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NCSU Smash Stacks - Round 9 @DUKE 10/30


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
I mean.... i always got purple pvp gear before Jon so i must have been good

* smug *** look

@ stock- y'all will find out come tourney time.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Sigh, still no word on venue and it's the week of.
And I have some complications lately in my personal life.

Trying to figure out what to do, I guess if we don't work out the venue there isn't really any choice but to move it to a later date?

I think a lot of people were deconfirming so it's not awful, maybe


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
Grats on getting epics (not purple) when you were level 70 and I was level 50.
no, im talking about when we were 80, and i got most of my epic pvp gear before you.

edit: foxy, if u absolutely cannot get it to work, then next week i may have a venue that can fit alot of peeps.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
yo, everyone come to duke for the tourney :)
I mean, I guess we can host one here at duke. But it would have to start at around 3. I got the set-ups now (except for televisions). If people are really itching for a tourney, and can provide the televisions, I got the brawl and wiis.

note, its only a last resort thing. I would like the one at NCSU to happen. I feel like more people would show up there than here anyway.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
well, there's already a brawl tournament "gamer's paradise" on campus this weekend and there's already a magic tournament here as well. so given that ncsu wants both as well, wouldn't it make sense just to combine them?


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
well, there's already a brawl tournament "gamer's paradise" on campus this weekend and there's already a magic tournament here as well. so given that ncsu wants both as well, wouldn't it make sense just to combine them?
that's probably a no go. I have already had to pizz, b****, and moan to get the brawl tournament to even be up to semi-tournament standard. They want the thing ran within 2 hours (I got them to accept 3 hours). They refuse the MLG ruleset, saying it will take too long. I have basically had to promise set-ups to get it the way it is. Currently, it will be double elimination. It will be best of 1 until the tournament gets down to 20 people. Then it will turn to best 2 of 3. Right now we are trying to compromise on stage selection. They want it to be set to random between 5 'neutral' stages. These rules are tentative as long as only around 30 people show up. If more show up, it will have to be modified. I think flooding hte tournament with even 15 more people will absolutely destroy it. They want to be 4 person free for alls. No one wants that. But, honestly, after this tournament finishes, we can run one back here at craven. You got televisions, I got wiis. State has entrants. Sounds like all that is needed for a tourney.

edit: we are also trying to determine counter-picking rules. They also want each set to finish within 10 minutes, not realizing how slow a game brawl is. This is not a tournament for tournament goers.

But like I said, starting at about 2 or 3 we can run a regular tourney back here at craven (assuming they run brawl first).


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
well, i only have 2 tvs right now
I lave an led with close to 0 lag. I think it should be acceptable. And Snap might be able to bring some. I think we should have enough tvs. If state and Foxy would rather have it here, we can handle it. But I'm definitely going to the brawl tourney here first. I have tried my best to get it to be semi-tournament level play so I can scout out the best Duke has to offer. The reason the people at state are so good is because they have so many people to play with that are good. I hope to get a group of competitive brawlers together here at Duke. So I'm kinda being selfish with this tourney and using it as a venue to separate the runts from the people with potential. Which is why I'm doing my best to prevent it from being free-for-alls. But after this, I think we can host one. But like I said, it should be considered a last resort. I'm still hosting on the 14th because so many have confirmed. I don't want people thinking that I'm moving up the date or that I'm trying to take State's weekends from them. So only with Foxy's and state's approval should it be held here.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
Really Michael see if you can get mlg stage list and rules.
its an absolutely no. That's one battle I can't win. But like I said, if we were to host it after the duke one (starting at like 2 or 3, it would be your standard tourney)


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
its an absolutely no. That's one battle I can't win. But like I said, if we were to host it after the duke one (starting at like 2 or 3, it would be your standard tourney)
Michael, since your Brawl tourney is in just two weekends, and this weekend also has a Brawl thing at Duke (which I might attend and then come back for Melee singles?) then it might be true that there's a little bit much going on for both games, even just for Brawl, to really need to push for a Brawl tournament this weekend with time/location restraints.

