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Masked Marauders - Skull Kid For Smash! Night of the Last Day.

What's your favourite transformation in Majora's Mask?

  • Deku Link

  • Goron Link

  • Zora Link

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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Before going further, I'd like to post a link to the support groups official Twitter account

The Mischievous Imp with the Dark Mask


Link to previous support topic

Who is the Skull Kid?
Skull Kid is a character and race in the Zelda franchise. He served as the main antagonist in Majora's Mask. This Skull Kid also appeared in Ocarina of Time where link taught him Saria's Song and gave him the Skull Mask. It's also strongly believed to be the same Skull Kid in Twilight Princess, as he plays Saria's song just as the hero of time taught him and it takes place in the same timeline. In Majora's Mask, he wore the titular item and with its dark power, He almost destroyed the world.

Why Should he be in Smash
Together with the Majora's Mask, Skull Kid is one of the most iconic and popular Zelda characters out there. And the game they come from is one of the most talked about and beloved games on the internet and has a strong fan following. In recent years incredibly high quality fan projects have popped up including these two impressive albums of fan remixes and two high quality fan videos

A tribute
A catchy song

(this one's older than I remember, but it still shows the dedication of the fans)
Actually, it does bring up something else worth mentioning. The remake. This actually put the game on Sakurais radar. (and just give Skull Kid more relevance) Sakurai chose a Majora's Mask themed photo as a contest winner on Miiverse

Allow me to announce the winners!

"The winner of the Gold prize is… ""Use the Song of Time! USE THE SONG OF TIME!!"" by Eric!

Here's a message from Mr. Sakurai himself: ""A very 'timely' topic, indeed. The placement of the pieces against the background is also nicely done. But in this case, going back using the Song of Time might require the ability to solve 5-Back problems, at least.""

Congratulations, Eric!"

A photo contest on Miiverse
He even won a poll in 2012 with a very large number of votes. Beating the likes of Mega Man and Shulk. He had over 130.000 votes

So he's popular, lot of characters are popular.
What are his other Pros.

Skull Kid surprisingly has had a lot references and cameos in recent years, a year before the development of Smash Switch is believed to have begin, Majora's Mask 3D was released putting Skull Kid in the spotlight. And that spotlight continued to the next year with Hyrule Warriors Legends where Skull Kid was the only new character who wasn't from Wind Water or OC. It's easy to assume this was due to fan demand and backlash from his absence from this point.

He also has many smaller things, especially his mask. The Majora's Mask appears as head gear in both Smash Wii U and Zelda Breath of the Wild, in both cases the Mask was among the first piece of dlc gear added (first decided on in Botw). It also shows up A Link Between Worlds, Animal Crossing and even Monster Hunter Stories (which also features the Skull Kid hat)

Also yes, a reference to the mask is a reference to Skull Kid, as seen at these two sources

"Headgear for all Mii Fighter types. Bring the Skull Kid look into Smash!
...Falling moon not available."
"as if he’s Skull Kid wearing Majora’s Mask."

That article brings up another important point. Majora's Mask was Aonuma's first Zelda game, the guy currently in charge of the franchise, And Skull Kid is clearly a favourite of his. So if Sakurai went to him to ask what Zelda character, or character in general he'd like to see. Good chances are he'd say Skull Kid.


View attachment 195146
Neutral Special: Dart
Skull Kid blows a dart at your foe. You can shoot three at a rapid rate by pressing the button fast. If you wait a long enough time before shooting again, the dart will have a sleep effect. Skull Kid's eyes will flash when it's ready.

Side Special: Puppet
Skull Kid calls forth a puppet that drops from above. If the puppet lands on someone it will do damage but it also attacks on it's own. The puppet will stay on the field and chase foes for a few seconds. However, the puppet is fairly weak and will break easily.

Up Special: Fairy Flight
Launch into the air with Tatl and Tael swirling around you. The fairies has a slight windbox and will push opponents away, they also absorb energy based projectile. This is an effective recovery against edgeguarding.

