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New Character: Zelda.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Grim not ALL the moves have to be some scratch, she finally fights in the last 2 zelda games, can we give her the weapon she uses to fight for just one of her B moves? seriously dude then ur gonna go:

THINK OUTSIDE DA BOX!!11!one give ganondorf only magic atatcks and no swrod!1! let yoshi throw baby mario instead of eggs!111! let's make bowser spit instead of using f1r3!!1!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
*cries lamely about the update not being Metaknight*
Anyone who wants Sheik back is a f*cking ***.
The cheapest character in Melee. My sister almost always beat me whenever she played with Sheik, and she sucks at Melee, and I'm a Master at the Ice Climbers.
Yes, Sheik is so f*cking cheap. This update is good for smacking down the Sheik luvrs.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Grim not ALL the moves have to be some scratch, she finally fights in the last 2 zelda games, can we give her the weapon she uses to fight for just one of her B moves? seriously dude then ur gonna go:

THINK OUTSIDE DA BOX!!11!one give ganondorf only magic atatcks and no swrod!1! let yoshi throw baby mario instead of eggs!111! let's make bowser spit instead of using f1r3!!1!
It wasn't even her bow, dude...

And I seriously doubt Link is going to let her borrow it during the match...

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Yeah, it's not like he let her borrow any of his spells or anything.

..hey wait.
lol, yeah, but those were "gifts" from the Great Fairys...I'm sure Zelda learned some magic from those giant ugly naked triple-pony-tailed women, too...

(I sure missed those magic attacks in WW and TP...:()


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Dude shes using her own bow, its white and has gold colors, just like in WW she has her own bow, its not links...
Ethan: STFU where talking about something else, no one cares about ur FS (sorry watching too many red vs blue vids... go church!)

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Dude shes using her own bow, its white and has gold colors, just like in WW she has her own bow, its not links...
Ethan: STFU where talking about something else, no one cares about ur FS (sorry watching too many red vs blue vids... go church!)
Have you even played the game? I remember distinctly, in WW she use your bow because you didn't have one while she was using it. I don't recall about TP as I never attempted to use my bow against Ganondorf, but I just assumed it was the same way.

And since we're so eager to give her moves exactly from the game...why don't we make her down-B the ability to open barred doors, like at the end of OoT?...


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
*cries lamely about the update not being Metaknight*
Anyone who wants Sheik back is a f*cking ***.
The cheapest character in Melee. My sister almost always beat me whenever she played with Sheik, and she sucks at Melee, and I'm a Master at the Ice Climbers.
Yes, Sheik is so f*cking cheap. This update is good for smacking down the Sheik luvrs.
Obviously you aren't a master at the Ice Climbers. If I'm not mistaken, Ice Climbers are a Sheik counter. I apologize for everyone who wants Sheik back on pineapple's behalf. That was rude, pineapple. You may not want Sheik back, but that doesn't make everyone who does a ***. And you simply think she shouldn't return because she is "cheap"? Not the best reasoning.

Yeah, it's not like he let her borrow any of his spells or anything.

..hey wait.

oh dear...so....about her fs?
Interesting idea, and that would be really freaking cool, but I don't know... seems too long and that is from OoT, isn't it? Probably, as someone above me mentioned, do something with the light spirits how she used... them to... summon... light arrows >.>

Wait a second... what if her Final Smash is her summoning the light spirits, acquiring light arrows, and owning everyone in a shower of light arrows (perphaps trapping them [as this idea is popular, but I'm not that fond of it] between two triforces and unleashing a volley of light arrows at them).


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Have you even played the game? I remember distinctly, in WW she use your bow because you didn't have one while she was using it. I don't recall about TP as I never attempted to use my bow against Ganondorf, but I just assumed it was the same way.
After checking on youtube, it seems as though Zelda does use her own bow in TP. It looks a little fancier than Link's Bow.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
For kicks: Zelda in full attack mode in TP: (spoilers...major ones)


And...the final battle...http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1GJQ5aJ-EI8&mode=related&search=
I guess she does have her own bow here, but in WW she uses Link's...still, if she had arrows in Brawl, would she keep the same accuracy as the game? :chuckle:

Wait, does this mean that Ganondorf is going to have braids in Brawl???:confused::confused:

Also...Zelda's best ability in any game...(OoT spoilers)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Funny you should say that because you sound infinitely more immature than I. Resulting to insulting someone on a personal level, someone whom you don't even know anything about. Zelda's not a flat-breasted child, and that wasn't even the basis of my statement. The thing I was most irritated about is her face. It just isn't soft enough.

