Are you serious? Most of the time those things are a scam.
Don't you want to prove that your sheik is truly uber nasty and back your spamming every thread with references to its nastiness?
prove it? you guys act like i never go out and play melee. lik i just sit here and say stuff. i've been to so many tourneys, hosted 7 of my own. and i go to pretty much 95% of melee tourneys in Fl. people know exactly where i stand in melee. the core community all knows me, cuz i actually go out to all the tournies. i dont have to prove anything cuz everyone already knows where i sheik is nasty.
Yeah Hiroshi, if you don't come to this, don't post about how nasty your sheik is anymore.
Sounds fair imo.
......................MY SHEIK IS NASTY!!!!!!!!!1
lol stop hating on hiroshi his sheik will always be nasteeeee even if he stopped going to tournaments completely
these people are so dumb and stupid. they don't realize the light in which i say this stuff. dummies, lol. w/e
I don't want to hear it all the time. At all.
I don't mind hiroshi saying how nasty he is.
It's the way he signs -hiro at the end of everything. Like I'm his lesser/employee or something getting a memo
you sir, are one of the coolest peepz on here. too good.
This is the funniest post I've seen on the boards in a good deal of time.
Cheap shot, thataintflaco, but darn funny.
how is it a cheap shot? I'm not sure how i see that. it is funny though when you see all of that together like that lol.
mooney and hiro should have another 20 dollar MM
and then mooney will ask me for money to buy lunch since hiro took his -__-
hahaha, i remember that.
Bringing up random old **** is pretty dumb too.
BUT FUNNY, lol!!!!!!!!