Down Special: Curse
A unique counter attack. Skull Kid thrusts his face forward. If the mask is hit he'll inflict a status condition on who hit him. Depending on how much damage the attack did will determine the curse. Weak attacks will get a Flower on their head. Stronger attacks will Stun them. And the strongest attacks will actually Shrink your opponent for a short time!
The original (Mrggle? )
Neutral Special: Supernatural Occurrence: Skull Kid focuses, then snaps his fingers, causing a random effect to hit any opponent in front of him. This can be tripping, a short dizziness, freeze, or (very rare) explosion, which does direct damage.
Side Special: Insanity: Slowly spin towards your opponent. Every other second you will spot dodge (While still moving.) Press it again to cancel. Another bizarre approach option.
Up Special: Moon's Gravity: Reverse Skull Kid's gravity to make him start falling up. (This can kill yourself if you leave it on too long.) Pressing it again makes your gravity return to normal. This is ANOTHER bizarre approach or recovery option, which lets you do weird things like down air to meteor smash upwards. Hits that would normally send you up send you down and vice versa.
Down Special: Ocarina: Pressing Down pulls out an Ocarina, and pressing neutral puts it away, as does playing a song. When the Ocarina is out, pressing Down plays a brief version of the Song of Time, and if not interrupted, will send him caterwauling through time and summon a past and future version of him which are on the left and right of him, and follow his actions. These die way easier than Skull Kid. Pressing up with Ocarina out plays a brief version of the Song of Healing, which during you using it, you regain 2% each second. Pressing Right with the Ocarina out plays a much briefer version of the Song of Soaring, which if not interrupted, then lets you soar in a superarmor bubble for a sort amount of time. Finally, if pressing Left with the Ocarina out, you play a brief version of the Goron Lullaby, which if not interrupted, will make all enemy players on the ground fall asleep

Other Attacks
Jab: Punch once, then start slapping repeatedly if pressed repeatedly.
Side Tilt Left: Swing your leg to the right, but the hitbox is to the left. (Effects and shimmers can be seen at the left.)
Side Tilt Right: Swing your leg to the left but the hitbox is to the right. (Effects and shimmers can be seen at the right.)
Down Tilt: Curl out of your ball (See more later) and flatten yourself out. Hits on both sides and trips opponents.
Up Tilt: Tatl and Tael spin above Skull Kid's head.

Dash Attack: Start spinning randomly Luigi Cyclone style, but the animation is much more spastic and out of control.

Up Smash: Start corkscrewing upwards, chaining hits on opponents hit, and then drop down defenseless.
Side Smash: Roll back as if you are rolling away, but then suddenly roll forward and hit anyone in your way. Rolling back has no hitbox.
Down Smash: Mess up gravity to fall down hard like a boulder. Falls fast, but has long lag. Also does 10% to self.

Grab: The fairies grab the foe by the feet.
Pummel: Skull Kid clocks the foe right in the face.
Forward Throw: Basic throw.
Back Throw: ^
Up Throw: ^
Down Throw: Skull Kid pummels the foe to the ground mercilessly.

Final Smash: Majora's Moon: Start messing up gravity, either making fighters heavier or lighter, as the moon slowly crashed down. Whenever the Moon hits a solid surface, a giant explosion rings throughout the area, hitting everyone (Including Skull Kid.) This move has high damage and knockback.

Idle: Float in place and move your head weirdly as Tatl and Tael float around you. Occasionally desperately try to pull the mask off.
Entrance: There is none- He is just there....
Dash: Start rushing towards your opponent while still floating, Mewtwo style.
Crouch: Curl up into a ball.
Spot Dodge: Fast but ends slow. Skull Kid takes a step back and moves his head.
Roll: (In one category due to similarities.) You roll up into that same ball, but move in the selected direction.
Side Taunt: Do Skull Kid's signature laying in the air pose.
Up Taunt: Pull a random mask out from a random selection and observe it before putting it away. (Can be the Keaton Mask, Great Fairy Mask, Romani's Mask, Mask of Truth, or Bunny Hood.)
Down Taunt: Start doing a dance with the fairies! Cancel-able like Bayonetta's due to length.

Victory Pose 1: You get a view of his feet as Majora's Mask then drops to the ground, and it moves up to his face, in which he is smiling and dances free with the fairies.
Victory Pose 2: Majora's Mask is already off, but Skull Kid is observing a wide selection of masks.
Losing Pose/Clapping Animation: Skull Kid has his back turned, hunched over, and his desperately trying to pull it off has the fairies float around awkwardly.