So things can roll one of three ways:
A) We all stop insulting each other like kids, and debate like intelligent human beings.
B) You just don't say anything at all or
C) Someone gets hurt and goes to a mod and says I'm being a bully.

Look, it's my opinion, no need to insult me, no need for me to insult you. Let's grow up people. We're all intelligent human beings (I hope) here.
Doesn't seem so immature to me to assume you're either a clueless, offensive teenager or a worthless frat boy/'bro' when that's how you act. There's a big difference between saying that you don't like how hard her face looks and calling her an ugly ****, so please don't claim you only did one when the records pretty much say otherwise.

Maybe you're a completely normal person otherwise, it happens. But the fact remains that no respectable, mature man calls a woman he doesn't like the looks of an ugly ****. If that fact is somehow insulting to you or your role models, hey, I apologize. But it's true.

In any case, you've already insulted a large number of people on this board by stating flat-out that she's an 'ugly ****.' Like it or not, when you say something that way, and say it as vulgar as that, you're stating is as fact and not opinion. You are effectively saying "Zelda IS an ugly ****. If you like the way she looks, you like ugly dykes, and have some sort of dysfunction that would cause you to think that way." Next time try saying, maybe, "I don't like the way she looks," "I'm not fond of brown hair," or "That really, really doesn't do anything for me." I'm not being the word police, and I'm not asking you to walk on eggshells. That's just the freaking english language. Learn to use it or get off the internets.

I apologize for making a generalization, but honestly, people need to start coming down hard on stupid, pointless attitudes like this. Frankly, sayin' stuff like that just isn't cool.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
All I can say is that the Brawl site finally paid off. After tons of pointless items and stage updates, we finally receive news of a character! Sure, it is only a returning character, but it is news nonetheless. Princess Zelda looked like a cartoon in Melee. Her 3D model was not the best, and the color choices were a bit off. So far, this new Brawl version of her makes her look awesome. The texturing/coloring is amazing, and she is quite attractive this time around. ^_^

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
First of all, I thought she was blonde. What happened there? Second of all, her face is way to hard.
Peach was a originally a red-head (original SMB). In any case, Zelda was a brunette in Link to the Past, and even if you watch that clip up there of TP Zelda, her hair is quite dark...

Anyway, I do find it funny that all of the people coming on here complaining about her look as "ugly" are all 15 years old or younger...


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
Fawriel said:
]1. Why does everyone keep quoting Captain Falcon of all people as the epitome of characters who were never seen fighting? He's like an ex-military superman or something. I can't think of anyone with a more easily made-up moveset.
To answer the question: the only thing Falcon really did in F-Zero was drive fast. And how is his moveset not creative? Electric knees aren't very common.

Kashakunaki said:
Something about Zelda being blonde.
Sure, she usually is, but in TP and the original Zelda, she was a dirty blonde/brunette.

I just hope she doesn't get a sword. Sure, it was in her concept art for TP, but in the game, the only thing she did with the sword was drop it. However, when she was all evil and possessed at the end, she played tennis with it.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Doesn't seem so immature to me to assume you're either a clueless, offensive teenager or a worthless frat boy/'bro' when that's how you act.
I think the word assume in and of itself says enough. Wow, we're both *******s now, happy?

There's a big difference between saying that you don't like how hard her face looks and calling her an ugly ****, so please don't claim you only did one when the records pretty much say otherwise.
First of all, I said both and never claimed I said one or the other. Two, yes there is a difference but I'm neither argueing there isn't nor said there was.

