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MKGD: A new Bat watches over the town


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
My eyebrow game is awesome!
Also lol you NEVER shave eyebrow hair. Haha. You always pluck or wax!!
do women enjoy unnecessary self mutilation or something?


the idea of forcibly ripping my hair out at its root would never even occur to me, who the **** came up with that


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
Well...beauty is pain, and pain is beauty.
Body hair = unattractive on a woman imo

Also...if girls DONT wax their eye brows...then they end up like this...

Picture courtesy of google images


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
that pretty perfectly describes what my experience was like, typically place 7th-18th and lose to low tiers and unrankeds at random. not good enough to actually win much of anything but enough so that people had weird expectations of me and would act like it was a bigger deal than it was if they won


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
idk you have to play alot, everyone or most people start out bad and are bad for awhile before they show improvement. but, it's really up to you if you want to quit, if you feel like this game is not worth it, then quit.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
Currently in winners finals at LST, looking at either Sword or Luigi Player (okay, realistically, Luigi Player) as my opponent. On my way there I beat Hornz, one of the best european ICs, and Seid, a ****ing brutal kirby, both 2-0. I went almost undefeated in pools, losing a total of one game (didn't lose a set!). Now about to go up against the best player in all the german-speaking regions, a ridiculously good Diddy (like, "nobody from germany or austria has ever beaten him in a tournament set" good). HYPE! Also, gonna have vids up of me against Seid, Hornz, and Luigi Player. Also, depending on how the losers bracket shapes up, maybe Ravenlord or someone else, dunno. So... any advice? I know the whole "don't approach if they have a banana in front and a banana in hand" thing, and I know to deprive them of nanas and tornado a lot once I have, but my experience in the diddy matchup is very limited.

EDIT: got my *** handed to me in winners finals by LP and then again in losers final by S!C. Still got 3rd place, which is respectable for a 40-man tournament with pretty much all of austria and bavaria's best. :)Videos will be up over the course of the week.
The last time Luigi_Player was on a tourney with lots of german players was at BiB (last summer), where he didnt have to play much of the good german players in bracket. (he had to play Light in Pools and beat him 2:1 and he beat Prinz 2:0 in bracket)
It´s stupid to say, he never lost to german players, when he played almost non of the top players of germany.
And he actually lost to me at BBI (also last summer) 2:0 in bracket. (Im german actually ;) )
So yeah, going up against the best player out of austria (quit that "best player of german speaking region thing, lol") you probably got 3-0ed. xD


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
start using the wiichuk with these settings for a while

C= grab
Z= shield

d-pad = smashes
A = attack
B = jump
A+B = special
1/2 = special(optional)

now you CAN'T nair oos...instantly at least. do that for a few weeks and then go back to using GCN controller

something I accidentally picked up because I use this scheme and have switched controllers a few times...I still don't have a good GCN controller which is some of why I won't come back(not wasting 50-60 dollars to import a controller just because nintendo wasn't competent enough to make their current gen controller decent)


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
idk you have to play alot, everyone or most people start out bad and are bad for awhile before they show improvement. but, it's really up to you if you want to quit, if you feel like this game is not worth it, then quit.
I do play a lot though, that's one problem. I play 3-4 times a week for hours on end with Houston's top players like J3rm/Gne$/R@azer/Trel@/ and other good people. I'm getting the best practice I can but still can't get that boost I need to jump ahead of everyone on my level


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I used to play this game way more than is healthy, I'm fairly confident that playing more is only a small part of being good

I play like once a week now if even and I don't think I'm even getting worse either lmao


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
I always think about quitting, simply because the game is ****ing stressful. And the way other people judge other players is pretty annoying. :/

I guess most fighting game communities are like that though. If you aren't having fun, and the game stresses you, then id take a break.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Lots of wrong in that post, buddy.

40 man tournament? Brawl singles had 22 entrants lmao.
3 of Austria's top 5 [Slice, l!nk, Tombery] were not at the tourney. They're all as good as or better than Seid.
Easy mistakes to make when you're not paying attention.
Hornz ... is definitely not one of the best IC players in Europe.
Who else is there? l!nk is hardly active... iStudy?

Not trying to be mean ... but you're definitely exaggerating your achievements a little. Being more realistic makes it easier for you to continue your improvement [which is undeniable at this point, you also seem to have pretty good reaction time].

