VERMY Vermy you are amazing. You and Ugly actually put up quite the fight in doubles, and you were an awesome dude for the whole tourney. You are also, the best coach ever. You Teach me how to Utilt, tell me to Uthrow vs Snake, ZOMG instant win!! And then you play TOOL music all day throughout my serious matches and wow man. Couldn't have won this tourney without your advice, and your awesome sound system. Seriously though, Download the ENTIRE Lateralus album. Pleeez
EARL Man your a gun, don't know how i didn't end up Vsing you in the finals lol. That Norfair match was some crazy **** seriously, If i screwed up teching off the bottom of the stage the lava would have stage spiked me. And then after me surviving at 141% you died at 109% lol. Luigis Mansion match was really mindgamey from both of us, I think that was the best i played all day. Heh, just coz i messed up the tornado-counter thing once doesnt mean you could spam tornado that much!
Finally beat you and Nicks in doubles, Gary and I worked out the best strategy. props to Gary.
AFROPONY This guy. He is amazing. Man that was the most difficult set, the closest matches(that i won) of the whole day, and yet, Everyone else i Vs'd today countered my GaW, except You, who I myself Hardcountered. Amazing, I wish i didn't lose to Swordsaint the first time round so i had to knock you out, We would've played in the finals otherwise, I'm sure of it. GG's man, you only lost the second set coz we played on the EXACT SAME stages as the first time, so we also got the same result. lol. Be proud.
GARY We did sweet in doubles! Your strategy is amazing, you are such an intelligent smasher, you pick up on everything when you watch someone play, you analyse so well! Pity you had to lose your cool Vs Dekar, you just need to get the mindset under control IMO. Thats why i failed last Stigma-B!! But yeah, we are amazing in doubles, we dominated, we never even entered the losers bracket, i give full credit to you for the amazing strategy. Don't pick up Meta Knight though, please.
DEKAR Your GaW techchase is more effective than an IC chaingrab i swear. I couldn't hear the beeps so i couldn't techroll either, thankyou to the turtle for my win. I totally thought i'd lost against Marth too but, just had to keep my head straight. I hope you placed, you totally deserve to!! So glad you could make it, thanks for doing the commentary on most of my finals matches, made me try harder ^_^
Teach me to do the GaW techchase THAT WELL!!!!! =)
NIXERNATOR Good Job on 5th again, your the best "Obscure Main" we have IMO, lol you hardly even practice the technical stuff, just play more Wifi lol. Stop not being amazing at 64, You're supposed to be awesome-hectic good. Anyway, after all my MM dodging, after my 2 stock against you in crews, I'm not so afraid. Can't spam Dsmash all day IRL, can you? Thats some Wifi only stuff, my friend
Awesome loud dude, Good to see you!
KHOA!!! CHIIIBBIIII!!!! YAY KHOA!!!! Thanks for all the support man, Your so kind all the time ^_^ Its always good to sit down and relax with you at the tournament. You are amazing in doubles, which ever team gets you pretty much always places top 3. LOL at low tiers, you can't ditto Pokemon trainer Khoa, haha!! Crews was fun, it was a good oppurtunity to get some matches with you! Cheers
SWORDSAINT I admire the way you hold yourself. Even with all the joke-type hate going around, you just sit down and get to bizness. Even after serious mistakes or falling behind in a game, you just keep playing your best and don't lose confidence. Also, your spacing is AMAZING. It's your strong suit. I shouldn't have given you time to space that Utilt so well. SO WELL. AMAZINGLY WELL. WORST ENDING EVER, BEST SPACING EVER. Rawr!!!! Good Games, hope you come down again.
TOSHIBA! I totally forgot how to play the Diddy MU, so glad i dodged you in the tourney, would've been the death of me. Friendlies were fun as, allowed me to get into game mode, having to concentrate so hard on the bananas. I don't if you placed, but I'm pretty sure you would've unless you got the worst bracket possible. I can see why your such a good player, ALSO, Nice work in crews, dominate them sonics, yeah!
LEISHA Spiked me into the ground and Chaing-Huggled me IRL. WTF is this? Why am i suddenly on the ground? Your so crazy, thankyou for the pizza, however. Good to have cheerful people like you and Khoa at the tournaments to brighten up the day.
CONNOR Thankyou for explaining what the hell was going on in crews Vs Timic. You take it too far with the Hacks, Mushroom Stacking just... Are you just trying to make the game crash lol? Is that what you want???
I didn't really hang with you much this time, if it makes you feel better i intend to spend the prize money on NANDOs!!!
HAYDINO I hope you placed man, We gotta bring GaW to the top of Shaya's list together! We didn't really play friendlies this time but it was nice discussing things with you. Great to chill with ya.
ALFA Bowser Grab-Release Book FTW. I think you should focus on Lucario a bit more, but w/e, Bowser is cool too, plus when you place top 7 your gonna get so much respect heh.
OCEAN Nice work taking a match off SS and T-Rex in doubles, you're pro on that Pirate Ship stage. You evaded that 3-stock against me in the tournament nicely
sorry I couldn't co-ordinate crews well enough to get you to play, I dont want to run a crew again, way too much pressure.
CAKE Yay you beat Timic in crews without losing a stock!! Afro and I think more tilts and Fsmash are needed. Also you don't jump enough.
Good to see you there, pity Condog let you down in teams though, You pulled the team as hard as you could but he just dragged you down.
JEI Nice work making it into the finals, beating Earl, woah!! Good to see your back in form. Why'd you change to MK though Jei? Fox wouldv'e done much better. Probably would've won LOL **** Usmash. Nice job as TO this time round, didn't give me a horrible bracket so I am thankful.
X AMAZING. Best commentator, gave me so much drive whilst i was Vsing Scoot, best jokes ever, too! Can't wait to watch my match with SS with the commentary, great to have you there. Probably shouldn't have let DS vs you in Crews, that was mean.
TIMIC That was fail in crews. I don't even know what was going on, what happened, or why. Anyways, the friendlies at the start were good, let me get that Marth spacing down pretty well before Vsing Dekar in the tournament.
TANMAN Thanks for the Videos, we can Co-upload them this time so everyone will be able to view them faster and we'll get more done. The DK MU is gay just for the fact i can't spam my beloved turtle, and so then i just spam Dair, and then i get grabbed, so yeah, gonna need to practice that one.
Sorry for failing at running the crew, bad time management on my part, everyone had to leave. Luckily Jei let me play again to save the crew. At least i got to Vs Khoa twice ^_^
Thanks to everyone for all the support and making the day amazingly fun, This was my favourite Stigma-B and I'm not saying that just coz I won ~ Everyone helped make my day Amazing.
I love you all, everyone.
O_.o EDIT: I wish i had this much to write about in English Essays for school, wow.