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Match-Up Chart (Outdated); please refer to the new chart.

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Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
only things I would change for yoshi:
Peach >> Yoshi
Samus >> Yoshi
DK > Yoshi
Mewtwo = Yoshi
Yoshi > Pichu
:yoshi: I mostly agree; I think DK is even and would also add Pikachu to the even list.

Mario and Luigi are mostly annoyingly bad matchups.

Roy and Zelda are also annoying, but much more winnable, with Roy being a pretty favorable match.

Wish I had more Young Link experience, but big daddy Link is always fun to fight.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
If you wait for him to land he can tech most things that aren't grab/knee/rest/shine/vertical KO move pretty well though.

Like that =D
Peach sucks

Though I think the five or six characters I listed as being good against his recovery (Sheik, Fox, Falco, Falcon, Puff, Ganon) bypass this pretty well on the whole. Maybe not Ganon and Sheik I guess, but certainly the others. Falcons should learn how to do that.

Marth's edgeguarding is overrated as far as I'm concerned. If you can make it ambiguous as to whether or not you will recover low or high, he cannot gimp you consistently at all. Provided you don't **** up your DI, he can only gimp you with D-air, tipper F-smash, or charged Shieldbreaker, which all have rather poor ability to cover offstage options for the most part. Otherwise most of his aerials if you DI them well will generally help knock you higher provided you avoid a Ken combo.

Mario and Doc are two characters you did not mention who have better edgeguarding especially against Falcon. Both characters can cover his low recovery (and his high recovery for that matter) safely with B-airs, and one B-air from either character whether he recovers high or low is generally enough to guarantee a gimp on him. Both characters are also have VERY good options for punishing Falcon if he lands on stage due to their solid combo games.
I'm not dealing with ****ty characters I don't use or haven't seen used in the matchup.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Now that Iori's won a tournament going basically all Mewtwo, I think I'm ready to believe anything at this point.
He didn't go almost all mewtwo. He used Shiek a lot. In Grand Finals I think he went almost entirely Shiek.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
He used Sheik for three sets, I believe. The commentators talk about how Iori had beaten Darkrain in pools with Mewtwo. They further remark about how Iori wanted to win a tournament with Mewtwo, implying that he had been playing that character exclusively. Later, Iori makes a big deal about how he's switching to Sheik against IHSB, as though he were deviating from his plan (to go all Mewtwo).

Recorded sets from the tournament include Iori (M2) vs Solidus (Peach), Iori (M2) vs Darkrain (CF), Iori (M2) vs JF (Jiggs), Iori (M2) vs Dmac (CF, Ganon), and Iori (M2) vs Boomstick (Falco, CF).

He only goes Sheik in Losers' Semis and in Grand Finals. If that doesn't count as going almost all Mewtwo, I don't know what does ...


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Once he got to losers bracket he only used Metwtwo against non-noteable players, therefore we shouldn't consider it as going almost all mewtwo. He didn't use Mewtwo against players close to his skill level when losing meant being knocked out of the tournament.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)

Though I think the five or six characters I listed as being good against his recovery (Sheik, Fox, Falco, Falcon, Puff, Ganon) bypass this pretty well on the whole. Maybe not Ganon and Sheik I guess, but certainly the others. Falcons should learn how to do that.

I'm not dealing with ****ty characters I don't use or haven't seen used in the matchup.
I mean you're mostly right, I just thought you were exaggerating a little/not taking into account that a couple (usable) characters have trouble hitting close to 100% of edgeguards on falcon.

I agree with your list of characters who are awesome at edgeguarding Falcon though. (Sheik, Fox, Falco, Jiggs, Ganon, Falcon).


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Kirby is probably = Link if the Link doesn't feel like being a massive homo by spamming projectiles and running away the entire match. If Link does that it goes to Link > Kirby. You really have to devote yourself to running away and can get caught if Kirby manages to get the fence of pain set up. Actually fighting Kirby is just about not grabbing too often since it goes over him if he decides to crouch, not doing nairs because his utilt trades or hits through it and just spamming things like dsmash, fair and fsmash to keep him away from you.
Kirby should ban FD against link every time IMO.
Also, Kirby w/ Link's arrow = god tier cute.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Bunbun: possibly?
I wanna say he have big advantage against roy.
Roy suck he cant kill no combos no recovery.

Kirby can bair spacing him edgeguard and combo him.
Bowser is close but still good for Kirby.

I wanna say Kirby m2 i close but kirby is better.
I haven´t play that matchup so many times but when i have played it i fell he is better in that matchup.

I agree with Luigi but dk is not that bad.
He is hard to hit he have a good edgeguard a good back air and good combos to.

P.O.F: i can´t agree.
I wanna say he is (atleast in pal that is a little bit change in ntsc with him) better than Pichu,m2,Bowser,Zelda,Ness and maybe someone i have forget.