I suppose... It's still working out okay though. :V

hopefully one day i will recongized up there with the top mks like BPC is, sigh...i wish people knew who i was :,(

I'm quiting competitive smash :/

The last time Luigi_Player was on a tourney with lots of german players was at BiB (last summer), where he didnt have to play much of the good german players in bracket. (he had to play Light in Pools and beat him 2:1 and he beat Prinz 2:0 in bracket)
It´s stupid to say, he never lost to german players, when he played almost non of the top players of germany.
And he actually lost to me at BBI (also last summer) 2:0 in bracket. (Im german actually ;) )
So yeah, going up against the best player out of austria (quit that "best player of german speaking region thing, lol") you probably got 3-0ed. xD
Sorry? Lol. Yeah, I got 3-0'd. Vids are coming up on youtube. :)


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
Player-4, play more people who are around your level, until you understand the game better in terms of how to improvement i think this would be best. Once you see you are getting better try playing with the better players again.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
I'm quiting competitive smash :/
I'm quiting competitive smash :/
Smash was never competitive, and you picked the best time to quit because quite frankly.... Smash is dead compared to how it was when it first came out. Didn't Affinity quit? I respected him for that. He made it to the BBR before MK was broke, and won with MK before he was broke. In other words when game first came out, MK was fine. I was even against banning him. I use to troll Xyro and poke fun @ him for wanting mk banned but you know what? He was right. He was able to see stuff that most smashers were unable to see super early on, and in the end I aim's him telling him he was right after all.

As the game got older, MK's metagame progressed while other characters got stale or worse. For an example remember when MK: Kirby was pretty even at 55:45? You can bet your *** it's at least 60:40 now or worse.

Now I can list reasons why this isn't a fighter with no combos, tripping, no balance, and is made for causals ect but that's **** everyone knows already.

I think what in the long run hurt this game a bit was not banning MK. I know a lot of people who dropped this game because they are sick of him, and how the rulesets continue to give him rimjobs. What was the point of having a community poll on him (which was voted in majority to ban him) if the BBR (which was mostly MK players at the time) overrided them?

It was all about money.

But because of their selfishness, all the MK's pot money is getting lower by the day because THEY ARE THE ONES making people drop this game.

When I went to phase X i knew lots of good players (not using names) who didn't even enter singles because they know in the end a MK will knock them out.

This is why Brawl dead

lol I heard someone on 4chan linked this from my photobucket explaining how bad brawl is now

oh wait, don't you use MK and you're still saying your bad? Yeah, quit for sure then. If you can't beat them, join them. If you joined them and still can't beat them, call it a day. But don't feel bad, this game is ****ing **** anyways.

Before any troll tries to argue with me.... watch this first. This was GRAND FINALS, LAST STOCK, LAST MATCH, GAMEPOINT. Keep that in mind.


Brawl. It's a party game. I'd say try SSF4, but that game has problems as well (not as bad as Brawl but tbh they're big enough to make me consider the game borderline not competitive) although they aren't as profound when playing offline. Not to mention an updated version is coming out in the future with lot's of nerfs that don't make any sense (Bison even got a few licks, but luckily it won't affect the way I play him because I never did the cr lk sk loop **** anyway. Either way he's still a very solid character.) and it's going to be Super Fei/Twins/Makoto Fighter Four.

Try MvC3? I donnolol


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
How did me quiting turn into an MK ban post, and btw I'm not quitting because of MK, that's one of my best MUs lmao

Honestly, I'd rather have a bracket full of Snakes and MKs before I fight ****ing Yoshi or ZSS


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
How did me quiting turn into an MK ban post, and btw I'm not quitting because of MK, that's one of my best MUs lmao

Honestly, I'd rather have a bracket full of Snakes and MKs before I fight ****ing Yoshi or ZSS
it's not a mk ban post, it's a why smash is dead/dying and you picked a good time to quit competitive play post.

And that's odd about yoshi and zss.. are you sure you just don't know the match up?


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
Idk seemed like it to me >.>

Anyways I don't know the MU, which is why I don't wanna fight them. I roughly know the ZSS MU and get better at it the more I play it, but Yoshi I have yet to figure out and I can't get any Yoshi exp

Anyways my plan currently is to pick up a stick, a PS3, SSF4, and MvC3 then go to town


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
cool. I did hear ps3 gets more input lag than 360... however it's barely noticable. Also a warning about MvC3, infinites are being discovered and i dont know if capcom will patch them. Chun-Li has one on tall characters, X-23 has one, Akuma... and Deadpool has one with lv 3 x-factor. This is what week one and they already found broken stuff? This is why i'm going to wait it out and see what kinds of patches they will have. Also it needs spectator and replay.

