People are still impressed by it today because it was the first game ever to have a large open world to explore and also the first one with a save system. However, the gameplay doesn't hold up in modern times at all. It's kind of like how everyone considers Pong an incredible revolutionary thing since it was the first video game to have its own home console but in actuality it's just a really simplistic, really bad game.
oh yeah your right i never thought about the first save system. Yeah that is pretty revolutionary. But the open world is too open and kinda empty. I played it at my friends house when i was a child and NES was the **** and it didn't impress me, i just kept getting lost/ not knowing what the hell to do. And yeah "simplistic really bad game" im glad someone sees it like i do.
Another game i think sucks or didn't age well is Sonic 1. It was amazing for its time but i think its pretty bad compared to sonic 2, 3 and knuckles. Sonic is based on speed but when you think about it Sonic 1 is probably the slowest sonic game. Green Hill Zone was legit, all the other levels were really slow (Labyrinth zone anyone?) Also i thought the music sucked minus green hill zone and scrap brain zone (they must agree with me because those are the only two that made it into brawl lol)
ppl always freak out when i say sonic 1 is trash now, but its how i feel.
oh and this doesnt help
yes i had to "go to fast and die" 'thing happen to me before when i was a kid, i actually got a game over because of it... it was like first or second time i played the game i was only 6 and it scared the hell out of me haha
edit: the "illegal instruction" glitch on labyrinth either only happens on roms or certain versions of game because i tried that many times and it never crashed my system
edit 2: holy hell @ the final boss glitch. what if that happens on your last life then ur ****ed because of time limit what a terrible game
edit 3: the "sonic jumps too far" isnt a glitch thats the player being ******** and commiting suicide lol