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m2k's Marth?

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Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Anyone notice m2k isn't wasting his time by actually jumping in. :p lol
Yes lol :)...i did notice. And despite Ken starting to get bashed in this thread now...he hasn't jumped in either, which is also impressive. To m2K and Ken: Glad to see you guys realize that what anyone on these forums says means absolutely nothing. Why has this thread turned so violent? And why are (a few) people purposely mis-interpreting Ken's post? I had no idea Ken had so many haters...jeez....

He said he's probably the best marth. So what...who gives a ****. He can say that if he wants...he definitely has the credentials to make that claim. And even if he's not the best marth right now, it's just him being confident. He's always been like that...as has every other great player in ANY other competitive sport. it's normal.

Also, he said he doesn't like to sit around on the forums and have people kiss his ***...because it's lame. Why are people getting mad about this? He's right...anyone who sits on these boards talking about how awesome they are is pathetic. Waiting for actual tournaments seems like a good idea to me too......

can't we all just get along?
:p lol...seriously.


Smash Cadet
Mar 22, 2008
Reading some of the responses in this thread and then looking back at Ken's comments, the guy hardly said anything to bring on such hate IMO.

All he said was that he's probably the best right now. That looks like more of a prediction than trash talk or cockiness. If he's undefeated like he says, and he's been playing other good players fairly often then he must have some confidence in his abilities. He even says we should just wait for the tournaments rather than proclaim him (or anyone else, most likely) the best right now on these forums. I'm not one to "kiss ***" when a big name shows up, but I don't like seeing someone so heavily criticized for such silly reasons. If you were a SSBM champion, who got SSBB and was undefeated against all opponents so far, you'd probably think there was a good chance you were the best too. That's not cockiness. It's just realistic.


Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2005
the Marth of Ken is the but skilled that and seen, he has a lot of mind game it doesn't usually fail its movements and always save when I how and where. M2k doesn't lag the behind it is also very good also save that makes but Ken had already demonstrated in numerous occasions that its marth stands out for all the other ones, it is not necessary to say because...


Pancake Sandwiches
May 28, 2007
Bermuda [We Gotz De Triangle]
the Marth of Ken is the but skilled that and seen, he has a lot of mind game it doesn't usually fail its movements and always save when I how and where. M2k doesn't lag the behind it is also very good also save that makes but Ken had already demonstrated in numerous occasions that its marth stands out for all the other ones, it is not necessary to say because...
I think I understood that. ^^;


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I think some people got away from the fact its just a game, ken is a person, mew2king is a person too. Analyze their playstyle, but dont come on here ****ing around just to show what you analyzed. Truth is, nobody knows who will be the best.


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2007
UC San Diego
I smell aliar.

Kens good, I would love to have his skill, who wouldnt. But to be cocky about it as you said its a video game is a new low.
i don't think melee was "just a video game" to ken or any of the pros for that matter. The phrase "its just a video game" is the universal cop out term for losers everywhere. I cringe everytime i hear it.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
Freestyle Poem:

If smash were music,
the controller a guitar,

Those more technical would be Dragonforce
But those who understood....
those would be Jimi, Page, and Beck.

How should the public judge?

Usually with LOL INTERNET rants... ftw
Thats like something Baby Cakes would say....


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
First off Ken, I will **** you in a Melee Marth ditto, and with Sheik, and with Fox, if you’re talking about at the moment, and if you don’t think so I’ll gladly money match you for that/those titles, otherwise I don’t want to hear it. I have gotten a lot better in the past year and past few months just from playing on weekends, which is all I really do anymore besides when I play with friends (which is mostly just on the weekends), which is where most of my play time comes. Only in 05/06 did I practice alone, but I had no experience at all so I was stupid and got ***** by simple things all the time. I have plenty of room for improvement and I do constantly improve just from attending tourneys, and I have no doubt that at Melee I am a lot better at the game than you are right now, you who just claims all the time to not even care about the game but do fine, that’s not hard when you already developed tons of skill from playing over the past several years. I could immediately stop caring about Melee right now if I wanted, that wouldn’t erase all the ability I’ve gained for the game though.