Btw who are you going to main with SSF4 or do you not know yet? You should check out the Arcade Edition changes because some characters are getting nerfed quite harshly. Only nerf that was called for was the damage nerfs on Honda because it is ridiculous....


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
yoshi is legitimately pretty hard IMO, we win so the ditto can be worse, but on the other hand, the ditto is much easier to not only know but *master* the MU. knowing what to do is different than having the experience where it's become instinct, few MK players are ever going to get that in a MU like yoshi because no one plays him

and yeah, aside from needing to save money and having a bad controller anyway, the stress is a huge reason why I stopped going to tournaments. it really wasn't a positive influence on my life, lots of rage and disappointment when I could be doing things that would make me happier


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
^^^^not gheb because theres no wolf icon in his name
nah, I just wanted to post that though lol xD
do women enjoy unnecessary self mutilation or something?


the idea of forcibly ripping my hair out at its root would never even occur to me, who the **** came up with that
hopefully one day i will recongized up there with the top mks like BPC is, sigh...i wish people knew who i was :,(
Word son, step that up. **** mario mains.
I'm just average, consistently getting 13th/15th/17th and losing to Yoshis isn't fun anymore
Going from mid to high level play is the hardest thing I've encountered imo- it requires a lot of dedication. Its up to you to quit or not but this is the stage where you make or brake yourself.
weird expectations of me and would act like it was a bigger deal than it was if they won
The expectations are there because they see you aren't bad at this game and they want you to improve :p
Staco nairs oos too much

goin hard lol
T_T I need habits to abuse son chill w/ that
I do play a lot though, that's one problem. I play 3-4 times a week for hours on end with Houston's top players like J3rm/Gne$/R@azer/Trel@/ and other good people. I'm getting the best practice I can but still can't get that boost I need to jump ahead of everyone on my level
To paraphrase adhd
[you get to be top level by playing good players, not the best]
I used to play this game way more than is healthy, I'm fairly confident that playing more is only a small part of being good

I play like once a week now if even and I don't think I'm even getting worse either lmao
80% play 20% study imo
I always think about quitting, simply because the game is ****ing stressful.
If its really stressing you consider it... But tbh before tournaments I barely even play friendlies now I just hang out and have fun. Its really relaxing :)
Who else is there? l!nk is hardly active... iStudy?
Me :awesome:

Good job though BPC


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
Juri the MK ban thing is f***ing dead LOL

Why would you keep crying about MK being in the game when there are little turdlits like Diddy and Falco in the same game?

Dude It's just immature to bring up the ban debate when It's such a non-issue at this point. Nobody is really banning MK in tournaments anymore, for a multitude of reasons, maybe one being fear of Diddy domination.

MK didn't even win all of the recent nationals Brahsefina.

Regarding VC9- Yeah most of the top 8 is MK players. but those are some of the best MK players. they were all at the same tourney. What would you expect?

I was pro Ban for a long time but like... Dude... Diddy. LOLLL

Either deal with it or quit the competitive scene. It's just that simple


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
Juri the MK ban thing is f***ing dead LOL

Why would you keep crying
Stopped reading there.

It's not a MK ban post because MK isn't going to be banned. It's explaining one of the reasons the Brawl scene is decaying more and more. As for me, I won't quit Smash because tournies are now like 10 mins away and there are nice people there who redeem this pile of fail called Brawl. However, I don't take the game seriously, nor do I take so called Brawl "pros" seriously, and nor will I throw my money away entering singles. Doubles are still fun because it's more about team work and working together.

damn that sounded sappy


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
diddy will never dominate the way MK did because no one with a conscience would main diddy no matter how broken he was.

not exactly the word I was looking for but I can't think of it and I'm too lazy to go digging through a dictionary
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Smash was never competitive, and you picked the best time to quit because quite frankly.... Smash is dead compared to how it was when it first came out. Didn't Affinity quit? I respected him for that. He made it to the BBR before MK was broke, and won with MK before he was broke. In other words when game first came out, MK was fine. I was even against banning him. I use to troll Xyro and poke fun @ him for wanting mk banned but you know what? He was right. He was able to see stuff that most smashers were unable to see super early on, and in the end I aim's him telling him he was right after all.

As the game got older, MK's metagame progressed while other characters got stale or worse. For an example remember when MK: Kirby was pretty even at 55:45? You can bet your *** it's at least 60:40 now or worse.
So brawl has a dominant character. This is not a first. Sagat in SF4 is a great example of how a very well-balanced game can have a dominant character and still be well balanced.