The most people haven´t seen how awesome Kirby is =).


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I mean you're mostly right, I just thought you were exaggerating a little/not taking into account that a couple (usable) characters have trouble hitting close to 100% of edgeguards on falcon.

I agree with your list of characters who are awesome at edgeguarding Falcon though. (Sheik, Fox, Falco, Jiggs, Ganon, Falcon).
As far as I'm concerned, the only character that clearly doesn't have super ridiculous homosexual edgeguarding on Falcon is Peach in terms of the top 7 or so. And Marth, I suppose, but I'm still not sure if I think that's because Marth's actual edgeguarding is flawed or if the Marth players are just failing. It's a tough call. He doesn't have a strong, sex-kick aerial like Fox/Sheik/Falco Bair or a definitive KO aerial like Falcon's Knee that he could just combo into offstage except his Up+B I guess but that has a lot of restrictions with being a recovery move too. When I saw Cactuar play some MMs at one of the RoMs with Jiano he just weak Fair --> F-smashed over and over and it looked pretty good.


After that I don't know much about the rest of the cast. I kind of had to learn about Ganon at one point because of Kage, but all I really learned from him was that Ganon Bair, Uair, and Fair are stupidly ridiculous for hitting people offstage because they cover the drift-back distance and the drift-forward distance if you just space them properly because the hitbox is so freaking huge.

I sort of pay attention to Ice Climbers. On paper I'd think they'd be fantastic at edgeguarding Falcon because of just letting him land onstage and doing a gay throw combo to death or a Wobble or a Hand-Off at the edge or something, since I'm pretty sure they can dash grab Falcon out of his Up+B at the edge if he's recovering that way. Plus strong Smashes and Bairs. But I've never really looked into that matchup all that closely and have no idea how it pans out at high level.

Samus, Mario, Doc are all characters I know nothing about unless they're fighting Sheik and I don't particularly care for any of them. I guess Doc Cape and Bair would be good against offstage recovery and if he lands onstage you could probably D-throw combo or D-throw CG to like 130 and then D-smash or something or eventually B-throw or whatever at an even higher percent but I don't really pay attention to that character.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Bunbun: possibly?
I wanna say he have big advantage against roy.
Roy suck he cant kill no combos no recovery.

Kirby can bair spacing him edgeguard and combo him.
Bowser is close but still good for Kirby.

I wanna say Kirby m2 i close but kirby is better.
I haven´t play that matchup so many times but when i have played it i fell he is better in that matchup.

I agree with Luigi but dk is not that bad.
He is hard to hit he have a good edgeguard a good back air and good combos to.

P.O.F: i can´t agree.
I wanna say he is (atleast in pal that is a little bit change in ntsc with him) better than Pichu,m2,Bowser,Zelda,Ness and maybe someone i have forget.

The most people haven´t seen how awesome Kirby is =).
all of this. especially the last couple parts. you really cant know until you play kirby and are actually good with him. people just assume hes horrible theoretically. hes still pretty horrible, but not as horrible as people think is what im saying. anyone whos played my kirby can attest to that.

ive played the kirby mewtwo match up enough to know that kirby has the advantage. its a slight advantage though.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
I sort of pay attention to Ice Climbers. On paper I'd think they'd be fantastic at edgeguarding Falcon because of just letting him land onstage and doing a gay throw combo to death or a Wobble or a Hand-Off at the edge or something, since I'm pretty sure they can dash grab Falcon out of his Up+B at the edge if he's recovering that way. Plus strong Smashes and Bairs. But I've never really looked into that matchup all that closely and have no idea how it pans out at high level.
ICs have super-solid edgeguards on Falcon. Smashes work, but the best thing to do is just hold the ledge, and wait for him to come up. Just stand up> bair or grab (if you have nana). If nana gets man-hugged, popo can bair or stand up>fsmash. Out of the grab, you just charge fsmash>uthrow to reverse it, and repeat. Its alot like edgeguarding sheik really.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Part of the point I am trying to make is that Falcon's recovery can be largely treated as Sheik's, so long as you are aware of when he can and cannot ledgecancel his Up+B.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Oh, well yeah I agree with that obviously =P. He lives longer though so thats a b*tch, and if he can squeeze in a falcon kick things change.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
Since he's heavier and his up b has good horizontal though, when he recovers high forcing him to land onstage isn't that awesome though right?

Like if you hang on the edge until you're sure he goes onto the stage, he can land on a platform or something and it might take too long to get there from the edge.

I always thought it was better to intercept falcon if he goes high rather than force him to land...

