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NCSU Smash Rehash Vol. 2 "I Can't Control It" Results [MK Banned]


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
Nah his marth was the part I was upset about, my mind was still on the first loss because it was so bad (3 stock) so I was mentally broken for the second match.
I played like ballsacks and am definitely looking for a rematch after some practice in the match up.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Darksyde- your lucky my beige *** got the **** out of bed saturday morning or one of those OoS mother ****s woulda gotten top 3.
Lmaoooo so true. Glad you could pick up all the slack where my Marth game normally is.

DJ: 6 years and still losing Adam is an unsurprising side effect of Adam having been playing fairly consistently for 6 years. Fox is so fast. :c


I john'd about getting rested by Kumar for the first two or three matches but once I settled in and spaced better things were fine. Kumar is smart enough that his Jiggs is actually kinda fun to play against. I'm always super aware when I'm doing dumb stuff vs Jiggs, I'm just always initially really unhappy that he there is a "take your stock for free" button until I get moving.

Also, Kumar: I didn't feel like going and finding your post again to quote it but thank you for the kind words. I look forward to playing you again. Hopefully we'll both be in even better shape next time and get to play in bracket or some MM's. I enjoyed talking to you throughout the day for sure.

I missed Jim and John Wittle in my original shout outs so <333333 to them as well.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
why was it boring?... and the way he told it (he said it in a really nice way cuz hes not a ****, but i'll be blunt), you were dsmash spamming and he would wait with fox and then upsmash you after, so if you don't remember why you lost, i don't think you should tell people they played gay...

sorry i didn't mean to single you out... i just don't like how nc doesn't understand why they are losing and then blame it on something being "gay"...
Well, there is a difference between calling something gay and using it as an excuse. I might have said jiggs is gay, but I don't think that is an excuse for losing to her, and I try to play the matchup as well as possible. I also play gay myself a lot of the time, but I see my wins as legit. That being said, there are several people in NC who definitely do that.

Edit: Oh yeah, sorry if I seemed upset after losing. I was more upset about how I had to play you first round because they forgot to put me in the bracket than I was about the set. I think I actually played really well overall except for that first match.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2010
New york

NC is such a baller place to be....

shoutouts later......

im goin to sleep...
baller? btw nice placing you should pay a visit to tornado alley and become a doctor. All those mks are butt hurt because of the mk ban so they need prostate exams(fsmash). lol jk mk is ok


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
1: PP ($87.00) - Good stuff. Thanks again for bringing ashley's phone. I guess it's good that you play both games, but it does keep us from friendlying, which makes me sad...
2: LoZR ($43.50) - ah, you match was soooo hype. Great stuff taking out mahone. Wish we could've played, but if you make it to wilmington next weekend, we will be sure to get matches in.
3: ron ($14.50) - good stuff in our set. I look forward to chilling with you in the future. We gotta get this training in for apex. Gotta make that splash for NC.
4: KP - Ah ganon. lol i'm so smooth. you're so hard to approach though; you play very solidly, as shown by your placing here. Always looking forward to playing you.
5: Mahone - your mario was funny. i liked playing against it. wish i could've gotten a match against your jiggs just to see how i am now. Soon.
5: JoshSyde - playing against you later in the day was good. You played well to get this far, but i think you could have done better. Show up and be strong next tournament. You got this.
7: Bl@ckChris - Yo, your ganon was smooth as hell. Good stuff finally beating jim after two years lol. Keep strong, learn more spacing and patience, and maybe you'll be able to beat DJ. maybe.
7: Foxy - maybe we shouldve teamed...things may have happened.
9: sushi - next time. i saw some very good things out of you. we shouldve at least sat down and played, but i knew you had brawl things, and that setups were scarce, later in the day.
9: moo - nice salt. nah but really, that 5 game set we had later was legit. dthrow usmash uair is serious comeback stuff. ganon v peach is sooo fun.
9: DJRome - i need to learn from you. i'm at a stage where the things you can teach me are most certainly the things i need to learn. I plan to put up a much better fight next time. Be ready.
9: GaGa - wtf? if you think you're 9th place good, come at me bro. LOOOOOOL. so surprised to see your name here. i guess good stuff beating snap and seth.
13: gofg - i had planned to mm you, but i could never find you after stuff. hope you had fun camping...lol.
13: Jim - finally, our set. it was fun. we need to play more, and i know you'll come back stronger next time. i saw you doing some fun pivot things yourself. i'll be sure to keep my movement up and give you a tough time again.
13: stingers - You did better in brawl. Wish i could've seen you vs moo.
13: Seth - gah. you watched so many of my matches; you know my ganon lol. what happened vs gaga though? wish you couldve been up there in the 9 spot bro. You're doing well though, keep it up.
17: Dark Hart - sup
17: karn - we didn't play =/ also, that is a rough first round...
17: ba11ard - good stuff in our set. you're like a mini-mahone. i don't enjoy having to face you in bracket lol. your jiggs is solid. keep working on that falco as well. Love to see you coming out to stuff.
17: Bden - kinda glad i didn't have to face you. just know that i still like fighting falcos. my movement won't be slowed down, so good luck facing me in our next set, whenever it occurs.
17: TaC~~~ - you WILL rise up. keep that falco going. understand the neutral position and how much space you control at any given time, and things will start moving in the right direction. You got this bro.
17: Juno McGrath - wtf happened? we shouldve played more.
17: smifff - we need to play more. idk how, but we need to.
17: Maxamillion (?) - who ARE you? we need to play...
25: Zer0Room - running into gofg is rough. lol my fox.
25: Jacarb (?)
25: emb - whyyyyyyyy. why do we play every wednesday, go evenish, and you place this lowwwww. You gotta start turning those even sets into your favor. i know you can do it, you can be up there with me. It is time for your marth to show itself strong. We'll talk wednesday.
25: TrevorPuff - sup. I think you were the first person i played as h!ghchris. i had a falcon. that was weird...
25: Farm - idk who you are, but you're cool if you play mario.

