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My Little Pony General

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Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
and yeah, i like to paly it but im the only person in the uk smash scene who actually follows tournaments and stuff from it, theyre all bigger fans of street fighter, and i simply suck at it XD
you use anyone in particular? i'm a lili player but i enjoy dragSwagonuv ganryu and king, because
Heh, Swagunov. I also heard Lili is good in TTT2 right now because of some interesting qualities she has with her hitbox.

I actually mostly just play Tekken Tag Tournament on my PS2, but I've been meaning to get into T6 since it uses the same combo engine as TTT2. I pretty much just play Ogres and Gun Jack in that game, so I guess maybe I'd play Jack-6 in T6? I also sometimes play Mishimas in TTT but I can't EWGF :/ I've also played around a bit with Steve in T5:DR and I really wanna try out Bob. I also feel like I should learn how to play the Changs, but I'm not sure if Jaycee plays that much like either of them, even though...you know...

But yeah, let's continue this in VMs.


I was tempted to pick up Jiggly since the MK ban...
In Bawlr? :urg:

[collapse=Unrelated images]



Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
They say chickens evolved from the dinosaurs.

Well it looks to me like they evolved from dragons.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Leaf, your trolling has much improved. You make me proud some times.

I lost to Spike and diabeetus.

And I may just have to force myself through another episode of South Park. Probably not though. I'll just let everyone here tell me about it.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 26, 2011
According to some Redditor, that image is fake and the guy on Ponychan who made it admitted it was a joke.
sad but true

after I read about the southpark episdode I was like : D
and after a bit of researching I was like T.T


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
Heh, Swagunov. I also heard Lili is good in TTT2 right now because of some interesting qualities she has with her hitbox.

I actually mostly just play Tekken Tag Tournament on my PS2, but I've been meaning to get into T6 since it uses the same combo engine as TTT2. I pretty much just play Ogres and Gun Jack in that game, so I guess maybe I'd play Jack-6 in T6? I also sometimes play Mishimas in TTT but I can't EWGF :/ I've also played around a bit with Steve in T5:DR and I really wanna try out Bob. I also feel like I should learn how to play the Changs, but I'm not sure if Jaycee plays that much like either of them, even though...you know...

But yeah, let's continue this in VMs.


In Bawlr? :urg:

[collapse=Unrelated images]

...youre naturally a fan of top tiers arents you?
and by VM i assume you mean PM, so yeah, you first XD

Me too lol, it's too good

sad but true

after I read about the southpark episdode I was like : D
and after a bit of researching I was like T.T
ditto, i was happy, then sad, and ohwell.jpg

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Speaking of which, I've been playing Jigglypuff a lot in friendlies now Mink.
I played a ton vs. Falco matches the other night. It's actually not as hard as I thought it was. Pretty easy to deal with him. :)

Good stuff though. Hopefully I can get some Jigglypuff content up soon. :applejack:

According to some Redditor, that image is fake and the guy on Ponychan who made it admitted it was a joke.
Damn. I really wanted to watch it.
But Snack's right. It'll happen eventually.

Phantom Gamer

<font color="#ff00ff">pranked!</font>
Mar 29, 2011
the Moon
sad but true

after I read about the southpark episdode I was like : D
and after a bit of researching I was like T.T
Same minus the researching part.
I was hyped to see that episode and then I see now that it was fake. :(
Here's hoping they do make an episode, which wouldn't be too unlikely.

At least this got me to check the show out again and now I see an episode I'm curious about.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
Still hated most of the cast.

Applejack is by far my most hated pony. Everything about her pisses me off. (except Espys ringer, that was funny)
Rainbow Dash is annoying. Can't believe I lost a bet to a fan of this atrocious character.
Twilight I didnt care for.
Spike was funny when he made jokes, but episodes revolving around him were such a drag.
Rarity was hit/miss with me. She was awesome in some moments, and at other moments I wanted to destroy her through the screen.
Hate her regardless, though, simply because it's Tofers favorite.

Pinky Pie was a great character and probably my second favorite.
Except for that episode towards the end with the birthday party suprise. OMG.

Fluttershy was, hands down, my favorite character. I'm actually happy that she's in the URC now lol.
K Prime.

You chose wisely.
Obv my favorite episodes were the ones revolving her.
Which brings me to another point.

This beotch. OMG. The episode with the Phoenix.
Fluttershy tried so hard to make the ****ing bird feel better.
Trollestia knew this and purposely watched Fluttershy fail.
I swear to god she did it, and I hope the other sister takes over the kingdom simply because of this.
And Gilda.
Somebody should let her know that shes ****ing dead.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Still hated most of the cast.

Applejack is by far my most hated pony. Everything about her pisses me off. (except Espys ringer, that was funny)
Rainbow Dash is annoying. Can't believe I lost a bet to a fan of this atrocious character.
Twilight I didnt care for.
Spike was funny when he made jokes, but episodes revolving around him were such a drag.
Rarity was hit/miss with me. She was awesome in some moments, and at other moments I wanted to destroy her through the screen.
Hate her regardless, though, simply because it's Tofers favorite.

Pinky Pie was a great character and probably my second favorite.
Except for that episode towards the end with the birthday party suprise. OMG.

Fluttershy was, hands down, my favorite character. I'm actually happy that she's in the URC now lol.
K Prime.

You chose wisely.
Obv my favorite episodes were the ones revolving her.
Which brings me to another point.

This beotch. OMG. The episode with the Phoenix.
Fluttershy tried so hard to make the ****ing bird feel better.
Trollestia knew this and purposely watched Fluttershy fail.
I swear to god she did it, and I hope the other sister takes over the kingdom simply because of this.
And Gilda.
Somebody should let her know that shes ****ing dead.

This is all good, I guess liking Fluttershy is better then Rainbow Dash.
Nike: "Now I know why Big Boss was Gilda, She's a *****!"

Nike loves moe. :applejack:
Most people do...:pinkiepie:
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