Maybe you're a completely normal person otherwise, it happens. But the fact remains that no respectable, mature man calls a woman he doesn't like the looks of an ugly ****. If that fact is somehow insulting to you or your role models, hey, I apologize. But it's true.
When you say women, you do mean a completely fictional character model, correct? Just thought I'd clear that up. If I hurt your feelings because I called said fictious model a ****, I apologize. I don't mean to hurt anyones feelings with derogative language. However, I think you are being a little bit critical.

In any case, you've already insulted a large number of people on this board by stating flat-out that she's an 'ugly ****.'
Well, I'm glad you can speak for that larger number of people as a single representative. They don't need defending. I believe if someone has a problem with someone else, they comfort that person with their issue. It is naive and ball-less to go behind someone's back and do otherwise. Anyawys, I wasn't being literal to begin with, Mr. Critical. Again, I apologize for anyone I've offended, however, you need to calm down and stop pushing buttons. I'm not, as you so assumed, some childish teenager without a drop of common sense or intelligence in his brain to the point where I would blatantly and seriously insult someone or something like that. The character model is art, and I was critquing it on that view point, which is why I was getting really POed and those breast remarks. Give me a break people. You think if someone painted the Mona Lisa with next to no chest no one would point that out because it is vulgar and immature?

Anyways, sorry, I'm ranting, not making much sense, and getting off subject.

Like it or not, when you say something that way, and say it as vulgar as that, you're stating is as fact and not opinion. You are effectively saying "Zelda IS an ugly ****. If you like the way she looks, you like ugly dykes, and have some sort of dysfunction that would cause you to think that way." Next time try saying, maybe, "I don't like the way she looks," "I'm not fond of brown hair," or "That really, really doesn't do anything for me." I'm not being the word police, and I'm not asking you to walk on eggshells. That's just the freaking english language. Learn to use it or get off the internets.
Since when has the unwritten rule come into effect that if you say something in a vulgar manner, joking or not, it is implied as fact. Would you like me, and everyone else for that matter, to put "in my opinion" at the end of every little statement I make? I would hope not. Implications are implications and things get misinterpreted, so don't YOU assume that just because you interpreted something one way that makes it, as you said, fact.

I apologize for making a generalization, but honestly, people need to start coming down hard on stupid, pointless attitudes like this. Frankly, sayin' stuff like that just isn't cool.
Though I doubt the sincereity of the apology, I accept it, and if I offended you, which seems to be the case, I apologize for that. I'm a person who doesn't believe in political correct-ness and I do believe in freedom of speech to the utmost. People give words power. I don't care if you're black or white, I'll say ******. I don't care if you're asian or mexico, I'll say chink and beaner or cracker or whatever the hell. People give power to those words. HOWEVER, one thing I will not tolerate is offending someone, especially when you don't even know them. So if I say ******, and someone goes, "Look, I don't like that word please don't say it," I guarentee I'll never, at least purposefully, say it around that person again. I respect them and they respect me. That's how I roll.

So I think this is where we're getting at, I offended you and you offended me. I apologize.

'Nuff said?


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
@ Kashakunaki

i think if an art critic critiqued the mona lisa with the phrase, "she looks like an ugly ****' there'd be something wrong with that art critic. your statements are all very shallow dude. its not that hard to type IMO when you say something that could easily offend others, as your statements clearly have (fyi, ofcourse he can speak for a large population, unless you're arguing that zelda has no fans).

hes not asking much, just that you be more thoughtful about how you phrase your opinions on a forum with a bunch of easily excitable readers.

on topic, i reckon zelda looks fantastic. and im kinda relieved she doesnt have her sword (i was a little worried brawl was gonna be a sword fest).


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
@ Kashakunaki

i think if an art critic critiqued the mona lisa with the phrase, "she looks like an ugly ****' there'd be something wrong with that art critic.
This is what we in the biz like to call putting words (or twisted them) in other people's mouths. Am I an art critic? Am I pretending to be an art critic? Didn't I already state that I wasn't being literal? Good. Besides, that wasn't what my Mona Lisa example said, now did it?

your statements are all very shallow dude. its not that hard to type IMO when you say something that could easily offend others, as your statements clearly have (fyi, ofcourse he can speak for a large population, unless you're arguing that zelda has no fans).
That's the thing:
1. I shouldn't have to type IMO. I think if anything everything should be taken in as opinion unless otherwise stated and
2. I didn't think it would easily offend anyone, and for the last freaking time, I said I'm sorry about that.