I have no doubt that you are better than me at Brawl with Marth, my favorite Brawl character is DDD, I use him the most, have the most fun with him, and will probably be the best with him. I never claimed to be so great at all, and I also don’t enjoy the game, I don’t play it much cept mainly on weekends, I will probably do stat tests because I want to contribute things to the community. Despite me not liking the game, I still am willing to do things for people even for tedious, boring tasks just because it’s something useful, productive, and can provide interesting info to people and if that helps them in any way or satisfies their curiosity or anything good at all then I’m happy. Sorry for not liking Brawl, and I’m sorry for speaking my mind about it, even though originally it was requested by some people on gamefaqs which is where this all started in the first place (the bad review of the game I mean).

I have fine “mindgames” which are basically things that you can gain over experience, which is what I can still get over time, you are saying it like all I have is tech skill, which is completely wrong, it’s just something I could develop alone in my spare time, I haven’t practiced tech skill things in like a year though. I’m not a stupid kid I just don’t have nearly as much experience as you do, most of the hours I’ve played this game were pre-tourney just messing around with things on my own to entertain myself before I knew there was a community, I spent maybe a few hundred hours of the game after I learned there was tourneys for practice, but the rate of improvement I made was still very similar to what it’s been in the past year to what it was previous, so it didn’t make much of a difference at all, and I don’t have any motivation to do it with Brawls arrival now.

Basically I’m saying I don’t care about Melee anymore very much because nobody is going to play it anymore, if ppl were going to play it more I would care about it, so I don’t want to hear that either. And since I don’t enjoy Brawl, I don’t “care” about that either. There, I’m now doing the same thing you did tons of times before about how you “don’t care” about melee, being just as legit.

But come on Ken, seriously, wtf, why are you so condescending towards me, I don’t recall going into your threads to say bad stuff about you. You have 3 years of tourney experience over me, that is an extremely big important thing. You can learn SO much stuff playing people, I’m still in a learning process, just experimenting with things, I have so much room to grow, as does everyone. Melee is really that great a game that you can just learn stuff all the time and get better/smarter from it. I had to play catch up for a really long time; I was horrible most of the time, I’ve only been good recently, and even though I have inconsistencies here and there, I generally improve by a good margin every few months or so. I’m sorry I don’t have any good youtube vids or pre-05/06 accomplishments, that doesn’t make the current me or my current skill level bad though, cuz again, I have plenty of room for improvement, as does any and everyone, there is no disputing this at all cuz it’s the truth.

I don’t know why you always seem to hate me so much, you posted in the Evo World thread how you have the best marth and you said bad things in the Evo World interview. I don’t recall saying bad things about you anywhere, if so please find them and point them out to me. You can think what you want but don’t be so publicly condescending. Back when I mained Fox you never seemed to have a problem with me, then suddenly you did after that.

edit - the reason I jumped in is because I saw it, and I didn't see it before now. I really don't like it when other people get disrespected for no good reason, unless they deserve it, but I haven't said anything bad about him but he decides to come in and say stuff about me like seriously wtf. Reputation is something I care about, as is respect, I don't really ask for much, I generally know what I'm talking about but I try not to give off too much of an elitist vibe but I'm pretty blunt about what I have to say; basically I just go on the boards to help people. I respect ken's skill and the way he acts in person, but the way he talks online and puts down others is being really immature.

edit 2 - my motivation to be the best is mostly gone due to not liking the game and melee being over, but I would still like to be good at it. Thought I would also add that in.

edit 3 -
i wish m2k didnt have such a self-defeatist attitude..
if it wasnt for his nervousness/panicing, i think m2k would destroy everyone, including ken. after all, in the fading days of melee, m2k's marth was leagues above ken's, and i am not exaggerating. but from speaking with him, m2k seems really down about brawl, so i dont expect too much.
to clarify things, that post is accurate, I might as well say everything in one gigantic post to get it all out of the way as I read all the pages of this thread. I don't care how I sound right now I'm being as honest as possible with everything cuz I'm mad.

edit 4 - why does it matter who's better, we're both good players, it doesn't even matter and won't affect your lives, and if people want to know in Melee as long as I'm playing good then yes I am a better because I know a lot more tahn he does and I use a lot more characters and he quit for too long.

edit 5 - i don't CARE About being the best in brawl I'll play it because everybody else is, but if something isn't fun then it doesn't matter, at least that's how I see things. I don't care about being the best at a game I don't like, I just like to help people on the boards, get decent at the game, win some tourneys and have fun on weekends with smash, but I always prefer melee over this, and me and Scar/Eggm do too. It's much less fun playing a game that might die though. I hope Azen becomes the best.