Mr. Nintendo's outdated moveset

The Masked Marauders

Skull kid Supporters
1. @MrNintendo (yours truly)
2. Mrrgle Mrrgle (original owner)
3. Yomi's Biggest Fan Yomi's Biggest Fan
4. nirvanafan nirvanafan
5. ryuu seika ryuu seika
6. Kirbeh Kirbeh
7. AwesomeAussie27 AwesomeAussie27
8. FunAtParties FunAtParties
9. Al-kīmiyā' Al-kīmiyā'
10. A Astraltar
11. slambros slambros
12. TheSqushiestManatee TheSqushiestManatee
13. MrRoidley MrRoidley
14. Z ZealousGamer
15. Dalek_Kolt Dalek_Kolt
16. GoodGrief741 GoodGrief741
17. Pizza Robo Pizza Robo
18. PushDustIn PushDustIn
19. Sheng Long Sheng Long
20. SethTheMage SethTheMage
21. smashkirby smashkirby
22. verysleepywolf verysleepywolf
23. S SEGAGameBoy
24. DBPirate DBPirate
25. lltacx lltacx
26. Questionmark222 Questionmark222
27. Mega Bidoof Mega Bidoof
28. A AquaSol
29. BluePikmin11 BluePikmin11
30. Eagle Eagle
31. SpiralGalaxies SpiralGalaxies
32. Demonfunds Demonfunds
33. Crap-Zapper Crap-Zapper
34. @TheDarkMetaKnight
35. Xevious 1 Xevious 1
36. Lisbon Mapping Lisbon Mapping
37. SkullKidKing SkullKidKing
38. Z ZealousGamer
39. Isaac: Venus Adept Isaac: Venus Adept
40. UserKev UserKev
41. Marvel-Otaku-Man Marvel-Otaku-Man
42. slambros slambros
43. PrinceGal3n PrinceGal3n
44. Dixie Kong Dixie Kong
45. Termina Termina
46. GalacticPetey GalacticPetey
47. OptimisticStrifer OptimisticStrifer
48. Poopyhead Poopyhead
49. 0007 0007
50. Smashoperatingbuddy123 Smashoperatingbuddy123
51. Gazorpazorpfield Gazorpazorpfield
52. D dimensionsword64
53. WertQuadNine WertQuadNine
54. WampaWreckage WampaWreckage
55. Jetsurge Jetsurge
56. Apollo500 Apollo500
57. RayaGRH RayaGRH
58. chronomantic chronomantic
59. Mysteltainn Mysteltainn
60. Louisacommie Louisacommie
61. -crump- -crump-
62. Erotic&Heretic Erotic&Heretic
63. Kirbunny431 Kirbunny431
64. GoodShepperd GoodShepperd
65. LoZ00 LoZ00
66. Geoffrey Druyts Geoffrey Druyts
67. ActualGarbage ActualGarbage
68. DooplissWizard DooplissWizard
69. Dr.Turtle Dr.Turtle
70. PhantomShab PhantomShab
71. Sysmek Sysmek
72. Roy_Boy Color Roy_Boy Color
73. The Legendary Beast The Legendary Beast
74. T ThoughtfulWanderer
75. Muirkat Muirkat
76. Reila Reila
77. Strider_Bond00J Strider_Bond00J
78. TreeBranch TreeBranch
79. NintenZ NintenZ
80. CaptainAmerica CaptainAmerica
81. Blue7113 Blue7113
82. AnOkayDM AnOkayDM
83. UnknownM UnknownM
84. Gooper Blooper Gooper Blooper
85. Sølid Sølid
86. xpnc xpnc
87. Draugen Draugen
88. rcp24 rcp24
TheKingOfEvil2014 TheKingOfEvil2014
89. -Coco- -Coco-
90. Dr. Jojo Phantasma Dr. Jojo Phantasma
91. Shadownade Shadownade
92. Kirbyfan391 Kirbyfan391
93. praline praline
94. CardStealer1 CardStealer1
95. C Crusty
96. BlazGreen BlazGreen
97. Spatman Spatman
98. Juliusaurus Juliusaurus
99. fogbadge fogbadge
100. H Hero044
101. TBone06 TBone06
102. SkulltulaKid SkulltulaKid
103. GoodShepperd GoodShepperd
104. TheFVguy TheFVguy
105. TiaSilvia TiaSilvia
106. AwesomeCauliflower68 AwesomeCauliflower68
107. Onyx Oblivian Onyx Oblivian
108. TriMaxTime TriMaxTime
109. praline praline
110. letsgetsmashing letsgetsmashing
111. Giga Kaiju Giga Kaiju
112. Waluigi is not getting in Waluigi is not getting in
113. Llort A. Ton Llort A. Ton
114. Fastblade5035 Fastblade5035
115. PhilosophicAnimal PhilosophicAnimal
116. Zinith Zinith
117. kiteinthesky kiteinthesky
118. Sabrewulf238 Sabrewulf238
119. Akg0001 Akg0001
120. Sheng Long Sheng Long