others: yeeeeeeeee stufff. my ganon.


*history class*


One day at a time.
Apr 11, 2007
Knightdale/Raleigh, NC
Switch FC
17: TaC~~~ - understand the neutral position and how much space you control at any given time, and things will start moving in the right direction. You got this bro.

25: Farm - idk who you are, but you're cool if you play mario.

Everytime I enter tourney my tag gets so stylish. ****in' boss.

That statement...it just provided yet another perspective for me in how to zone efficiently. Came in the impulse-form of a frontal cone or any similar range depending on what i'm doing. ...I have work to do. I need to expand this idea and make it a part of my current playstyle/technique. Motivation, thanks bro.

Farm's a troll. His Mario sucks in both games, lol. He's just a Brawl IC's main: H1N1.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
oh lol thats just h1n1. ok. i still need to meet that guy. i think this makes 3 tournies we've both been at but i still don't have a solid idea of who he is *shrug*

and yeah, mad people coming out of nowhere. there was like a sudden asian majority at this i felt like, which was...new. and cool. I was teaching this one guy after the tourney, and he was taking some solid spacing and control concepts to heart. i never got his name, and i don't remember where he said he was from, but he had potential.

Sauce Boss

Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2011
my name is seth
I would've beat GaGa if i knew the matchup :reverse:
Nah but seriously gaga makes **** decisions and knows what he's doing for the most-part. They were good matches even though i lost. He even admitted that i would've won if i knew the matches. That dude has some good futures in the sheik part of melee

I got this next tourney do! :cool:

Sauce Boss

Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2011
my name is seth
1: PP ($87.00) - Yo dude, you ****. good stuff on some walkin around money.
2: LoZR ($43.50) - Dude our teams match with you and your friends was pretty good. Gotta watch out for dat pikachu :cool:
3: ron ($14.50) - Yo.
4: KP - Quit coaching mahone.
5: Mahone - Quit getting coached by Kp. But yo i needa learn that jiggs matchup, friendlies next time i see you.
5: JoshSyde - I barely got to see you :(
7: Bl@ckChris - Yeah dude, I'm watchin that ganon constantly. Get ready dawg!
7: Foxy - Dude, i got you in winners but you ***** me, good matches tho.
9: sushi - lolwut? if this is your first tourney, you're ****** pretty hard so far. Didn't watch any of your matches but yeah. I gotta play you next tourney see how goo you are?
9: moo - <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
9: DJRome - Lol i saw you playing samus.
9: GaGa - Yo, I gotta play you again. You **** hard, but i think i could've done better. but yeah you've got this stuff down. Don't let Tac trashtalk you just **** him hard.
13: gofg - haha that P:M
13: Jim - Yo you ****.
13: stingers - <3
13: Seth - Yo dude you better get ninth next tournament.
17: Dark Hart -Nice to meet you dewd.
17: karn - Didn't really get to talk to you that much.
17: ba11ard - wut?
17: Bden - Dude we got some baller matches in.
17: TaC~~~ - Pretty sure GaGa will **** you.
17: Juno McGrath - ?
17: smifff - Fun matches dude.
17: Maxamillion - ?
25: Zer0Room - Kinda want to play you.
25: Jacarb- lol jacarb gettin *****.
25: emb - Dude, the only reason you placed that low is because you didn't play me and got to play bden and darksyde instead. you got this do dude. Also thanks for driving me ouy there.
Farm1995- lolwtfbbq


