Don't you main Sonic?
You're going to try and MM a MK with sonic?
Ian, im not being mean, but stop posting about a game that you know nothing about an is to much of a ***** to enter a friendly doubles event, probably because your terrible at brawl an you dont want to look lame. But infact, every time you post, you just make yourself look more pathetic every time. One day, your online self might reach your in person patheticness(not a word idg a ****) level...
Redhal makes no one his *****, stop posting like that Noel it makes u look stupid also.
but anyways I cant wait for this.
Idk i cant wait for it but Noel needs to fix his car because my car is about to break down and im not sure I can attend any smash related event anymore if it requires more than 20min of driving.
Also 09 class wants me to go to their prom on the 23rd(this time my old school, most likely the girls that invited me wants to **** a man, it is my duty to answer this call...) and on the 30th an old girlfriend(not really) wants me to go to this huge triple person b day event an we have a beach house to ourselves an as of now there is 20 girls attending an 5 guys...not including me,(so 6)
I will just do doubles at the 23rd an hopefully find a diff means of transport since me an monk have a legit chance without metaknights.
But, its been a while since polmex got laid so the urge is too strong to ignore now, smash must wait for Smash.
PS: CollIN!!!! No offense, your sister is really pretty bro. Good looks in the family man, real good =) Im just sayin, id do both of you no homo