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MGC Championship Vegas 2010


Smash Lord
May 23, 2008
Well, I don't really know what's going on... I'm going to trust whatever Mike says but I do have this to say:

I think everyone's guilty of wrongdoing. It sounds like everyone had some sort of agreement to some degree, if they didn't, then they tried to do something about it. Everyone. This tournament was run by someone never heard of in the Smash Community, the TO's sounded like they never knew anything about the game. Horrible.

No pointing fingers here people, everyone's responsible.

vVv, unfortunately, were caught in the middle of things. That community has no intention of providing negative experiences for competitive gaming. Jerry and DoomHammer are amazing people that have plans for the future and will only benefit video games as a whole, they live, breathe, and eat their organization. This event has nothing to do with vVv, it has to do with the Smash community. I left the sponsorship for personal reasons, one of them being that I support Mike and his decision to leave, he introduced me to vVv and is one of my best friends.

The entire tournament was not legitimate, the way it was set up, no advertisements etc. That's not a tournament, it sounds like drug deal lol.

I don't know what some of you are trying to accomplish by throwing around negativity... Who cares bro. Take responsibility.


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
Well, I don't really know what's going on... I'm going to trust whatever Mike says but I do have this to say:

I think everyone's guilty of wrongdoing. It sounds like everyone had some sort of agreement to some degree, if they didn't, then they tried to do something about it. Everyone. This tournament was run by someone never heard of in the Smash Community, the TO's sounded like they never knew anything about the game. Horrible.

No pointing fingers here people, everyone's responsible.

vVv, unfortunately, were caught in the middle of things. That community has no intention of providing negative experiences for competitive gaming. Jerry and DoomHammer are amazing people that have plans for the future and will only benefit video games as a whole, they live, breathe, and eat their organization. This event has nothing to do with vVv, it has to do with the Smash community. I left the sponsorship for personal reasons, one of them being that I support Mike and his decision to leave, he introduced me to vVv and is one of my best friends.

The entire tournament was not legitimate, the way it was set up, no advertisements etc. That's not a tournament, it sounds like drug deal lol.

I don't know what some of you are trying to accomplish by throwing around negativity... Who cares bro. Take responsibility.
**** .

Ninja Edd

Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2008
I'm a halo player too, amigo.

Neighbor took me under his wing in H3 and am still under his wing in Reach, trying to learn how to better myself in-game and out as a "professional" :)

Kish - What's their website?
They won't sponsor Halo either, amigo.


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
I really gotta give Fatal credit.

He comes out looking amazing in this.

He asked for a split, got turned down, so he goes and beats M2K, and get's offered a split.

That's his whole part in the story.

**** son. Way to be.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
]owm - that was pretty uncalled for. You're fat and you look like a blimp.
LOLOLLOL that was awesome

Yeah, but the division exists. I just don't want to see people stop getting along with each other.

Rivalries are good. Grudges aren't.

I suppose I'm just too naive to believe that everyone can get along with each other... :urg:

Nah I'm the same way...but it literally has NOTHING to do with me...so I'm not gonna try to break it up...I'm gonna act like it's a new jersey shore

I'm sad. I was originally going to do the qualifiers and go, but something came up, and once I found out a bunch of other, better players were going, I didn't prioritize it. I didn't imagine you guys would all split with me in the end :p

In super unrelated news, I'm in the library at my college, and this extremely hot Asian chick just walked into the room. I'll brb :p
This man has his priorities in check. Approveeeeee

i still cant get over how amazing this is, smash community is straight out of the movies sometimes
i love it hahaha

The week before - MLG DC

$6000 Payout total, $5000 for first, $1000 for second. I'm sure everyone realizes how incredibly unbalanced this is, especially considering the nature of the bracket. First place getting 5 times the amount of 2nd is insane, and has never happened at any smash tournament. First round matchups included matches such as Fatal vs M2K and Lee vs Ally. Two of these players would be in losers from the start, the bracket had no seeding at all.

Cheese and I had thought to make a split so all 7 of us (8 person bracket with me in there twice) could all receive at least some money to both have a good time in Vegas and to help us travel to Dallas in a few weeks. We had obviously decided to award more to the higher places. We had tossed around a couple ideas of splits, such as $2500 for first and $580 for the rest, among other ideas. We had talked to everyone at DC to see if they would agree or not. Every person we talked to agreed to it except for Ally, who was a maybe on it. Even M2K agreed to it saying that as long as first place got at least $2500, he would be fine with it. Ally was hesitant on agreeing with it mainly because it seems he was getting flustered since Cheese was getting kind of heated when we were discussing it in the car. Other than M2K and Ally, Lee agreed to it, Haze agreed to it, and Fatal agreed to it.

Vegas Day 1 (Day before the tournament)

While Cheese, Fatal, and I we're hanging out (we mostly did the entire weekend) we had thought that 2500/1000/500/500/500/500/500 was likely the best split we could do. It awarded the most money to first (and the minimum amount that M2K wanted), did not even change the second place payout, and made sure everyone got money. We decided it would be good to keep placements such as last and second to last the same due to the nature and unbalance of the bracket. We didn't bring it up to the others yet (we haven't discussed this at all since DC) since Mike Haze wouldn't be arriving until the next day and we hadn't gotten a chance to talk with MGC yet.

