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MKGD: A new Bat watches over the town


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
dunno if it was any different in japanese but termina is a latin word IIRC, which would probably be the origin of the word terminate as well, but I think the definition was slightly different...


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
Troll don't want any drama here. Troll was expressing my view on why Brawl is at it's low point and why GOD isn't going to be missing much if he quits at this point, not why MK should be banned. Banning him is so 2010 (or was it 2009? Troll Don't recall lol)
People who are getting Trolled lack reading comprehension skills and are getting defensive for the wrong reason. (And that's not Troll fault btw.) Troll not saying mk should be banned, troll saying

Brawl isn't a good fighter.

Now getting back to Trolling.



See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
cool. I did hear ps3 gets more input lag than 360... however it's barely noticable. Also a warning about MvC3, infinites are being discovered and i dont know if capcom will patch them. Chun-Li has one on tall characters, X-23 has one, Akuma... and Deadpool has one with lv 3 x-factor. This is what week one and they already found broken stuff? This is why i'm going to wait it out and see what kinds of patches they will have. Also it needs spectator and replay.

Btw who are you going to main with SSF4 or do you not know yet? You should check out the Arcade Edition changes because some characters are getting nerfed quite harshly. Only nerf that was called for was the damage nerfs on Honda because it is ridiculous....
Deadpool X-Factor Ultra lmao, it's a counter so it's really your fault if you get hit by it, if you wanna talk about broken then go watch Sent in X-Factor (I.E. when he's down 3-1 as well), now that's broken.

Also I wanna play Cammy or Chun


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
dunno if it was any different in japanese but termina is a latin word IIRC, which would probably be the origin of the word terminate as well, but I think the definition was slightly different...
Oh I was right! lol

what do you think of the remake for 3DS? I wonder if they will use green or red blood on Ganondorf. I never understood the point in changing the color. I guess barfing up sludge is less offensive than coughing up blood :oneeye:

Deadpool X-Factor Ultra lmao, it's a counter so it's really your fault if you get hit by it, if you wanna talk about broken then go watch Sent in X-Factor (I.E. when he's down 3-1 as well), now that's broken.

Also I wanna play Cammy or Chun
Yeah Sent can literally kill entire cast in what? 3 hits with x-factor as well yikes

Cammy is getting nerfed... her pressure game with the dive kick. You can still practice for AE in SSF4 though, just don't use her divekick because in AE you can only use it with meter now. She's still a good character though.

Chun-Li is going to be pretty much the same in AE. She's also a good character with an above average selection of options compared to many characters. She also has lots of safe ways to set up her ultra 2 and an air throw.

also @ person calling me a troll. Please grow up. Actually what I'm about to say is directed at 80% of the internet:

Just because someone goes on a forum or website and has a differing opinion as you does not make them a troll.



Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
green blood makes him less "human" I guess, and it's totally ok to slaughter anything that isn't human even if it clearly has equivalent sentience and intelligence

nintendo's censorship has always been ridiculous, I hope they undo all of those changes in the 3DS version but I wouldn't hold my breath. eeew @ what they did to the fire temple theme

otherwise I have little interest in the 3DS remake, I'm not getting a 3DS so it doesn't really matter to me

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin



Word son, step that up. **** mario mains.

Going from mid to high level play is the hardest thing I've encountered imo- it requires a lot of dedication. Its up to you to quit or not but this is the stage where you make or brake yourself.

The expectations are there because they see you aren't bad at this game and they want you to improve :p

T_T I need habits to abuse son chill w/ that

To paraphrase adhd
[you get to be top level by playing good players, not the best]

80% play 20% study imo

If its really stressing you consider it... But tbh before tournaments I barely even play friendlies now I just hang out and have fun. Its really relaxing :)

Me :awesome:

Good job though BPC
Gotta respect this guy.

So much truth and great advice.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Should I come back and save the day? Or just laugh?

In seriousness, Orion said it right. Felix and I didn't even practice once before our big regional. And we ended up taking 1st and 2nd in singles. Theres a few phases of the game, and the second phase lasts the longest. Theres the noob phase (for some, this lasts longer than others) theres the good player that can't get better phase (can last years if not treated properly) and the third phase is top players. When you're a top player, it's about catching fire in tournament matches, and being used to more matchups, playstyles, and situations. which just comes from going to other regions and playing, or getting your region better if you're the best player(s) in it.