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Lots of stuff
Every single one of your posts I've ever seen are you saying Pichu is not as bad as people say. I'm not saying you think hes a good character but I AM saying that you try to convince others hes not as bad. Pichu has no range on ANYTHING, no safe kill moves, weak edge game, and dies insanely fast. I will agree that people don't know how to use him properly and that some of his best moves (nair, usmash, bair) don't hurt him and are decent finishers. The only thing he has going is being hard to hit against the likes of Falcon and MAYBE Falco. That's it.

I approve of this post.
I approve of your Sig. It's awesome.

3. Pichu sucks.
No, hes underrated! Duh! (See above)

Marth's edgeguarding is overrated as far as I'm concerned.
No, just........no. Marth arguably has the most creativity when edge guarding his opponents aside from the Mario brothers. Counter, neu b, f tilt, d tilt, fsmash, drop zone fair, ledge hop dair, ledge drop bair, reverse up b, f throw to d tilt Vs fast fallers, seriously....i can go on forever.

Have you seen his edge game VS Bowser? DK? GAW? Kirby? Jigglypuff? Sheik? All the lower tier characters get DESTROYED by Marths edge game. Falcon is seriously a joke too. All Marth has to do is tech chase Falcon to the edge and react. Thats it! It's simple because Falcons tech chase options are balls VS Marth. What do Falco and Fox do? Bair or shine? Scary. Real Scary. I NEVER see there edge game coming at all.

The only character in the game who is better at edge guarding is Jigglypuff. Period. Might be an argument for Sheik but I don't agree with this. Fox is right behindher IMO because his bair is really dumb.

I also think Roys is pretty solid but his on stage game and everything else is horrible that people don't see it. lol.

Roy sucks he cant kill no combos no recovery.

Kirby can bair spacing him edgeguard and combo him.

dk is not that bad.
He is hard to hit he have a good edgeguard a good back air and good combos to.

P.O.F: i can´t agree.
I wanna say he is (atleast in pal that is a little bit change in ntsc with him) better than Pichu,m2,Bowser,Zelda,Ness and maybe someone i have forget.

The most people haven´t seen how awesome Kirby is =).
I agree with everything here sir. Roy is good against fast fallers. Thats it. Nothing else. lol. Countering Firefox is too fun. I think DK is incredible as long as its not VS Sheik, Fox or Falco. I think hes really good VS the rest of the cast though. Hes solid but not awesome. Dk's combos are extremely fun too. Cargo throw is the business.

The only problem with Kirby is the following: No approach. His bair and tilts are all really solid. I have a pretty decent Kirby and can probably beat a few Fox's with it from time to time. :)

Armada, what about... Kirby with Falco lasers?
Sounds like the best char in the game XD
Kirbys Falco laser game is actually DECENT. LOL. I've tried this before. He looks mad cute too.

you really cant know until you play kirby and are actually good with him. people just assume hes horrible theoretically.
Pretty much how the entire smash community feels about low tiers.

The problem with competitive fighting games is that everyone always looks for the "best characters" and the "easiest to learn" or the "most fun" and if Link or Mario is too tough to learn people are like "nope, not using him."

I think that Ness is the most underrated character in Melee. His fair has amazing range and priority, good edge game w tilts/b moves/fsmash, good combo ability overall, solid aerials, Yo yo glitches, (Imagine if you could perform these CONSISTENTLY IN TOURNAMENT) and his recovery is sub par if mastered and controlled properly. It's REALLY REALLY REALLY hard though.

I've been kind of thinking lately though. I honestly think every character in Melee is beyond solid but since the higher tiers are just so easy to pickup and learn there meta games are evolving 10X faster than everyone else.

Why are Fox and Falco top tier? Because you can actually PRACTICE by yourself w these characters and learn. You can't do that w Mewtwo, Mario, Doc, etc. Except what....chain grabs? Theres nothing to learn on your own.

I'm done.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Since he's heavier and his up b has good horizontal though, when he recovers high forcing him to land onstage isn't that awesome though right?

Like if you hang on the edge until you're sure he goes onto the stage, he can land on a platform or something and it might take too long to get there from the edge.

I always thought it was better to intercept falcon if he goes high rather than force him to land...
If he lands on a platform, react faster. And you're right that it is usually better to hit him when he's offstage, true, but a lot of people don't even realize that you don't need to do that situationally (notably if he's reached KO percent for U-smash and you're Fox, or if Puff is at low percent and Falcon's over like 15-20, etc).

Oh, well yeah I agree with that obviously =P. He lives longer though so thats a b*tch, and if he can squeeze in a falcon kick things change.
He's also twice as comboable so you just do a stupid combo or chain grab and THEN knock him off and there's no troublesome invincible startup or poof explosion tricks to worry about either. Just some super telegraphed Falcon Kick that you can stick any aerial in front of and win.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
He's also twice as comboable so you just do a stupid combo or chain grab and THEN knock him off and there's no troublesome invincible startup or poof explosion tricks to worry about either. Just some super telegraphed Falcon Kick that you can stick any aerial in front of and win.
Yeah, the poof invincible crap that i dont understand doesnt happen, which is good. But as far as comboing or chaingrabbing, I don't see how that would be possible when attempting to do the edgeguard loop on Falcon. Or at very least, I don't see how it would be any easier against Falcon than sheik.