Vegas Day 2 (Day of the tournament)

Our first goal was to talk to MGC about this to see if they would support the idea. We know that splitting can cause some bad blood with tournament hosts (such as the M2K - ADHD split the week prior at MLG), and we we're more out to change the payouts and not a personal split situation. After speaking with Blake Pettigrew, the head of MGC, we described how we thought the payouts were unbalanced, especially considering the nature of the bracket, and proposed our new idea. Blake liked the idea and was very supportive of it. Blake even offered to draft up new checks for every player to avoid confusion. He said that if everyone agreed to this, he would do it. From here we proceeded to go to the hotel room where the other 4 players were practicing.

We had told them how we had spoken to Blake and that he was fine with it and would help us out, to which we were met with the reply: "No, we're not splitting. We're only going to split the money between us four, that's it." Completely baffled by this, we question if it was a top 4 new payout they were working for, or if they were literally just splitting money between the four of them - the latter of which was correct. Why they would completely alienate the three of us made absolutely no sense and I don't get it. It's not even a situation where hey lets not split with worse players (myself and Cheese) that they could beat, since Fatal was a top player and he was getting screwed over as well.

Nothing we said changed their mind, and we were given replies such as "why would I do the split you guys want and get $500 when I could do this one and get $1500? I have a $700 ticket I have to pay." from Mike Haze. Their reasoning seemed to be based on nothing more than being selfish actions. Obviously this had upset us because a couple of their places in the bracket were questionable. MGC specifically stated that the tournament is only for citizens of the US and we know for a fact that Mew2King did not play in his qualifier match online. I had questioned the fact about M2K there in the room and asked "How are you even in the bracket M2K?" To while he replied, "None of your business."

A little background on that, Cheese in fact had to play M2K in the qualifying match. He unfortunately does not remember to check the friend code, however they did play the match. Cheese got absolutely destroyed he said, but the person he played did not go straight Meta Knight like M2K obviously would, going MK one game and Lucario the other. Furthermore, the match was nearly lag free, which is impossible since M2K was in Australia for a tournament at the time. Furthermore he was housing with Shaya, and I had played Shaya not too long before this online for a online BBR tournament, and it was one of the laggiest matches I have ever played in Brawl.

Vegas Night 2 (The tournament)

We all get there for the tournament and nothing had changed. They had not agreed to do the new payout system, etc etc. As the tournament started Cheese had started to talk to the referees questioning M2K and Ally's place in the bracket. I did not particularly push for either (though I was always more questionable of M2K and questioning his place since he literally cheated his way into the bracket compared to Ally just being a technicality). What Cheese did was not wrong at all. Understand that we had four players ganging up on us trying to take the top 2 spots to split all the money amongst themselves completely screwing 3 of us out of anything. For no reason we have Fatal not getting any money despite being a top player and Cheese and I having M2K, Lee, and Haze, three fellow teammates with our sponsor, trying to stop us from getting money at all costs. Cheese only tried to do back to them what they did to us, however using official rules. If M2K did in fact cheat his way into the bracket (and there is no way you can convince us that a lag free match with a MK/Lucario was M2K from Australia), and if only US citizens are supposed to be in the tournament then I hate to say it, but it sucks for Ally. If we had not been alienated in the first place by them we would have never brought any of this up.

In response to the people saying that it was because Cheese was angry at not getting money, this is 100% false. We were very clear (especially Cheese) that we were upset at the four of them working together to split the money to the 4 of them, instead of paying out top 4. Cheese said multiple times to them if they had instead just wanted to do a new top 4 payout and give us all a equal chance at earning it, there would be no problem.

Long story short neither M2K nor Ally were taken out of the bracket, and the tournament started. The first matches were myself vs Cheese and Ally vs Lee. I had lost to Cheese, which I partially blame to my broken controller. I had then asked Cheese if I could borrow his controller to play Mike next, to which he let me. Before we play I tell Mike something along the lines of no hard feelings, I don't want all of this nonsense to come between us (thinking we were friends), to which he agrees, it was all bs and we were still friends. The moment the match started I was shielding without holding shield... Confused, I paused the match to find out what was wrong with the controller (mind you this was the first time I used this controller and I paused within one second due to a controller malfunction). Mike Haze immediately talked to the ref behind us trying to get me disqualified. The ref was baffled at this and claimed over and over that it meant nothing. It was 100% beyond my control, and my controller was physically broken. We had started the match 3 times, reset the controller, etc, it didn't work. The ref was not going to DQ me either since it was outside of my control and it was a malfunction within one second of the match. Mike Haze exclaimed "BUT I WAS GOING TO READ HIS ROLL THAT'S NOT FAIR!" but the ref dismissed his comments and let me switch back to my old controller (which the analog stick was the broken part of it, not going left well at all, such as vs Cheese I went to dash grab his ICs going left but ended up doing a standing grab, which got me grabbed by him and losing a stock).

