Yet no one ever matches the sheer precision and efficiency of that 07 marth
That's all us m2k fanboys can ever come down to... and it makes me sad every time =P
i definitely know what you mean...i mean its really hard for me to say oh if m2k never stopped playing melee and started playing brawl he would still lose to mango and other people would also eventually surpass him. Thats a very real possibility. I honestly cant call armada m2k's new mango (mango ***** m2k, armada barely scrapes through when he plays m2k but their sets are really close and entertaining)
In all honesty, I think armada has actually become my favorite person to watch now. He's like a younger version of Jason(except he's swedish and uses peach).
Lol at Spam Arrows...yeah my m2k fanboyism is kinda creepy...its really his marth that speaks to me though. I have several favorites though (mango has also become one of my favorite people to watch) along with shiz, SS, armada, and pp.