And as about him argueing for other people, I just was being a knit-picky ***. In my opinion, someone has the right to stand up for someone (or multiple someones) unless otherwise stated (someone doesn't want to be stood up for).

hes not asking much, just that you be more thoughtful about how you phrase your opinions on a forum with a bunch of easily excitable readers.
Excitable, true, however, this is becoming repititious. How many times do you people want me to apologize. Cut me some slack for heaven's sake. However, if he was simply asking that, he would just say that, not make this big deal about it. At least, one would hope so.

on topic, i reckon zelda looks fantastic. and im kinda relieved she doesnt have her sword (i was a little worried brawl was gonna be a sword fest).
I'm glad she doesn't have a sword, as well.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
First of all, I said both and never claimed I said one or the other. Two, yes there is a difference but I'm neither argueing there isn't nor said there was.
Sorry, more meant that it seemed like you were ignoring or denying the fact that you'd called her a ****, not that you hadn't said both.

When you say women, you do mean a completely fictional character model, correct? Just thought I'd clear that up. If I hurt your feelings because I called said fictious model a ****, I apologize. I don't mean to hurt anyones feelings with derogative language. However, I think you are being a little bit critical.
It's realistic enough to be a judge of what you or other people find attractive, and realistic enough to be comparable. For someone to so easily say things like that about a few small changes like this, you're honestly going to tell me you've never looked at real girls, whether right in front of you or in print somewhere, and said or thought what you just wrote now? If you want to talk about the character model, talk about the character model. If you're gonna start talking about what kind of women you do or don't like, do it without being so broadly insulting.

Well, I'm glad you can speak for that larger number of people as a single representative. They don't need defending. I believe if someone has a problem with someone else, they comfort that person with their issue. It is naive and ball-less to go behind someone's back and do otherwise. Anyawys, I wasn't being literal to begin with, Mr. Critical. Again, I apologize for anyone I've offended, however, you need to calm down and stop pushing buttons. I'm not, as you so assumed, some childish teenager without a drop of common sense or intelligence in his brain to the point where I would blatantly and seriously insult someone or something like that. The character model is art, and I was critquing it on that view point, which is why I was getting really POed and those breast remarks. Give me a break people. You think if someone painted the Mona Lisa with next to no chest no one would point that out because it is vulgar and immature?

Anyways, sorry, I'm ranting, not making much sense, and getting off subject.
When you're speaking in public you pretty much have to take responsibility for what you say and what it could mean. Of course, nobody should really have to censor what they think beyond just being polite, but; Fact remains. You say what you said without denoting that it's opinion in any way, shape or form, and you're saying, "This is the way it is, and people who react otherwise are wrong or even sick." Whether they care or not, you've directed an insult at these folks.

By the way, go into any art college in the nation (or any other nation,) and critique a painting by saying the subject is 'an ugly ****,' without remorse, and the response ain't gonna be a-ok. You also don't have to call someone an ugly **** to point out they have a flat chest. (Why would you point it out? Who would care?)

And what's wrong with women with flat chests, anyway?

Since when has the unwritten rule come into effect that if you say something in a vulgar manner, joking or not, it is implied as fact. Would you like me, and everyone else for that matter, to put "in my opinion" at the end of every little statement I make? I would hope not. Implications are implications and things get misinterpreted, so don't YOU assume that just because you interpreted something one way that makes it, as you said, fact.
Sorry if I mistated. Nothing to do with the vulgarity (that just makes it more insulting,) but simply how strongly you stated your opinion and how you worded it. And yeah, like it or not, the way you said it implies it as fact. I'm not interpreting anything you didn't type yourself, mate. You don't have to put 'i think' or 'in my opinion' in every single thing you write, but if you want to speak english you're gonna have to learn to consider what you're insinuating and how much you need to define. The louder and flashier your statement, the more you're gonna hafta correct so people know you're not shooting them down with your words. It's not being 'politically correct' or any crap like that, it's the english language. You can't just get away with saying anything any way you want to without consequences.

