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Louisville KY s2d tournament a few times a monthly. 08/29/09


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2008
Well I never had a chance to get really good because I never had the money to purchase a wii or this game. I would've had this game if I hadn't gotten an overdraft fee on my debit card. So getting significantly good at this game will take forever. It sucks that I have to be the weakest link at S2D.
You forgot me im the weakest xD. I think using Falcon will stepp your game up. I mean you basically have to do everything perfectly, no approach you have to space and Mk ***** you up the butt no matter what. You might have luck on your side. The Falcon boards would like more member to go to falcon to get more things accomplished.


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
as i said in the past, I wanted to main trainer from the moment he was announced on the dojo. I still side him. Not too seriously though >.> there really isnt a matchup he helps me in that olimar cant take care of lol. but i didnt drop him. I still study him, do research, and hope that sooner or later he may rise up on the list. If he doesnt? owell. I still play him. If he does? awesome.

But expecting to do well in tournaments with a character that isnt actually good isnt going to work UNLESS you're significantly good at the game. You still have improving to do oreo. You need more experience. I dropped trainer after realizing he was bad, and didnt pick him back up until I was better at the game and could apply what I learned from other characters to him.

and it's the same for others. Wangston and calic side falcon. Rowan also sides trainer. Paladin plays fox. Light sides sheik. They didnt go hardcore into these characters until they were already really good at the game.
Hilt next tourny i come to im going to try a different strategy. CPing. Thats right, instead of maining one character i have gotten good with evety char that can cp others. So if i play a pika im going falco, if i play a gw im going snake or marth. Why am i doing this.....idk maybe i could get known for it

BTW light isnt that good anymore. His diddy is decent and his falco is ok

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Also note that Pikachu is a LOT better than the general population gives him credit for. The tier list is made in the SBR and is an average of everyone's opinion on where a character stands in the rankings. The EC, WC, and South haven't seen Anther's Pikachu, therefore they still have it in their head that the character is bad. This goes along with that 'hidden potential' stuff that Hilt is talking about. Every once in a while, someone will bust out a low tier and give the character a new feeling (IE BUM with DK in late Melee). It's just a lot more difficult to do so for a couple reasons: one, being that high tier characters are generally EASIER to do well with than others. That is to say that you have a less likelyhood of messing up with a high tier over a low tier. And two is that you have to pretty much create the low tier's play style by yourself. There are no other high play levels of your low tier because pros use high tiers, so you're on your own figuring out how to make that character work.

I used Fox for a really long time. I innovated a lot of stuff with the character (no matter what the fox boards might say). I also innovated a lot of my own stuff with Marth, Peach and Sonic, but in the end Metaknight was just a lot easier for me to use, so I did. you don't HAVE to use MK exactly, but using Snake, Dedede, falco, Marth, GAW, etc. will definitely speed things up for you.

Good luck.

Well as I mentioned before I occasionally play Falco in friendlies. I've gotten better from watching other Falco's and picking up similar playstyles. Since I'm most familiar with the spacies I know what to look out for as far as match-ups go. Snake is a different playing field. I've played the Metal Gears and I have a general idea of how Snake is played. Plus watching Smash64 play him reminded me to take some mental notes.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Well I never had a chance to get really good because I never had the money to purchase a wii or this game. I would've had this game if I hadn't gotten an overdraft fee on my debit card. So getting significantly good at this game will take forever. It sucks that I have to be the weakest link at S2D.
never had a chance to get really good because I never had the money to purchase a wii or this game
never had the money to purchase a wii or this game
/points at self

You don't have to own the game to improve

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
Oreo, I will say that I didn't sandbag against you, but I did feel like s**t that entire night (and I still do, my voice is going in and out on me atm).
What Kel is saying is true. The road will be tougher if you choose the Fox route. That didn't really stop Taj in melee days when it came to playing Mewtwo. R.O.B. keeps going lower and lower and I feel that pattern will progress if people like us don't step up and represent our loves, not our laziness (poor word choice).
I could never play Olimar. He gets gimped way to easily, but that doesn't stop Hilt.
Go wit da flow. And your flow is laser spamage and up smash.

And yea I got your AIM, I just was at the UK game.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
Actually, Taj got good with Mewtwo BEFORE he knew about the tier list. He told OS and I "Actually...I didn't know he was terrible, so I just kept playing with him and most people don't know how to fight against him".