I'll use Felix as an example, since its the most fresh in my head. I think he's been attending tournaments since 2009. I remember he beat Sagemoon in grand finals at a small tournament no one really went to. I just brushed it off, I didn't know Felix at the time, I figured Sagemoon just sandbagged or something. Then eventually I started actually noticing him at tournaments. Our scene was semi-big still back then and he didn't hang out with the other players, so he just kind of played and left. Then i started barely beating him once he switched from pit to diddy. He'd be getting around 7th or so, but I noticed him. I was like, damn, i can't keep getting this lucky or he's going to get me. Then he started beating me consistently. Then he got 3rd at MLG.

it's up to you to decide how far you want to take this game. And don't let the stress get to you. The main objective is to have fun. And if you aren't having fun, maybe it is time to stop playing. Just remember with the exception of pretty much M2K, everyone goes through the phase of not being sure how to get better. I know I'm not a top player except in my region, but I went through that phase too, and I too thought about quitting. But if you stick with it and attack the situation properly, you'll get where you want with this game.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I always laugh when people who suck and don't know **** about this game come up with "Brawl dies because of X" posts. The game is still constantly growing and there are more national tournaments [and just as many entrants] than ever before. Like the game or not but it's far from dying.



Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
Eh, if there's anything that would "kill" the smash community, it would be people arguing over dumb rules, or what they think the rules should be. :/

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
Idk seemed like it to me >.>

Anyways I don't know the MU, which is why I don't wanna fight them. I roughly know the ZSS MU and get better at it the more I play it, but Yoshi I have yet to figure out and I can't get any Yoshi exp

Anyways my plan currently is to pick up a stick, a PS3, SSF4, and MvC3 then go to town
dont get a ps3 if you plan to play street fighter or MvC3 online. PSN online is horrible and doesnt have very good players if you wanna get good at either

Oh I was right! lol

what do you think of the remake for 3DS? I wonder if they will use green or red blood on Ganondorf. I never understood the point in changing the color. I guess barfing up sludge is less offensive than coughing up blood :oneeye:

Yeah Sent can literally kill entire cast in what? 3 hits with x-factor as well yikes

Cammy is getting nerfed... her pressure game with the dive kick. You can still practice for AE in SSF4 though, just don't use her divekick because in AE you can only use it with meter now. She's still a good character though.

Chun-Li is going to be pretty much the same in AE. She's also a good character with an above average selection of options compared to many characters. She also has lots of safe ways to set up her ultra 2 and an air throw.

also @ person calling me a troll. Please grow up. Actually what I'm about to say is directed at 80% of the internet:

Just because someone goes on a forum or website and has a differing opinion as you does not make them a troll.

though cammy is getting the TKCS nerf, her normals got alot better and she has stronger combos. The only downside really is that you can only Cannon spike people at certain heights of her jump. Honestly not a big deal.

idk about chuns nerfs, but i heard from a really good chun user that AE chun is around mid tier due to how AE focus' more on rushdown character...and chun sure aint rush down


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
dont get a ps3 if you plan to play street fighter or MvC3 online. PSN online is horrible and doesnt have very good players if you wanna get good at either

though cammy is getting the TKCS nerf, her normals got alot better and she has stronger combos. The only downside really is that you can only Cannon spike people at certain heights of her jump. Honestly not a big deal.

idk about chuns nerfs, but i heard from a really good chun user that AE chun is around mid tier due to how AE focus' more on rushdown character...and chun sure aint rush down
I don't really wanna pay to play on Xbox online. Besides that there's a bigger scheme behind me getting a PS3 than just SSF4 and MvC3.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
welp w/e you want...

i just personally wouldnt wanna spend the money on a ps3

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
though i am curious about why your having yoshi/zss issues

what issues did you have?


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
ZSS I've mostly figured out, I just need to stop running into Dsmash at stupid places, I play too aggro. Yoshi, idk what to do, I just get pivot grabbed then taken for a ride for a free Usmash.

I really think one reason I'm quitting is because I can't bring myself to do whatever it takes to win against bad characters. I didn't Dair camp/Nado spam Yoshi enough.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I don't think dair camping is that good against yoshi, air camping can work, but if you just throw out a lot of dairs you're going to get hit by eggs


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Well not Dair camping per-say but approaching with Dair, it's really the only safe approach since Yoshi's pivot grab beats everything else we have

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
ZSS I've mostly figured out, I just need to stop running into Dsmash at stupid places, I play too aggro. Yoshi, idk what to do, I just get pivot grabbed then taken for a ride for a free Usmash.

I really think one reason I'm quitting is because I can't bring myself to do whatever it takes to win against bad characters. I didn't Dair camp/Nado spam Yoshi enough.
do you consider yourself more aggressive rush down over things like action/reaction?

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
imo most kiddies playing brawl probably already know how to deal with a rushy mk

if you switched to more of a bait n punish, action/reaction, and situational pressure/rush style i think you'd get far esp if you using MK.

With yoshi mk should have the tools to trap him in his shield. Since yoshi cant jump nor be shield poked from his shield its much easier to get damage off him since you know he cannot jump out of it. So once you get in i'd focus on trapping him in his shield to limit his options. Once i get yoshi into a situation where he needs to shield i keep on dat ***. Wait for a spot dodge punish with ftilt, if he rolls react to it, if he stays in his shield grab him.