121. Saer2k Saer2k
122. Hydra of Chaos Hydra of Chaos
123. Soulsaint Soulsaint
124. Bootortle Bootortle
125. Shaboba Shaboba
126. dezeray112 dezeray112
127. tyrus+ tyrus+
128. Blue7113 Blue7113
129. F Farbeitfromme
130. JMac52 JMac52
131. Nazyrus Nazyrus
132. mynameisBlade mynameisBlade
133. Sari Sari
134. MattX20 MattX20
135. B BelgianSmasher
136. Screwigi Screwigi
137. PsychoIncarnate PsychoIncarnate
138. Banjodorf Banjodorf
139. spoilerowl spoilerowl
140. portalmasterJ11 portalmasterJ11
141. AlbsGames AlbsGames
142. OneLinkMissing OneLinkMissing
143. Chrono. Chrono.
144. KingofPhantoms KingofPhantoms
145. Paint_B Paint_B
146. Majora's Visage Majora's Visage
147. MasterOfKnees MasterOfKnees
148. Jazzy Jinx Jazzy Jinx
150. smashingDoug smashingDoug
151. Brother AJ Brother AJ
152. OreoSmasher777 OreoSmasher777
153. AngrySun88 AngrySun88
154. foolssigma foolssigma
155. ShroomEL ShroomEL
156. ChaosSharpedo ChaosSharpedo
157. Ultinarok Ultinarok
158. FinalStarmen FinalStarmen
159. EarlTamm EarlTamm
160. Blade of Evil's Bane Blade of Evil's Bane
161. Carticas Carticas
162. Cap’nKazam Cap’nKazam
163. Nauzgo Nauzgo
164. MarioXMan MarioXMan
165. NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy
166. blueneuronDOTnet blueneuronDOTnet
167. Zathura Zathura
168. Fane Fane
169. @ShinyLegendary
170. Cabbagehead Cabbagehead
171. Drakonix Drakonix
172. Anop Anop
173. mikey661 mikey661
174. GigaRidley GigaRidley
175. T Toucan_Man
176. Dr Bones Dr Bones
177. mediyogurt mediyogurt
178. lizard1929 lizard1929
179. Potato_ Potato_
180. Geassguy Geassguy
181. AugustusB AugustusB
182. Isaac for Smash Pls Isaac for Smash Pls
183. Duck$mash Duck$mash
184. @Groomer
185. loz18 loz18
186. M00NFIRE94 M00NFIRE94
187. Tiymako Tiymako
188. Whit Whit
189. EricTheGamerman EricTheGamerman
190. John Dylan Smith John Dylan Smith
191. Mr. Trumo Mr. Trumo
192. Cool Guy 36 Cool Guy 36
193. Banette Banette
194. thirsty-pocket thirsty-pocket
195. DerpingPikachu DerpingPikachu
196. Kensho Kensho
197. StoneMask StoneMask
198. PlasmaSnow12 PlasmaSnow12
199. Astroworld Astroworld
200. TCT~Phantom TCT~Phantom
201. Yusa Yusa
202. Sleeps with Butterflies Sleeps with Butterflies
203. LetterO LetterO
204. Tiymako Tiymako
205. The Event Mask The Event Mask
206. bnderstandable bnderstandable
207. Klimax Klimax
208. Mike Cometa Mike Cometa
209. Mogisthelioma Mogisthelioma
210. gebi gebi
211. All Hail Me All Hail Me
212. Dyllybirdy Dyllybirdy
213. scoobymcsnack scoobymcsnack
214. FalconFire93 FalconFire93
215. NineS NineS
216. S Somormujo
217. Johnknight1 Johnknight1
218. Gyrom8 Gyrom8
219. M Multi-bottle Thief
220. Pillsbury_Soyboy Pillsbury_Soyboy
221. FooltheFlames FooltheFlames
223. hustler713 hustler713
224. JoyStar JoyStar
225. _sneaK _sneaK
226. TheCJBrine TheCJBrine
227. R RetrogamerMax
228. Lenidem Lenidem
229. D-Man9293 D-Man9293
230. Nintendo64isking Nintendo64isking
231. Alias1431 Alias1431
232. DarkAuraful DarkAuraful
233. icoNick icoNick
234. T ThomasMagmar
235. WorDtheOnE WorDtheOnE
236. Tetrin Tetrin
237. Ultomato Ultomato
238. smash puffle smash puffle
239. P47 P47
240. Calamitas Calamitas
241. Zero Suit Violet Zero Suit Violet
242. ze9 ze9
243. QQS QQS
244. The Hard Long True PINGAS The Hard Long True PINGAS
245. 3DSNinja 3DSNinja
246. Freduardo Freduardo
247. D Dustycadet158
248. SAMation SAMation
249. DualGaming DualGaming