Taj is an oddity.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Morehead, KY
I play marth cause i like swords. - specifically the class in fire emblem known as true blades (FE10) Marth best fits that description between marth and ike.

My avatar is basically just that, every true blade in FE10

Edit - Looks like the next Morehead tournament will actually be a larger two day event - anyone want to go to that? the venue is willing to let us crash there overnight and theres local smashers willing to house some (i can house 3... if two sleep on the floor, and one on my chase lounge.) But yeah the owners told lazer that we could use the arcade as a place to sleep if need be.

looks like singles crew doubles (singles 10 entry, doubles 20 entry .... crews free with pie reward?), and some other fun tournament that costs a dollar (like the MWC) anyway comments please, this'll happen sometime in march... no date yet. Will make a post once all the details get ironed out.


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2009
I would like to go, only if there is free pengo, also I play pika just because I favor the character. You have to play the love.


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2009
I thought you had important matters around this time Mister Eric; school and such.


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
Hmmm i'm going to enter my next tourny with link and see how that goes. BTW hilt light wants to know how to cg with oli??? And wat techs does he have


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2009
spec, is how I should address you correct. You play link right; I want a man fight; FINX vs. Link., or what is your name as link. Link? perhaps . ./. why not. . . . ?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I would... have to show him in person >.> cant really explain online. wait, he's picking up oli now..? O_o

you guys need to show up!!


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
Tiers are real. Skill is realer. Johns are real too.

Oreo, if you want to get better you have to have the right mindset. Competitively speaking, you're not good. You need to understand that you're not good, maybe more importantly you need to be OK with the fact that you're not good right now. Go into matches with the mindset "I'm bad, but I'm trying to be better" and WORK on **** while you're playing.

I know you better than most here, and your character is not your biggest problem, your mindset is. If you can calm down and learn from losses instead of getting upset about them, you'll get better quickly, I know it.

No Johns.


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2009
very true, crash was once a very weak player, he acknowledged that and now he may lose the majority of his games, but come now he plays Luigi?. . . Aside of that if you drop your aim for even an instant against crash he can turn the game against you very quickly.


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2009
crash trians hard core when he travels with us, its the only way to get better. He improves every time we travel and in order to aspire a higher quell, this must be done.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
Louisville Ky.
very true, crash was once a very weak player, he acknowledged that and now he may lose the majority of his games, but come now he plays Luigi?. . . Aside of that if you drop your aim for even an instant against crash he can turn the game against you very quickly.
Against you and tac maybe...

Truth, truth and supertruth. Truth^true.

also, wigi has no raaaaaaange :cry:


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2008
Simna's video response is good too. (in a more comedy manner) especially since you play fox.

it might be a little different though.


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
spec, is how I should address you correct. You play link right; I want a man fight; FINX vs. Link., or what is your name as link. Link? perhaps . ./. why not. . . . ?
a bit confuzzled at this xD
my link can take on anyone though >=D
I would... have to show him in person >.> cant really explain online. wait, he's picking up oli now..? O_o

you guys need to show up!!
Yea lights characters are
Diddy Kong
his olimar is.....terrible he knows it, thats why he wants help.

Oh btw Oreo something that works fir me (may not work for you) If theres a character that absolutely ***** you, secondary them. it gets you accustomed to how that character feels and allows you to see where your character can punish it. I started seriously learning mk, and jyst recently legan told me my mk was very good and it reminded him of OS(XD) which is what i was going for, now if i play os i will know where his flaws are

@Hilt-I might be able to make the smashfest, light wont though(allstate band)

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
a bit confuzzled at this xD
my link can take on anyone though >=D

Yea lights characters are
Diddy Kong
his olimar is.....terrible he knows it, thats why he wants help.

Oh btw Oreo something that works fir me (may not work for you) If theres a character that absolutely ***** you, secondary them. it gets you accustomed to how that character feels and allows you to see where your character can punish it. I started seriously learning mk, and jyst recently legan told me my mk was very good and it reminded him of OS(XD) which is what i was going for, now if i play os i will know where his flaws are

@Hilt-I might be able to make the smashfest, light wont though(allstate band)

There is no way for me to get around Olimar.
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