We do the match and I win the first game. Things were looking bad for me as on the last stock I was down by about 70% but I utilized the ledge a bit and tacked on damage a bit with lasers and gyros until I gimped him by stealing his double jump with my laser unbeknown to him. After the first match ends Mike talks to the ref to try and get me disqualified for "ledge stalling." I was clearly attacking the entire time, just from the ledge. It's not my fault that Mike didn't punish my openings, and whiffed every tipper attempt he went to. Mike even went as far as to get the rule sheet and try to get me under the stalling rule, but it clearly didn't apply to me and the judge dismissed his comments. The first match was ROB vs Marth on Smashville. Game 2 was similar with ROB vs Marth, but on Battlefield, though Mike won. Game 3 Mike decides to ban Japes. The stage list was a little wonky but we both knew the legal stages. I picked Luigi's Mansion, figuring it would be awful for Marth against ROB, and didn't think I would do too poorly vs his MK there. As I expected Haze switched to MK. We went neck and neck for the first stock, though Haze got the first kill. Haze immediately started to camp me from the second story of the house wasting the timer. I kept my composure more or less though started to lose the match. Haze got a fairly early kill from me missing a key tech (early considering I lived to like 250% on my first stock). After a little bit we were at 2 stocks each, Mike at 0% and me at kill %, which is when Mike got the kill on me. As I died Mike screamed yes! and paused the game by accident. I called the ref over. There were multiple witnesses that he paused it by accident and even the ref himself saw it. Unsure exactly what the consequence should be, the ref talked to another official to determine the outcome. They decided that Mike would lose a stock, the difference from this being that when I paused game 1, it was within one second of the match against my control since the controller I was using was defected and Mike's paused was far into the match by his own mistake. The match continued with Mike losing a stock so it was 1 stock 0% each with 1.5 minutes on the timer. It wasn't a new match, it just continued from there with him losing a stock, it was just so even like that by coincidence. We started from both sides of the stage, and went on the count of 3. I knew that being MK needing % he would rush in with nado, so I prepared to beat it. He did just that, and I literally tacked on about 75% in around 5 seconds of so fsmashing him out of the nado then following his techs. The match ended by time with me winning by %. Mike refused to shake my hand. Seems like we we're still friends as he said at the start even after he was the first one to try and get me dq'd eh?

The tournament continued and the next big thing was that Fatal defeated M2K. Fatal straight up won the first match, and M2K picked Rainbow Cruise. Things were looking bad for Fatal as he was down on the last stock at about 150% to M2K's 60%. They were at the top of the stage (I believe on the falling blocks above the pendulum) as M2K attacked Fatal's shield who down air'ed him out of shield, completely fresh, killing M2K at a surprising 60% to win the set.

Immediately after Fatal won the set they started to discuss a new split, without Cheese and I. Why? I don't know exactly. Perhpas Fatal was now seen as a threat? When I tried to find out what was happening they wouldn't let me hear anything as they talked.

At the end of the tournament M2K had beaten Fatal in losers finals and then he threw the set to Ally in grand finals for some reason, with neither of them going their mains. As a note Mike Haze mysteriously left, without anyone knowing why. Haze came back shortly after, this time without his vVv shirt on and proclaiming that he was quitting. The reason seems to be primarily because of Cheese (even though Cheese did nothing wrong really after being screwed out of money from the other 4), and he was especially upset at Cheese trash talking Haze/rooting for me in my set with Haze. Instead of talking anything over he literally ran back to the hotel room to change his shirt, and quit vVv without talking it over with anyone, literally the definition of "rage quit." Later he continued to make snarky comments to me such as "Oh hey, nice shirt you're wearing." and such.

After the tournament ended I find out what the payment split they did was. I have since heard a different split, but to my understanding this is what the results and payout were:
1. Ally - $2,000
2. Mew2King - $1,000
3. Fatal - $300
4. Lee Martin - $1,500
5. Chibo - $0
5. Cheese - $0
7. Chibo - $0
7. Mike Haze - Between $300 and $500

I know those numbers don't match up to $6000 exactly, hence the confusion. I'm hearing two different payout spreads. However what I do know is that Haze got at least $300 while Cheese and I got nothing.

I immediately asked most players that were standing around, why did Haze get money for being the only person to get last and I receive nothing for beating him and outplacing him? It is incredibly unfair to me competitively. Ally replied, "because I asked like a **** and tried to DQ him, so you ****ed yourself over from getting money." I guess he had forgotten about how the four of them tried to stop Cheese, Fatal, and I from getting any money? Also not to mention Fatal got a paltry $300 for third place having Lee Martin who placed below him win MUCH more.

So essentially that's where we are now in terms of this. A lot has happened since then concerning vVv and such but I'm going to save that for the official announcement and the Loser's Bracket podcast in a few days.

Concerning Ally and I

I am incredibly shocked that Ally would treat me so poorly and even conspire with others to prevent me from getting money after all I have done for him recently.

