I, also, gather a group of TO's from across the continent (or perhaps the world) and we come to a conclusion/agreement/whatever that Metaknight should not be banned among other things. Now we have another ruleset from another group of TO's with opposing views. And this group has been established under the same grounds as the URC.
Easy, am'i'rite?
The main objective of the URC should be a global, uniformed ruleset. Period. If this is not your objective then I don't think the URC serves any purpose; not to mention the group name would be completely contradictory. However, the only thing you've succeeded to do is grab a few TO's with the similar mindset and a good amount of influence, and then prematurely came up with a grand decision that now based on 20-30% of upcoming tournaments will become the SWF/URC standard.
Your procedures are completely out of whack. If I, can in fact, copy your exact actions and create a ruleset with a different committee then something is wrong.
The step processes should have been this:
1.) Establish a form of government within the URC.
2.) Seek out ALL TO's from across the WORLD.
3.) Once an overwhelming majority of TO's have been placed in begin discussion.
4.) Methodically come to a census about on what a universal ruleset may look like.
5.) Release said ruleset to the public.
Instead, your step process was:
1.) Get TO's to join from some parts of US and Canada.
2.) Methodically come to a census about on what a universal ruleset may look like.
3.) Release said ruleset to the public.
The only reason why URC has any kind of pull is because JV has given you power. However, the power of the URC should be completely reflective of itself by itself.
You already know what I think of the result.
In my opinion, if you were truly seeking a uniformed global rule set you would reverse the Unity ruleset and go back to my Step 1.