No, I didn't miss his point. YOU missed MY point. If you need to set an arbitrary limit for stalling in general, 5 seconds is NOT it. In other words, I should NOT be forced to confront my opponent every 5 seconds. It just breaks too much of the game to make a rule like that. Players need a reasonable amount of room to maneuver.
Are you daft?
Again the point of the amtter was that Yuna was explaining that in order to prevent stalling, you would need to use an arbitrary ruling.
He is not arguing for what the time limit for stalling is at all. All you're doing is strawmanning an argument repeatedly.
Again how would you determine what is the best time limit for stlaling? What can be considered stalling?
5 seconds? ten seconds? 2 minutes ? 4 minutes 6 minutes?
"IDC is a perfect approach": No proof in practice (and 2 vids that say the opposite)
"IDC is a perfect defense":No proof in practice
so the IDC cannot be used as a means of defense and be used to completely avoid being harmed by the opponent?
Your claim of "no proof in practice" swings back to you, what proof do you have that it isn't a perfect defense?
let alone the hylian vid proves it when he disappears for a good amount of time, and he does it without bothering to move, imaging if he decided to do it from one ledge to the other?
"IDC as a reset tool is clearly broken": one Hylian Wi-Fi vid, utterly debatable.
its not debatable period.
Did you know the only character that could make it to the other side of BF in the period of time that Hylian uses the IDC is Sonic?
he is the only one that could get to the other side as MK appears.
You cannot use projectiles because he appears at the ledge and sweetspots it.
Or MK will just remain where he is. We have no idea if IDC will help MK THAT much (if at all since some people think IDC is near useless and hard to apply).
hmm lets see, universal in application, only character that can chase him down is Sonic on longer stages like FD. Projectile users can't catch him. gee it must help alot.