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
Uh Peach has so many options to edgeguard Falcon it's hard deciding what to use most of the time....

Turnips to force him to go low, jumping out and bairing him, z dropped turnips to create a wall, dair to nair, ledgedrop bair, BEARCLAW....since his up b doesn't deal damage she can force him to go low and grab the edge and just hog him. The only thing she really has to worry about his him teching something into the stage, misspacing and getting grabbed, or if he is able to come back over her


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Rofl D'oH what's the BEARCLAW?
ive played the kirby mewtwo match up enough to know that kirby has the advantage. its a slight advantage though.
See, I've played enough of it to know that Kirby doesn't have the advantage.
But I'm worse than you.
And the mewtwo i play against is way better than almost(?) every other mewtwo, so it could just be that Iori's too good, and not Mewtwo.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
Uh Peach has so many options to edgeguard Falcon it's hard deciding what to use most of the time....

Turnips to force him to go low, jumping out and bairing him, z dropped turnips to create a wall, dair to nair, ledgedrop bair, BEARCLAW....since his up b doesn't deal damage she can force him to go low and grab the edge and just hog him. The only thing she really has to worry about his him teching something into the stage, misspacing and getting grabbed, or if he is able to come back over her
Yeah peach can definitely edgeguard falcon realllly well in some situations, but can she really cover all of his options all the time?


I'm not really trying to make a "SS recovered against Armada so peach can't edgeguard falcon" argument, I'd just like you to explain how Peach covers all of the options in some of these situations.

SS's first stock in particular, there are several times where peach knocks him off the stage and falcon has to use his up b, but peach can't get there in time to intercept him high, so he has options and he managed to survive. Sometimes he just up-bs into the middle of the stage and Peach's aerials didn't manage to knock him all the way off, so he survived.

Match 1 on dreamland he recovered a bunch of times too, but a lot of those were probably Armada being nervous or something.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
1. You're the last person to be should telling me this.
2. I don't need to be told this / explain why I need be told this. Since when haven't I played the matchups I refuted? Who else posting here has as much DK experience?
3. Pichu sucks.
LMAO Probably never
Haven't played against Zelda with Mewtwo.
Haven't played against Mewtwo with Zelda.
Oh wait.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Yeah, the poof invincible crap that i dont understand doesnt happen, which is good. But as far as comboing or chaingrabbing, I don't see how that would be possible when attempting to do the edgeguard loop on Falcon. Or at very least, I don't see how it would be any easier against Falcon than sheik.
He's fatter and a fast faller. Consequently, a lot of characters can CG him / combo him longer than they can on Sheik so if they let him land onstage on FD or something, they can do gayer things with it. Say, Doc, at 60, after his CG no longer works on Sheik he'd just immediately F-smash her off (or D-smash or D-throw --> Smash) whereas with Falcon he can do that but also has the added option of CGing him via D-throw to like 140 and then doing something.

Or with ICs you have the option to D-throw reverse Dair him if that still works forever and ever until he dies (I don't know if SDI has obsoleted this chain grab) wheras you'd have to like hit Sheik immediately.

I dunno. Stuff like that.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
Say, Doc, at 60, after his CG no longer works on Sheik he'd just immediately F-smash her off (or D-smash or D-throw --> Smash) whereas with Falcon he can do that but also has the added option of CGing him via D-throw to like 140 and then doing something.
Do any docs actually do this consistently? Hit the uthrow chaingrab -> dthrow chaingrab -> death I mean.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Out of context Kao.

Me and Insane are talking about the DK stuff.

Sad trolling is sad.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
Do any docs actually do this consistently? Hit the uthrow chaingrab -> dthrow chaingrab -> death I mean.
I very rarely see a 0-death upthrow chaingrab-> downthrow chaingrab. I'm pretty sure if it were easy enough, I'd see it done more by now. Since DI should be pretty high up on the prioritiy list for survival of fastfallers, Fox, Falco, and Falcon will probably switch DI at different trajectories to avoid getting regrabbed. At the early part of the d-throw chaingrab, it's kinda difficult to follow DI for the regrab. And there's like five different angles of trajectory that people can use to DI: heavy left, slightly left, straight upwards (not sure if you actually go up higher than not DI'ing at all), slightly right, heavy right.

The 0-death upthrow chaingrab-> downthrow chaingrab feels easier on Falcon than Fox or Falco, maybe because he's a taller character and therefore easier to regrab.
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