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Mythic Vol. 1 Results


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
coney that really sucks man, but you really gotta stop bringing your wallet to smash stuff, especially when theres hundreds of dollars in it AND you've already been robbed before lol. everyone should stop. ive seen this **** happen numerous times over the years. just because you play smash with people and they seem cool does not make them trustworthy, they arent "friends". im not saying that you shouldnt act friendly to smashers, but come on. you misplaced your wallet with $300 in it, in a house full of kids you only know because of a video game. im not saying its your fault or anything, just trying to get people to avoid this kind of shet before it happens.

there was this tourney in NC a while back, and it was at a kids house. prolly like 40 people all staying over at this house. this kid got his ipod stolen, and flipped out on everyone, and ultimately never got it back. it sucks for that guy, but come on, you really gonna plug your ipod into the wall in a house with 40 people you barely know?

i do sympathize though, its really messed up. if the cops really did check everyones bags/cars, than i dont see how this makes any sense unless someone literally put it in their butthole, or "waistlined" it, or its just still in the house, or you simply misplaced the money yourself.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
no, i completely understand the issue. i had my pockets completely full of ****, i shouldn't have had my wallet inside the house anyway. and trust me, i know that a main motivator for this community is the money and i honestly trust only a few people. i'm not letting off anyone just because they're "friends." i'm not naive, man.

i'm not a victim here and i'm certainly not asking for sympathy, i'm not that kind of guy. i only bring it up because people asked and at this point, i just need some kind of release. i mean, hindsight is 20/20 you know? i could've done a lot of things, but i didn't, and it sucks. only thing i can do now is ***** about it.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Shame on you people for not banning those who need to be banned *coughthe***swhostolemoneylasttime*. You're morons for letting them slide with this **** cause it was pretty ****ing obvious they'd do it the next chance they got.

Yet another reason to never attend Brawl tournies lmao

Also, I hate ICs in both games but they are FAR more homo and broken in Brawl. You can't even compare, wobbling was usually banned in Melee and in Brawl they can kill you with one grab standing in place. Once again, you're all idiots for continuing to play this game and *****ing and moaning in every results thread about the infinite when you could just get it banned or stop playing (this doesn't apply to anyone who didn't/doesn't complain about it).

I wonder how many more of these tournaments it's gonna take before you people realize the truth.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
$300 doesn't leave a wallet and get misplaced
sorry to hear this conney :( g-reg said it best... :/ no matter the community, there will always be shady people :/


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
Shame on you people for not banning those who need to be banned *coughthe***swhostolemoneylasttime*. You're morons for letting them slide with this **** cause it was pretty ****ing obvious they'd do it the next chance they got.

Yet another reason to never attend Brawl tournies lmao

Also, I hate ICs in both games but they are FAR more homo and broken in Brawl. You can't even compare, wobbling was usually banned in Melee and in Brawl they can kill you with one grab standing in place. Once again, you're all idiots for continuing to play this game and *****ing and moaning in every results thread about the infinite when you could just get it banned or stop playing (this doesn't apply to anyone who didn't/doesn't complain about it).

I wonder how many more of these tournaments it's gonna take before you people realize the truth.
lol not my fault brawl is a gay game in general :ohwell:

go **** bad ic and dont play me anymore i promise u wont hate it anymore :laugh:


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
it was the first time anyone had the 5 ledge grab rules in effect... it wasn't on my mind, if you would have told me i would have jumped on a platform 1st... and does this mean that at every none-bolt toruny you won't get mad if i play the way ii played game one?

an boss beat you... and then lost to you... and he's the only example i can think of aside from like omni to beat you... who you beat last time btw
I mean i probably will not gonna lie. Ive learned to center my anger and play better. So if u plank i will talk so much **** if we play. I think **** talking and planking can go hand in hand :psycho:

Chu beats me in dittos so why dont u try that? Stop playing a character that is pretty much a 70:30 favor.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
Really? $300?! I'm sorry that happened Coney. Leave that in your car. Locked.

I'm pretty sure I'm done with Brawl for now. I mean, apparently I'm "getting better," but you can't see it in tournaments because people all use the same broken characters. I can't really get enough practice against better people because there's always money involved, which I don't have, and they just **** and usually don't offer advice.

When I got chaingrabbed by ICs I lost it. I think every tournament I've been to I face Metas or Falco or some other chaingrabbing, up-tilting, gordo-throwing BS. It's the same thing over and over, and the game isn't fun. It's not worth getting frustrated about anymore. I know some people are going to say "stop johning" or "step it up," but it's not worth all the money and frustration. If I'm not naturally good at the game, I'll play another I am at, like COD4 or something.

