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Mythic Vol. 1 Results


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
lawl actually just some players cant play a game thats all... kojin just dosent have the talent to play melee or brawl
that hurt CK, even though it is true. :(

ive always been one to understand the mechanincs of games and how mindgames can work, but i've never been good at tourneys. that's probably not gonna change anytime soon.

by the way, im not hatin on anyone specifically for using characters or tactics (the people i lose to in tourneys have always been very very good players) , dont get me wrong. do what you have to to win. im more or less upset at myself for my subpar performance in tourneys, and from my perspective the inability to... wel... win i guess...

right now, im "that guy that plays x character(s)" but no one really fears in brackets. sadface.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
every time i think i want to go to a brawl tourney, all i have to do is read a md/va thread and it reminds me to stay away

thank you md/va, thank you for being the crappy/scrubby region that you are


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
well let's see my post this time.. will be

yeah, i'm going to hang out with smashers this weekend

then melee people will reply me... like
"korn !!! stop wasting your money going to IHOP and hang out, let's go to GENESIS Melee 2 in Canada, it's only $500 to enter tourney"

bleh it's getting annoying


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I just think its kinda silly when people plank just to run the timer. I feel REALLY bad for falco players that fight mk. They have no option to beat air camping and combine that with planking falco will lose the match up like how dojo beat dehf. Apparently there was a lotta arguement over that. It timed out at 2 stocks and dojo won with a 20% lead....

I dont mind if people do it to get their composure back and try to fight me again. I havent had the timer run on me in months cuz ive been mastering my character real well and keepin my eye on the timer. This is what seperate bad ic players from the good ones.

I just cant do anything at this point if people plank to run the timer tis all im saying.
I mean I would plank until the timer ran out.

This isn't something new. How do you think people play Zangief? They poke and keep their distance and never approach and do this until the time runs out or until the Zangief moves out of his comfort zone. Playing Zangief by his terms and field only nets you a big L.

If you don't feel like waiting 8 minutes while being planked, let's move the timer down to 4 or 5. :laugh:

It's cool and all that people like me and others can beat you playing normally, but if we play "normally" we're playing your game and most likely being overly risky. Messing up once, getting grabbed, and losing a stock is never a good strategy for a person playing against IC's.

That's just how it is.


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
why can't we be like the street fighter community and just enjoy both games?

Sf people still have SF2 tournies. I mean come on That games like 20 years old.

If we could just have Melee side tournies at brawl tournies then everyone would be happy. I know it's more pressure on the tourney hosts but I think it's worth it.

Am I the only one that enjoys Melee and Brawl?


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
I love fighting ic's even though I dont play them alot..
Good **** gimr for beating me
I was an idiot when i said falco does not belong in S tier but now I know why.. Falco is gay esp when fighting against my snake..
This tourney was fun all in all


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
why can't we be like the street fighter community and just enjoy both games?

Sf people still have SF2 tournies. I mean come on That games like 20 years old.

If we could just have Melee side tournies at brawl tournies then everyone would be happy. I know it's more pressure on the tourney hosts but I think it's worth it.

Am I the only one that enjoys Melee and Brawl?
because brawl tourney hosters refuse to have melee side tournies if there were side tournies i would come

but brawl is such a time hog


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
No GIMR, you and many others do too.

Also, someone left a silver controller at my house and a pair of Split shorts.

@CK- I just asked you last night if I were to host a tourney on Sunday (the day after my brawl tourney) if you would come and you pretty much said no due to brawl being present.


Smash Rookie
Feb 21, 2009
[*]Yoho - You gotta step it up man!
Blaarrrrrrrrrgh...this I'll admit. My recent obsession with SF4 is probably reaching unhealthy levels, lol.

To answer your "wha happuned" Saturday night, I honestly have no idea. All the johns in the world couldn't save me. There were a few moments where it seemed like instead of playing, I put down the controller and stared at the screen with a "durrr" look on my face (Speaking of controllers, I should probably try picking up a newer one as I've been putting my two-year one through the freakin' wringer). In hindsight, Lucas wasn't the best choice, but for some reason, he was the only one that I was actually good with that day.