One day at a time.
Apr 11, 2007
Knightdale/Raleigh, NC
Switch FC
I'll make sure it's hype. <3

He's good. But I never seem to get him in bracket, lol. Then I end up winning most friendlies, then he has these spurts of **** back home.

@Chris Lmfaooo. I just might. I was watching your dittos and considering my main. That says something about your Ganon. Move to Apex so I can play the **** out of you and get better at not getting my SH's *****.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC

omni- was really fun talking and playing with you, i'll let you know if im playing sc2
Likewise, and you definitely should get into it man, it's really fulfilling to play.

Alex(Pitzr)- I had tons of fun hanging out this weekend man. You're quite a talented player, I hope you stick with it :)

Dark Flame- You're so legit with IC's man, very impressive. I hope everyone didn't keep you awake all night xD

Korn- Good talking with you man, always interesting to meet people you've seen post a bunch

Boss- I know we didn't talk much, but it's unfortunate you didn't get to come hangout at our apartment. Next time you come down to NC for sure.

KP- Why you knock out all of my friends in bracket D: You were quite the dark knight this tournament, I don't think anyone was nearly prepared for how good you are


No shoutouts for stingers or sushi or Leo or ben/adam or whoever cuz I see them all the time.
Pffft scott we don't play nearly enough.

hey, i left my bag either in lucas's car or ben's house. someone let me know
I've got your bag I'm pretty sure. I'll make sure to get it back to you.

Austin- Listening to you talk about goals and commitments sounded so good, I'm glad you've really gotten back into the groove. See you on HoN with new ******** melee hero regen

John- We hungout a bunch but didn't actually play lolz. Not that I'm worried, I know I'll see more of you :)

Alex(Stingers)- We should practice marvel together, such an awesome game, getting more into it would be great

Sanketh- Every experienced melee player was talking about how scary you're going to be next tournament, you should definitely meet their expectations

Leo- I feel like we don't play as often as we should. I just got my work schedule so I'll get in touch with you about some regular times we can play

David(THO)- Yo, I didn't realize you were in Raleigh. We should try and hangout sometime man, it would be most enjoyable.

Marly- We should practice more irl, even though you're better than me I feel like my experience can help you out. Shoot me a text at 9199610461 or PM me on the boards

Corey- Project M stages are so good, by far the most appealing thing about it imo

Lucas- Let me know when you're around this side of town more often yo, I'd love to play more

Chris(PLUR)- I barely saw you! D:

Tac(Greater Raleigh area counts imo)- Glad you got home okay man, let me know if you're ever trying to practice our doors are always open :)


Dylan- As always lots of fun seeing you, one of these days I will trick you into actually partying with me xD

Craig- Worst melee teams partner ever. 5 stocks 2 kills? wtffffffff why you so bad

Seth- It was good meeting you man, sorry I didn't sit down and play with you D:

JD- Double Link too stronk. I hope you guys continue to come here for all pre-tourny smashfests though :)

Brian- Calling yourself farm and not playing any MOBAs seems heretical

Scotty(spelling?)- Your teams combos were absolutely ridiculous. Keep up the good work

Steve- I'm still looking for your glasses man, I'll ask the front desk at Bragaw as well to see if they might be there.


