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NCSU Smash Stacks - Round 9 @DUKE 10/30


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i <3 brawl airdodge. who airdodges in melee? nobody **** is useless unless you're one of the few with a good airdodge that carries momentum well like peach. in brawl it is safer even though it still makes you pretty vulnerable =] so its actually worthwhile to use

Black Mantis

Smash Hero
Jun 5, 2008
Writing my own road...................
You either agree with me or your ********.

Makes total sense lol.
I know that feeling.......

Also, snap the only reason I keep bringing up that video is because the primary complaint that brawl gets is that it favors more campier and defensive players. It's the same arguement that 3rd strike players use on street fighter 4.

And you're not going to let that snake vs Ike video go are you?
Well at least rob beat Ike.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
aight this is looking kinda iffy now

either way I have to show up at snap's becuase I have to go to court around there

however I haven't seen my family in a minute so If I go home to fayetteville aint no way I'm going to a saturday tourney

so hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
here lee

DAGGER and Psi Upsilon will be co-hosting Gamer's Paradise on Saturday, October 30th at 12 pm in Old Chem 101 and 116. Gamers' Paradise is an annual event featuring video games and board games. We will hold several tournaments, and games will be available to play throughout the day at no cost. New this year we will also have a costume contest in celebration of Halloween and lightsaber battles! There will also be free food.

This year we will have 4 tournaments: Mario Kart, Smash Brothers Brawl, Streetfighter, and Magic: the Gathering. Below are the costs for entering the tournaments. Please note if you register on the plaza at our table on October 27-29 you save $1 on tournament costs. There will be prizes!

The free pizza and costume contest winner announcement at 5PM!

Proceeds go to Penny Arcade's charity Child's Play which provides games and entertainment for children's hospitals around the country.

Magic Draft: $11 pre-registration, $12 at the event
Mario Kart: $3 pre-registration, $4 at the event
Street Fighter: $3 pre-registration, $4 at the event
Brawl: $3 pre-registration, $4 at the event
Mario Kart + Street Fighter + Brawl: $9 pre-registration, $10 at the event
Lightsabers: 50¢ per person per battle
Board games, video games, food, and costume contest: FREE

Save $1 if you pre-register.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
i <3 brawl airdodge. who airdodges in melee? nobody **** is useless unless you're one of the few with a good airdodge that carries momentum well like peach. in brawl it is safer even though it still makes you pretty vulnerable =] so its actually worthwhile to use



Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009

no seriously, a big turn off i have of melee is that if u air dodge, it could be GG for that stock.

i am curious to who they are.

is jiggz one of the? i feel like she is.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

no seriously, a big turn off i have of melee is that if u air dodge, it could be GG for that stock.

i am curious to who they are.

is jiggz one of the? i feel like she is.
The big ones are:

Marth, Sheik, Peach, Yoshi, and maybe Zelda

Others include Falcon, the marios and luigi

Puff doesn't need airdodging lol she has Bair and 5 jumps.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
why can't you wavedash out of shield?

also this tourney now depends on if fyre wants to go or not...cuz If shes not going I'm prolly going home...lol


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
I am starting to hate that smiley

that **** is mad ugly

so what you are saying is...you can't junp out of shield?

which thus allows you not to wavedash?


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

no seriously, a big turn off i have of melee is that if u air dodge, it could be GG for that stock.

i am curious to who they are.

is jiggz one of the? i feel like she is.


You're right about the smoothed and cleaned mechanics and stuff but you don't quite know enough about the metagame.

Airdodges are very common recovery tools... every character needs to use them at least sometimes in order to have the full potential of their recovery. To a good player, any other recovery moves or even an empty jump or ledgehop is just as telegraphed and punishable as an airdodge. What makes it important is that edge recovery/guarding in Melee is kind of like a mini version of Brawl - it has two characters in specific positions with a limited number of options and counters to options and time to react - HOWEVER, even at top level, neither player will necessarily know every option, because that's what makes a great player truly great. An option like airdodging seems useless if you literally compare its frames and mobility, but the addition of an entire other option set more than makes up for it, since in a competitive match, even with two great players with good reactions, their reaction and decision speed is buffered by how much they are mentally expecting or prepared for something. Even an option a little bit less common or expected can give you that 5-frame surprise on your opponents reactions.

Say you have two friends who get into smash competitively and practice together constantly - something we see in a lot of cases (even myself and GofG). They'll start out learning the metagame, and their matches will consist of pulling out new techniques and with more consistency.