I have housed Ally for about 2 weeks out of the last month, made sure my housing was as enjoyable as possible inviting others over to play, providing a bed with blankets and pillows, driving him to the store to buy groceries for the week, and let him stay in my place when I wasn't there at work and school.

Ally is essentially in MGC for the first place because of me. I had taken him to the in person qualifying event that he won. He claims that he would have went there by himself even without me, but I find that impossible for him getting to Philly on a bus, taking transportation to Camden, NJ, and walking to the venue and going into the Vanz Warped Tour on a day in over 100 degree weather all by himself. I had woke up at the crack of dawn and took the subway to the bus depot to meet him there and take him back to my place, guided him to the tournament that I had originally planned to go to myself to win, and housed him that night and set up transportation for TWO more tournaments that weekend, so Ally didn't have to do a single thing.

Even after the mixup with Inui and Ally not able to fly to Georgia after KTAR3, Ally was stranded in Philadelphia and I was able to help him with housing unexpectedly asap, even while I was at work. And I didn't just leave him stranded at the airport or train station while I was at work, I invited him to my work and set him up at a computer to use the internet until I was done my shift.

In terms of more MGC business with Ally, I was essentially his US contact the whole thing because of the confusion with him living in Canada. Ally's address and phone number according to MGC was mine, and I scheduled him to be on my flight to and from Vegas and Philadelphia, got the transportation from the airport all figured out, everything. Without me I don't know how Ally would have accomplished any of this MGC.

It's not that I want credit from doing this for Ally. I also didn't just do this because he's a top player. I go out of my way to help any and all players, especially those I thought to be friends, like Ally. It's that he conspired against me with other players to make sure I got no money (and even go back on a deal he made me as he quoted from my PM about if I had beaten Mike Haze for him first round) which hurts me after I did all this for him. Did I also mention it was Ally who disobeyed my rules and got me de-admin'ed from this site for a few days? It's like nothing can get worse after all I've done for him and it continued to over and over.

And what if I didn't beat Mike Haze? Would have been Ally vs Mike Haze round 2 with the loser fighting Mew2King in the losers bracket and the loser getting 5th place. Sounds fun right?

So there you go, that's everything. Actually I think I left out a miniscule thing or two, I'll fix later maybe, I have another class now.
How the **** are you gonna go discuss splitting someone else’s money with the TO? What the ****? You walk in the hotel and tell them…they tell you no, we're not splitting. Um, WALK THE **** AWAY. Seriously? You’re gonna call THEM out for being selfish? Look in the ****ing mirror. If someone wants to help you out, out of the goodness of their heart, good for them. If they don’t, that doesn’t make them selfish. It’s THEIR choice. Makes you sound like a hypocrite.

You have a ****ty perspective. You weren’t getting ganged up on. They were just teaming up with each other. Don’t look at everything so negatively.

Wowww, again, “trying to stop us from getting money at all costs”. No…they weren’t stopping you…they were just getting theirs. Who in the right mind wants 500 over 1500??? Are you serious? You can’t force people to be generous wtf?

The fact that Ally is going out of the way to explain the situation to you ****ing shows he’s not selfish. An unselfish person would take a picture of their 2k in one hand, **** in the other and tell you’re broke *** “umad?"

What happens in Vegas...
LOL for real

is it just me or is anyone else finding it hard that 4 of the top placing people in the nation are having financial problems?
I think it makes a lot of sense actually...they dedicate a lot of their time to the game instead of a job. It's very risky. And they have to be tight with their money. And if they happen to get "upset"...well it can **** with their situation even more.


True dat

he doesn't live in texas. Texas usually only splits if its me/lee in GF or if i win WF's simply because idc about money, never had. Look at any tourney where Razer's won WF's or Dojo's anywhere near the money, no splitting happened lol.

So yes texas does split, because Gnes makes them.
1. That makes you a really good person and if I was as good as you at the game, I'd be the same way

2. Don't think I didn't notice you use your name in 3rd person so that everytime someone quotes your post, you can namesearch it. Hyro came up with that strategy back in 3rd grade hahaha

I can see the resemblence
Please don't tell me that was sarcasm...cuz I really CAN...LMAO

I do understand that, but it still doesn't convince me that its okay for 3 of the 4 players to change their splitting options the day before.

But as you said, the original split wasn't 100% guaranteed since not all the people agreed.

@ Teevee: People keep saying its okay for Ally and M2K to do whatever they want with their money. Thing is the new splitting decision was decided before they were actually warranted money. Thats where I saw the problem.
Well that makes no difference. If Ally/M2k DIDN'T get first second...clearly however they wanted to split wouldn't happen. Clearly. If Chibo won...they can't split HIS money. Their just not stupid...they're really good, so they assumed they'd win. Not a problem in anyway.

1. Ally - $2,000
2. Mew2King - $1,000
3. Fatal - $300
4. Lee Martin - $1,500
5. Chibo - $0
5. Cheese - $0
7. Chibo - $0
7. Mike Haze - Between $300 and $500

TL;DR - there's gonna be a lot of assuming buttttt

Ally & M2K split 6000 into 3000 each.