Chris- Did we play? If not I regret neglecting that. You were on my list of players I wanted to have some friendlies with this time around. I'll make sure to actually sit down and plug in next time rather than just chatting lolz

Jaurice- MK banned, shouldn't you be placing in the top? ;)

Smith- Good seeing you man, sorry we didn't play any, also the entire Nathan/Michelle/Josh thing was quite lulzy too me


Bden- I really enjoyed our friendly session, it's always fun to finally sit down in spend time with people you've heard good things about and verify yes, that dude is really chill and really good.

Koozy- :falcon: teams was fun

Brawlers- You should play melee (too) it's a fun game that's really rewarding

Chapel Hill

Alex(Karn)- I still miss the days where I used to just drive up to hangout and smash. Always good seeing you, I think both of our tournament attendance is on the rise so we'll probably be seeing more of each other.

OmniOstrich- thanks for stickin with me through losers bracket, coach. some real smash bros ****, i appreciate the support. also, the pre-tourney smashfest was a very cool one. you guys have a nice pad.
I enjoyed every interaction I had with you this weekend, and I think you should really be proud of your performance; I'm glad I was able to help.

Random(West NC mainly?)

Yay- Sitting down and actually getting to know you a little for the first time was great man, I wouldn't mind playing some LoL with you actually. I hope you don't quit melee though, you'll be sorely missed.

Alex(0Room)- Your improvement is a inspiring to me, I hope you continue to get better.

PP- SCORPADORP. Make it happen. If Mario is too intimidating just pick a random mid tier
[COLLAPSE="1"]C: Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, Samus
D: Pikachu, Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong
E: Link, Young Link
I think these characters are decently viable enough for you to do it with them, optionally you could choose multiple mid/low tiers to cover more matchups[/COLLAPSE]
Jim- GGs yo, also your mags was so damn cute. I seriously downloaded X-men First Class (AKA Swagneto: The Movie) because of it


Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2011
Raleigh, NC.
I need to play everybody in the melee community so I can gauge my skill xD

It's on at the next tourney. No prisoners.


Sauce Boss

Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2011
my name is seth

Likewise, and you definitely should get into it man, it's really fulfilling to play.

Alex(Pitzr)- I had tons of fun hanging out this weekend man. You're quite a talented player, I hope you stick with it :)

Dark Flame- You're so legit with IC's man, very impressive. I hope everyone didn't keep you awake all night xD

Korn- Good talking with you man, always interesting to meet people you've seen post a bunch

Boss- I know we didn't talk much, but it's unfortunate you didn't get to come hangout at our apartment. Next time you come down to NC for sure.

KP- Why you knock out all of my friends in bracket D: You were quite the dark knight this tournament, I don't think anyone was nearly prepared for how good you are


Pffft scott we don't play nearly enough.

I've got your bag I'm pretty sure. I'll make sure to get it back to you.

Austin- Listening to you talk about goals and commitments sounded so good, I'm glad you've really gotten back into the groove. See you on HoN with new ******** melee hero regen

John- We hungout a bunch but didn't actually play lolz. Not that I'm worried, I know I'll see more of you :)

Alex(Stingers)- We should practice marvel together, such an awesome game, getting more into it would be great

Sanketh- Every experienced melee player was talking about how scary you're going to be next tournament, you should definitely meet their expectations

Leo- I feel like we don't play as often as we should. I just got my work schedule so I'll get in touch with you about some regular times we can play

David(THO)- Yo, I didn't realize you were in Raleigh. We should try and hangout sometime man, it would be most enjoyable.

Marly- We should practice more irl, even though you're better than me I feel like my experience can help you out. Shoot me a text at 9199610461 or PM me on the boards

Corey- Project M stages are so good, by far the most appealing thing about it imo

Lucas- Let me know when you're around this side of town more often yo, I'd love to play more

Chris(PLUR)- I barely saw you! D:

Tac(Greater Raleigh area counts imo)- Glad you got home okay man, let me know if you're ever trying to practice our doors are always open :)


Dylan- As always lots of fun seeing you, one of these days I will trick you into actually partying with me xD

Craig- Worst melee teams partner ever. 5 stocks 2 kills? wtffffffff why you so bad

Seth- It was good meeting you man, sorry I didn't sit down and play with you D:

JD- Double Link too stronk. I hope you guys continue to come here for all pre-tourny smashfests though :)

Brian- Calling yourself farm and not playing any MOBAs seems heretical

Scotty(spelling?)- Your teams combos were absolutely ridiculous. Keep up the good work

Steve- I'm still looking for your glasses man, I'll ask the front desk at Bragaw as well to see if they might be there.


