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MKGD: A new Bat watches over the town


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
oh yeah i got second in doubles with choconaner last weekend.

here was my bracket:
Winners' bracket
Defeated Naoya + fesoren
Defeated Angry Old Men (H@vok and M!keH@Ze)
Defeated Terry is Larry's Little Fairy(larry+teerbeer)
Lost to Angry Old Men (H@vok and M!keH@Ze)

Losers' bracket
Lost to Angry Old Men(H@vok and M!keH@Ze)

Overall placing: 2/10

Angry Old Men are hard to beat >.<


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Lol vato doing things I've never done. I've never beaten mike and havok in doubles. 0-6 vs them or something.

MvC3 comes out tomorrow, probably means I won't be on here ever because MK boards are already pretty inactive so no point in coming here.

Virtual Kruncher

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2010
United States
Lol vato doing things I've never done. I've never beaten mike and havok in doubles. 0-6 vs them or something.

MvC3 comes out tomorrow, probably means I won't be on here ever because MK boards are already pretty inactive so no point in coming here.
Aw, you're the only other Washington native I know on these boards. :(


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605

So we have this girl.... (eminent baawwww with arguably bad grammar due to lack of care ahead)

Ever since I first met her, she had a bf, but I didn't care since she was my friend... But the very first time I saw both as a couple, I felt somehow devastated (I've never been able to understand why), she noticed it and asked if I was alright; I taught that was because I loved her, and I told her so. She said it was okay, that I shouldn't worry, that the friendship we built was much stronger than that. That somehow cheered me up.
After that, I tried many times on telling her something that make her not to worry about; but every single time I failed misserably (often I even made her angry), and after a couple months she got REALLY mad and trashed me.

After some time, we had oportunity to hang out, we somehow make it up and became friends again, much stronger and closer than before.
On certain day, in a party we both attended, I was drunk and I randomly spoke something about their relationship I didn't liked; it wasn't even something to him or her, just hapened that they didn't dated at all, and people often thaught I was her bf, and then she got angry with me everytime that happened. But I worded it so terribly bad that she misunderstood it, took it as personal, and got mad again...
But this time I wasn't able to make it up...
That was a terrible season for me: we kept meeting incidentally, we didn't talked unless someone gone mad.... It was painful in so many ways...
I finally reached a point where I wanted not to know about nothing, particularly nothing about her, but nothing in general.

Suddenly, it was published on Facebook that she broke with her bf (after 3 years). I wanted not to say nothing, but I finally collapsed against myself and asked her if she was okay. She barely answered, so I didn't insisted...
A couple weeks after that, we met again. After saying she'd give another chance to trust me (I didn't wanted to believe at all), she taught me she was dating someone (a friend of both), but she had some emotional troubles and I helped her for make them up and succeed with it. After a while, we get along pretty well.

We (she, her bf and I) are in a 6-man band working on several off-topic projects, so we hang up once in a while.... Remember that "devastated" state I mentioned in 2? Well.... I'm facing it almost everyday... She seems to know it, but she just doesn't care.... And it's ben like that since a couple months back to the present....

As a final note, we're like best friends (she just doesn't care/want to admit it, so I do not insist about it), I know her better than anyone, and she knows me better than anyone, and we both understand each other almost like twins.

No doubt I love her... I just don't know which sense, how or how much... But definetly I'm not in a crush, though....
This far, I've been unable to realize what do I exactly feel about her....

Thanks for reading, I do not expect a reply (but they're appreciated), just a place to share and save this message...
IDC if I'm gonna get infracted because of this...

it's a 3½-year story, there's not tl;dr.... But it would be easier....


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
So we have this girl.... (eminent baawwww with arguably bad grammar due to lack of care ahead)

Ever since I first met her, she had a bf, but I didn't care since she was my friend... But the very first time I saw both as a couple, I felt somehow devastated (I've never been able to understand why), she noticed it and asked if I was alright; I taught that was because I loved her, and I told her so. She said it was okay, that I shouldn't worry, that the friendship we built was much stronger than that. That somehow cheered me up.
After that, I tried many times on telling her something that make her not to worry about; but every single time I failed misserably (often I even made her angry), and after a couple months she got REALLY mad and trashed me.

After some time, we had oportunity to hang out, we somehow make it up and became friends again, much stronger and closer than before.
On certain day, in a party we both attended, I was drunk and I randomly spoke something about their relationship I didn't liked; it wasn't even something to him or her, just hapened that they didn't dated at all, and people often thaught I was her bf, and then she got angry with me everytime that happened. But I worded it so terribly bad that she misunderstood it, took it as personal, and got mad again...
But this time I wasn't able to make it up...
That was a terrible season for me: we kept meeting incidentally, we didn't talked unless someone gone mad.... It was painful in so many ways...
I finally reached a point where I wanted not to know about nothing, particularly nothing about her, but nothing in general.

Suddenly, it was published on Facebook that she broke with her bf (after 3 years). I wanted not to say nothing, but I finally collapsed against myself and asked her if she was okay. She barely answered, so I didn't insisted...
A couple weeks after that, we met again. After saying she'd give another chance to trust me (I didn't wanted to believe at all), she taught me she was dating someone (a friend of both), but she had some emotional troubles and I helped her for make them up and succeed with it. After a while, we get along pretty well.

