Relax: good mm man, blame jungle japes on Kyu Puff. **** yo dk 64 though haha. We'll play a hell of a lot more when I'm not sick next time -__-
Skler: sorry about your dollar and not recording your tech but thanks much for the coaching advice.
roman: thanks for looking out for me at getting better/being sick and housing me for 2 nights. Hope I didn't cause any problems.
Questor: lulz nice tourny set and parkour as usual. I wish we could hang out more, oh yeah and I'm the winner of that Link ditto tourny
Banks: didn't get to play but I blame sickness and LLHS2 coming up. Lot's of matches then.
3x: didn't play either nor hang out enough, I blame the sickness
good seeing you anyway
kyu puff: good **** against scar, we didn't play but we did talk
dudutsai: nice friendlies...bwahahaha hope to see you next time man
pef7: you woulda placed lower than me had you showed up anyway. Or we would have faced in tourny and done mewtwo dittos. And you would have won cause I would have forefitted. Much love much love.
Sky: good tourny matches, get wave shining under control so you can pressure more affectively and you'll probably beat me next time haha
Scar: NExt time I'll get my peso back! It was super cool being recognized man and I would have seeked you out even more but I was feeling to good.
Pixel: I think this was the first time we played, good ****, I'll find you next time and we'll do some friendlies.
KevinM: we didn't make love or cyber D: this upsets me. You could have atleast like touched my ****************************** but nooooo. always a pleasure to see you
Aesir: MY LINK IS GOD! Over your link and questors link >.> We should play more though :D
JFox: good friendlies, thanks a lot for the peach practice.
AOI: we almost played friendlies, I'll get at you at llhs2
MattDotZeb: Yes I am working on the shufflz just not a whole lot. More or less I'll make you ell me things that I need to know
That Samus I talked to while we were watching scar: I'm so great with names! Good **** getting back into smash.
I forgot everyone else...anyone I didn't mm or play, hunt me down at LLHS2 or Esticle, i shouldn't be sick then :D