M2K owed Lee a lot of money for a personal reason. You know, M2K? The guy who beat Chibo in qualifiers from Austrailia with metaknight and lucario in a lagless wifi match? Yeah son.

So M2K now has 1500.
Lee has 1500.
Ally has 3000.

Ally gives 500 of his money to Mikehaze. Pretty much because Mikehaze walked in at a good time lol. Right place, right time, don't hate.

Ally - 2500
M2K - 1500
Lee - 1500
Mikehaze - 500

Fatal does really good. Fatal was with the *******s. They want fatal to know, we don't think you're an *******. Good job. Here's 500.

New standings

Ally - 2000
M2k - 1500
Lee - 1500
Mikehaze - 500
Fatal - 500

That makes 6000. My math is better than your math.

There is no hate going on here Chibo + Cheese...just business. Yall imagined the negativity and started creating the negativity with the whole DQ business. Then it spread.

Moral of the story? Think happy. Assume the postive.

Moral of my story? I just read 38 pages of that and now it's 4am...but I enjoyed it. I love not doing homework <3


k peace


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
I LOVE that F5 gif. Holy Balls that thing is so ****ing funny! hahahahahahaha I laugh every time :urg:

Guy above (Hyro, for namesearch bait) pretty much expressed my views on this matter. I'd love to quote that long post but I think it's wise not to.

Too Legit.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Good read, however I would not read again.

It's a little ****ty, but no ones in the wrong


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
The week before - MLG DC

$6000 Payout total, $5000 for first, $1000 for second. I'm sure everyone realizes how incredibly unbalanced this is, especially considering the nature of the bracket. First place getting 5 times the amount of 2nd is insane, and has never happened at any smash tournament. First round matchups included matches such as Fatal vs M2K and Lee vs Ally. Two of these players would be in losers from the start, the bracket had no seeding at all.

Cheese and I had thought to make a split so all 7 of us (8 person bracket with me in there twice) could all receive at least some money to both have a good time in Vegas and to help us travel to Dallas in a few weeks. We had obviously decided to award more to the higher places. We had tossed around a couple ideas of splits, such as $2500 for first and $580 for the rest, among other ideas. We had talked to everyone at DC to see if they would agree or not. Every person we talked to agreed to it except for Ally, who was a maybe on it. Even M2K agreed to it saying that as long as first place got at least $2500, he would be fine with it. Ally was hesitant on agreeing with it mainly because it seems he was getting flustered since Cheese was getting kind of heated when we were discussing it in the car. Other than M2K and Ally, Lee agreed to it, Haze agreed to it, and Fatal agreed to it.

Vegas Day 1 (Day before the tournament)

While Cheese, Fatal, and I we're hanging out (we mostly did the entire weekend) we had thought that 2500/1000/500/500/500/500/500 was likely the best split we could do. It awarded the most money to first (and the minimum amount that M2K wanted), did not even change the second place payout, and made sure everyone got money. We decided it would be good to keep placements such as last and second to last the same due to the nature and unbalance of the bracket. We didn't bring it up to the others yet (we haven't discussed this at all since DC) since Mike Haze wouldn't be arriving until the next day and we hadn't gotten a chance to talk with MGC yet.

Vegas Day 2 (Day of the tournament)

Our first goal was to talk to MGC about this to see if they would support the idea. We know that splitting can cause some bad blood with tournament hosts (such as the M2K - ADHD split the week prior at MLG), and we we're more out to change the payouts and not a personal split situation. After speaking with Blake Pettigrew, the head of MGC, we described how we thought the payouts were unbalanced, especially considering the nature of the bracket, and proposed our new idea. Blake liked the idea and was very supportive of it. Blake even offered to draft up new checks for every player to avoid confusion. He said that if everyone agreed to this, he would do it. From here we proceeded to go to the hotel room where the other 4 players were practicing.

We had told them how we had spoken to Blake and that he was fine with it and would help us out, to which we were met with the reply: "No, we're not splitting. We're only going to split the money between us four, that's it." Completely baffled by this, we question if it was a top 4 new payout they were working for, or if they were literally just splitting money between the four of them - the latter of which was correct. Why they would completely alienate the three of us made absolutely no sense and I don't get it. It's not even a situation where hey lets not split with worse players (myself and Cheese) that they could beat, since Fatal was a top player and he was getting screwed over as well.

Nothing we said changed their mind, and we were given replies such as "why would I do the split you guys want and get $500 when I could do this one and get $1500? I have a $700 ticket I have to pay." from Mike Haze. Their reasoning seemed to be based on nothing more than being selfish actions. Obviously this had upset us because a couple of their places in the bracket were questionable. MGC specifically stated that the tournament is only for citizens of the US and we know for a fact that Mew2King did not play in his qualifier match online. I had questioned the fact about M2K there in the room and asked "How are you even in the bracket M2K?" To while he replied, "None of your business."

