Zomg shout outs <3 Prepare for a wall of text.
Hotdogs & J-birds:
All thanks to you guys letting me travel with you that I was able to attend rockycop <3 I’ve had such great fun and thanks for putting up with me
also thanks for feeding me :D Thanks Hotdogs for preparing all the stuff like flights, pre registrations and the hotel fees. J-birds! I forgot to pass you my controller to fix it >.> Cant thank you guys enough <3333
Was fun hanging out with you and again, im sooooo sorry I couldn’t get my stuff in your HDD >.> I crashed on the 2nd day when you gave me the HDD, I was just sooo tired lol I even missed doubles coz I slept too long >.> atleast ill get to meet you anytime since we get to meet in tourneys <3
You guys are just too good, fun chatting with you and Sea’s ganon is too legit. I also haven’t seen Ranga in a while so it was fun meeting you again, and im sorry for being so useless oldman haha
You’re so sheet <3
Sorry about your infection, hope your okay. Pretty crap that this all happened during robocawp, you missed out on a lot of things get well soon we shall meet at Smashplay 3 and play more friendlies.
Miku ftw <3 I am jealous of your bag, teach me SF I don’t have PS2/3 so I’ve only played on the older ones
Haha I didn even notice when you arrived, I heard later on that you guys were like trashing the room with sieg and I was sleeping like a log
see you in a QLD meet again
Teach me Meleeeeeeee, slow mo melee with jiggz were 2g <3
Watch better movies :’o that movie scared me >.> also thanks for those stepmania tips <3
Omg, just….lol omg I don’t know what to say
Meeting you just pretty much made my life x3 better, it was like looking in a mirror but the mirror’s reflexion was sexier. I here by announce that I was a douche to even think I could beat you in a Link ditto, the magnet doesn’t work on me, the game is so broken. Missed out on playing JUS will upload that pic we took
Was really nice to meet you, I knew you were Jon but wasn’t 100% sure
when we played on sigh-fi it was just ughhh and rayygeee and laggggg. Epic friendlies and so much lulz happened when I went to your room to play smash, I just couldn’t stop laughing most of the time :D
Great to meet you, didn’t get to play 1v1 though >.> Teams were good fun, such fun moments we had when I visited your room <3 ACT guise da bess <3
Thank you soo much for letting me borrow your sick weegee controller, you were such a great guy and was fun hanging around with you, that f-air in our tourney match was sooo lawl
no chance against you
hopefully I’ll get to meet you and the ACT guys soon
After 2 and a half long years in the cyberworld we FINALLY got to meet each other <3333 I WILL ninja you next time though
touching your beard was one of the highlight in Robocawp <3 haha you ***** me in the pools, I was too nervous. Thanks to you I kinda got rid of the nervousness after a while, we really should have had more friendlies though >.> Also….. I do not believe you’re the same age as me *rage* We must meet again.
Really nice to meet you again <3 I was just happy I did alright against you in the 1st round of our bracket
no chance against you, seriously, too good <3 grats on 3rd as well. Hopefully I get to meet you again soon, if you come to a QLD tourney again
Zxv: ZXV ZXV ZXV ZXV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333
ZXV2G great to see you, shame we didn’t had time for 1v1, at least we got to play some in team friendlies
Only got to play you once or twice in a marth ditto but those were fun games, hopefully I get to get some friendlies in future tourneys when you come to QLD again
I guess I just need to play more defensive, im very impatient >.>
Oh mah gawdddd so much fun hanging around with you. You were such a nice person <3 I was really tired on the 2nd day though, wasn’t really all energetic
I also missed out on getting one of your cool stickers, thanks for letting me borrow that cute hat, I felt very sexy.
Zomg no friendlies </3 I didn’t really get a chance to talk to you, I really wanted to be more social with you and play you but obviously smash was keeping us busy haha. Really nice meeting you <3
Omg nice meeting you <3 after playing a lot of monster hunter online together (bloody stourt horn) I get to play smash with you, nice marth dittos. Those matches were really close, thanks for teaching me that platform cancelling tip, I was always pushing C-stick down lol
that still works but tap down is much faster and easier lol
I wanted to vs you, I never vs’d a good zss player offline before, I needed some match up experiences
Great tournament, smooth schedule and everything. You were a really nice guy and was fun getting ***** by you in melee haha…… gawd I suck at melee
We ended up getting no friendlies~ </3 good job at the placings I saw you play and you were just ****, I guess next time? Whenever that is
nice meeting you <3 or….. theres fail-fi loooool
Happy Bday for Saturday, was great to see you <3 nice random dittos as well, I wanted to talk and play more smash with you though >.> those games weren’t enoughhhhh lol you’re an awesome guy, hopefully we get to meet again <3
Omg I wanted to get 3 stocked by you, didn’t had any time and when I was trying to ask for some friendlies I either couldn’t find you or you were playing someone else. When you asked me for a friendly, I didn’t had a controller then so I couldn’t play
If your coming to QLD lets play then ^__^
Your MK is too legit, during all those friendlies I had no chance against marth
I wanted experiences with the marth x MK match ups but looks like you know it too well
Wow 1v1 and Team friendlies were too good, haha I cant forget that (whatever move you did) to send gords off and me trying to suicide with Wario’s B
we defs gotta have more games next time…. Whenever that’ll be
Jei Jei:
Legit pit, was really nice meeting with you and having friendly teams with you <3 hopefully we get to 1v1 someday :D
We finally got to meet each other irl, I also just realized we had no friendlies *RAGE* well theres always lollag-fi
………………….lolbylim <3333 much wuvs
Smoking Puppy:
Wow nice meeting you <3 didn’t think ill meet you at Robocop <3 those marth dittos were win <3 had so much fun and you were such a nice guy lets meet againnnnn~~~
Your so ghey <3
Lol so we finally got to meet, nice finally meeting you and was fun talking to you about the cyberworld crap haha. Im also REALLY sorry about doubles, freaking day light savings >.> sorry to hear you not feeling well….. as always
hopefully you get better soon <3
Perth Guise
Perth guys:
Oh gawd, you guys are too tall :o my neck hurted when I had to look at you guys lol
Nice games hater <3 and yeah, I really need to play more defensive, I NEVER play defensive during friendlies/MM
you used ROB’s tilts too well, I couldn’t approach you most of the time. But yeah, you guys are awesome, nice meeting you guys, even though you’ll probs be like who the hell is this Toki kid lol
Say hi to Tsunamo and Alzi for me <3
That Subway guy:
Theres like a miraculous chance him reading this but thanks for the compliments of my pika hat and remembering my usual order i had for the 3 days i was there and giving me extra cookies <3
Everyone I’ve met were too awesome, thanks for the great time and was great to meet you all <3
I KNOW im forgetting someone so post here saying something like “Toki where the hell is my shout outs RAGE” or something like that
This shout out has more effort put in than my school assignments <3
I also need to upload pics and vids <33333
Excuse me for my lack of engrish.