As they get better and better and more technically consistent and more comfortable with their options in different situations, their matches will have a different flow. It becomes two good players battling spacing until one gets a hit, and then a follow through on chasing and covering options until the player on the offensive drops the ball.

But if neither player is particularly creative, their improvement is almost done. They may even become excellent in their proficiency, and execute their decisions as well as a pro player, and their matches now are high-speed spacing and DI fights until one gets a good hit and 8 out of 10 times it gets followed as long as possible by that player, usually for a stock. They've worked hard and now they're really doing some impressive play.

But they never see that level of control in tournament. They've never really placed that well, despite feeling a pro-level of consistency and ability. Why? Well, this is where the players' creativity, understanding of the game, and experience comes into play. Growing with just one friend or with just a small group to get competitive practice will hone a lot of talents but unless one of the players has a real spark of brilliance (I'm talking about one in 30 players), they evolve so long using similar styles and options that their understanding of the metagame begins to morph more into an understanding of the metagame as utilized by those players. One of the friends has a Sheik that learned to needle camp and CG most characters but just spaces with bread-and-butter combos and no grab tech chases against fastfallers? Everyone in that group starts to expect that from Sheiks, consciously or subconsciously, and thinks of Sheik's metagame more in that player's fashion. (This all applies for a specific region of players who play a lot together as well; NC, I'm looking at you.)

As soon as one of those consistent and talented players faces someone even of a same or lesser skill level, they are automatically at a huge disadvantage. They watch their opponents movements in the match with an interpretation based on the metagame they know, and at the very least, they will probably take an edgeguard, take a killing blow, or drop a combo because this new opponent just happens to have their own style, their own likelihood of utilizing certain moves and techniques, they know a few less and a few more options than our player in each situation. Our player came practiced, prepared, and focused to play the matchup they know so well, but when a few little things slip by that surprise them for kills or escapes, that's easily enough to be the match. That's how a 1-stock happens. (Tech chasing is ESPECIALLY hard to do on new opponents for people who improved at it with a training partner, it's all personal patterns.)

And why is a pro different? A pro isn't necessarily a player that is faster, or a player that is more technically able or consistent, or even a player that has more hours of experience with the game. A pro is a player that, from the time he has had with the game and the knowledge he has gained, has a markedly larger set of options and reactions and counters that they remember and have at-hand in their mind for each situation. Every player has a different understanding set for each situation, and most regular competitive players have very similar ones, and even pros have mostly-overlapping ones, but past technical or mental errors, momentum shifts in competitive matches almost always come from that area of no-overlap in the understanding of both players for the situation.

And it's not that they just watched more videos or played more good players and remember a lot of counters to options; the best players ALWAYS have their own unique options. Not that they do things never-before-seen by anyone, but things that don't even register in the opponent's reflexes all the way until they have consciously recognized and thought about the choice, which is a huge advantage. They can pull out little mini-ace cards that simply delay their opponent's thought processes just a few more frames in their favor due to the option not being anywhere in the opponent's ready-to-use set of understanding.

And that's what a pro match is. It's two players that usually are impressively consistent and skilled in positions where constantly both players are trying to reach into their bag of options and pull out something that will work either due to a guaranteed spacing-or-tech read, due to an error by the other player, or due to it being at least clever unexpected enough to beat the opponent's reactions.

Out of those three things, matches between competitive players like most of NC contain mostly the first two (spacing until some kind of error in technicality or judgment until one player is reading techs or follow-through), but pro matches are primarily the third, with almost none of the second, and a good bit of the first (but even more options from those players in the categories of DI, teching, and unpredictability again turns it more into outpacing their understanding of the game).

This is of course purely Melee metagame, but for Brawl, just omit anything surrounding the word "follow-through" (but "tech read" still applies!).

what the fukc
i wanted to write like a crappy sentence or two to annoy keith and suddenly its 10 mins later and this is here
ty doctor for adderall


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
calling people u know by their tags is gay...unless their tags are cool...like PLUR. or their names are strange and foreign...like rogelio

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
I hate tags, if i know your name, Im probably calling you by it.

Like, at siege, even though ive never met Rayku, I called him Jason. lol.

The only person i call by thier tag all the time is Lee Martin. Becuase i have to say the full name every time i reference him.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
everyone if First name basis calls me TK

the only people that call me Terrence are my parents..lol

to the rest of the world My First name Is TK

edit: I will call you alex, Alex
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