We both have basically the same rules/ideas (apart from pools and lowtiers) for the tournaments we're running so maybe I could just co-host the 14th with you, just the same as it is now? Or if your venue might not be completely accommodating, if things worked better this time around I could get you a better venue at NCSU for it. Lemme know what you think, I really want to host a tournament but circumstances and timing kind of ruined this one, and pushing it back will just put it next to or on-top-of other tournaments that people are interested in.

Edit: you actually do have lowtiers, didn't see it at first


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
is this tournament really being cancelled though? couldnt you just you know...run it in north hall, even without confirmation?


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
is this tournament really being cancelled though? couldnt you just you know...run it in north hall, even without confirmation?
I don't mess with things like that... I think we're all mature enough to know that even with a verbal go-ahead the first time, it's not considerate to bring 30-50 people to a publicly usable area that is most often a place for study groups or clubs that want to focus without 40 yelling gamers. Not saying there would be a conflict necessarily, but it's a bad assumption to make.

There's also Melee at Duke and another Brawl tourney at Duke on the same day, and I would personally like to try to check out both.

Mainly it's personal things for me, I would have been going to NCSU myself and pursuing these options until we knew for sure, but a lot of things are a bit more complicated than usual.

I apologize to everyone who has been following the announcement of Round 9 until it got canceled, and hopefully the next one we work out and the tournaments this weekend can make up for it some.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
Michael, since your Brawl tourney is in just two weekends, and this weekend also has a Brawl thing at Duke (which I might attend and then come back for Melee singles?) then it might be true that there's a little bit much going on for both games, even just for Brawl, to really need to push for a Brawl tournament this weekend with time/location restraints.

We both have basically the same rules/ideas (apart from pools and lowtiers) for the tournaments we're running so maybe I could just co-host the 14th with you, just the same as it is now? Or if your venue might not be completely accommodating, if things worked better this time around I could get you a better venue at NCSU for it. Lemme know what you think, I really want to host a tournament but circumstances and timing kind of ruined this one, and pushing it back will just put it next to or on-top-of other tournaments that people are interested in.

Edit: you actually do have lowtiers, didn't see it at first
I'm now a little confused. There really is nothing for the brawl community this weekend. The one that Liang is talking about being held at Duke is hosted by Duke Dagger. It is a charity event. They aren't advertising outside of Duke and aren't following any rule procedure. It is essentially just a small event being used to raise money. It is hardly being advertised on campus. They are hosting 4 games in 8 hours and aren't putting much focus on the brawl tourney (they are more focusing on the guitar hero and the magic tourney; they're just doing the brawl and mario kart thing to attract a larger crowd). I'm going to this one just to scout out Duke brawlers.

And as far as I can tell, Liang isn't hosting melee this weekend either. What I want to avoid is you pushing your tournament back to the 6th. I feel like if we have two back-to-back tourneys, we are either looking at a split-turnout, or one tourney getting a big one, and the other having a small one. That's why I decided to host on the 13th in the first place so as to avoid this sort of problem.

But I am offering Duke as a possible location for this weekend if State can't find a venue. I only offer this as a possible venue because so many people have been planning on this weekend (even before it was confirmed....go figure). It will essentially be state's tourney just held here. You can run your rules here no problem. I just don't want the brawl community to have to wait another 2 weekends for a tourney. And I certainly want to avoid at all costs a back-to-back weekend of tourneys. So once I get done with the duke tourney I could come back here to my dorm and help you get everything set up. I can bring my wiis and let you use them. And if liang would let us use his televisions that would be great. If not, I am sure NC can come up with 3 or 4 extra televisions. Otherwise, I will have to pull resources. And those resources will be LCD televisions with varying lag. That's duke for you. But I want a legit tourney to be held this weekend. My blood lust for brawl blood will not be satiated by rubbing over a bunch of scrubs. I want some real action. So I do plan on keeping the *official* first duke biweekly on the 13th. But an impromptu tourney on the 30th here would be fine if you could not find a venue. But like I said, it would probably start at 2 or 3. Just as soon as the dagger one ended. Then I could get one of the common rooms set up. We have 2 to choose from. Both can hold up to 20 people. The A/B common room can probably hold around 30.