A little background on that, Cheese in fact had to play M2K in the qualifying match. He unfortunately does not remember to check the friend code, however they did play the match. Cheese got absolutely destroyed he said, but the person he played did not go straight Meta Knight like M2K obviously would, going MK one game and Lucario the other. Furthermore, the match was nearly lag free, which is impossible since M2K was in Australia for a tournament at the time. Furthermore he was housing with Shaya, and I had played Shaya not too long before this online for a online BBR tournament, and it was one of the laggiest matches I have ever played in Brawl.

Vegas Night 2 (The tournament)

We all get there for the tournament and nothing had changed. They had not agreed to do the new payout system, etc etc. As the tournament started Cheese had started to talk to the referees questioning M2K and Ally's place in the bracket. I did not particularly push for either (though I was always more questionable of M2K and questioning his place since he literally cheated his way into the bracket compared to Ally just being a technicality). What Cheese did was not wrong at all. Understand that we had four players ganging up on us trying to take the top 2 spots to split all the money amongst themselves completely screwing 3 of us out of anything. For no reason we have Fatal not getting any money despite being a top player and Cheese and I having M2K, Lee, and Haze, three fellow teammates with our sponsor, trying to stop us from getting money at all costs. Cheese only tried to do back to them what they did to us, however using official rules. If M2K did in fact cheat his way into the bracket (and there is no way you can convince us that a lag free match with a MK/Lucario was M2K from Australia), and if only US citizens are supposed to be in the tournament then I hate to say it, but it sucks for Ally. If we had not been alienated in the first place by them we would have never brought any of this up.

In response to the people saying that it was because Cheese was angry at not getting money, this is 100% false. We were very clear (especially Cheese) that we were upset at the four of them working together to split the money to the 4 of them, instead of paying out top 4. Cheese said multiple times to them if they had instead just wanted to do a new top 4 payout and give us all a equal chance at earning it, there would be no problem.

Long story short neither M2K nor Ally were taken out of the bracket, and the tournament started. The first matches were myself vs Cheese and Ally vs Lee. I had lost to Cheese, which I partially blame to my broken controller. I had then asked Cheese if I could borrow his controller to play Mike next, to which he let me. Before we play I tell Mike something along the lines of no hard feelings, I don't want all of this nonsense to come between us (thinking we were friends), to which he agrees, it was all bs and we were still friends. The moment the match started I was shielding without holding shield... Confused, I paused the match to find out what was wrong with the controller (mind you this was the first time I used this controller and I paused within one second due to a controller malfunction). Mike Haze immediately talked to the ref behind us trying to get me disqualified. The ref was baffled at this and claimed over and over that it meant nothing. It was 100% beyond my control, and my controller was physically broken. We had started the match 3 times, reset the controller, etc, it didn't work. The ref was not going to DQ me either since it was outside of my control and it was a malfunction within one second of the match. Mike Haze exclaimed "BUT I WAS GOING TO READ HIS ROLL THAT'S NOT FAIR!" but the ref dismissed his comments and let me switch back to my old controller (which the analog stick was the broken part of it, not going left well at all, such as vs Cheese I went to dash grab his ICs going left but ended up doing a standing grab, which got me grabbed by him and losing a stock).

We do the match and I win the first game. Things were looking bad for me as on the last stock I was down by about 70% but I utilized the ledge a bit and tacked on damage a bit with lasers and gyros until I gimped him by stealing his double jump with my laser unbeknown to him. After the first match ends Mike talks to the ref to try and get me disqualified for "ledge stalling." I was clearly attacking the entire time, just from the ledge. It's not my fault that Mike didn't punish my openings, and whiffed every tipper attempt he went to. Mike even went as far as to get the rule sheet and try to get me under the stalling rule, but it clearly didn't apply to me and the judge dismissed his comments. The first match was ROB vs Marth on Smashville. Game 2 was similar with ROB vs Marth, but on Battlefield, though Mike won. Game 3 Mike decides to ban Japes. The stage list was a little wonky but we both knew the legal stages. I picked Luigi's Mansion, figuring it would be awful for Marth against ROB, and didn't think I would do too poorly vs his MK there. As I expected Haze switched to MK. We went neck and neck for the first stock, though Haze got the first kill. Haze immediately started to camp me from the second story of the house wasting the timer. I kept my composure more or less though started to lose the match. Haze got a fairly early kill from me missing a key tech (early considering I lived to like 250% on my first stock). After a little bit we were at 2 stocks each, Mike at 0% and me at kill %, which is when Mike got the kill on me. As I died Mike screamed yes! and paused the game by accident. I called the ref over. There were multiple witnesses that he paused it by accident and even the ref himself saw it. Unsure exactly what the consequence should be, the ref talked to another official to determine the outcome. They decided that Mike would lose a stock, the difference from this being that when I paused game 1, it was within one second of the match against my control since the controller I was using was defected and Mike's paused was far into the match by his own mistake. The match continued with Mike losing a stock so it was 1 stock 0% each with 1.5 minutes on the timer. It wasn't a new match, it just continued from there with him losing a stock, it was just so even like that by coincidence. We started from both sides of the stage, and went on the count of 3. I knew that being MK needing % he would rush in with nado, so I prepared to beat it. He did just that, and I literally tacked on about 75% in around 5 seconds of so fsmashing him out of the nado then following his techs. The match ended by time with me winning by %. Mike refused to shake my hand. Seems like we we're still friends as he said at the start even after he was the first one to try and get me dq'd eh?