Anyway, this was a good call to get me back into SSB training. Pick up some new characters, learn some more techs, yada yada yada. Losing once again was frustrating, sure, but I still had a blast that night. I'm still following the fact that it's a game and meant to have fun.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
I mean I would plank until the timer ran out.

This isn't something new. How do you think people play Zangief? They poke and keep their distance and never approach and do this until the time runs out or until the Zangief moves out of his comfort zone. Playing Zangief by his terms and field only nets you a big L.

If you don't feel like waiting 8 minutes while being planked, let's move the timer down to 4 or 5. :laugh:

It's cool and all that people like me and others can beat you playing normally, but if we play "normally" we're playing your game and most likely being overly risky. Messing up once, getting grabbed, and losing a stock is never a good strategy for a person playing against IC's.

That's just how it is.
lol you make a good point with me wanting people to play into my game. I just dont want people to plank me because more than likely they will lose because of the rule set. PS shoulda forfeited 2 stocks to me with what he did (regrabbing edge more than 5 times in a row). Atomsk woulda automatically forfeited the 2nd to last game at c3 if we had legit rules. I would rather people beating me on fair terms than them getting dqed.

When u go over 50 i think its stupid, but i really dont mind if u go under that. PS was kinda the only exception because olimar can exploit his tether and stall on the ledge longer. I probably shouldnt have bished at him over that, but the tourney we were at had a diff rule set for stalling with ledge grabs.

If you guys wanna beat me with planking thats fine. Just dont get dqed over it and be all bitter that the rules were against you and you shoulda won. My char makes you run away like a monster is catching you and you completely forget how many times u regrab the ledge.

but im with hova everyone in this region has gotten a really bad scrub mentality especially with me whining about planking LOL.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2008
Sleepin on the clouds.
Bascially Ck is saying hes bad at both brawl and melee and wish everyone would just drop dead so he can have a chance at placing in the money. but what he doesnt realize there's still comp for him out there which would be top tier BYE!!!!!



GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
but im with hova everyone in this region has gotten a really bad scrub mentality especially with me whining about planking LOL.
LOL I don't Whine I actually encourage it sometimes. I mean it is the smarter option in certain situations.

Like I've said before , I think Melee, MVC2, Guilty Gear, and Blaz Blu

are the only fighting games where being aggressive is good.

I mean in Melee you could play SMART aggressive and its really hard to punish if you pull off all of your L-Cancels perfectly

ALL of that was taken away in Brawl. That's why Melee players are so angry.:mad:


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
blah blah blah

I stayed out of this results thread mostly

stupid arguments are stupid. kenny, I like your idea, lets do a melee tournament at woodbridge on sunday after the brawl event, see how that goes.

I found my wiimote though, looks like I just misplaced it. My bad.

See you all whenever I feel like going to a tournament


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
lol you make a good point with me wanting people to play into my game. I just dont want people to plank me because more than likely they will lose because of the rule set. PS shoulda forfeited 2 stocks to me with what he did (regrabbing edge more than 5 times in a row). Atomsk woulda automatically forfeited the 2nd to last game at c3 if we had legit rules. I would rather people beating me on fair terms than them getting dqed.

When u go over 50 i think its stupid, but i really dont mind if u go under that. PS was kinda the only exception because olimar can exploit his tether and stall on the ledge longer. I probably shouldnt have bished at him over that, but the tourney we were at had a diff rule set for stalling with ledge grabs.