Though I doubt the sincereity of the apology, I accept it, and if I offended you, which seems to be the case, I apologize for that. I'm a person who doesn't believe in political correct-ness and I do believe in freedom of speech to the utmost. People give words power. I don't care if you're black or white, I'll say ******. I don't care if you're asian or mexico, I'll say chink and beaner or cracker or whatever the hell. People give power to those words. HOWEVER, one thing I will not tolerate is offending someone, especially when you don't even know them. So if I say ******, and someone goes, "Look, I don't like that word please don't say it," I guarentee I'll never, at least purposefully, say it around that person again. I respect them and they respect me. That's how I roll.

So I think this is where we're getting at, I offended you and you offended me. I apologize.

'Nuff said?
I don't think it's about being politically correct, man. Just being politically incorrect means you say things that aren't so nice n' happy all the time. If you see a stocky woman walkin' down the street in army boots and a plaid shirt and say, "Man, she looks like a ****," without malice or anything, you're being politically incorrect. If you see a completely normal looking girl walking down the street who just isn't your type and you say, "Whoah, what an ugly ****!" then you're just being an ***. It's a pretty big division, and a lot of people try to get away with being jerks by saying, "Hey man, I'm not some P.C. lapdog."

As long as you try not to offend people, though, you're trying at least, and that matters, man. Done is done.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
if she doesnt turn into sheik i think she is going to be quite boring.
they cant really leave sheik out he's one of the main ones im sure he will be put in their hopefully tomorrow


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Boring? how is a character boring? she has magic abilities, and according to the update, it seems they added more power into her moves...

They CAN leave sheik out, just because shes god in melee DOESNT MEAN SHES IMPORTANT TO THE ZELDA SERIES, U KNOW WHERE SHEIK CAME FROM! Sheik is less important than she was 10 years ago, and theyre not gonna make TP zelda transform in to OoT sheik...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Melee Zelda wasn't a bad character, she was just balanced to be half of a working character, and Sheirk was (ideally) the other half. They'll easily be able to rebalance her with the same moves to be a competent character if they so desire.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
jeeze guys, he just called a fictional character a ****. no biggie. i've heard much worse. they're only words, and getting upset over them is imature.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Boring? how is a character boring? she has magic abilities, and according to the update, it seems they added more power into her moves...

They CAN leave sheik out, just because shes god in melee DOESNT MEAN SHES IMPORTANT TO THE ZELDA SERIES, U KNOW WHERE SHEIK CAME FROM! Sheik is less important than she was 10 years ago, and theyre not gonna make TP zelda transform in to OoT sheik...
This is very true. Zelda will likely be her own character. However, I can see them leaving Sheik in as a seperate character just to pad the character count.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
yeah, heaven forbid anyone should get upset around here...

blah blah blah zelda looks amazing
blah blah blah sheik will probably not be returning
blah blah blah that really is samus's prime suit (how'd that get there??)
blah blah blah brawl is going to be amazing
wall of text, wall of text...

Hey guys! Guess what...I heard that they are, in fact, going to keep Sheik in Melee! Isn't that great?? So, if you want to play an extremely broken character, you still can! Awesome!!1


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
jeeze guys, he just called a fictional character a ****. no biggie. i've heard much worse. they're only words, and getting upset over them is imature.
..........................................................OPEN YOUR ****ING EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we're on the smash bros forums!

if someone insults a character we like, we're entitled to get angry. being immature on these forums means making personal insults. the fact that we're actually here in the first place means we love something about nintendo or smashbros, and you're saying THATS not the immature part, but rather arguing for their sake?

i bet big money on the fact that you wouldnt be so calm if someone said samus was a ****. or say............ridley will be a clone of bowser.

@ kash

i was trying to diffuse the situation. i never called you an art critic or said you needed to apologise, i only said you should be more considerate of how others might react. and no you shouldnt HAVE to say IMO at the end of every statement that might piss some1 off, its just that if you do, you might prevent dumb arguments like this one.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sorry, more meant that it seemed like you were ignoring or denying the fact that you'd called her a ****, not that you hadn't said both.
I'm not denying/ignoring that. If I was, I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't run away just because someone called me on something.