If you are interested in more Zelda characters, be sure to check out the Impa support thread as many of us are hoping both make it in!
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Majora's Mask was a masterpiece and Skull Kid is one of the more interesting tragic heroes in Zelda. So I support.

Also, @APC99.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
I dont know why but i have always really liked skull kid and he would be my next ideal zelda rep


Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2016
I agree, but if we ever want to see Young Link again, that is kind of his category, but then again, having two Majora's Mask reps, even if it is my favorite Zelda game, might not be the best idea.
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ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Personally, I find Skull Kid more uniquely Majora's Mask and simply more unique than Young Link, who was never even in that game as such. I have nothing against Young Link but, if we're going to plaster a mask moveset onto a character either way, he wouldn't be my first choice.


Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2016
Definitely, and this was actually one of my first ideas, was to not have Skull Kid wear the mask, and only put it on for Final Smash and he could use the other masks, but I figured Majora's Mask is more iconic, and I love Skull Kid's insanity when he has the mask on. It allows for all the bizarre and hard to read movements. I do believe that a mask moveset would be cool for Skull Kid, and I'm kind of stuck between both ideas.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Also worth noting is that Skull Kid, or at least a skull kid, appears in Ocarina of Time. This one is friendly and into music in the child time but, 7 years later, has been driven mad by loneliness when you see him as an adult and attacks his former friend with a blow pipe. This gives a potential move but also shows us that he doesn't need the mask to be insane.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Also worth noting is that Skull Kid, or at least a skull kid, appears in Ocarina of Time. This one is friendly and into music in the child time but, 7 years later, has been driven mad by loneliness when you see him as an adult and attacks his former friend with a blow pipe. This gives a potential move but also shows us that he doesn't need the mask to be insane.
Is being insane really a key point of the character though? It's not how he normally is as we see at the beginning of OOT, in MM we know it's because of the mask's influence and in the end it isn't even SK but just the mask using him as a vessel. And then of course TP's SK is just mischievous.

Is he even insane in OOT? Doesn't Navi say something along the lines of him not liking adults or something? And again going back to Majora's Mask, the mask itself houses an insane spirit, Skull Kid himself is not.

The problem with Skull Kid is that everyone goes for the version wearing Majora's Mask, because who many really want is Majora, albeit a Majora possessing the Skull Kid's body.

I've personally always thought that Majora's Mask on it's own would be pretty interesting as odd as that may sound. I pictured it as a Shuma-Gorath sort of character that fought in it's first stage when it sprouts all the tentacles, with Majora's Wrath being the FS, and portions of Incarnation sprouting from the mask for certain attacks.

Going back to Skull Kid though, he could potentially have his flute that he uses to shoot needles, and maybe even use the flute as a melee weapon as well. Maybe combine the designs by having a lantern hanging from his side that he uses for certain attacks along with the ability to summon the TP version's puppets using his horn.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2016
The problem with Skull Kid is that everyone goes for the version wearing Majora's Mask, because who many really want is Majora, albeit a Majora possessing the Skull Kid's body.
Well... Yea. That is what I want. Exactly, actually.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Well... Yea. That is what I want. Exactly, actually.
Then is this the Skull Kid thread, or the Majora's Mask thread? :p

I'm just joking though, it's just sort of weird technicality when it comes to this character since it's actually two.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
Then is this the Skull Kid thread, or the Majora's Mask thread? :p

I'm just joking though, it's just sort of weird technicality when it comes to this character since it's actually two.
I think it'd still be cool to have a no mask Skull Kid alt though.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
He may be irrelevant, but he definitely was the star of Majora's Mask (Or more like the mask/entity too since it was controlling him the entire time). I definitely support.