I may do doubles, but Singles is pointless if you're not Meta or some other character with exploits.
I refuse to sell out and pick up Meta. I play TL because he's a lot of fun, has really cool combo potential, and he's the freakin' Hero of Time! Jiggs is hilarious to play as well. But they don't play well against top tiers.

Anyways, it was fun before I left.


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
*gets infinited in melee several different ways*

brawl is so gay!

chu has a point, everyone complains about gay brawl stuff, and way less people complain about the gay stuff in melee. once you accept that the only gay thing is deliberately not attacking, and once you learn to handle your emotions about it, then you can improve as a player, and not be a whiner.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
i probably wouldnt infinite with ic, but the fact you have those few that run the timer on my character i kinda have no choice. So its like i have to play dirty with dirty. I really try not to get on chus bad side <_< cuz i have moochoo respect for his ice climbers in melee. With the current way people play i have no choice but to infinite people with no mercy.

I dunno im done with my rant. Al find a way around people who plank me and step it up. Just furiates me when people run the timer and i cant do anything about it =\. MKs air camping is up there with planking but at least they run outta jumps and i can chase them in the air or platforms.

Edit: yea korn u were getting a lot better at it. I just recently learned to cg on platforms. Ud probably win if i didnt know how to do that. I force people to play perfect XD. I really give people mad props that beat me legit tho =3.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
I understand Meep. You are just countering g@y with g@y so that makes it fair, well at least against Metaknights and other g@y characters.

I'm sorry if I offended u at all with that post btw.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
It's sad that people keep stealing things. *******S whoever they are. Some people went and switched my new controller with a more used button squishy one at a tourney about a month ago. You think i wouldnt notice?


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
It's sad that people keep stealing things. *******S whoever they are. Some people went and switched my new controller with a more used button squishy one at a tourney about a month ago. You think i wouldnt notice?
this actually happened to me at a tournament in january of 07. i kept using that controller until it became unusable. last months C3 this actually happened to me TWICE, someone swapped my controller with a C3-owned controller, and then several hours later did it AGAIN. all controllers were silver colored and all felt the exact same, so it wasnt a big deal. i looked at the security tapes and i actually know who did it, at least the first time. ill be having my eye on you at every tourney now.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Silver Spring, Md
Also, whoever downloaded roms onto my computer, I don't appreciate it. From now on I guess I'll have to be careful about the live feed.
My bad tant I wanted to play vectorman so bad for genesis on the wii because I wasn't into brawl at the time. I felt I should of asked you first before using your laptop so i asked you if you sd card slot was working b4 I used that you said no. I didn't think downloading the rom wasn't that big of a deal anyway since I was really careful with where I got it from so you don't get spyware, virus, etc. Any dude sorry I'll ask b4 doing anything on your laptop next time.

As for the Coney $290 incident, I just think that was plain F' ed up. I just think whoever did it probably needed the cash for whatever reason or felt that it was a rare opportunity to find $290 in a misplaced wallet. For the people who are curious here a list of all the people that were there that morning when it happened.

Lie's Cousin ("G")

To the people I just listed if you guys know anything about who did it please let me know, because this kind of stuff shouldn't happen to a cool guy who just looking to have fun playing smash and making friends. I mean the guy just lost $100 mm and was honest enough to pay up. It would suck to lose such a cool person in the community. Just to let the people from the list know ahead of time if anyone decide to come upfront to me about who did it I won't say who I got it from if you don't want me to.

Also No hard feelings to the following (Boss, Lie, "G", Sin, Deez), we just had to thoroughly check your car, bag, and pockets before you guys left that morning to get some blame off of people's shoulder.

To Sin: I can't remember how many times you gave us(the search team) "the birdy", but you should watch it b4 someone break that finger. I wouldn't want you to lose the finger that has given you so many successful rolls in the past.

Edit: If anyone would like to know more about the situation let me know thru PM.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
more thieving at K-9's???

you really gotta make that **** invite only.
K-9 here

Everyone that came was the usual. Lie asked in advance and I told him that him, NOT sin was allowed over. Sin came after the tourney at like 4AM and I figured they were going to be out soon anyway so I didn't give them any **** for it.

I'm dumb.