ZSS its all about the first 30 seconds of the match, she has a large momentum boost literally and figuratively from armor pieces. But if its just dsmash, then bait n punish it.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
First we have melee players hating on brawl players, now we get random SF players hating on brawl players in our own threads now too!
Yay! Lol. xD

(She is right about the bait and punish thing though ^_^)
She use to play Brawl....

I play both I just don't take Brawl seriously at all because clearly it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I don't always take SF seriously either because of mashing. Even worse some characters that can mash can combo into an ultra like Ryu or Chun. Top players said "mashing too good"

my reaction:

I was going to get into mvc3 because they removed mashing out of strings/dropped combos but now they have infinites. Patch plz? o_O


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
I know she did, I've played her before. I was just saying.
It's okay to have different opinions about a game, but to stereotype an entire community for what game they play is kinda silly, I just got kinda offended by the post is all.

Yeah, most pro players, or even some above average players enjoy putting other people down because it makes them look awesome some how. Every game will have it's flaws, so will their communities. :/


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Camping isn't a good idea vs Yoshi. That's how I lost game 1 to Firefly. A lot of MK's start camping when they're worried or unfamiliar with a matchup. After game 1 Nerd was like "Man, Jem, you can't camp yoshi, play your aggro style you'll beat him" and it worked.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
Gotta respect this guy.

So much truth and great advice.
Everyone has good and bad points ;)
idk he lost to marths dash attack
**** YOU LOL
Should I come back and save the day? Or just laugh?

In seriousness, Orion said it right. Felix and I didn't even practice once before our big regional. And we ended up taking 1st and 2nd in singles. Theres a few phases of the game, and the second phase lasts the longest. Theres the noob phase (for some, this lasts longer than others) theres the good player that can't get better phase (can last years if not treated properly) and the third phase is top players. When you're a top player, it's about catching fire in tournament matches, and being used to more matchups, playstyles, and situations. which just comes from going to other regions and playing, or getting your region better if you're the best player(s) in it.

I'll use Felix as an example, since its the most fresh in my head. I think he's been attending tournaments since 2009. I remember he beat Sagemoon in grand finals at a small tournament no one really went to. I just brushed it off, I didn't know Felix at the time, I figured Sagemoon just sandbagged or something. Then eventually I started actually noticing him at tournaments. Our scene was semi-big still back then and he didn't hang out with the other players, so he just kind of played and left. Then i started barely beating him once he switched from pit to diddy. He'd be getting around 7th or so, but I noticed him. I was like, damn, i can't keep getting this lucky or he's going to get me. Then he started beating me consistently. Then he got 3rd at MLG.

it's up to you to decide how far you want to take this game. And don't let the stress get to you. The main objective is to have fun. And if you aren't having fun, maybe it is time to stop playing. Just remember with the exception of pretty much M2K, everyone goes through the phase of not being sure how to get better. I know I'm not a top player except in my region, but I went through that phase too, and I too thought about quitting. But if you stick with it and attack the situation properly, you'll get where you want with this game.

This thread really helped me way back when i just lurked melee vids ^_^

the thread wasnt directed at jem just to add onto our points

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
First we have melee players hating on brawl players, now we get random SF players hating on brawl players in our own threads now too!
Yay! Lol. xD

(She is right about the bait and punish thing though ^_^)
well all yoshi has on MK is the air release CG, and a projectile. Bait and punish both, get him in situations where hes forced to shield or get him in a situation where you can grab him out of his second jump and its auto win
I know she did, I've played her before. I was just saying.
It's okay to have different opinions about a game, but to stereotype an entire community for what game they play is kinda silly, I just got kinda offended by the post is all.

Yeah, most pro players, or even some above average players enjoy putting other people down because it makes them look awesome some how. Every game will have it's flaws, so will their communities. :/
its because for the most part smash is full of under aged kids that think they're gdlik at a what else? babys first party fightn game!

She use to play Brawl....

I play both I just don't take Brawl seriously at all because clearly it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I don't always take SF seriously either because of mashing. Even worse some characters that can mash can combo into an ultra like Ryu or Chun. Top players said "mashing too good"

my reaction:

I was going to get into mvc3 because they removed mashing out of strings/dropped combos but now they have infinites. Patch plz? o_O
theres mashing in smash too but no one ever sees it as a bad thing since mashing for the most part gets you out of grabs. I gotta admit mashing SF players online is funny to watch especially when they wake up and dont auto correct their ultra LOL

took me 1-2 days to teach myself not to mash from my old smash habits, it was the hardest 2 days of my training but in the end when i go back and forth between SF and Brawl my inputs are always on the mark online.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008


Smash Lord
Jun 6, 2003
Street Fighter is cool though I never got very into it, I hate every vs game I've played

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
thats the best part though there was no baw vs sf argument

its strange you'd say that nic as theres quite a few people here that enjoy the vs series.

as for me eh, personally 59$ for a fighting game is too much. But what really urks me is paying 5$ for download content characters. Thats bull****
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