If you guys wanna beat me with planking thats fine. Just dont get dqed over it and be all bitter that the rules were against you and you shoulda won. My char makes you run away like a monster is catching you and you completely forget how many times u regrab the ledge.

but im with hova everyone in this region has gotten a really bad scrub mentality especially with me whining about planking LOL.
this was the 1st time this rule was ever in effect... i will remember i next time i go to bolts toruny... no worries

and for the record... olimar can' plank... boss, sin, lie, ssr, deez.... the list goes on, you can just run off and back me... you have actually doesn't it before, its not like have multiple jumps, an amazing recovery or something else that prevents you from stopping the strategy...

regardless... at the end of the day you won.. just know that i'm beating you next time... and i will apologize in advance for how gay i will play... and no words will get to me this time :)

and it was 31 edge grabs XD


Smash Cadet
Jan 6, 2009
VA/ Jackson, MS
****... i'm just now seein all this **** that went on in this thread... coney i'm real sorry this happened... but as i friend you know you gotta be smarter then that... havin that much money on your person regardless isn't a good idea, let alone around a bunch of mf's that you can't fully trust... i wish that money woulda came up so someone coulda got theirs... hell i mighta helped u **** em up... but meep good ish... i'll be a little better prepared next time ; )

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Kenny, that controller might be dre's, I was borrowing it for the tourney, but I thought I gave it back. I'll call him and find out.

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
it is always that bad lol give it up cafe melee is where its at XD
Melee Lovers go play in the melee boards please.. for the love of god.

why can't we be like the street fighter community and just enjoy both games?

Sf people still have SF2 tournies. I mean come on That games like 20 years old.

If we could just have Melee side tournies at brawl tournies then everyone would be happy. I know it's more pressure on the tourney hosts but I think it's worth it.

Am I the only one that enjoys Melee and Brawl?
THIS! Yes, this is what I've been wanting to do for a while, and now that I have a venue that can remain open all night, this could definitely happen. The only issue is if we hold both Melee and Brawl events, it will take up Lan center time, probably causing the Venue fee to be double than what it is. x.x

because brawl tourney hosters refuse to have melee side tournies if there were side tournies i would come

but brawl is such a time hog
Who refuses? Nobodies ever asked me to host a melee tournament..

Anyway, this was a good call to get me back into SSB training. Pick up some new characters, learn some more techs, yada yada yada. Losing once again was frustrating, sure, but I still had a blast that night. I'm still following the fact that it's a game and meant to have fun.
Thats the mentality you need to keep. Good ****, Yoho.

Like I've said before , I think Melee, MVC2, Guilty Gear, and Blaz Blu

are the only fighting games where being aggressive is good.

I mean in Melee you could play SMART aggressive and its really hard to punish if you pull off all of your L-Cancels perfectly

ALL of that was taken away in Brawl. That's why Melee players are so angry.:mad:
Yes, exactly! Guilty Gear and Blaz Blue ftw btw. XD Guilty Gear Tournament anyone!?

I found my wiimote though, looks like I just misplaced it. My bad.
Good cause I wasn't having any luck finding it. lol

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
Why is there like no shoutouts anymore lol

Edit: vids??????????
Yes people, lets hear some shoutouts please.. Meep, Boss, Forte, anyone shoutouts? Lets bring peace back to this thread, thank you... Vids will be up shortly, I am hooking up my wii now.

Because everyone is too busy arguing/complaining? -_-

And yes, vids would be nice.
Vids will be up shortly, although.. NOBODY really saved any of them like they were supposed to.

Bolt, let me get the brackets for this event if you have them
I did not manage to save the brackets Slik, Tio crashed shortly after the event. :(


If you haven't already subscribed to my channel, then do so now. The videos are going to be up soon.



Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
meep lost to boss (winners)
i lost to meep (grand finals)
boss lost to me then meep
korn lost to me then meep
gimr lost to ??? then korn
ps lost to korn then meep
takeover lost to ??? then gimr
lie lost to me then ???
mattix lost to ??? then ???
deez lost to me then gimr
sin lost to ??? then ???

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Sin lost to bmx first round, then PS

bmx lost to gimr, then lie (such gayness lmao, he won the 1st round, then lie CP'd jungle japes, and ben had the lead but on the last stock lie just dthrew dair'd him into the water, cause Wario was at 30% or so percent and Falco was at like 101%. Then for some reason CP'd halberd and lost 3rd round.

