Man I go off to study for a bit and come back to all this lol..anyway
Do you ever get nervous in a serious/close/intense/clutch match? I always get nervous in these types of matches lol no matter what.
If you DO get nervous how do you go about shaking it off? What I do is think about happy places really lol like I just remember that there are other things in life and there will be more chances if i fail that time. idk lol it helps me.
If you DON'T get nervous what do you do to prevent it? I can't say i have any techniques to prevent getting nervous i alwayssssss do no matter what tourney lol, but I have this mentality kind of where in my head i'll say "oh people think im a good player that's cool", but if they don't then so what and if you don't prove it that day then you'll have plenty of other chances. SIIS4 helped me realize instead of trying to live up to peoples high expectations of me...just have fun with it. I mean people will always say stuff no matter how good/bad you are you just have to figure out good/comftorable ways to cope with it, and keep on striving. =)
Many people both here and all over the country think that your our region's best player. Do you think that you are? Where do you think you stack up against the rest of the country's top players? Uhhh i don't like to say that im our regions best player maybe because that's a heavy title to have, but i like to think I am overall atm. I can't say how I stack up against the rest of the country just yet since i've only been to apex really where I got uh 9th out of like 268...I wish i could've gotten top 8 but Ice climbers always shun me out of my hopes and dreams. =(
How did it feel to make that run at Delta Upsilon going all Falco after you got so discouraged upon being knocked out at School is in Session 4? Tbh...i was happy for like 2 minutes and then I just felt empty again lol, but it did feel hella good to go all falco for once and i think i'm going to do it a lot more in the future.
Why Falco? Dehf is definitely the main reason why i main falco lol. After i saw his genesis sets with dojo and his ally set at active gamers i just wanted to main him more and more, and then when i saw him play in person at pound 3 stocking atomsk's ic's with freaking falco it was so unreal to me and it made me wanna be just like him lol tbh i thought he was on some drugs or something. He's my smash hero =). Other than that...falco was my main in melee and i've just always loved his show offy playstyle, and for whatever reason when people get ***** by falco they get so mad lol so it makes it so much more satisfying.
Who are your favorite people to play in the Midwest? The country? What about the least favorite for each (sans IC players/mains since I know you hate that MU)? Could you explain your thoughts on that? My favorite people to play in the midwest would have to be hunger/sago/ybm/quivo/anther because we always seem to laugh no matter how serious the set is. My least favorite player to play here is probably...lain or blue rogue. Lain because ic's are dumb...its like a hot lava game you can't touch the ground and they have the whole fear factor advantage with them too before going into a match imo where their opponent is more prone to make mistakes, and hes got to be one of the luckiest smashers out there lmao and blue cuz he camps to living hell. I can't really say much for country yet because i havent traveled oor (out of region) that much yet at all.
It goes without saying that as one of the best players in the area that people look to you as something as an inspiration (as a person to beat, a player to emulate and etc). Do you have anything to say to those people? Advice, encouragement, etc. Lol oh man i wish i could play myself, because i don't think im anyone special to beat at all xD I don't have confidence in my skill at all ever since my first tournament. As for people wanting to get better I would say you have to know what you're doing wrong and force yourself to get rid of the bad habits. You have to observe your opponents habits closely, and learn how to adapt to them. You should learn how to conquer and master all options/situations with your character and know and understand a lot about the game itself. That imo is the key to getting better.
Do you have any personal rivals in Brawl? Rivals...hmmm I would definitely say lain lol.
Finally, do you play many other games besides Brawl? If so, which ones do you like the most? Tbh ever since i started to play brawl competitively i haven't been much into other games idk i bought golden sun for the ds a month and a half ago and was hyped about it, and im still not even half way done with that lol, but if its a freaking tales or disgaea game there is no brawl for a long time i will play the f*** out of those games. they are by far my most favorite games xD.
Do you have any problems starting out and trying to get better? Honestly not really I kept the same pace as a lot of other players lol. started off on wifi and wifi is what got me good NOT mew2king like most people think lol. I use to play anti, soup, teevee, zen, master raven, jbandrew etc... aka wifi warriors way before i started going to tournaments.
What do you think the midwest needs to do as a whole to get better? I think we need more criticism in our region to get better. We needto record more vids of ourselves and learn from em imo we hardly save anything anymore lol.
Is their any player you dislike playing against in tourney matches? Any ice climbers player.
How do you get yourself ready for tourneys and do you have any daily rituals for tourneys as well? Lmao I have this thing where I go download a new song before I go to tournaments and put it on constant repeat the whole way there and it usually works for me xD. That and i don't eat the day of tournaments at all.
Kassy! <3
What do you think of me as a player? I think you're fun, silly, and outgoing at tournaments for the most part, and you've been getting better and better after every tournament. Girls need to show that they can **** too and i think you nicole and meneil are doing a good job of that.
Jam or Jelly? haha jelly of course!!!!
Who do you have a crush on? A guy in my english class named andrew lol (i bounce fast).
Do you have a job? Nah i've never had a job =/. I'll get one when I can drive cuz i hate waiting on others ><.
What did you wanna be when you grow up? When i grew up i wanted to be an actor on like disney LOL, but now idk what i really wanna undecided in college atm just kinda going with the flow. I don't know what i truly like to do bothers me a lot still
Sorry if the responses were kind of long lol i had to retype EVERYTHING cuz i exited the page ><.
Answers in italics~