It's realistic enough to be a judge of what you or other people find attractive, and realistic enough to be comparable. For someone to so easily say things like that about a few small changes like this, you're honestly going to tell me you've never looked at real girls, whether right in front of you or in print somewhere, and said or thought what you just wrote now? If you want to talk about the character model, talk about the character model. If you're gonna start talking about what kind of women you do or don't like, do it without being so broadly insulting.
Excuse me? Well, I can see what you mean now. Your maturity is just boiling over. I'm not even sure how to respond to such a shallow, malicious, and completely ignorant retort. For starters, yes, I can honestly say, to my knowledge, have never called or thought a real human being to be a ****. The closest I've come to is when my friend Cassandra called some stupid girl a ****, I agreed, and that one "Emo Song" where the lyric goes something like "And their chicks look like dykes" I laughed and said something, more or less, to, "It's true."

Now, if we are done with the immaturity of bring my personal preferences and life into the matter, I will continue this debate.

Oh, and, also if someone is offended by me calling a character a **** because she is so close to realism that she can be comparable to real human beings, forget that. You deserve to be offended. Call me an *** if you will, that's just stupid.

And, by the way, you don't know anything about me, so I suggest you stop right where you are.

When you're speaking in public you pretty much have to take responsibility for what you say and what it could mean. Of course, nobody should really have to censor what they think beyond just being polite, but; Fact remains. You say what you said without denoting that it's opinion in any way, shape or form, and you're saying, "This is the way it is, and people who react otherwise are wrong or even sick." Whether they care or not, you've directed an insult at these folks.
And, for the third time, I shouldn't have to. ANd that is not what I said, now is it? That is how you intrepreted it. Do you dare say otherwise? Am I not right in thinking that? Thought so. Not everyone shares your mindset, and you are no mind reader. Stop pretending to be one.

By the way, go into any art college in the nation (or any other nation,) and critique a painting by saying the subject is 'an ugly ****,' without remorse, and the response ain't gonna be a-ok. You also don't have to call someone an ugly **** to point out they have a flat chest. (Why would you point it out? Who would care?)
*sigh* This is getting ridiculous. Do you re-read your posts? If so, do you cringe when doing so?

Refer to what I said to dynamic entry. I in no way, shape, or form am an art critic, never said I was, and never will be. Nor was my example with the Mona Lisa at all relevant to what you just said. And, as the frosting on the cake, I do not think she looks like a **** because she has small breasts, but, once more, more because of her face. What's with you and this breast issue?

And what's wrong with women with flat chests, anyway?
Nothing is wrong with women with flat chests. I can have the most fun in the world with a women with a flat chest. I just don't find them attractive, however, that is completely irrelevant to this debate. Do you want me to define irrelevant because you sure like to make such statements and points.

Sorry if I mistated. Nothing to do with the vulgarity (that just makes it more insulting,) but simply how strongly you stated your opinion and how you worded it. And yeah, like it or not, the way you said it implies it as fact.
Whether you like it or not, that's how you intrepreted it. That doesn't mean everyone intrepreted it like that, and, as I am the orignator of the comment, I can indeed tell you it is my opinion. You want to tell me otherwise? Are you going to argue that I don't know what I intended when writing that, or do you perphaps know my mind and intentions better than I?

Didn't think so.

I'm not interpreting anything you didn't type yourself, mate.
Really, now? If only words worked that way.

You don't have to put 'i think' or 'in my opinion' in every single thing you write, but if you want to speak english you're gonna have to learn to consider what you're insinuating and how much you need to define. The louder and flashier your statement, the more you're gonna hafta correct so people know you're not shooting them down with your words.
Then so be it. When that happens I'll deal with it like I am now; you're just stubborn.

It's not being 'politically correct' or any crap like that, it's the english language. You can't just get away with saying anything any way you want to without consequences.
Does putting words into people's mouths make you feel good?