MORAL OF THE STORY: always ban japes against falco, duh, but personally I feel japes and norfair shouldn't be legal, almost every tourney in the area has dropped it, but I guess different rules make things fresh.

Also, we had a close teams set against gimr and meep..... we won the first round but frigate gayed wario the second round, and they beat us 3rd round. I used Snake.
Coney and K9 ***** us though X_X I'm never going Sonic in teams like that again unless I'm confident.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
off the top of my head

Meep's bracket was Tantalus (win), Mattix (win), Boss (loss), P~S (win), Kornn (win), Boss (win), Forte (win)
Boss' Bracket was Kojin (win), GIMR (win), Meep (win), Forte (loss), Meep (loss)
P~S' bracket was ???? (win), Kornn (loss), sin in losers at some point, and then Meep (loss)
Kornn's bracket was ???? (win), P~S (win), Forte (loss), Deez or Lie (win), Meep (loss)
Forte had Deez (win), Kornn (Win), Boss (win), Meep (loss), Meep (loss)

So the brackets looked something like this

Top side:

Meep, Boss, Mattix, GIMR

Bottom side:

P~S, Forte, Kornn, Deez

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
Good **** with memory everyone.

meep lost to boss (winners)
i lost to meep (grand finals)
boss lost to me then meep
korn lost to me then meep
gimr lost to ??? then korn
ps lost to korn then meep
takeover lost to ??? then gimr
lie lost to me then ???
mattix lost to MEEP then TAKEOVER
deez lost to me then gimr
sin lost to BMX then P~S

Fixed to what I remember.

Sin lost to bmx first round, then PS

bmx lost to gimr, then lie (such gayness lmao, he won the 1st round, then lie CP'd jungle japes, and ben had the lead but on the last stock lie just dthrew dair'd him into the water, cause Wario was at 30% or so percent and Falco was at like 101%. Then for some reason CP'd halberd and lost 3rd round.

MORAL OF THE STORY: always ban japes against falco, duh, but personally I feel japes and norfair shouldn't be legal, almost every tourney in the area has dropped it, but I guess different rules make things fresh.

Also, we had a close teams set against gimr and meep..... we won the first round but frigate gayed wario the second round, and they beat us 3rd round. I used Snake.
Coney and K9 ***** us though X_X I'm never going Sonic in teams like that again unless I'm confident.
Ben should of banned both Norfair and Japes to prevent that from happening. :/ I think the two maps are good enough to be in tourney which is why they were legal. Spice things up. ;)

Sonic is hard to use in teams, I tried it at the smashfest we had earlier in the week and its hard to think fast enough especially with such a technical mindgame character.. he's great for singles, but teams.. I'm not too sure.

off the top of my head

Meep's bracket was Tantalus (win), Mattix (win), Boss (loss), P~S (win), Kornn (win), Boss (win), Forte (win)
Boss' Bracket was Kojin (win), GIMR (win), Meep (win), Forte (loss), Meep (loss)
P~S' bracket was BOLT (win), Kornn (loss), sin in losers at some point, and then Meep (loss)
Kornn's bracket was ???? (win), P~S (win), Forte (loss), Deez or Lie (win), Meep (loss)
Forte had Deez (win), Kornn (Win), Boss (win), Meep (loss), Meep (loss)
Fixed from what I can remember. lulz.


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
I beat MattyP then BMX

I lost to Boss

Beat Deez then TakeOver

Lost to Korn

Also, Me and Meep got one of the worst seeds in teams lol.

Everyone but four teams got a bye. we didn't. We had to play Korn and forte round 2(Which was round 1 for them)

We Lost and then Monstered our way through losers.

we 3-0'D Boss and P~S

They were complaining about the gayness of G&W's U-Smash lol

I think I killed P~S at 50% with a fully charged one on FD
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