I think this is all pretty accurate. This is usually an obstacle most states have to go through because there are usually only one or two of each character in a state. That's the main reason why highly populated areas have high skill levels; they get practice vs. different styles of the same character.
Although, if you really learn most decision points, you can get pretty good without being that clever. Although I guess that wouldn't be pro level, and that's what you're talking about.
Also, air dodging is almost never good for some characters, theoretically. It is very applicable for most floaties, because their air-dodges are better. Spacies are only going to use airdodges when they are really close and with a jump (i think?). Any other time you're pretty much auto dead. I mean, if you play m2k or someone and airdodge with a non-floaty, you're going to die, and it's going to be purely reaction based.