I think it'd still be cool to have a no mask Skull Kid alt though.
The moon faced one from Twilight Princess or the beaky scarecrow look from Majora's Mask?

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Is being insane really a key point of the character though? It's not how he normally is as we see at the beginning of OOT, in MM we know it's because of the mask's influence and in the end it isn't even SK but just the mask using him as a vessel. And then of course TP's SK is just mischievous.
Nope, was just responding to Mrrgle's desires. I'd certainly be cool with a different incarnation of the guy, though he does seem a little less iconic than the mask itself.


Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2016
Personally, that is the one I like. the Moon face one creeps me out.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
He may be irrelevant, but he definitely was the star of Majora's Mask (Or more like the mask/entity too since it was controlling him the entire time). I definitely support.

The moon faced one from Twilight Princess or the beaky scarecrow look from Majora's Mask?
Why not both?

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Why not both?

Nothing stops us from having both since the species had evolved alot throughout the centuries.

I would say the Ocarina of Time look too, but then there could be some potential controversy with its "unfortunately big lipped dark design" (Hence why Skull Kid was given the beak in Majora's Mask and a brighter brown face in the Western versions of the game).


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC

Nothing stops us from having both since the species had evolved alot throughout the centuries.

I would say the Ocarina of Time look too, but then there could be some potential controversy with its "unfortunately big lipped dark design" (Hence why Skull Kid was given the beak in Majora's Mask and a brighter brown face in the Western versions of the game).
If I recall correctly, Skull Kid was given his same beak from Majora's Mask in the 3D remakes of Ocarina of Time while keeping the dark skin.

So it's possible that it can be included, as a recolor.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Skull Kid is my most wanted. I really hope he makes it next time.

Here's a list of little reasons I think Skull Kid should be in Smash

1 Majora's Mask is probably the most discussed about Zelda game on the internet

2 There was a lot of hype for Majora's Mask 3D. Remember operation moonfall?

3 Majora's Mask has received a lot of references in the games, especially the Majora's Mask itself appearing in ALBW, BOTW & Smash Wii U. Triforce Heroes, Smash and BOTW also have Fierce Deity Outfit.

4. It was Aonumas first Zelda game as director, and he still remains in charge the series making it an important game for Nintendo.

5. It was the first costume they decided to add in BOTW DLC https://mynintendonews.com/2017/06/29/aonuma-discusses-adding-majoras-mask-to-breath-of-the-wild/
Suggesting importance over other characters getting costumes

6 A lot of Demand for Skull Kid to be playable in Hyrule Warriors, which had a lot of excitement when Koei Tecmo finally added him to the game.

7 He would be awesome

8 should probably mention the Skull Kid was in Oot and TP

Did I miss anything?
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
2018 is almost upon us, I wonder if we'll see any more Skull Kid or Majora's Mask in the coming year.


Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
I want Skull Kid with a moveset that doesn't rely on Majora's Mask. There are a lot of cool things he does without it. I'm interested in the character himself, not the possessed body. I intend to create a moveset with this in mind, but I feel I should support any thread related to this end.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I want Skull Kid with a moveset that doesn't rely on Majora's Mask. There are a lot of cool things he does without it. I'm interested in the character himself, not the possessed body. I intend to create a moveset with this in mind, but I feel I should support any thread related to this end.
The Majora's Mask is kinda what makes him iconic. And where the majority of his interesting powers come from.

Hyrule Warriors handled it pretty well though, with using the mask and puppets. the only thing really missing is his flute to shoot seeds.

Speaking of, Skull Kid now has a true Switch appearance thanks to Hyrule Warriors definitive addition. Definitely trading in my older copies for it.

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Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
He can still wear the mask and float around for all I care, but I want to be able to pretend he's not possessed corrupted, so no final battle powers.
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
He can still wear the mask and float around for all I care, but I want to be able to pretend he's not possessed, so no final battle powers.
You can pretend he's not possessed regardless of how much powers he uses, just pretend he has learnt to control the mask rather than the mask control him.

In Hyrule Warriors, he uses two moves specifically from the final battle but he does it while still cackling he's cackle showing he still likely has some control. The only time the mask appears to take total control is his magic finisher where he let's out a burst of energy and is left limbless and lifeless.