I don't think it's about being politically correct, man. Just being politically incorrect means you say things that aren't so nice n' happy all the time. If you see a stocky woman walkin' down the street in army boots and a plaid shirt and say, "Man, she looks like a ****," without malice or anything, you're being politically incorrect. If you see a completely normal looking girl walking down the street who just isn't your type and you say, "Whoah, what an ugly ****!" then you're just being an ***. It's a pretty big division, and a lot of people try to get away with being jerks by saying, "Hey man, I'm not some P.C. lapdog."
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, so I don't know how to respond, but if you are calling me a jerk, fine, you can think that, but you don't know me, and I can't tell you I'm not. Whether you choose to believe that or not is, well, your choice.

I can either be the nicest person you know or one of the biggest *******s you know, and so far you seem to be leaning toward the latter.

As long as you try not to offend people, though, you're trying at least, and that matters, man. Done is done.
I don't try to offend people, but I don't try not to. And should I happen to, I apologize, and deed is done. Done is done.

jeeze guys, he just called a fictional character a ****. no biggie. i've heard much worse. they're only words, and getting upset over them is imature.
Thank you.

we're on the smash bros forums!

if someone insults a character we like, we're entitled to get angry. being immature on these forums means making personal insults.
Bingo. Gotcha. Insulting a character is no personal insult, and how does that entitle you to be angry? It doesn't. Doesn't mean you won't get angry or shouldn't get angry, as a matter of fact, it will be natural to get angry, however, that does NOT mean you are entitled to, nor is it a personal insult.

@ kash

i was trting to dissuse the situation. i never called you an art critic or said you needed to apologise, i only said you should be more considerate of how others might react. and no you shouldnt HAVE to say IMO at the end of every statement that might piss some1 off, its just that if you do, you might prevent dumb arguments like this one.
I agree completely. Well said.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
You can like video games and be mature... Or rather I can.

That whole argument is silly Dynamic entry.

Deleted member

This is the best update yet, even if that's just because it's making you guys all pissy.


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
You can like video games and be mature... Or rather I can.

That whole argument is silly Dynamic entry.
...........isnt that what i said pretty much? i was saying that on these forums at least, its not stupid or immature to stick up for your favourite video game character. thats the point of the forums in the first place. its called character discussion for a reason. i think you misinterpreted my post. sorry if it wasnt clear.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
..........................................................OPEN YOUR ****ING EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we're on the smash bros forums!

if someone insults a character we like, we're entitled to get angry. being immature on these forums means making personal insults. the fact that we're actually here in the first place means we love something about nintendo or smashbros, and you're saying THATS not the immature part, but rather arguing for their sake?

i bet big money on the fact that you wouldnt be so calm if someone said samus was a ****. or say............ridley will be a clone of bowser.

in all truthfullness, i wouldn't care if you called samus a ****. saying ridley would be a clone of bowser has nothing to do with this. i would just present all the facts that prove they are wrong.
i may be a die-hard metroid fan, but i don't get pissed by insults. i learned to deal, and respect others feelings by not using these terms, but i know that it really doesn't matter. if someone called you something very insulting, would it matter in a year? in a month? in a week? why not just not get mad altogether and save time?
i would rant more but my parents are making me log off. so learn to deal, and your life will be easier,


Smash Journeyman
Jan 2, 2002
Holy Jesus when did the Forums turn into a big f*cking therapy session?

Anyways, I disagree, I think theres nothing about Zelda that has her resembling what Kash calls a "****," (which is offensive, yes, but mostly because it's really untrue). Zelda looks elegant and sleek. Her clothes and pale skin look so much more rennaissance-inspired, and facial features like her small nose and broad eyes make her very delicately pretty.
I also wouldn't say her hair is brown, but it's kind hard to tell. It almost seems more like a dark/dirty blonde. If it reallly is brown, it could be a small, clever reference to the very early Zelda games, which I would be supportive of. As for her breasts, she looks fine to me. I don't remember or recall any reason why Zelda's breasts should pertain to gameplay or plot relevance so I guess I'm saying "who gives a crap?" Then again, maybe I'm not sure if I wanna know who care that much about Zelda's breasts....o.O
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