edit 6 - memphischains you don't know the people in the community at all, I actually have a good idea of how people are, if you base off rumors you're mistaken. It makes me sad when people just listen to the bad rumors about people, I try to make my own opinions based off what I see for myself, too bad most people won't do that. Even though ken's been a **** in this thread I will personally say that I've heard a lot of rumors about him and very few to none of them are true, same goes for myself. Don't think I don't visit many boards I go to smashboards gamefaqs 4chan luelinks random other stuff too and I use AIM all the time and read youtube comments and things I know how the masses think and what they say.

there I said everything I wanted to, that feels better.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I can't wait to see M2K completely wipe the floor with Ken


edit// Eventually when all the gay stuff about Brawl is found.

Azen Zagenite

Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2001
Springfield, VA

Let's do a 3-way Marth ditto free-for-all! That's the only way to settle this. Person who comes in last has to quit Marth forever. (psst Ken, lets double team M2K)



Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2006
I think the GERM = Pwnage.

On a serious note though, what is going on with Isai?? The "king of 64" should probably be considered for best in Brawl IMO.

Vice Lord

Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2007
Scarborough, Ontario (Scarberian barbarians)
haha! Azen that post gave me a good laugh (which hurt cuz i have a chest infection) but that's not your fault.
BTW Azen do you plan on uploading any videos of your brawl mains? I would be interested to see them, i'm waiting on ken's ike videos whenever they appear.

Anyways back onto topic, as it seems their is an argument between best marths, i'd like to throw in NEO as a candidate, he can definitely fight with the best of them, so i suggest a 4 player marth FFA in melee Ken/Azen/M2K/NEO. Those who disagree with me watch this video. (i know its old :p)


Smash Rookie
Mar 19, 2008
There's been some silly arguing nonsense going on here
New topic! (since this is obviously a multi-topic/discussion thread)
-Who here should take their father's gun. and shoot themself in the face?

(Don't discriminate, pro's included please, that way we can have angry fan boy queers fight! That always
makes me chuckle.)

I've been a silent forum reader so far, I felt an urge to speak up here though


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2006
Pensacola, FL; Jersey City, NJ

This thread went from legitimate argument about pros/joes...

To a pro **** riding thread. lol seriously guys...you can admire the pros, but take it down a notch. lol :p. And i will say...just because someone is better technically doesn't mean **** if the opposing player is far and away better at mind games. Mind games>>>>>>>>technical skill. Imo.

and since we're all riding the ***** of pros here, where's the Aniki love? He was talented.
i smell someone going off topic. do everyone a favor and stay on the topic at hand which is m2k and ken. not aniki, who mains marth in your dreams.

anyways, from the few vids ive seen and matches ive played with dedede v. marth, i would say ken's marth is gonna have trouble against a skilled player playing dedede like m2k.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
Wow, I made this thread just to find vids of m2k's Marth, but now like all the top pros are dissing eachother. Personally, sorry Azen but I would think that Ken and M2K would beat you in a Marth Ditto FFA, but that's really just because they seem to be better on one character (Marth) while you are good all around with all characters. Just my opinion.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2008
Corona, California
Wow, I made this thread just to find vids of m2k's Marth, but now like all the top pros are dissing eachother. Personally, sorry Azen but I would think that Ken and M2K would beat you in a Marth Ditto FFA, but that's really just because they seem to be better on one character (Marth) while you are good all around with all characters. Just my opinion.
Even if that is so... it would still be an entertaining match...
They'd probably even show the results on CNN or Sportscenter or something :D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
m2k would win very likely, he seems the best at Melee (Sorry Ken). If you have checked out his thread all about Marth (The one previously called "m2k Combo") he also seems to know the most about Marth in Brawl. I found his thread very helpful.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2006
Burbank socal
lol I love how even after m2k said he's not even playing Marth rly atm, ppl are still up on his bones.

I don't get why this is such a big issue. Just play the game and compete for yourself. An in-depth debate over Ken and M2K seems a little stupid.


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2005
I will probably do stat tests because I want to contribute things to the community. Despite me not liking the game, I still am willing to do things for people even for tedious, boring tasks just because it’s something useful, productive, and can provide interesting info to people and if that helps them in any way or satisfies their curiosity or anything good at all then I’m happy.
So... M2K is a great player and Ken is a great player.

Neither one has brawl videos out.