Also despite being called Majora's Puppet in Hyrule Warriors, I don't think he was ever outright possessed, I think corrupted would be a better term. It's hard to say just how much influence the Mask had over Skull Kid. It's only revealed to be sentient in the moments Skull Kid loses. I think the Mask is like a genie, he could fulfil Skull Kids desire to prank and have fun, but it comes a twisted. He gave Skull Kid the chance to fulfil his darkest desires and he being too weak minded allowed the power to corrupt.

I dunno, I know I dragged on. But the line is very blurry between Mask and Kid. But I love it, it makes it such an interesting thing to talk about.

Point is, pretend is pretend, regardless it should be easy to pretend Skull Kid is in control regardless of moveset, unless he's just there limp all the time.


Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
PSAs have had him actually turning into a giant mask or shooting tentacles as in the final battle. I don't want any of that. There so much potential for Skull Kid without forcing mask powers on him.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I've seen mods that turn into the mask and I agree it's dumb. And while Skull Kid does have potential without the mask. The vast majority of his potential comes from the mask. And I don't see issue with using the tendrils, I'd love to see a tendril run down his arm so Skull Kid can use it as a whip.

As for full transformations of the mask, unlikely. Because that's final smash material

And I think everyone agrees on what the final smash should be, maybe a little debate over the finer details.

EDIT to avoid double post (although I'd rather bump it)
I have a question, what's the opinion of Tatl and Tael, should they accompany him and be involved in the moveset like in Hyrule Warriors

Also Mrrgle Mrrgle you should probably update the support list.

I know mods hate double posts

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Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
I think Skull Kid has very slim chances. But I would really like to see something that was exclusively in Majora's Mask. My personal pick is Fierce Deity Link, but a lot of people promote Young Link with his 3 alternate forms and the FD Mask as his ultimate attack. And if I remember right, McFox, an old admin here, was in the Skull Kid club. He's not my first choice for a new Zelda character, but I do support Skull Kid's inclusion.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Hopefully now that the game has been announced, this place gets a bit more active.

Majora's Mask 3D would still have been quite new when development started.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
I remember back before Smash 4 when I saw that Skull Kid had won a big internet survey over Mega Man; I was of the belief that the win would mean Skull Kid was going to be included; but alas, that wasn't the case.

But the fan-page for Skull Kid suggested a lot of interesting things about the character and his potential playstyle; it suggested that Skull Kid would fight with moves similar to Brazilian Capoeira, a unique blend of martial arts and dance that are used by fighting game characters like Eddy Gordo from Tekken.

I find Skull Kid to be a character with a lot of potential; and hey, maybe he has a better chance this time around. I'll support him.

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Aug 1, 2013
I want Skull Kid in extremely badly. I remember when he was shown on the smash brothers website as a pic of the day and I didn't know every newcomer was supposed to get a trailer so I thought he was confirmed for like 5 seconds lol. My jaw dropped at that moment. Unfortunately, he wasn't confirmed, but darn do I want to see him playable. Maybe as a glass canon rush down character of sorts with a bit of magic and trickery here and there.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
I remember back before Smash 4 when I saw that Skull Kid had won a big internet survey over Mega Man; I was of the belief that the win would mean Skull Kid was going to be included; but alas, that wasn't the case.

But the fan-page for Skull Kid suggested a lot of interesting things about the character and his potential playstyle; it suggested that Skull Kid would fight with moves similar to Brazilian Capoeira, a unique blend of martial arts and dance that are used by fighting game characters like Eddy Gordo from Tekken.

I find Skull Kid to be a character with a lot of potential; and hey, maybe he has a better chance this time around. I'll support him.

I like the idea of Skull Kid being a dancer. Like when he's standing still he's still moving his body about like hovering one foot off the ground and doing eccentric movements with his arms, and tilting his head around.
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Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2018
But the fan-page for Skull Kid suggested a lot of interesting things about the character and his potential playstyle; it suggested that Skull Kid would fight with moves similar to Brazilian Capoeira, a unique blend of martial arts and dance that are used by fighting game characters like Eddy Gordo from Tekken.
I rly love this idea! He'd be really unique
Skull Kid would be a great character, he's my most wanted Zelda character this time around


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Is there an actually list of supporters? Might want to make one.
Mrrgle Mrrgle doesn't seem that active unfortunately so we can't update it.

Also has anyone here played and finished Star Allies?

About that Final Boss
Anyone else get Majora's Mask vibes from Void Termina? It has a heart shaped mask with horns, and it's name is literally Termina
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