Chris- Did we play? If not I regret neglecting that. You were on my list of players I wanted to have some friendlies with this time around. I'll make sure to actually sit down and plug in next time rather than just chatting lolz

Jaurice- MK banned, shouldn't you be placing in the top? ;)

Smith- Good seeing you man, sorry we didn't play any, also the entire Nathan/Michelle/Josh thing was quite lulzy too me


Bden- I really enjoyed our friendly session, it's always fun to finally sit down in spend time with people you've heard good things about and verify yes, that dude is really chill and really good.

Koozy- :falcon: teams was fun

Brawlers- You should play melee (too) it's a fun game that's really rewarding

Chapel Hill

Alex(Karn)- I still miss the days where I used to just drive up to hangout and smash. Always good seeing you, I think both of our tournament attendance is on the rise so we'll probably be seeing more of each other.

I enjoyed every interaction I had with you this weekend, and I think you should really be proud of your performance; I'm glad I was able to help.

Random(West NC mainly?)

Yay- Sitting down and actually getting to know you a little for the first time was great man, I wouldn't mind playing some LoL with you actually. I hope you don't quit melee though, you'll be sorely missed.

Alex(0Room)- Your improvement is a inspiring to me, I hope you continue to get better.

PP- SCORPADORP. Make it happen. If Mario is too intimidating just pick a random mid tier
[COLLAPSE="1"]C: Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, Samus
D: Pikachu, Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong
E: Link, Young Link
I think these characters are decently viable enough for you to do it with them, optionally you could choose multiple mid/low tiers to cover more matchups[/COLLAPSE]
Jim- GGs yo, also your mags was so damn cute. I seriously downloaded X-men First Class (AKA Swagneto: The Movie) because of it
Lol, I'm from asheboro, but yeah dude I'll play with you next time :D
I need to play everybody in the melee community so I can gauge my skill xD

It's on at the next tourney. No prisoners.

I got you next tourney!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2011
Raleigh, NC.
Definitely! Learn that matchup!! You almost beat me both times without knowing it. I had to put in work xD


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

Stongers- GOOD SHEE hosting bit. Sorry we didn't get to play but that is the multi-game curse. =(


Pitzer- Good havin you in our neck of the woods again. GGs in teams and hope to see you again in the future.

Darkflame- Thanks for listening to my rants LOL you're cool. Keep on training mayne

Korn and Taj- GGs in teams man, and I'm super sorry about that wait. XD

Boss- Glad you made it man, but it def blew you couldn't make it for Melee =(

Also GGs in Brawl. I know that matchup is butt for Luigi but you still held it down. If you ever wanna play it to practice at a tourney I'll be around haha.

KP- We got some games in! Don't be so nervous against me though LOL I should have died more in our set. =p


also thanks for teaming man super fun nice team combos yeah


Sane- Once again we played first round lols. GGs man, you're getting better!

GQ- Haha usin my advice against me what a bit! Nah jk good games man and that Diddy is getting there =)

Omni- Wow sounds like everyone went to your house wtf. I would have gone but I was so tired I just crashed at Corey's haha. Good seein you dude.

DJ- That was really funny LOL

Waldorf- GGs man, you definitely brought it close both games. No one does DK double Bair but idk why not lol that S *****.

Killer- I saw you but didn't talk lol. Good to know you're alive though XD

Jreece- LOOOOOOOL rofl

Killanator- I like your attitude about smash. =) So legit. Keep reppin that Yoshi dude.

H1N1- LMFAO at all of our interactions this tourney XDDD You're an interesting guy and pretty cool lol.

I'm sorry for how I played in our MM if it seemed gay but I tried to be legit, I was just scared as F of being grabbed LMAO. Definitely hopin we get to play once more in the future lol.


Scotty- Hope your training has been going well man, people have been noticing your ****. =)

Craig- ;)

good seein you baby it was fun even though we didn't get to goof off like usual except for that time I looked at the trees and you thought I was straight or something LOL =p

Corey- THANK YOU FOR HOUSING <333 Mad fun hangin with you dude and playin 64 and team combos and talkin about how white we are and everything hahaha. Also project melee is hilarious LMAO thanks for showin me that S.