The tournament continued and the next big thing was that Fatal defeated M2K. Fatal straight up won the first match, and M2K picked Rainbow Cruise. Things were looking bad for Fatal as he was down on the last stock at about 150% to M2K's 60%. They were at the top of the stage (I believe on the falling blocks above the pendulum) as M2K attacked Fatal's shield who down air'ed him out of shield, completely fresh, killing M2K at a surprising 60% to win the set.

Immediately after Fatal won the set they started to discuss a new split, without Cheese and I. Why? I don't know exactly. Perhpas Fatal was now seen as a threat? When I tried to find out what was happening they wouldn't let me hear anything as they talked.

At the end of the tournament M2K had beaten Fatal in losers finals and then he threw the set to Ally in grand finals for some reason, with neither of them going their mains. As a note Mike Haze mysteriously left, without anyone knowing why. Haze came back shortly after, this time without his vVv shirt on and proclaiming that he was quitting. The reason seems to be primarily because of Cheese (even though Cheese did nothing wrong really after being screwed out of money from the other 4), and he was especially upset at Cheese trash talking Haze/rooting for me in my set with Haze. Instead of talking anything over he literally ran back to the hotel room to change his shirt, and quit vVv without talking it over with anyone, literally the definition of "rage quit." Later he continued to make snarky comments to me such as "Oh hey, nice shirt you're wearing." and such.

After the tournament ended I find out what the payment split they did was. I have since heard a different split, but to my understanding this is what the results and payout were:
1. Ally - $2,000
2. Mew2King - $1,000
3. Fatal - $300
4. Lee Martin - $1,500
5. Chibo - $0
5. Cheese - $0
7. Chibo - $0
7. Mike Haze - Between $300 and $500

I know those numbers don't match up to $6000 exactly, hence the confusion. I'm hearing two different payout spreads. However what I do know is that Haze got at least $300 while Cheese and I got nothing.

I immediately asked most players that were standing around, why did Haze get money for being the only person to get last and I receive nothing for beating him and outplacing him? It is incredibly unfair to me competitively. Ally replied, "because I asked like a **** and tried to DQ him, so you ****ed yourself over from getting money." I guess he had forgotten about how the four of them tried to stop Cheese, Fatal, and I from getting any money? Also not to mention Fatal got a paltry $300 for third place having Lee Martin who placed below him win MUCH more.

So essentially that's where we are now in terms of this. A lot has happened since then concerning vVv and such but I'm going to save that for the official announcement and the Loser's Bracket podcast in a few days.

Concerning Ally and I

I am incredibly shocked that Ally would treat me so poorly and even conspire with others to prevent me from getting money after all I have done for him recently.

I have housed Ally for about 2 weeks out of the last month, made sure my housing was as enjoyable as possible inviting others over to play, providing a bed with blankets and pillows, driving him to the store to buy groceries for the week, and let him stay in my place when I wasn't there at work and school.

Ally is essentially in MGC for the first place because of me. I had taken him to the in person qualifying event that he won. He claims that he would have went there by himself even without me, but I find that impossible for him getting to Philly on a bus, taking transportation to Camden, NJ, and walking to the venue and going into the Vanz Warped Tour on a day in over 100 degree weather all by himself. I had woke up at the crack of dawn and took the subway to the bus depot to meet him there and take him back to my place, guided him to the tournament that I had originally planned to go to myself to win, and housed him that night and set up transportation for TWO more tournaments that weekend, so Ally didn't have to do a single thing.

Even after the mixup with Inui and Ally not able to fly to Georgia after KTAR3, Ally was stranded in Philadelphia and I was able to help him with housing unexpectedly asap, even while I was at work. And I didn't just leave him stranded at the airport or train station while I was at work, I invited him to my work and set him up at a computer to use the internet until I was done my shift.

In terms of more MGC business with Ally, I was essentially his US contact the whole thing because of the confusion with him living in Canada. Ally's address and phone number according to MGC was mine, and I scheduled him to be on my flight to and from Vegas and Philadelphia, got the transportation from the airport all figured out, everything. Without me I don't know how Ally would have accomplished any of this MGC.

It's not that I want credit from doing this for Ally. I also didn't just do this because he's a top player. I go out of my way to help any and all players, especially those I thought to be friends, like Ally. It's that he conspired against me with other players to make sure I got no money (and even go back on a deal he made me as he quoted from my PM about if I had beaten Mike Haze for him first round) which hurts me after I did all this for him. Did I also mention it was Ally who disobeyed my rules and got me de-admin'ed from this site for a few days? It's like nothing can get worse after all I've done for him and it continued to over and over.