The proposed "money match for ultimate Marth supremacy" doesn't seem to be happening.

So how do we tell who's the better player? If you're going to be a fanboi, whose fanboi should you be? That seems to be what this thread is boiling down to.

Instead of fantasizing about a fictitious melee match between Ken in his prime and M2K in his prime, try this... M2K runs tests and posts stats and tips to help the community learn and improve while Ken wants to charge people $25.00/hr for lessons.

Easy call.



Smash Rookie
Mar 19, 2008
True, $25/hr lessons for a video game seems kind of dickface-ish. Funny thing is people will do it, i wish i had money to throw away like that... oh w8 dood BUT HE'S DA SMASH CHAMPP of the WORLD amirite!? ZOMG I FORGOT!


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2007
to put it simply i really want m2k to get fired up about brawl in one way or another. cmon mew2king!! become the best again so you can wipe the floor with everyone! the community benefited so much from your prowess and work in melee, i hate to see it go

edit: also, about the 25$/hour. yes ken is being serious, and yes people have paid him similar sums for lessons. Read his MLG interviews. Most surprisingly of all, despite getting paid that much, he STILL didn't find it particularly worthwhile or efficient cause playing moneymatches gave him much quicker profits with much less work.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
to put it simply i really want m2k to get fired up about brawl in one way or another. cmon mew2king!! become the best again so you can wipe the floor with everyone! the community benefited so much from your prowess and work in melee, i hate to see it go

edit: also, about the 25$/hour. yes ken is being serious, and yes people have paid him similar sums for lessons. Read his MLG interviews. Most surprisingly of all, despite getting paid that much, he STILL didn't find it particularly worthwhile or efficient cause playing moneymatches gave him much quicker profits with much less work.
Lets not blow up the "$25 an hour" lessons.

He's Ken. He's good...he can charge that if he wants. Simply because people will pay him that.

Not to mention, what's the big deal? Halo players do this thing ALL the time. It's how they afford tournaments, especially when they travel. Halo pros have done this since Halo 1 (charging for lessons).

what's the difference here?

It doesn't make him a mean or selfish person. He's trying to make some money doing what he loves.
Playing a game.

Nothing wrong with that, you don't have to get lessons from him. And also...M2K has done more about getting knowledge out about the game, but let's not underestimate what Ken's done either.

The man ran tournaments out of his pocket.
I'd say that's pretty cool.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
ken made like 50 k or so in his life, ive made like 10/11 k in my life from tourneys not including travel expenses; people for some reason assume im rich im really not

someone on AIM told someone else that told me that i made like 40 k before or im rich? that's bullcrap

i've never charged people to play me why should people pay money if they want to get better ill just play them over and over and tell them things and they can just copy what i do or make better variations of it.


Smash Rookie
Feb 26, 2008
ken made like 50 k or so in his life, ive made like 10/11 k in my life from tourneys not including travel expenses; people for some reason assume im rich im really not

someone on AIM told someone else that told me that i made like 40 k before or im rich? that's bullcrap

i've never charged people to play me why should people pay money if they want to get better ill just play them over and over and tell them things and they can just copy what i do or make better variations of it.

i see nothing wrong with ken asking money for lessons, but when someone is willing to give out help to lesser players for the hell of it... +respect


Smash Rookie
Feb 6, 2007
im from long island and when i started playing melee my good friend had a frined that was very good in melee kid used to win tournements all the time, he beat pc chris before. and i would play this kidddd literly 100 of times a day for like 6 montsh staright. i was very stubborn and i told hiom i would beat him one time and i ended up beatin the kid twice in melee

but now in brawl me and him are neck andneck i am actually a little better(he prob dont think taht) but the point is melee is differnt man. especually that i hasnt been out for too long and people are just learning

prob no1 will read this whole post but m2k im gonna play you in a big tourney 1 day in brawl marth vs marth and its gonna be epic man im dedicated man im determined to be the best but i know many other poeple are

1 quesiton for you m2k by the way is it usefukll to spike with marths down air at all in brawl. it seems that when i get my enemy off the stage its usually better to come wiht forward or neautral airs and also i saw 1 combo you said the short hop with double forward air into the dance ending with down b at the last part and then you said other things to follow up

it would be ridiculous if some1 started a match with that combo but at the end of the dance thing he would shrot hop into f air and then jump and spike quickly off the board.
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