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
does sin still just blatantly not pay people their money he owes them, and then continue to ask them for money matches with money he doesn't have because he should be paying them back, tells people that his "friend" is paying for his entry fee but refuses to pay people their money back?

sin if you have money to enter C3 and money to money match people at C3, how about you consider paying back your debts before you lose money to people that you don't even have. ive been asked by various people to ban you from C3 and im not doing it because you haven't done anything bad AT C3. but if you keep money matching people and entering touneys, and then straight up ignore me when i ask for the money you owe ME, i wont let you enter. it's not about the $5, its about you borrowing money from people and not paying them back for months, even though YOU HAVE THE MONEY ON YOU. its ****ed up man


Smash Lord
Nov 23, 2008
silver spring maryland
Shame on you people for not banning those who need to be banned *coughthe***swhostolemoneylasttime*. You're morons for letting them slide with this **** cause it was pretty ****ing obvious they'd do it the next chance they got

thumbs u werent there so shutup wtf............i was searched ten times before i even got in the car................someone stole my ipod touch and k9 let me over his house so i was joking around with them and the smashfest be pretty fun so why would i got stealing some more ****............i was searched pretty awesome so they know i didnt steal it..........anyways thank you k9 for having and sorry when i come this bs happens..............even though i was there friday and nothing happen.........well coney hopefully u find it in k9s house because everyone was searched


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Sin has been doing a good job at paying up lately. During the MM of BMX vs Lie he probably lost about $30+ in side bets but he paid up.

By the way Thumbs, stop being an ***. Sin was asleep almost the entire time and was playing Rock Band with Forte/ADA. No one's off the hook yet but don't point figures so fast.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
I mean i probably will not gonna lie. Ive learned to center my anger and play better. So if u plank i will talk so much **** if we play. I think **** talking and planking can go hand in hand :psycho:

Chu beats me in dittos so why dont u try that? Stop playing a character that is pretty much a 70:30 favor.
its fine.... just don't get mad if i play the 70:30 match up and attempt to win by any means necessary :D i mean 1 grab = a stock... i'm still confused at how you could get that mad and start cursing at me in the middle of the match for it when the ic's infinite is by far he gayest thing in the game atm
but i'm mad at myself for letting it get to me, its a player flaw, i need to get better and not let things get to me

kk, done with my rant now also :) i can guarantee this will never happen again


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
its fine.... just don't get mad if i play the 70:30 match up and attempt to win by any means necessary :D i mean 1 grab = a stock... i'm still confused at how you could get that mad and start cursing at me in the middle of the match for it when the ic's infinite is by far he gayest thing in the game atm
but i'm mad at myself for letting it get to me, its a player flaw, i need to get better and not let things get to me

kk, done with my rant now also :) i can guarantee this will never happen again
i don't blame you ps, i mean if meep cussing at me while he cg me to death, i would get really angry too............. -.-

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
(-_-) Something needs to be done about this.. Someone needs to confess something..


MD/VA Tournament Directors, refer to the private group for discussion on this matter.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
i don't blame you ps, i mean if meep cussing at me while he cg me to death, i would get really angry too............. -.-
i mean he was quietly cussing me out planking me. All i heard in my head was *** your character. -_-a

im not hostile till rules are being broke and i knew he planked me to get me frustrated and force me to play bad like what happen with me and trevor.

lets all just drop this topic -_- if we can. Were both at fault. We were both mentally fuking each other in our own way.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
It's really sad that a small bunch of people taint tournaments and Smashfests because they can't get their lazy butts outta bed to find a job and make their own money... Or don't know that YOU DON'T TOUCH WHAT's NOT YOURS.

It's really that simple. I don't want to hang out with a bunch of kids I can't trust.


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Harmoniously Gripping The Wang of Society
I would just like to say that Chu should stop causing drama.

You guys are terrible for letting Lie and Takeover place so high.

K9 is an idiot for letting known suspects in his house AGAIN and then Coney gets robbed, AGAIN

You idiots.

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA

Everyone is a suspect though that went to K-9's last night.. so something will be done or someones got to come forward with information to prevent the worst from happening.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
**** it. I'm moving to NE. Easy players, and everyone is friendly ^_^

Seriously though, how do you guys let this happen <_<

Coney, sorry people are low enough to take money from a cool guy like you :(

:dizzy: = MD/VA


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
I would just like to say that Chu should stop causing drama.

You guys are terrible for letting Lie and Takeover place so high.

K9 is an idiot for letting known suspects in his house AGAIN and then Coney gets robbed, AGAIN

You idiots.
Sin was asleep the whole god **** time.

Doh, double post.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Yeah, I guess when I said NO ONE is off the hook you kinda missed it.

Anyway yeah, invite only from now on if I decide to keep doing these.
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