And what if I didn't beat Mike Haze? Would have been Ally vs Mike Haze round 2 with the loser fighting Mew2King in the losers bracket and the loser getting 5th place. Sounds fun right?

So there you go, that's everything. Actually I think I left out a miniscule thing or two, I'll fix later maybe, I have another class now.

i just wantedz to quote this cuz it's really long.


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
New england must meatride fatal it is our destiny
**** that. I do not meat ride Fatal. I call **** like I see it. And Fatal handled the **** right.

"Wanna split?"


"Lol" And than beats M2K. If Chibo and Cheese had any business making money they would have proved it by placing considerably better and beating the people that were going to make money(in this case obviously Ally/M2K/Lee). And Haze was in the original split, for other reasons(and case he tends to beat Ally lol).

The only person I meat ride is Riot. Get yo facts straight son. Riot is a beast.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
Why do we even play out tournaments? We should just split the winnings with the people that should win it. Seems fair to me. :p I understand it is there money..but is still ****ing stupid.



Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
Mew2king. You are supposed to be the heart and soul of this community! I don't know who to look up to anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omnomnomnom


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
about that financial problem thing...

smash isn't the right choice to be self employed really, go play street fighter or marvel


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Or Halo and Starcraft
Starcraft's community(America's at least) is worse than brawl. All they do is QQ that their respective race sucks. And one of the top zergs pretty much acts like cheese when he loses.

Back on topic, I find this all rather hilarious tbh. So much drama over a **** game.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
LOLOLLOL that was awesome

Nah I'm the same way...but it literally has NOTHING to do with me...so I'm not gonna try to break it up...I'm gonna act like it's a new jersey shore

This man has his priorities in check. Approveeeeee

i love it hahaha

How the **** are you gonna go discuss splitting someone else’s money with the TO? What the ****? You walk in the hotel and tell them…they tell you no, we're not splitting. Um, WALK THE **** AWAY. Seriously? You’re gonna call THEM out for being selfish? Look in the ****ing mirror. If someone wants to help you out, out of the goodness of their heart, good for them. If they don’t, that doesn’t make them selfish. It’s THEIR choice. Makes you sound like a hypocrite.

You have a ****ty perspective. You weren’t getting ganged up on. They were just teaming up with each other. Don’t look at everything so negatively.

Wowww, again, “trying to stop us from getting money at all costs”. No…they weren’t stopping you…they were just getting theirs. Who in the right mind wants 500 over 1500??? Are you serious? You can’t force people to be generous wtf?

The fact that Ally is going out of the way to explain the situation to you ****ing shows he’s not selfish. An unselfish person would take a picture of their 2k in one hand, **** in the other and tell you’re broke *** “umad?"

LOL for real

I think it makes a lot of sense actually...they dedicate a lot of their time to the game instead of a job. It's very risky. And they have to be tight with their money. And if they happen to get "upset"...well it can **** with their situation even more.


1. That makes you a really good person and if I was as good as you at the game, I'd be the same way

2. Don't think I didn't notice you use your name in 3rd person so that everytime someone quotes your post, you can namesearch it. Hyro came up with that strategy back in 3rd grade hahaha

Please don't tell me that was sarcasm...cuz I really CAN...LMAO

Well that makes no difference. If Ally/M2k DIDN'T get first second...clearly however they wanted to split wouldn't happen. Clearly. If Chibo won...they can't split HIS money. Their just not stupid...they're really good, so they assumed they'd win. Not a problem in anyway.

1. Ally - $2,000
2. Mew2King - $1,000
3. Fatal - $300
4. Lee Martin - $1,500
5. Chibo - $0
5. Cheese - $0
7. Chibo - $0
7. Mike Haze - Between $300 and $500

TL;DR - there's gonna be a lot of assuming buttttt

Ally & M2K split 6000 into 3000 each.

M2K owed Lee a lot of money for a personal reason. You know, M2K? The guy who beat Chibo in qualifiers from Austrailia with metaknight and lucario in a lagless wifi match? Yeah son.

So M2K now has 1500.
Lee has 1500.
Ally has 3000.

Ally gives 500 of his money to Mikehaze. Pretty much because Mikehaze walked in at a good time lol. Right place, right time, don't hate.

Ally - 2500
M2K - 1500
Lee - 1500
Mikehaze - 500

Fatal does really good. Fatal was with the *******s. They want fatal to know, we don't think you're an *******. Good job. Here's 500.

New standings

Ally - 2000
M2k - 1500
Lee - 1500
Mikehaze - 500
Fatal - 500

That makes 6000. My math is better than your math.

There is no hate going on here Chibo + Cheese...just business. Yall imagined the negativity and started creating the negativity with the whole DQ business. Then it spread.

Moral of the story? Think happy. Assume the postive.

Moral of my story? I just read 38 pages of that and now it's 4am...but I enjoyed it. I love not doing homework <3


k peace


This **** is just dumb though.

I don't know what story to believe :o but yea, no one is being selfish by not being "generous" enough to give out their earnings.

lol @ the lee martin comment

we out
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