Yay- I'm salty as FFFFF about that MM hahaha. GGs in teams though that was a good reminder I need to tighten up.

Sushi- So, you've turned heads. Now it's time to ride the momentum/make more. Sorry I couldn't explain more btw matchups are complicated and NC is gay =(

Gaga- GGs man, and good stuff comin in 9th. Use what I taught you to lol on Marths more. =p

Karn- Sounds like you got seeding gayed. =( Don't worry just keep playin so it won't matter who you have first round!

Cam- Absolutely got it in this tourney. Legit sir. Our games were pretty interesting so I'm interested to see if similar results will recur soon. =)

David and...your brother- LMFAO you guys are hilarious XD


Josh- Sorry we didn't play at the tourney but GGs at your house haha. Also you're mean for always attacking me when I just wanna explain something =(

Lucas- THANKS FOR HOSTING MELEEEEE <333 Also good stuff improving hahaha

Chr!s- I'll try to quit playing both when I have enough money to travel+register for the 2 majors coming up but for now I gotta keep on. =( Don't worry we will friendly at the next tournament I'll do my very best to do it. =)

Smith- BIT this weekend was fun as bits ROFL also time to salt train ;)


Snap- goooooood seein ya man! I can teach you Marth vs Sheik things if you want since that matchup is a pain at times haha.

Bden- SORRY I didn't get to chill =( But it was cool to see you and I'll help you out with whatever if you want cuz you ask beast questions lol.

Jim- You already know baby. time to hit the lab and do all sorts of **** in all sorts of ways. =)

Adam- YEEEEEEEE FREAKIN LOVE THIS MAN <3 Hype was too good my friend. Now we need to make these matches 3-0s instead of 3-2s YA HEAR???

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
i just don't like how nc doesn't understand why they are losing and then blame it on something being "gay"...
interesting generalization, mahone

people call things gay all the time


people started calling things gay before smash I'm sure, not like NC Smash invented the term

I think it's gay that I have to work (at Panera) on a day I requested off for (this coming Sunday, seriously like the 3rd time this has happened)

or let's go back to smash if something other than that is too much for you

I think it's gay that I boback'd my last stock on the 3rd match at 0% vs gofg

It's a ****ing word get over it

EDIT: @Kevin - wait I improved? when did that happen? when did you decide this?

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
Kevin I would never admit to improving and you know it

you probably mis-heard me say "I wanna improve again" which basically means I'm gonna start playing more than once a week lol

EDIT: AND I sincerely apologize to Karn, it was my fault he got removed from the bracket, then re-put in at a very inconvenient place in the bracket, I will do better next time

But David never entered and I stand by it


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Looking at brackets and placing is really weird now. I had felt really bad about getting 5th and I realized that there is some serious competition in NC and getting into our tourney scene has gotten pretty damn rough.

Happy to see so many new faces joining us suddenly, I encourage people in Raleigh to contact me/come play at my place if they would like to learn/practice/chill.

And also some advice to new(er) people: don't let placings dismay you. Getting bracket ***** is just something that happens, especially when you are new and the people seeding brackets can't gauge EXACTLY how good you are. Everybody who is PR'd or has been around can tell you, you earn your tourney stripes through getting ***** a lot. It's the only way to improve (unless you're Kevin).


One day at a time.
Apr 11, 2007
Knightdale/Raleigh, NC
Switch FC
Looking at brackets and placing is really weird now. I had felt really bad about getting 5th and I realized that there is some serious competition in NC and getting into our tourney scene has gotten pretty damn rough.

Happy to see so many new faces joining us suddenly, I encourage people in Raleigh to contact me/come play at my place if they would like to learn/practice/chill.

And also some advice to new(er) people: don't let placings dismay you. Getting bracket ***** is just something that happens, especially when you are new and the people seeding brackets can't gauge EXACTLY how good you are. Everybody who is PR'd or has been around can tell you, you earn your tourney stripes through getting ***** a lot. It's the only way to improve (unless you're Kevin).
That made me feel slightly better about my crappy performance, lol.


Novus Ordo Seclorum
Sep 22, 2008
North Carolina
After reading through this thread, I'd better not miss the next one of these.