We (she, her bf and I) are in a 6-man band working on several off-topic projects, so we hang up once in a while.... Remember that "devastated" state I mentioned in 2? Well.... I'm facing it almost everyday... She seems to know it, but she just doesn't care.... And it's ben like that since a couple months back to the present....

As a final note, we're like best friends (she just doesn't care/want to admit it, so I do not insist about it), I know her better than anyone, and she knows me better than anyone, and we both understand each other almost like twins.

No doubt I love her... I just don't know which sense, how or how much... But definetly I'm not in a crush, though....
This far, I've been unable to realize what do I exactly feel about her....

Thanks for reading, I do not expect a reply (but they're appreciated), just a place to share and save this message...
IDC if I'm gonna get infracted because of this...[/color]

it's a 3½-year story, there's not tl;dr.... But it would be easier....
Sad story brah

I've got something kinda like that where I ****ed up and I've sorta been in love with the girl for about as long.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
any1 here get mvc3? I'm holding off on it because 60 dollars too much for the lack of content. I'm pretty sure they will have a patch for spectator and replay mode. Then ill get it.

to those who have it what do you think of it

Virtual Kruncher

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2010
United States
No, I've been to busy with Minecraft to care about any other games.


Except Portal 2. How has everybody forgotten about it? I need some hype around here!


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
You know what you two guys should do?

Get over it.

You have a Limiting Belief:

You all are like: "there's this one girl..."

but in reality:

There are many incredible women in this world. If you're hung up on one particular girl you just can't get out of your mind--and she hasn't given you any sense that she shares the feelings--then recognize That's not love you're feeling, but obsession. And that obsession is likely to scare her away. The best thing you can do for yourself and for her is to go out and interact with as many women as possible, until you realize that there are plenty of people out there for you-- some of whom are capable of recognizing your worth and reciprocating your feelings.
-Neil Strauss


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
@Albert: I lol'd
She's my friend, a really close friend. I have lots of friends (both male and female) so that's not the problem (and I actually think I might like a girl =P), my problem... well... I just know that I don't know what is it.... =/
It is really annoying and disturbing for me because I wannot it to disturb her... we'll hang out next week and talk about, tho...

But w/e I'm in good mood right now, so.... what's your avi about, Kassey?


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
It's a human version of dixie kong. Idk, been playing donkey kong games lately, and she's my favorite, I'll probably change my avie soon. ^_^

If you wanna get it in, first you gotta learn how to approach women.

How do you approach a woman?
Answer: with standing hard kick

lol jk, make money and dress fly


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Itz Brawlz, u dont approach :awesome:

And yeah, I realized it when I saw the Rare mark in her hat =P


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
haha Give use details P-4

in certain situations it can work out between friends to turn into lovers. it's like 1 out of 10 cases though, and everybody thinks that they/their situation is that 10%.

But you can make the odds better if you're just never a b**** around them.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
get/create/fabricate an engaging and hilarious personality?
not trying to be a jerk but that doesn't always work. Some people need chemistry as well. If I don't want to **** you, I don't want to **** you.



Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
I believe the correct answer to uglyness is...obtian money. Get them gold diggers! Holla! :cool:

Also just work hard at making yourself look nice. Like hygeine, working out ect.
Women work SO ****ing hard to look nice. So much waxing, shaving, dieting, make up, oh lawdy! Real talk..Waxing/plucking hurts so much, but id rather someone shoot me than to have a unibrow... **** that!

Juri makes a point too though, some people just won't be attracted to you, so they will not want to get with you...


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
My eyebrow game is awesome!
Also lol you NEVER shave eyebrow hair. Haha. You always pluck or wax!!

I wanna get my nails done again, and paint a tiny mk mask on my thumbnail again like last time. D:
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Currently in winners finals at LST, looking at either Sword or Luigi Player (okay, realistically, Luigi Player) as my opponent. On my way there I beat Hornz, one of the best european ICs, and Seid, a ****ing brutal kirby, both 2-0. I went almost undefeated in pools, losing a total of one game (didn't lose a set!). Now about to go up against the best player in all the german-speaking regions, a ridiculously good Diddy (like, "nobody from germany or austria has ever beaten him in a tournament set" good). HYPE! Also, gonna have vids up of me against Seid, Hornz, and Luigi Player. Also, depending on how the losers bracket shapes up, maybe Ravenlord or someone else, dunno. So... any advice? I know the whole "don't approach if they have a banana in front and a banana in hand" thing, and I know to deprive them of nanas and tornado a lot once I have, but my experience in the diddy matchup is very limited.

EDIT: got my *** handed to me in winners finals by LP and then again in losers final by S!C. Still got 3rd place, which is respectable for a 40-man tournament with pretty much all of austria and bavaria's best. :)Videos will be up over the course of the week.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Lots of wrong in that post, buddy.

40 man tournament? Brawl singles had 22 entrants lmao.
3 of Austria's top 5 [Slice, l!nk, Tombery] were not at the tourney. They're all as good as or better than Seid.
Hornz ... is definitely not one of the best IC players in Europe.

Not trying to be mean ... but you're definitely exaggerating your achievements a little. Being more realistic makes it easier for you to continue your improvement [which is undeniable at this point, you also seem to have pretty good reaction time].

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