 years later.......

So might as well slap her in again with same move set cause shes not a clone at all and finish it off with some graphics which shouldnt be hard.........


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
lol it was a random thought like i said i just pictured Zelda doing Sheik and her own moves it was like wow maybe that would work and get people off sheik lol but anyway i wonder what else will come with the music from the OoT (Nabooru or maybe even Impa)
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