NCSU is kicking *** like never before.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i feel great about 7th. in the car, i even noted that considering the attendance, i was fighting for 9th. and i got it and more, so i'm happy.

also, i hit a new fundamental shift. i'm really happy about that, and i plan to start using it later today against sneak.

gah tac, i wish you were closer. you could benefit so much by playing against me, sneak, moo, and john more.


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
Also, I'm really impressed this tourney got so many people.. and the venue was next to 24/7 convenience store lol

Korn- Good talking with you man, always interesting to meet people you've seen post a bunch
Nice to meet you too man ;)
Well, the main reason we didn't stay overnight because I had work on sunday at 6:30am, as well as Taj (he drove us)

Next time we go down there, we will definitely stay over with you people.. and I will make sure not to work on sunday lol.. ;/


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
I john'd about getting rested by Kumar for the first two or three matches but once I settled in and spaced better things were fine. Kumar is smart enough that his Jiggs is actually kinda fun to play against. I'm always super aware when I'm doing dumb stuff vs Jiggs, I'm just always initially really unhappy that he there is a "take your stock for free" button until I get moving.

Also, Kumar: I didn't feel like going and finding your post again to quote it but thank you for the kind words. I look forward to playing you again. Hopefully we'll both be in even better shape next time and get to play in bracket or some MM's. I enjoyed talking to you throughout the day for sure.
WTF is going on lol... welcome to the lightsyde... ggs, and i'm still keeping my word about playing you with secondaries next tourney

Well, there is a difference between calling something gay and using it as an excuse. I might have said jiggs is gay, but I don't think that is an excuse for losing to her, and I try to play the matchup as well as possible. I also play gay myself a lot of the time, but I see my wins as legit. That being said, there are several people in NC who definitely do that.

Edit: Oh yeah, sorry if I seemed upset after losing. I was more upset about how I had to play you first round because they forgot to put me in the bracket than I was about the set. I think I actually played really well overall except for that first match.
Ya, it did seem weird that we played first round... i was just sorta bummed out cuz i wanted to play you more since you have such an interesting approach to the matchup... mabye next time....

@blackchris: my mario *****, i'll play jiggs next time
@pinheadz: lol, i purposely just started the next match against lozr because i wanted josh to stop coaching me cuz i think its unfair... kinda like a whole crowd screaming in my ear, but whatevs

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

If I'm playing well I'll try it.

PP! Would you be down to come to Wilmington for some friendlys sometime?

Me and slasher would apprciate it and I'd be happy to help pay for gas. I wanna be 'oh ****' good.

My schedule isn't agreeable in terms of this but if you're willing to wait a while then maybe we can work something out.

you're all ****

except craig.

also kevin i told you i'd grape that mario. LEMME KNOW WHEN YOU WANNA MM ME WITH A REAL CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MM me again bit I'm playing well now.

salt fah dayz I'm playing good as F now that loss and a couple other things was just what I needed.

Ain't even worried.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Sorry, rushed that last one. Suggested methods or popular equipment for recording Melee? There's laptop setups usually, which is what I'm leaning towards. So programs in conjunction with whatever cables, I suppose.

Basically, step 1.
I use a dazzle set up

Having an external hard drive is wonderful if you got this route

On a side note:
Getting shout outs is actually really touching
And I wanna thank those people who actually went out of their way to mention me

I apologize for not really being in the middle of this community and kind of keeping to myself. I'm not really used to being comfortable with a large amount of people, and I feel like if I'm not doing well then I don't really deserve to hang out with you guys [which is silly I know]

So thank you for saying something
For real

25: Zer0Room - running into gofg is rough. lol my fox.
I was actually doing really well
I'm not gonna john

And lol your Fox
Next time we see each other we have to legit MM
Gotta stop sitting on this

$10 on your Ganon
$5 on your Fox

25: Zer0Room - Kinda want to play you.
Play me lol
The more people I play the more I learn/can figure out what I'm doing
If you think my Falcon looks interesting get at me

Alex(0Room)- Your improvement is a inspiring to me, I hope you continue to get better.
I appreciate it man. We've gotta play more often
I'm definitely hoping I get better too, I gotta make Kevin cry

He knows what I'm talking about

But again
Thanks for the shoutouts, even if they are small
It really does mean a lot
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