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  • The natural conclusion to 24/7 propaganda. Surprised it happened as late as it did though.
    Also before I get my inevitable warning and ban, this is your reminder that you do it for free.

    Oh and as for this.

    Or maybe actually hand out warnings and bans when people act out of line by being consistently racist heads for years or is that moderator banner for whoever mods this thread just for show like the supposed rules? It's not right to just ignore the same guy saying racist for years and not even getting a slap on the wrist, clearly, it's less of a big deal than saying balls or ******. Get sone competent staff instead of someone who won't even give em a warning and say "Erm akshualy, the issue is resolved, dogwhistles and racism are very cool and good things to do on smashboards dot com"
    I get that Megadoomer isn't a mod here, I just think blatant racism shouldn't be ignored for years, I'm tired of seeing this racist dweeb fet away with hate speech and **** for years cause what I can only assume is that whoever's in charge just doesn't think it's breaking the rules to do it as long as there's some time between it
    Shut the **** up you unloved and unloving mentally ill gravedancing ****ing ghoul. I know a terminally online absolute narc like you will see this too and we both know you're full of **** and wouldn't be able to provide any actual examples of racism from me. You'd have all the time in the world to look too I mean its not like someone with a post count like yours ever leaves their ****ing house. Meanwhile that ****ing cornball dork MightyP says racist **** all the time but it's acceptable to you because it's directed at the "correct" targets, the "correct" kind of racism. Eat ****.

    Being able to get your way on this ****ty forum by screeching and hyperventilating enough is the only "power" you will ever have. Pretty funny how you wanted Zero dead and penniless over some inappropriate texts to a 14 year old meanwhile you hate Kyle Rittenhouse because he defended his life from a registered pedophile who had actually harmed multiple kids. Shouldn't you be glad he was shot dead, you love a good grave dance don't you? Nah your morals and convictions are all fake, just like everything else about you, and you'll look the other way if it's "your side" doing it. ****ing worthless genetic dead end loser.
    Been noticing a lot of rising disappointment and backlash to Tears of the Kingdom over the last several months. Makes me pretty happy, maybe the pendulum is finally starting to swing back on the new style of Zelda. Not like any of the criticism will matter though, sadly.
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    Reactions: KneeOfJustice99
    I think TOTK is an incredible game, it just decided to double down on both the mistakes and greatness of BOTW.

    Pretty much everything people had a problem with, durability, story, dungeons, and the tedium of Koroks either had no changes, changes that still kept the same issue but in a different way, or in the case of story, worse.

    For better or worse, it is really just BOTW 2.0
    I think what really makes it all the more egregious was the fact that this took them 6 years to make with an already fully made Hyrule as a base. They spent most of that time making the dumb vehicle building gimmick and the leftover time was spent giving us a giant empty underground and a sparse handful of literally nothing sky islands.

    If this took 2 years instead and was being made by a smaller team alongside the next main Zelda game it would have been way more understandable. As it is though, its nothing short of a genuine disgrace.
    Disagree, but I understand the disappointment.
    The moderators here make me very glad that I use an ad blocker for this site.
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    Reactions: ninjahmos
    IIRC, someone mentioned that the admins are rarely ever around anymore, so getting them to do anything can take a while.
    I can tell. What a shame. Incompetent trigger happy mods run amok and the only people who can reign them in are practically never around. My warning will naturally expire before an admin ever even gets to see my post.
    Me and an admin reached a compromise. They remove the warning if I remove the post. That issue is finally settled now thankfully.
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