Now I can list reasons why this isn't a fighter with no combos, tripping, no balance, and is made for causals ect but that's **** everyone knows already.
It's amazingly competitive you dildo face. Even with all of the randomizing factors, brawl is an amazingly competitive game.

I think what in the long run hurt this game a bit was not banning MK. I know a lot of people who dropped this game because they are sick of him, and how the rulesets continue to give him rimjobs. What was the point of having a community poll on him (which was voted in majority to ban him) if the BBR (which was mostly MK players at the time) overrided them?
Err... Wut? Maybe you didn't notice something, but beyond the self-selection bias of the ban MK polls, we got just over 50% each time. Most people just didn't give a ****. Seriously, you think they would've listened to the BBR on that? They wouldn't listen to the BBR on unbanning Jungle Japes, Green Greens, or Port Town. That **** shouldn't be remotely controversial-those stages are ****ing legit.

It was all about money.

But because of their selfishness, all the MK's pot money is getting lower by the day because THEY ARE THE ONES making people drop this game.
Fun fact: I was the only Metaknight at LST last night. Take from that what you will. The american metagame is swamped with MK because americans are tier *****s. It's like claiming Sagat is a problem with SF4. No, he's not. He wouldn't be if Americans weren't such ****ing tier *****s. I mean, come the **** on. Almost every top player mains Metaknight these days. And hell, at low levels, MK IS broken, I'll admit that. But not as busted as snake.

When I went to phase X i knew lots of good players (not using names) who didn't even enter singles because they know in the end a MK will knock them out.
...Then they should get better.

Before any troll tries to argue with me.... watch this first. This was GRAND FINALS, LAST STOCK, LAST MATCH, GAMEPOINT. Keep that in mind.

You know what's great? Not dashing when it stands a fairly good chance of getting you killed.

Brawl. It's a party game. I'd say try SSF4, but that game has problems as well (not as bad as Brawl but tbh they're big enough to make me consider the game borderline not competitive)
Picky mother****er.

Also, FTR: ask Thinkaman about brawl's balance; he claims it's more than on par with SF4 and pretty damn close to Guilty Gear. And seeing as this is one of the Balanced Brawl designers, I'm tempted to trust him on that statistic.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
etecoon i liked your avatar. Creepy. Just how Majoras Mask is. And I love it!


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
majora's mask is my favorite zelda game by far, wasn't looking for something creepy necessarily but I got an urge to change my avatar to something related to it when I was playing twilight princess and realized how much that series has fallen :/


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
So brawl has a dominant character. This is not a first. Sagat in SF4 is a great example of how a very well-balanced game can have a dominant character and still be well balanced.
Should of stopped reading there. If SF4 and Sagat so balanced why did they come out with a new version of the game and happened to nerf the **** out of him?

It's amazingly competitive you dildo face.
Stopped reading there ;O I think u bemad, child.

majora's mask is my favorite zelda game by far, wasn't looking for something creepy necessarily but I got an urge to change my avatar to something related to it when I was playing twilight princess and realized how much that series has fallen :/
i found Twilight Princess to be super forgettable. I use to bash Wind Waker compared to the N64 games... now I think Wind Waker is awesome lol. But only if I have my tingle tuner and I still say they should of given the warp earlier in the game. And was that "sail to every square on the map and feed the fish" really necessary? Did people actually enjoy doing that? :(

BTW I somehow glitched the wind temple on my 3 heart run because I was stuck in it (no clue what I did....) When Tallman came over I had him help me and he couldn't even progress in the temple and we had to use the walk on air thing with the tingle tuner to beat it. o.O


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
wind waker was alright but I still think the N64 games were the height of the series, and link to the past maybe. never had the tingle tuner though


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
I don't want any drama here. I was expressing my view on why Brawl is at it's low point and why P4 isn't going to be missing much if he quits at this point, not why MK should be banned. Banning him is so 2010 (or was it 2009? Don't recall lol)
People who are getting ***hurt lack reading comprehension skills and are getting defensive for the wrong reason. (And that's not my fault btw.) I'm not saying mk should be banned, im saying Brawl isn't a good fighter.

Now getting back to Zelda.

Yeah clearly n64 was glory days although majoras mask seems to be a dark horse. Love/hate I mean. People who hate it have legitimate reasons. I liked the save system because it gave you a sense of urgency that I never felt in any kind of game... and impending doom. It was so dark that game.

BTW is Termina a pun on Terminate? As Moon is going to terminate the world? What was it in Japanese?
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