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NC Brocator Thread!

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
@PLUR: Pinheadz will be the best player in the state at that point though :p
This is why my main sucks:

his run speed sucks, his recovery sucks, his weight sucks, when he shoots a laser he is basically dead because it's so easily punished, and if you actually understand logical melee then you'd realize that he is ****ing done after one ****ing hit. I would tell all you ******s in the stoneage to sharpen up, but then again you have to play at my level to even comprehend so time wasted on you puny mortals is futile.

my main is falco and trust me I run these ideas by dr. peepee on aim before I post them so they're legit



Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Mmmm block feature still treating me so good.

And yeah basically, y'all stoneage lookin dull*** scrubs need to sharpen up so y'all can read my words correctly. Yep.

PS: I don't use AIM anymore nor do I confer to Kevin for any of my opinions, but nice try. ;]
PSS: Falco is still second best in the game, in my opinion. Let's not misrepresent opinions, por favor.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
if i were falcon i'd just run up and grab him after it.

cause falcons grab game *****.
Would that even work?
AC usually means 4 frames of lag
And shine comes out in <3 frames

So that's <7 frames
And so that's not really working from a theoretical stand point
I would have to rely on the player's bad decisions

At least from what I'm getting here, correct me if I'm wrong

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
grab ***** shine if you outspace it.

that's how I started beating twitch's bullcrap tech in place to shine shenanigans anyway(with Falcon but whatever)

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
no only old school like cactuar SDI'd lasers

and some old Marths.

No one SDIs lasers now and it's yet another reason the anti-Falco metagame looks so bleak at this second.

Just try it and I guarantee you'll see a difference.

When's the last time a Falco had to overshoot an approach and didn't just go into you? SDI back and you'll see the difference and how he'll have to start adjusting his approaches and then you can **** him.



Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
yeah. this is why i do the small wavedash oos between lasers. but i guess sdi lasers would be cool if for some reason i couldn't or didn't want to go into my shield. I was talking to robert about it, and it seemed hard, but outstandingly useful.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Just gotta adjust for overshoots and WD'ing lets you go farther so keep those things in mind.

There's stuff you can do once you get that conditioning set in place too so keep that in mind.

Taking a laser to jab, do it more Chris. SDI'ing laser to jab would be ROFL


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
taking a laser to jab works sometimes. not often as i wish it did though. SDIing laser to jab sounds like a possibility though, even when the falco spaces the initial laser right.



Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
I've never played the vs. Falco, so I know this sounds ignorant, but why are his lasers such a big deal? The only time I can see them really being a problem is when I'm trying to Wizard's Foot back to the stage. Other than that, they seem like they'd only be a minor nuisance. Clearly I'm missing something, so what is it?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I've never played the vs. Falco, so I know this sounds ignorant, but why are his lasers such a big deal? The only time I can see them really being a problem is when I'm trying to Wizard's Foot back to the stage. Other than that, they seem like they'd only be a minor nuisance. Clearly I'm missing something, so what is it?
Lasers can come out without being punished from across the stage and at varying heights so they're hard to avoid. The fact that they stun stops you from moving freely which most people are used to doing. This basically eliminates DD'ing and other common movement tactics that people use to trick/get in on their opponents. Since lasers also allow Falco to transition into his fair pressure game, it can feel that Falco is always over you. Technically, if you don't move well in between each laser, then you get forced into shield and can't move well at all. That makes it easier to be locked down. And, if you get better and can move in between lasers well, then you have to be concerned with Falco's aerial/grab followups from lasers so you have to move quickly after lasers come out and if you screw up then you can feel trapped once again. Finally, people learn to powershield lasers. You usually have to WD OOS to capitalize on powershields though unless you're very close to Falco. If you screw up the few frame PS then you miss your input and Falco is still free to move and this can make you feel locked down as well.

It's all about messing up minute things(sometimes being tricked into it) or not understanding how to move that makes one feel locked down vs Falco by lasers. Lasers also help Falco combo by laser resetting and keeping someone airborne as Falco moves towards the opponent so they can't move away from his approach and reset momentum as well as they would like to.

And yeah there's edgeguarding control that you mentioned.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Also the fact that they hit regardless of where the laser hits you is kind of annoying
So if you tech in place and it goes over you but hits you with the tail

It still hits you
Which makes sense but whatever


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
sooooo yesterday was arguably some of the most fun i've had playing melee ever.

fox's dtilt is SO MUCH FUN OH MY GOD.

i could find better uses for it on falcon, simply because it combos from nair better than it does on falco. that could be more my techskill though. but ooooh running dtilt for missed techs is soooo good.

oh, the late nair to shine thing on falco offstage is pretty good. i found out it works with late reverse bair too. lol that character.

i want to use ganon's dtilt people off the ground, but the startup is too slow. guess i'll have to settle for down angled ftilt. it's really good at just kicking people offstage unexpectedly, but i can never regrab from it lol.

me and john have fun clone wars. ganon/falcon, fox/falco. GGs.

in other news: i have a black controller with a star sticker on it. i have no idea whose it is, or how it got in my bag. it's unfortunate, but idk the next event i'll be at, as the thanksgiving ncsu is doubtful, and TGM4 is a definite noshow for me. But yeah, if it's yours, i have it. sorry =/


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
hmm okay. i'll see if i can find anyone who plans to go to the next NCSU that i can give it to. otherwise, it'd probably have to wait until like a december edition of an NCSU.

or when i drive back to wilmington, i can hit people up along the way like i usually do when i make such treks along the 40. i could pass it along during that time.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
No doubt I can rhyme as fast as you
So twitch spin that fantastic tune
Cause **** is about to get drastic soon
I'm quick to blast a goon
And break a mutha f**** like a plastic spoon


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
sooooo yesterday was arguably some of the most fun i've had playing melee ever.

fox's dtilt is SO MUCH FUN OH MY GOD.

i could find better uses for it on falcon, simply because it combos from nair better than it does on falco. that could be more my techskill though. but ooooh running dtilt for missed techs is soooo good.

oh, the late nair to shine thing on falco offstage is pretty good. i found out it works with late reverse bair too. lol that character.

i want to use ganon's dtilt people off the ground, but the startup is too slow. guess i'll have to settle for down angled ftilt. it's really good at just kicking people offstage unexpectedly, but i can never regrab from it lol.

me and john have fun clone wars. ganon/falcon, fox/falco. GGs.

in other news: i have a black controller with a star sticker on it. i have no idea whose it is, or how it got in my bag. it's unfortunate, but idk the next event i'll be at, as the thanksgiving ncsu is doubtful, and TGM4 is a definite noshow for me. But yeah, if it's yours, i have it. sorry =/

that would be mine, and I've been qq'ing real hard about it being missing since I've been practicing with it daily and apparently if you use the same controller and then switch it really ****s with your tech skill.

I will be at the thanksgiving NCSU, let me know if you can come.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
For those of you who are going to be at the next NCSU, do people usually enter the Melee Singles, Doubles, or both? Also, is it worth getting there during the Brawl tournament so I can practice Melee? I don't own a copy of Brawl, so don't plan to participate in that.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Most people enter both doubles and singles(they kinda ask around for doubles partners usually).

And I'm sure Melee players will be practicing during Brawl so come over if you have time.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
If it's on the 17th I can't go.

And probably not on the 3rd either, but I'm less sure on that.

Hm I could do the 31st....I told JMH the 10th could be good for an Asheboro so maybe talk to him about that if you guys wanna work together.

Those are the only two I could do anyway. I imagine most people couldn't do the 24th or the 3rd either though.
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