So long story short, Duke can be used as your venue if you can't get one at State.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
what's the venue option?
I have a club house in my neighbor hood.

it is 100 dollar deposit, but i get the money back if no damages have been dealt to the place.

so i mean all i need is like one pay check and i can get us a venue every week.

i have just been real lazy and have not done it yet.

*hides from the mob*

edit: y'all would have to bring ur own tvs. but like i have tables and chairs, real nice place. not like a mansion but, it can fit a good 20-30 easily. And there is a pool in the back so y'all **** can take a dip and flirt with the few girls this place has lol.


Jun 7, 2009
If you're going to do a tournament @ Duke and Foxy co-hosts (and it's at a legit place and not like an apartment) I'm definitely bringing a set-up.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
So much interest and so little venue options, very conflicting

edit: oh, you offered the duke venue THIS weekend.

that might actually very much work, especially for people who want to play some melee and some brawl (i thought dj WAS hosting this weekend, just for fun?)

if the rooms can hold 30, and if you can definitely hold it there, then i should update this evening with that information.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
So much interest and so little venue options, very conflicting

edit: oh, you offered the duke venue THIS weekend.

that might actually very much work, especially for people who want to play some melee and some brawl (i thought dj WAS hosting this weekend, just for fun?)

if the rooms can hold 30, and if you can definitely hold it there, then i should update this evening with that information.
yeah. We can hold it here. Duke doesn't really have a policy about reserving events. We can just hold it wherever whenever. If the room is taken, there are so many more that its not a problem. Right now, you can confirm Craven common room A. If that gets taken (which would be odd since no one is ever in there), it can easily be moved to E/F. We can surely have C if less than 30 people show up. Just don't want to use it cause its so small. But room A is big and room E/F is huge. So you can go ahead and confirm. Just make sure they bring televisions. I got the wiis and the brawls. Just need televisions!!!!


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
So the tournament is happening at duke now?

Is the draft moving to duke as well?

Is dj hosting melee?
I doubt it. DJ said he will probably be playing in the Dagger brawl and magic tourneys. But I dunno. Ask him. You are also welcome to bring melee setups if you want.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
yeah I mean, by all accounts this looks like its going down at duke. now I just need a ride.

chances of making this: 10%


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
what kadaj said and update this mess.

I'm liking zeldarox more and more.
I mean.....I'm just about the most god **** cuddly person there is. I dunno how anyone could resist me.


btw, thanks :)

and Kadaj, he said he would update it late this evening (I'm assuming ~9ish). But as far as directions, you can look under the "brawl: duke" page. Its gonna be held in the same place the duke ones will be held. As far as times/events/costs/payouts/etc., you're just gonna need to wait for foxy to update this. And Snap comes here for melee so feel free to ask him if you get lost. Its in the same building. Just a different common room. Anyone who needs help should pm me for my cell phone number the day of. I'm sorry, just not gonna post that **** on here with so many trolls running around to have themselves a little fun.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
is this being held in the same place as the last duke melee tourney? near ur room that I went up to for like 2 minutes lol?


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2010
well, kinda. There is a much larger common room right by there. So you know when we went up to my room, and there was a door and hallway right behind the steps (not going inside, just further into the building). Well, open the door and walk 5 ft, and then you see a much larger common room with a lot of furniture.

Oh..........I guess I should add that people should consider bringing change to this if they want to purchase drinks. The drink machine only accepts duke cards and change (no dollar bills). And half the time on the weekends it is broken down....dunno why. Someone should feel free to bring a few 12 packs and put them in the refrigerator here and sell them. I would but I have too much of a heart to say no to someone who has no money but wants a drink. I would lose so much money because of deceptive people :(


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
whenever we do melee duke's we just give DJ money and he buys the drinks and it charges off his card or something and he keeps the cash. does that not work with yours?
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